Adira's Mate (11 page)

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Authors: April Zyon

BOOK: Adira's Mate
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Likely best not to ask,” Bracken
advised. He shot
a wink over the cup he’d
lifted to drink from.

She could have cried because of
just how amazing these people were being to her. “I can’t thank you and your
crew enough. You are all so amazing.” She wanted to hug Bracken. He was truly a
great friend to her and
. “I’m very happy that
you are going to be the one marrying us instead of someone from the home

It will be much shorter with my
version,” Bracken confided. “If you did it on the home world it would be three
days long. Trust me, even those living on the planet try and get on a destroyer
so they can have a quicker wedding. They pay rather well too. Not that I’ve actually
been approached by anyone, but I’ve heard the stories.”

Only the very wealthy go the full
three days. The smart ones, rich or not, don’t waste that much time or money.
It’s pointless, and costly for such a length of time,”
said. “Especially as the end result is the exact same no matter how long the
ceremony takes.”

I don’t think that I would be
able to survive a three-day wedding excursion,” she blurted. “Heavens, I
suppose that is one thing I do appreciate about the
The weddings are very short. The cakes, though, are divine.”
cakes were the things that people all over the
universe looked forward to having. “However, no matter what I will enjoy the
cake that your kitchen staff comes up with simply because of the trouble they
are going through for me.”

They like you. I’ve heard many of
them comment on how lovely you are, both in personality and appearance.
Apparently a few of them bought into the rumors you were all extremely short
people and vaguely resembled one of the creatures on our home world. It’s quite
ugly, its face looks mangled, and it has very large teeth.
too large for its mouth.
Somehow it survives, though how I’ve yet to
figure out. They were very much relieved to discover you look much as we do, if
only shorter and paler.”

I have to admit that I’m rather
happy that you are all not the giants that the
have been made to believe,” she said with a shrug and began to eat the food
had put before her. “So today is my
wedding day? I need to know the star date, please. It is a custom of my people
to mark our bodies permanently with the star date of the day of our marriage.
We marry only once as a people, and the date is important. We also mark our
bodies with the star dates of any children that we might be blessed
only the marking is not as large. Our soul-bonded
mates receive the largest markings.”

Bracken told her the date as he
looked toward
. “How exactly are you planning
on getting the markings put onto your skin?”

I’ll take her to a place she can
have it done,” Fin said. At her look, he shrugged. “It is important to you, so
it’s important to me,
. It is part of your
culture, and a tradition you wish to uphold. I’m all for that.”

Thank you for that.” She bowed
her head to him and smiled. “What about you, Fin, do you have any traditions
that you would like to tell me about with our marriage?”

None,” he said simply. “Our
people aren’t as spiritual as yours. We don’t believe in an entity that watches
over us, and who we will meet upon the closure of our lives. Our marriages are
simply a joining of two lives into
one, that
is about
as far as we go. But if you are willing, I will have the date of our wedding
marked on my body as well.”

You would do that for me?” She
was completely shocked, and from the way that the table closest to theirs had
gone quiet, she wasn’t the only one who was surprised. “Fin.” She said his name
with a small, breathy sounding sigh. “You amaze me.” She reached out and
touched her hand to his cheek, smiling as she did so. “Incredible. You are

Hardly,” he said. “But yes, I
would do that for you and for me. You needn’t be so surprised,
.” For a moment he leaned into her light touch. Then
he leaned back and looked pointedly at her plate and turned back to his own.

Letting her hand move back to her
utensils, she began to eat with a smile on her face.
couldn’t believe just how happy that she was. This was going to be a perfect
day, of that she was sure.



Chapter Ten


After the meal shared with
Bracken, they returned to their quarters. Upon seeing the box that was settled
on their bed, she looked at
nervously but
opened it with just a bit of prodding from him. The gown that was settled
inside the box was incredible. It was solid white and sheer. The only places
where her skin didn’t show through
over her
breasts and pussy. Her ass cheeks showed through the gown, as did her legs,
stomach, and every other part of her body. She loved the gown, though; it was
utterly spectacular.

The remaining day had been spent
in a flurry of activity. The few women on board that weren’t officers came in
and shooed
out so they could prepare her for
her wedding.

The wedding had been beyond
anything she could ever have dreamed of.
The way that the men
all bowed their heads to her and the way that they had stood up for her.
When Bracken asked who was giving her away, she felt a bit of sadness because
she always had thought that when she got married her brother would be there.
She pushed off the sadness, however, and looked to
and knew that her life was only beginning.

