Read Adventurous Me Online

Authors: Deanndra Hall

Tags: #Romance, #drama, #Erotica, #erotic romance, #Mystery

Adventurous Me (10 page)

BOOK: Adventurous Me
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I’m settled between his legs, face down, mouth over his cock. It was raging and purple when I came in, and now it’s huge and swollen in my throat. As I lick, suck, and take it all in, he talks to me like I’m in a job interview.

“You did a decent job of coming when I told you to last night. Before you leave here I’m hoping to have you trained so that you come when I tell you to, every time I tell you to.” He stops for a second and I can feel him watching me. “A little less tongue, a lot more sucking. As I was saying, you will come when I tell you to. I will say, you did look beautiful riding me. Your pussy is lovely to look at and feels good, plenty tight enough. You show a lot of promise.” I moan around his cock. “You’re welcome.” I stifle a giggle.

In just a couple of minutes he cries out, “Oh, yeah, drink me down,” and shoots a load and a half down my throat. He holds my head down over him for maybe twenty seconds, then pulls it up and says, “Look up at me, sub.” When my eyes meet his, he says, “Your lips look good around my shaft. Very nice job. We’ll do it again in a few hours. Turn around, knees and elbows.”

Once I’m in position, I hear him snap on a condom and then I feel lube dripping down my crack and a finger in my ass. Within minutes, his dick is buried in my tight little hole, dragging in and out, and I cry out as the friction lights my internal fire.

“Don’t just make noise, sub. Tell me what you want.”

“I want you to fuck me, Sir!”

“How? Do you want it in the ass? Do you want it hard?”

“Yes, Sir! Hard and in my ass, Sir! Please, please, Sir!” I’m panting now, needing it so bad that I can barely think or speak. His fingers are digging into my hips as he holds them and pulls me back onto his rigidness, plunging forward into me. I feel his cock plump up and then he’s emptying his balls into the condom, grinding against my ass and groaning.

But before I can say anything, he flips me over onto my back and has a pair of cuffs on me in a flash. Just as I realize what he’s done, he secures them to the headboard with a chain, then orders, “Open your legs! Show me your cunt!”

I do exactly that, and he begins to stroke my clit, roughly and fairly fast, and I almost scream with desire. The ass fucking prepped me for this, and I need it, want it, am begging for it. “Oh, god, Sir, make me come! Please make me come!” I feel the slow simmer start behind my swollen bud and my hips start to rock, waiting for the rolling boil. And just as I feel it starting to consume me . . .

He stops.

I cry out, “Oh, god, Sir! Please!”

“Look at me, sub!” he orders. I look up into his eyes and see their darkness piercing into mine. He draws my slit open and looks at my clit. “Huge. Swollen. Red. Needy. And for now it’ll stay that way.”

“Oh, god, Sir, please, don’t leave me like this, please!” I cry out.

He reaches up and takes my chin in his hand. “If you had any doubts before, perhaps this will drive home the point. Any brattiness, any disobedience, any flaw that your service could have, understand that I will fuck it right out of you in the next two weeks.” He leans down over me so that his mouth is against my ear and whispers, “For the next two weeks, you and your swollen cunt will be my fuck. You’ll savor so much of my cum that you’ll want it in your coffee, dripped into your tea, stirred into those damn cosmos you love so much.” Now I’m so aroused that I feel like I’ll faint. “My spluge will be in every hole in your body and it will start to feel like second nature to be filled with it. Ever wonder what it would be like to live with a cock stuffed into you all day every day?” I nod and whimper. “Well, you’re going to get a chance to find out.”

Chapter 5

y eleven o’clock I’ve lost count of how many times he’s fucked me. And he hasn’t let me come once. I’m in misery.

I’m still chained to the head of the bed when he straddles my torso. “Now I’ll get you ready to go to the store.” He grabs the bottle of lube, pours a generous amount between my breasts, and presses them together. I’m pretty sure I know where this is going, and I’m right – he traps his dick between them and begins to thrust.

I lie there, watching his cock head popping in and out of my cleavage, and I see him stiffen. When he comes, he throws a ropy stream of semen onto my chest. And he starts again immediately.

I’ve never seen a man come as many times as he has. And he’s never soft, always hard. I want to ask him if he takes one of those erectile dysfunction pills, but I don’t think so. It seems his body is just so well-trained that he can stay hard. It’s pretty amazing, actually, after old one-and-done Ron.

He comes two more times on my chest. To my surprise, he releases my hands, but he’s still sitting on my ribcage. When the cuffs are off my wrists, he says, “Use your hands to decorate your body with my cum.”

I start smearing it around on me. “Up your chest, across to your shoulders, all over the tops of your breasts. Put it on your nipples too. Yeah, just like that. Very pretty.” He looks down to admire his handiwork, then gets up and pulls me to a sitting position.

“May I wash my hands, Sir?” I ask, showing him my palms.

“Oh, no. I want all of this to dry on you.” He goes to the drawers where I’ve put my clothes and pulls out a short skirt and a tee. “Put these on. No panties, no bra. Flip-flops. We’re going to the store. Let it dry and, when you’re dressed, kneel in the living room.”

