Advancing ((Advance Industries #2)) (19 page)

BOOK: Advancing ((Advance Industries #2))
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I go out to the tree line just behind the tent, knowing the guys are out front. A lovely make-shift hole was made for me to squat over so I relieve myself quickly, drip dry and pull my hand sanitiser from my bag, the best I can do for cleanliness out in the wilderness. I roll on some deodorant, run my brush through my hair and tie it back. I grab the sleeping bag and pillow and stuff them into the bag they came in, then I start taking apart the tent.

Trask appears at my side and silently starts helping me with my task. I can feel him flicking looks my way but I keep my head focused on what I’m doing. Once it’s down it also gets bundled into a bag and Trask picks both of them up. I turn to walk to the team and he stops me.



“You won’t do anything... stupid tonight will you?”

“I hope not. It’s me though so I can’t promise not to.” I laugh but he doesn’t even smirk, he runs his hand over his beard.

“I’m serious Faith. I know Charlotte Commed you.”

I narrow my eyes at him and look around quickly checking Kye isn’t near. “How?”

“She Commed me too. She wants me to distract Kye if needs be so you can slip away.”

“Have you told him?”

“Do you think I’d be talking to you if I had? You think he’d still let you lead if he knew what she was up to?”

“Okay, fair point. Why are you telling me? Are you going to help?”

“I haven’t decided. I don’t want you fighting either but I also don’t want you wandering off alone.”

“I won’t be alone; she’s going to send one of her men to meet me.”

He looks at me like I’m so naïve and it grates on me, all I’ve done is think about the why’s, I’m not as gullible as I once was.

“Faith... She can’t always be trusted. She could be setting you up.”

“For what?”

“I don’t know I haven’t figured that out yet. Just be alert, okay?”

“She wouldn’t do that would she? I mean I know she’s kinda crazy but surely...”

“Faith, you ever find out how we got all our Comms and stuff when we came for you the first time when you had no memories?”

“No, Kye just said he acquired them.”

“Yeah from Charlotte, you know what she expects as payment. He did it, he was beaten pretty badly and she smiled through every second of it, she laughed and she drank and she enjoyed seeing him beaten black and blue. She has no good in her. Everything she does is because she’s gaining from it in some way and just because I haven’t figured it out yet doesn’t mean this is any different. Don’t trust her.”

“But I thought she fancied him. I thought she wanted him. Why would she enjoy seeing him hurt?”

He laughs. “She doesn’t want him. She has her pick of guys, a new one every day if she so chooses. She has no feelings. Any she was born with died years ago, she’s a nasty piece of work. Don’t search for that shred of humanity in her. There isn’t any.”

“But she knows where they are Trask, she knows how I can find my sisters. If I can’t get to Fraser she’s my only hope.”

“You ever stop to think she’s lying? Maybe she just wants you out of the way.”

“I need to call her.”

“Call who?” Kye asks over my shoulder. My eyes widen as I plead quietly with Trask to keep schtum.

“Charlotte. I just want to check everything is set,” I lie, hoping I’m convincing.

“It is. Don’t over think this baby, it’ll drive you crazy. If there was a delay she’d have been in touch.”

I nod and give him a weak smile but my mind is racing. Kye looks at Trask with a hard unwavering stare and he takes the hint and walks away.

“What were you talking about?” He asks me.

“He was just checking I was ready and prepared.”

“Was he?” His tone is cold.

“What is up with you two? What’s happened?”

“Nothing, it’s not important. Come on, they’re ready to go.”

I blow out a breath, how many secrets are floating around in this team?

Chapter 18



It really is amazing how good a man can feel just from putting on a suit again. I immediately feel sharper, in control and ready for anything. Feeling small and inconsequential doesn’t suit me and doesn’t sit right.

