Read Adventurous Me Online

Authors: Deanndra Hall

Tags: #Romance, #drama, #Erotica, #erotic romance, #Mystery

Adventurous Me (12 page)

BOOK: Adventurous Me
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“Two, Sir!” The snap sounds off again, followed by the pain, and I shriek again.

“Three, Sir!” “Four, Sir!” “Five, Sir!”

By twenty I’m exhausted, both from dangling and from the pain. He keeps going and I realize I’m not shrieking now, just counting. At forty, I’m barely counting anymore – I can’t make my voice work. By fifty, I’m trying to make sense of everything when I realize he’s undoing my chains. Next thing I know, I’m on the bed with him and he’s stroking my back tenderly with his fingers.

“Will you speak to another Dom without my permission again?”

“No, Sir. I will not,” I whisper.

I feel him rubbing something on my skin, and he says, “Good. I expect you’ve learned that lesson on protocol.” With that, he wraps his arms around me. “You took that very well. It’s difficult to take a lashing with the flogger the first time, but you did it.”

“Yes, Sir,” is all I can whisper out.

In about ten minutes things are starting to make sense again. He helps me stand up and then pulls my top the rest of the way off. “No top. I want everyone to see your stripes and know you performed well. They’re a badge of honor, Vännan.”

I stand there for a few seconds, then say, “Sir, could I have permission to speak, please?”

He looks a little surprised. “Yes, Vännan. What is it?”

I look down at the floor. “Sir, for the record, I was
flirting with Master Steffen. He was trying to get me to say that I wanted to be paired with him. And he couldn’t. I wouldn’t say it because it would be a lie.”

There’s an unreadable look that passes over his face before he says, “Well, that’s good to know.” That’s all he says. He takes my leash and leads me through the big room and back to the car.

Chapter 6

lbows and knees. I want to take your ass. I’m hoping for all night. Do you want it, Vännan?” I climb up into the bed eagerly.

“Yes, Sir! I want it very much, Sir.”

“Good. You’re going to get it. Over and over. And don’t forget to let me hear your pleasure. If I don’t, I’ll assume you don’t want it. No telling what I’ll do then!” he chuckles and slaps my ass.

After he’s come in me about eight times and left me hanging, he pulls out and lies down beside me. I’m still in the fucking position and he looks over into my face. “Come here, Vännan.” I drop and roll into his side and, when I do, he rolls to face me and begins to stroke my clit. I moan and close my eyes until he says, “Eyes open! Look right into mine. I want to watch your face when you come.”

I feel it coiling and growing bigger and bigger, and then it’s on me, my body trembling and my hips churning, bumping against his hand as he continues to stroke my swollen bud. “Eyes open!” he barks again, and I stare straight into his, their heat making me blush as the climax overwhelms me. When he finally stops I’m a panting, sweating mess. And he surprises me by kissing my forehead. “I’m going to teach you something. Would you like that?”

“Yes, Sir! I would, very much.”

“Spread ‘em.” I spread my legs wide. He stares down at me and shoves two fingers into my pussy. “This will be uncomfortable until you learn what’s happening and how to let it go. Ready?”

“It would help if I knew what I’m supposed to be ready for, Sir.”

“Have you ever squirted?”

Some of us subs at the club have whispered about it between ourselves. My eyes go wide. “No, Sir! Is it real? I’ve heard about it, but . . .”

“Well, you’re about to. Try to relax.” I take a deep breath and blow it out. He starts to stroke into me with the two fingers, and I feel something, an unusual something, like I’ve never felt before.

“Sir, what is . . .”

“That’s your G-spot, sub. I’m ramping it up. It’s going to feel like you need to pee, but you’ll have to learn to let go.” He starts finger fucking me like crazy.

A weird sensation takes me over. It’s like I can’t be still, my hips wiggling and bucking. I’m panting and writhing. “Let it go, little one. Come on. You can do it.”

“But I don’t want to pee . . .”

“It’s not pee, precious. Let it go.”

I concentrate. It seems unnatural to just let loose of my bladder, but I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. It’s becoming unbearable, and he says, “Your gland is full. You’ve got to let go.” He increases the speed of the strokes, and I start to cry out. “Let it go, Vännan.”

I do; it makes me hideously uncomfortable to do so, but I still do. I hear him yell, “Yeah! That’s it! You did it! Take a look.”

The bed is soaked. My face is hot with embarrassment when he says, “Open your mouth.” I do, and he stuffs both fingers into it. “Suck.”

It’s not urine. It’s kind of sweet and musky. “What is that?” I ask when he pulls them out.

“It’s female ejaculate. You just ejaculated. How did it feel?” He’s put the heel of one hand on my mons and he’s pressing – hard. All the sexual tension I felt in my pussy is disappearing.

“It was, I don’t know, weird but intensely erotic. I want to do it again.”

“Not tonight, babe. I’ve got to clean this up. Now go and clean yourself up a little, take a leak, and get back here. You’re spending tonight in my bed.” When I come back, he pulls a chain from the side of the bed and puts a cuff on me – one with a padlock. “Get some sleep,” his lips murmur into the back of my neck, tickling me as he spoons against my back. “We’ve got quite a day ahead of us tomorrow.

“Come on. It’s not that bad.” I’m stumbling and tripping over roots and branches and all kinds of crap. I’m not much of an outdoor girl, and this is freaking me out a little.

We’ve been hiking for about an hour when I hear him say, “Aw, yeah! This is the place!” When I come out of the tree line, I gasp.

We’re on a bluff above a huge lake. I might’ve hated the hike, but the view is breathtaking. The water is blue and the sky is too, filled with fluffy little clouds. Everywhere there’s green, the trees, the grass, the edges of the water where the algae and stuff grows. It’s gorgeous, and we’re up in the air about eighty feet. “So what are we doing here, Sir?” I ask, unable to understand why we’d hike all the way out here just to look at a lake.

