Adrienne deWolfe - [Wild Texas Nights 03] (56 page)

BOOK: Adrienne deWolfe - [Wild Texas Nights 03]
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She felt the giddy rush of feeling, smoky warm, sweetly feminine. For once, she didn't mind. On this night she was glad to be a woman. A woman in love with her man.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and gazed up into the soulful eyes of the lover who had seen beyond her bluster, daring to cherish the truth of who she was; the mate who had gifted her with his friendship and his heart so she could find the courage to be what she'd always secretly wanted to be: whole.

"So," she said, her skin tingling beneath his caress, "how are we going to settle that cattleman-sheep rancher rodeo?"

"You mean the contest?"

"Sure. I figure you're the winner, since you rode out and shot Old One Toe."

An endearing dimple flirted with the corner of his mouth. "I did, didn't I?"

"Yep. And since you bagged that cat, I reckon we'll have to say the cattlemen won."

"Hmm." He slanted her a mischievous look. "Can't say I agree with you there."


He shook his head. "Seeing as how I'm a cattle, goat,
sheep rancher now, I reckon both sides will just have to settle for a draw."

"That's right sporting of you."

"Naw. I still want my prize."

"Do you now?" She arched an eyebrow at his half-serious tone. "I'm a little short on cash at the moment."

"Now that's a downright shame." His lashes drifted lower, and his voice dropped to a throbbing murmur. "Maybe we could work something out in trade."

"You mean a compromise?"

"You could call it that."

A lovely shiver of anticipation tiptoed down her spine. "What did you have in mind?"

"How about letting me have my way with you tonight?"

"Hmm." She snuggled closer, threading her fingers through his hair. "I guess I could agree to that. But on one condition."

"And what might that be?"

"I get to have my way with you in the morning."

"Fair enough."

His husky whisper wrapped around her, promising a lifetime of sweet persuasions.

And when his kiss sealed that promise for all the tomorrows to come, she knew in her heart that she and Zack needed only to reach out to each other to walk hand in hand down the middle road, forever.


The End


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Wild Texas Nights

began with an excerpt from


Wild Texas Nights

Book 1






Excerpt from


Texas Outlaw

Wild Texas Nights

Book 1




Adrienne deWolfe

Award-winning Author







Awards & Accolades



Rita Finalist, Best First Book

Romance Writers of America

Rita Finalist, Best Historical Romance

(under 100,000 words)

Romance Writers of America

Finalist, Reviewers Choice Award (Best Debut Novel)

Romantic Times Magazine

Winner, Honey of a Heroine Award

West Houston Chapter, Romance Writers of America



Texas Outlaw
is a real triumph. Adrienne deWolfe is a brilliant author."

Literary Times


"Funny, fresh, fast-paced and romantic,
Texas Outlaw
is an entertaining read."

~Susan Wiggs, National Bestselling Author


"Adrienne deWolfe's writing is clever and unconventional... guaranteed to please."

~Pamela Morsi, National Bestselling Author





Teasing, with featherlight persistence, he trailed kisses along her jawline, down to her pulse, up to her ear. But when his tongue flicked inside, shooting sparks to the base of her spine, she couldn't bear his assault any longer. She hiked a shoulder.

"You're just one hot little tease, aren't you, Fancy?" Cord whispered, his mouth hovering a bare inch above her own.

She drew a ragged breath. "Amateur."

"Oh, I reckon I am—next to you. Think you've got something to teach me?"

Her heart tripped. He wasn't serious... Was he?

She fanned her lashes downward to hide her uneasiness. What had happened to the grieving husband? To Marshall Do-Right? This wasn't the Cord Rawlins she knew; this was a wildcard.

Still, she was the mistress of gaming, was she not? She could match any ace he had hidden—and then some. She'd make this one showdown Cord Rawlins would never forget.

Rising on tiptoe, she touched her lips to his. She expected him to stiffen; instead, his mouth slanted, demanding more of her kiss. She obliged. Gripping her buttocks, he ground his hips into hers, and she gasped. His heat was electric, charging every nerve. She told herself she had no business liking the way her flesh tingled. But desire was like a firecracker bursting inside her brain...



Texas Outlaw

Wild Texas Nights

Book 1


Adrienne deWolfe


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Texas Outlaw

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BOOK: Adrienne deWolfe - [Wild Texas Nights 03]
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