Tonight is the night they come and I have to look my best for Faith. I can’t let her see me again as the pitiful mess she encountered the other day. I’m back to standing proud, snapped out of my alcohol induced slumber. They think we’re unprepared and though I admit I was distraught and angry on learning she hasn’t come back alone, but with that man in tow, I still feel a spring in my step. Tonight I will make her see, I’ll convince her that she should be leading this city with me. Who could refuse such an offer? I’m aware my leg could hinder my chances but Faith isn’t like that, she will see past such flaws. After all, the rest of me isn’t a bad package. I’m easy on the eye, intelligent and rich. Everything most women desire in a life partner.

Miss Bennett’s offer came at exactly the right time and I realised this city is mine. I will be elected. I have to step up and stop behaving like the residents of the streets, I’m not some lowly, poor and unworthy man. I’m Fraser Laudnam, soon to be President Fraser Laudnam. I will leave a legacy. My name will be known for generations to come. I will be adored, revered and envied. Even more so with the right woman standing next to me, giving me the heir I need to carry on the family name. Charlotte is a matter that needs dealing with swiftly though. In exchange for this set up with Faith she asked for something and I agreed. She is not a woman to be shunned but I have no intention of giving her what she craves.

It’s a shame her sisters will have to be used as bargaining chips should she refuse but that’s neither here nor there. As always I will do what is necessary. My mind is set, my body ready and I’m pacing with anticipation, just waiting for the signal. I run over my speech in my head again. Women like Faith need the grand gestures, the promises and the wooing. First my apology speech has to be sincere and I am apologetic, not for experimenting on her because I still stand by the fact that those tests are needed for the betterment of the future generation. I’m sorry for misleading her, I’m sorry she doubts my devotion and I’m sorry she got away. Of course, I’ll have to put a new spin on it, that just wouldn’t go over too well I imagine if I was totally upfront and honest.

My palms are sweaty, patience used to be my greatest trait but along with parts of my leg it’s gone. My patience disintegrated the same way my leg did, only my patience can’t be pieced back together by skin grafts.

I check my Comm for the time and realise that they should be in by now. I made it easy for them removing my guards from the gate and getting the ambush ready. They won’t know what hit them. My one and only order was to leave Faith unharmed, uninjured and unblemished. I may expect her to look beyond my imperfections but I’m not so certain I could look past any of hers.



We reach the wall and fan out either side of the giant gate. Our phasers are at the ready as Walker and Arlen open them and we all push through.

No guards.

No one manning the gates.

This plan hinges on the fact they should be training right out in the open and we’re hoping to take them by surprise. Without his new guards Fraser will have no way of defending himself, of barricading himself away from us. He will have no protection and that’s our ultimate goal.

I gesture for Trask’s team to take the street to the right while our team goes left. We stay to the shadows remaining alert, eyes peeled for anyone outside past curfew. We don’t want any innocent bystanders caught in what’s about to go down. My palms are sweaty, my heart beating ten to the dozen and my stomach churning.

My Comm vibrates and I look at the message. “Team two are on their way to us, the other end was dead,” I tell the team.

Good, it felt way too soon to split up but this is all guess work for me. I’ve never led, I’ve watched Kye do it loads of times but he’s so self-assured and I’m not. I’m second guessing every decision I’m making. Waiting for the guys to laugh at me or tell me what I’ve suggested is stupid.

We’re nearing the shacks and the old homeless section of the streets. Something doesn’t feel right. I don’t know if I’m wimping out or if it’s a strange kind of intuition. Or maybe it’s because I’m not cut out for this kind of adrenaline racing through me. I thought the new members trained here every night but the streets are deserted leaving me with an ominous feeling. I don’t want to be in charge, it was fun in the planning stages but now it just feels like way too much responsibility. I can’t do this. I don’t know what Kye was playing at giving me this power, I imagine he’s trying to prove a point somehow but he’s wrong. Whatever he thought this would achieve has had the opposite effect. I’m starting to panic, feeling sick and I just want to run. I promised him I wouldn’t though, that I’d only ever run to him.