What the hell is wrong with me? I must be a special kind of stupid. I realize that when he tells me what to do.

“Take off everything. Then go and stand against that tree and look at me.” He points to a tree that looks kind of, I don’t know, rough? Scratchy? I undress and stand with my back against it. It’s even scratchier than it appears, and its surface digs into my skin in an oddly exciting kind of way.

Once I undress and turn toward him, I’m rewarded with my own version of the greatest show on earth. He unbuckles his belt, then unbuttons his jeans and unzips them. Once they’re undone, he pulls them down about twelve inches, then reaches up for the waistband of his boxer briefs. He pulls them down to meet the jeans, and his cock is free and pointing straight at me. It’s glorious out there in the sun, a shiny little drop crowning its tip, and I want to lick it so badly that I can hardly stand it. He walks toward me, his hand wrapped around his shaft as he pumps it in a slow stroking rhythm, tormenting me.

“Sir, I . . .”

“Want it, Vännan? It’s waiting for you. Will you suck it here? In the wide open? It wants your mouth on it, little one.”

“Yes, Sir. I want to suck it, Sir. Please?” I can’t believe I’m begging, but it’s so beautiful that I think I’ll die if it’s not
in my body pretty soon.

“Come over here and kneel. Take it in.” I practically run to him and drop to my knees in front of the cock I’ve grown to enjoy worshipping. I run my tongue up and down its length, then suck his balls before using my tongue again, and the rocks and sticks and leaves under my knees only add to the wildness I feel taking hold of me. He groans and wraps his fingers in my hair, and I know he’s getting ready to slam down into my throat. But this time I’m wrong.

“Love my cock, Vännan. Love it with your lips, with your tongue. Make love to my cock, sweet baby. I want to feel you enjoying it.” When my mouth goes down over its length he groans, and the sound pushes me across the line and into bliss.

I suck and lick, take it down deep, then suck and lick again, over and over. He’s standing very still, and I wrap my arms around his thighs, then run them up and onto his ass, and he moans out, “God, those beautiful lips. They’re swollen and blood red. Oh, baby, love my dick. It loves your mouth.” His head is thrown back, eyes closed and face raised to the sun, and he’s gorgeous, every inch of him. I take it very slow. I want it to last, for him to enjoy it as long as possible, and he seems to want the same thing.

I work on it for a long, long time, and watch as I suck it over and over and it gets bigger and harder and darker. I can feel the blood vessels in its length pulsing on my tongue. He’s still standing rigid as a statue, letting me take him in and out of my lips, my teeth raking the head occasionally, and then he says, “Vännan, I want to come so I can fuck you. I know you want it too. Make me come, baby. Make me cry out.”

I double my efforts, then start to actually stroke my throat down onto his shaft, the velvet head of his dick striking the soft back of my palate and wringing juices from my cunt with every slam. I go faster and deeper, then add a twisting motion at the base of his shaft with my hand, and he groans deep in his throat. With that, I feel it get more rigid and thick and my mouth is full of his seed, hot and bitter and creamy. I drink it all down as he cries out, “Oh, fuck! Oh my god, oh my god, ahhhhhhh.” Hands in my hair, he holds my face down on his length, the bulbous head stuck down my throat, and I can’t breathe but I don’t care. I need him in me, anywhere I can get him.

When he pulls me off he points, “Over there on that rock. On your back. I want to fuck you for the whole world to see.” Once I’m in place, he kneels beside the huge slab and buries his face in my slit, his tongue raking here and there, making me squeal and writhe.

Once he’s pretty sure I’m crazed, he sinks his swollen shaft into me and I scream out, “Oh, god, Sir, fuck me! I need your cock, Sir!” He proceeds to do just that, ramming me over and over as we couple there, enjoying each other in the sunlight and breeze.

I hear a sound and look up to see a group of hikers, three men, watching us from the trail. I try to tell Master, but he’s engrossed. Then he surprises me – apparently he’d already noticed them. “If you want to gawk,” he pants out, “get on out here and watch me fuck her.”

To my surprise, two of them turn away, but one walks right out and watches Clint fuck me there in the open air. Once he’s become bold, the other two follow suit. I look up at Clint, mortified, but he looks down into my eyes and says, “Vännan, the only man here who’s any of your concern is me. If you’re pleasing me, that’s all that matters.”

“Are you pleased, Sir?” I smile up at him.

He smiles back down at me. Finally! “Yes, Vännan. I’m very, very pleased. Your pussy feels so incredible, and I love the fact that we’re being watched.” The only thing going through my mind is
I made him smile!
That’s my biggest accomplishment of the day.

The guys continue to watch until we both come, and then he finger fucks me until I squirt. They seem to enjoy that, then they head back onto the trail. One of them is polite enough to call back, “Thanks for the show!” Clint starts to laugh, and then I do too.

“I have to ask, Sir, did you set that up too?” I’m pretty sure he did.

To my surprise, he says, “No. I’ve been here hundreds of times and I’ve never seen another soul here. Wouldn’t you know?” He pulls me up off the rock, sits down on it, and holds me in his lap. “Did you enjoy this, Vännan?”

“Very much, Sir. I’m not much of an outdoors girl, but this was, well, over-the-top sexy. I love the feel of the sun and breeze on my bare skin.”

“I love the look of the sun on your bare skin! And I enjoyed knowing that someone else watched me satisfy you. Ready to go back?”

Even though I don’t really want it to end, I say, “I guess so.” I lay my head over on his shoulder and he surprises me by kissing my cheek.

“Come on. I saw a place that has ice cream on our way. Want some?” he asks, setting me down and standing beside me.

BOOK: Adventurous Me
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