Once the ceremony was over she
was kissed to within an inch of her life by
When they parted, she was lost in him. The applause was deafening, but all she
could focus on was

The celebration after was simple.
of food, plenty of drinks, both alcoholic and
not. Those still on shift among the crew were avoiding the strong alcoholic
beverages. Everyone was talking, some were laughing, and all of them were
commenting about the cake she’d yet to see.
finally wrapped up a conversation he’d been dragged into as soon as they’d
entered the dining hall, and came to her side. Sliding an arm around her waist,
he squeezed her closer. “That took longer than it should

There is nothing to apologize
for.” She leaned into his touch and grinned as his hand moved back to her ass
once more. He was utterly fascinated with her ass, she was coming to realize.
“How much longer do we have to remain?” She looked forward to the cake but
honestly she looked forward to him sliding inside of her wet heat more. She
ached for him, had a tremendous desire to have him bending her over and fucking
her silly.

As soon as we cut the cake, as I
believe the tradition is. Then we can leave them to the celebration,” he said.
He gave her ass a squeeze before sliding his hand up to the middle of her back.
With a little push he urged her through the crowd toward the tables of food. A
few people lifted their glasses to them as they passed. Then she could see the
cake in all its glory.

The cake was nothing short of
incredible. She was stunned when she set her gaze upon it.
She felt the tears welling all the more. “I can’t believe that
they did this for me, for us.” She looked to Bracken and nodded. She would have
hugged him, but she wasn’t so certain how
would feel about that. “Please extend my deepest thanks to your kitchen staff
for this amazing cake. Now, can we cut it?” She turned to look at Fin, needing
him to help her ease their wedding celebration along.

I know
to hug him, go ahead,” Fin said. “I’ll allow it this once in
public, but if his hands dip down I’ll have to punch him.” His lips twitched
slightly so she knew he was teasing. They both knew Bracken wouldn’t do
anything of the sort. Fin stepped away to accept the knife one of the staff
brought out for them to use to cut the cake.

moved from beside
and jumped into Bracken’s arms. She grinned as he
laughed and hugged her tightly. When he kissed her cheek, she shook her head
and patted his back. Stepping out of Bracken’s arms, she went back to Fin’s
side. “Let’s cut our cake, have a bite of it, and then retire to our quarters,

He passed her the knife, his free
hand landing on her back once more. Moving to the cake with her he put his hand
over the handle, and they pushed down to slice the cake. The crowd cheered
again. “I think they’ve been imbibing a little too much,” he commented. He did
the second cut before using the knife to lift out the small slice.

I think that they have as well
but what better reason to celebrate than because we are married?” she asked as
she bumped her hip to his. Accepting the plate from Bracken, she
the cake upon it and took an eating utensil from the
table. She placed a bite onto the utensil and offered it to him.
“You first?”
As he always tasted her food, she was giving
this to him as well.

Opening his mouth, he accepted
the bite and pulled it off the utensil. Chewing slowly, he took the utensil from
her and fed her a bite. Once she’d chewed and swallowed, he gave her a kiss and
set the plate aside. “Now we can go to our quarters,” he said softly.

She was completely down for that
part of it.
“Wonderful idea.”
She wrapped her arms
around his middle and looked up at him adoringly. “Take me to our rooms,
please?” She wanted anything and everything that he would give her, now and for
all time.

Nodding, he scooped her up into
his arms, much to the delight of everyone in the room.
carried her out of the dining hall and to the lifts. Moments later they were
outside of their rooms. He had to let her down onto her feet to unlock and open
the door. But he lifted her up once more to carry her over the threshold.
tradition she hadn’t realized he was
aware of.

You know so many of my people’s
customs.” It spoke volumes of how he felt for her that he had taken the time to
learn about her heritage and even more so that he gave her what she wanted and
needed from that heritage. It was as if he was in her mind, reading what she
wanted and needed.

Just because the
have labeled us as barbarians, or heathens,
doesn’t mean it’s true. While they live in their delusions, the
people have kept up on what’s going on with them
over the years. This was easy enough to figure out. A little search through our
data banks to dig up what I needed to ensure this day was memorable for you.”
He let her legs drop but continued to hold her torso to his. His free hand
moved to cup her ass, and slowly he let her slide down his body.

You do have a sincere fascination
with my ass, don’t you?” She didn’t want to think about her people or what she
was leaving behind.
only wanted to think about
and the life they would have together. “I thought you
were about to kill someone when you saw that the back of the dress was
completely sheer.” It had been when she turned slightly to pass the small
golden globe that she held in her hands off to one of the waiting women at her

I must remember to have words
with Bracken about it tomorrow. I somehow doubt it was supposed to show your
ass off like it does, especially to anyone that was looking. It is a lovely
dress, I must admit. One I’ve been fantasizing getting you out of since I first
saw you.”

I am yours to do with as you
wish.” She bowed her head in a submissive pose, her hands in front of her, and
waited for him to take what was his, what she so freely gave to him. “Sir,” she
added with a smile.