While the guys are busy clearing the area around the shacks I pull Kye to the side.

“Kye I can’t do this.”

“Yes, you can.”

“No babe, really. I’m not cut out for it, it’s making me anxious.”

“You can do this, Sweetheart,” he reaffirms.

“Please Kye, I told you I wouldn’t run again but my whole body is telling me to. Please babe. I’m sorry if I let you down but...”

He strokes my face and my eyes flutter closed. The panic dampens immediately. When I open them again he’s staring at me, his eyes shining. “You never let me down babe. I gave you this because I believe in you, I just wanted you to believe in yourself. I wanted you to see what I see. You’re strong beyond words baby, I’d follow you anywhere.”

I breathe heavily and smile at his words. “You’re in charge again, Kye.”

He shakes his head seemingly annoyed that I gave it back to him, his speech was clearly meant to give me strength but he forgets once my mind is set, that’s it.

He kisses my head and we continue walking. I wander from his side to Trask and tell him about the change in leadership. He looks shocked but happy, probably thinking I’ve given up on listening to Charlotte – which is what I want him to believe. I haven’t given the Comm over to Kye yet so I pray she messages soon before he requests it.

My shoulders feel lighter. I like being in charge for certain things but I’ve noticed I’m much better as a follower. I guess doing everything Advance Industries ordered for so many years has stayed with me and without being given direction I can’t function as well.

From nowhere the streets light up from overhead and we all shield our eyes. Giant spotlight like beams shine down on us, an alarm starts ringing so our senses are doubly assaulted. Complete panic ensues as AIG swarm from the remaining shadows. By squinting until my eyes adjust fully I can see they’re carrying phasers not guns, unless they have them hidden as back up. The sounds of boots stamping through the street snaps me from my shock and I notice Walker and Palmer are already fighting against them as they try to overwhelm us. Shit just got real. I look around trying to pinpoint Kye or Trask, someone I’ll feel safe next to. They’re both behind me, Trask is engaged with two AIG and Kye is feet away from him embroiled in his own fight. No pulses are fired they’re all using their fists or feet or whatever they can to injure the guards.

My Comm vibrates and as I go to look at it my head is whipped back, my scalp screaming in pain. I’m being dragged backwards by my hair. I lose my balance because it’s so unexpected and end up on my arse. I’m still dragged along, my bum scraping over the harsh realities of the streets.

I try to find my footing, hoping my trainers will give me a foothold or act like a brake. I just scramble around instead, flailing and twisting trying to see who has hold of me and get them to ease up. The burning in my head brings tears to my eyes and I’m so disappointed in myself. Really? This is what I amount to? This is me fighting? Anger burns bright, anger at myself and how pathetic I’m being. I stop trying to grab at the floor and instead relax into being dragged as my hand finds its way to my knife. I jab behind me awkwardly but repeatedly, hoping to slice or pierce the person’s ankle or leg. I make a hit and try to strike again but I fall back as my hair is released, just stopping myself from smacking my head on the ground. I look up and Cal is stood over me, an AIG is lying on the floor, blood oozing from his head. Cal holds his hand out to help me up and I could cry with relief. I throw myself at him and hug him tightly before he pushes me off.

“Keep moving Faith, but stay close this time,” he tells me.

I nod and this time I’m ready, as Cal is tackled by another guard, one comes for me too. I ready myself and as he swings for me I duck and as I’m still holding my knife as I lower I move it in an arc motion right across his stomach, he falls to his knees and I’m on to the next. I take a hit to the face and it hurts but I’ve trained with Trask, a beast of a guy with huge hands and power in his blows, this hit is nothing and I shake it off before getting some hits in myself. He’s tiring quickly and I am too truth be told but I won’t show it. I’ve had enough of being hit now so I do what hurts men most and raise my leg quickly, booting him right in his jewels, even I wince knowing that’s gonna hurt.