Turn so I can undo the stays on
the dress. You need to be naked, and quickly.” Once she’d turned she could feel
him tugging lightly on the ties holding the gown onto her body. As soon as they
were loosened he stepped back. “Strip, quickly. Make sure you hang that up. We
may find a purpose for it later in our lives together.
only in private.
That was the first and last time you’ll wear it out for
others to see so much of you exposed.”

Thank heavens.”
hadn’t liked being so bared to all eyes, but she had
been assured that this was actually modest compared to some of the dresses of
the brides on their home world. As quickly as she could,
stripped down to her skin and turned to face him. Her gaze didn’t leave him as
she placed the gown on a hanging device and closed it into the wall unit. “Now
what?” she inquired.

Fin was removing his uniform,
hanging it up as he went. “On the bed,” he told her. “You can settle into
position to wait for me. I shouldn’t be too long,” he added as he sat down to
remove his boots.

She happily complied.
climbed onto the bed and positioned herself on her
hands and knees, a position that he loved her in. With her ass in the air, she
pressed her shoulders to the mattress and had her hands out to the sides,
waiting for him to do with her body as he pleased.

In the position she was in she
couldn’t see him. But she could hear him when he stood up, and during the
removal of the last of his clothing. Silence followed. She could feel his gaze
on her the entire time she waited for him to join her. The bed dipped slightly
under his weight a few moments later.

The heat of his body closed in
around her, making her shiver in reaction. She licked her lips,
bit her lower lip. She didn’t close her eyes, not when
he had previously instructed her never to close her eyes unless he blindfolded
her. She didn’t speak. Instead she waited for instruction as she was now
trained to do. A part of her, however, had to think in wonder at how quickly he
had trained her to be exactly what he needed in their bedchambers, and the fact
that she was more than willing to be his submissive and he her Dominant.

His hand on her back was warm as
he stroked slowly down the curve to give her shoulder a light squeeze. He slid
it back up toward her ass, curving his palm around her hip and giving another
squeeze. “I can see how wet you are,
. How long
have you been wet for me?”

our wedding, Sir.
I have been wet for you from the moment that I saw you waiting for me beside
your friend. I wanted to have you lift me and fuck me there in front of one and
all. My need for you was that great,” she admitted to him.
would never hold anything back from him, not now and not ever. He was inside of
her very soul. “Does that please you, Sir?” she asked hopefully.

It does, since I’ve been hard for
you since I first saw you. It went to painful levels once I saw the back of
that dress. I had to resist the urge to throw you over a table, lift the dress
up, and take you. If not for all the people in the room, I would have.” She
felt his finger slide between her cheeks and down over her pussy lightly.

Then please, Sir, use my body to
assuage your need.” She gave herself willingly to him, now and for all time. “I
would not have denied you access to my body, no matter who saw.”
Which was the utter truth.
She could no more deny him than
she would deny herself the touch of the man she cared so deeply for.

He slapped her ass then. “I would
never allow others to see you in that manner. I would never let anyone see what
we do together. Your body is for
and me alone. No
other.” He slapped the other ass cheek, and gave her two more hard slaps to her
bottom. While her ass throbbed from the slaps, he rubbed a finger up and down
her wet slit.

The stinging pain warmed quickly
into pleasure, which made her pussy wetter for him. “I’m very happy to hear
that, because I would rather no other see you as well. You are now my husband
and I am the only one who should be able to see your glorious body and amazing
cock.” She gasped as he stroked her body and built the fire inside of her body.

His hand left her skin, and she
felt the bed shifting around with his movements. She could hear him doing
something out of her line of sight. “This will be chilly, but the reward will
be great. I need you to remain still. You need to relax for me.” Something cold
and gel-like landed on her ass and he spread it around her anus. Lube, she
realized. He put a hand on her bottom once more before she felt something
pressing into her tight hole. It was smooth, and harder than his finger.

She gasped with the chill that
hit her ass but the moment that he began to stroke her body she started to
warm. She trusted him, completely, so she found herself relaxing her body one
muscle at a time. Whatever he was working inside of her back hole was starting
to warm and the feelings were growing more intense with every shift of the
object inside of her. “Thank you, Sir.” She gasped aloud.
giving me so much pleasure.”

A little more,” he warned her. He
finished pushing it in, his finger rubbing over the tight muscles at the
entrance. She felt the bed moving around a little more. Then his cock was
pressing to her pussy.
began to press it into
her body. The sensation was tighter, fuller than ever before with whatever he’d
put in her anus. Clenching the bedding under her, she didn’t lift or move until
he began to move. She then found the rhythm he set forth for them and rode the
waves of pleasure that moved from the base of her spine and up. When his hand
landed hard on her ass cheek once more, she shouted and begged for more after
thanking him. She was being stretched in a way that she had never been before.
With the object in her ass and his cock pounding in her pussy, she was filled
to the brim so the smacks of his hand to her plump ass cheeks only added to the
experience and the pleasure.

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