I try to pick Kye out again and he’s still fighting as are all the team but he has eyes on me too, he’s been watching, checking. A surge in numbers has me panicking again but I notice they’re Charlotte’s guys, they’ve arrived, thank God. I remember the Comm message and check it’s safe to read.

Breakaway, my man will meet you at the conference centre. We’re nearly there.

I look up again and see she’s here, she’s thrown herself straight into the foray, she’s kitted out in black leather again, a tight top and bottoms. Makeup perfect and she’s kicking arse. She fly-kicks a guy and I’m impressed, I want to learn how to do that, she’s wearing black boots but they’re heeled, how the hell can she fight comfortably while balancing on those? Did she walk through off grid in them? She looks at me and her brow furrows. I realise I’m just standing here thinking about shoes no less. Kye now has his back to me while he defends himself and I want to rush over and help him but I know there’s no time like the present.

I spin and start walking away determined not to look back, tears wet my cheeks but I keep going. When I know I’m far enough away that I can’t be stopped and I’m hidden quite well, I turn around. Charlotte and Kye are fighting side by side, helping each other, smiling at one another when they’ve succeeded, jealousy stabs me hard as I watch them stand back to back warding off the attack. They’re in their element. They’re actually enjoying themselves. I will never be like her.

I wipe my tears away, wipe my knife on my jeans and take off with my heart heavy.



Adrenaline is pumping through my veins. The thrill of the fight always carries me away. These idiots are fucking useless, completely clueless. They’ve managed to get a few shots in but nothing has phased me. I don’t know why they’re not using their weapons unless they’ve been ordered not to and now Charlotte’s group have joined us we’re ruling. They’re falling like flies and soon I’ll have a chance to pick Faith out again. I’m fucking livid with myself for leaving her side for a second and it just so happened that second was when they ambushed us. I’ll think about how they knew we were coming later. Someone set us up and I won’t rest until I find out who. I’m trusting in my team, knowing they’ll be doing their best to look out for her too but I need to see with my own eyes. She shouldn’t even fucking be here. Cal is my hero right now saving her when I couldn’t because some moron slammed into me when I wasn’t paying attention.

I watch as Charlotte throws a guy to the floor and then as he’s spluttering, trying to catch his breath she looms over him and with the heel of her ridiculous shoes she brings it down right over his crotch. He’ll never have kids.

I spin and try to see Faith in the mass of moving bodies but there’s so much going on it’s hard. I can see Trask, Arlen and Saunders but not the other guys and it’s getting harder to differentiate now that Charlotte’s team are fighting too.

I run over to Trask who’s nearest. “Have you seen her?”

He shakes his head then turns and phasers another guard, once the guy is down squirming in pain from the volt he turns back to me. “Charlotte got to her.”

“What the fuck does that mean?”

More guards spill into the street and we separate as we try to contain them.
Charlotte got to her?
She’s been here fighting side by side with me, how could she have?

When I get back to him he continues, “Charlotte Commed her telling her she knew where her sisters were and to stay out of the fight if she wanted the location.”

“How the fuck do you know this?” I shout.

“She messaged me too, wanted my help. I warned her off Kye. I told her Charlotte can’t be trusted but I think she went anyway.”

I pull my arm back and punch him, the pent up anger I’ve had towards him can’t be quelled any longer and I rain blow upon blow down on him. His face is still fucked from the beating he took after he took off after Faith and every connection my fist makes eggs me on more. The stupid fucker just takes it too, he could easily defend, block, or attack back but he stands there and lets me punch him. It winds me up even more.
Fight me!
I scream in my head. My fists are sore, bloodied. I knew they were up to something. I warned him not to give me any reason to doubt him and he didn’t tell me. He stayed quiet, kept the secret and now she’s fucking gone again? That woman is gonna be the death of me. I don’t even know if she was injured before she took off.

BOOK: Advancing ((Advance Industries #2))
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