With his cum all over me? I’m more than horrified. This qualifies as humiliation. As soon as it’s dry, I pull on the clothes, then go to the living room. I’ve still got cum all over my hands, so I’m afraid to touch anything. When he comes into the room, he looks down at me. “So rise and follow me to the car.” I do exactly as he says. Once in the car, he fastens my seatbelt buckle so I don’t get ejac all over it.

He goes to a part of town where I’ve never been before. It’s not close to his house
my house. I don’t know anything about this area of town. We pull up in the parking lot, but instead of letting me out, he says, “Pull up your shirt.”

“Here, Sir?” I can’t believe he wants me to do this in the parking lot.

“Yes. Right now. Pull it up.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls something out, then leans over and starts to suck and chew on my left nipple. When it’s hard and tight, he puts the nozzle of a bulb over it, sucks my nipple into the bulb, and slides a rubber ring off the bulb’s tip and onto my nipple. It traps the blood there, so it immediately begins to throb, sending jolts of white-hot need straight to my clit. Then he does the same with the other one. I guess to myself that I’m going to be left in the car.

But he comes around and opens my door. When I sit and stare at him, he says, “Oh. Sorry,” and reaches in to undo my seatbelt. “Now pull your shirt down and come on. We only have about fifteen minutes before those have to come off. I’d hate to have to do that in the middle of the store.”

I know everyone in the store is staring at me and my huge, hard nipples sticking right straight out. Because it’s a tee that I’m wearing, they’re poking out obscenely. We walk through the store, getting funny looks from everyone coming toward us.

When we get into the produce department, I see an employee eyeing me. Finally, he comes toward us and I’m sure he’s going to ask us to leave.

Instead, he walks up, looks at Clint, and says, “I’ve been watching your girl here. Impressive. Want to make a trade?”

“Sure. What’ve you got?”

“I’d love to fuck her. Want your groceries free?”

For the first time, Clint almost grins. “Sure. That sounds like a great swap. Let’s go back into the office. I want to watch.”

I can’t believe my ears. He wants this guy to fuck me? He wants to
this guy fuck me? We head off down the little hallway, go into the office, and he closes the door. “Shirt off. Pull your skirt up around your waist,” Clint growls at me, and I do as he says. “And you’re not allowed to come, sub.” I just
he was going to say that.

The grocery guy says, “Put one foot on the desk.” When I do, my whole snatch is exposed, downright gaping open. The guy pulls out his cock, walks up, and starts to fuck me. While he’s stroking into me, he’s twisting and pulling my purple nipples. The pain is excruciating and horribly, terribly, unbelievably arousing. I’m also a little afraid; Clint didn’t make him wear a condom, and that scares me, but the fear is exciting too. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Clint pull out his cock and start to stroke himself. I’m so embarrassed that I can barely breathe and so turned on that I can barely stand still.

But in that moment I realize that I’m standing in a business office, nude, satisfying two men at once, one of them a guy I don’t even know who’s fucking away in me like there’s no tomorrow. There must be something wrong with me, because I feel some kind of elation, like I’m a newly-born sex goddess or a porn star. The guy is grinding into me and I feel his release; there is absolutely no concern or consideration for my satisfaction, none. At about the same time, Clint lets loose and shoots a spurt of cum into the air.

“You can take your foot down now and get dressed,” the grocery guy says. He pulls his dick back into his pants and turns to Clint. “Nice fuck, man. I like the way you barter. Groceries are on the house.”

“Thanks, man. Glad you enjoyed her. Great trade. Heading for the checkout.”

“No problem. Come back anytime. Really! And by the way, love those nipples. I bet they hurt, don’t they, sweet pussy?”

Without meeting his eyes, I say, “Yes, Sir. They hurt very good, Sir.”

“Nice! Hope I get to fuck you again sometime.” He opens the door and Clint motions for me to go out. Once back out in the store, he gathers all of the things we were supposed to be getting, then makes me stand with him at the checkout, the grocery guy’s cum running down the inside of my thighs and my hard, rigid nipples poking out under my tee. I’m ever so thankful when the man comes and signs off on our receipt.

Clint stows the groceries in the trunk, then helps me into the car and gets in on his side. “Shirt up,” he growls. I lift it and look; my nipples are dark purple and throbbing. He grabs them and twists and pulls them one more time, and I pray that he’ll stroke me until I orgasm. Instead, he says, “Gotta take these off now.” He puts his mouth over one and I feel him drawing the little ring off with his teeth. When it pops off, the blood rushes in and I almost shriek. He performs the same ritual with the other one. By that time, I’m panting.

We pull out of the parking lot and head back to the house. I’m still trying to understand what just happened. He traded me for a couple of bags of groceries. I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel about that.

Once the groceries are put away, he says, “Undress and kneel in front of the sofa.” I do so immediately and wait, sticky all over from the cum on my chest and down my legs. I’ve done it – I’ve followed his instructions to the letter, and I’m sure he’s going to tell me how pleased he is with me. When he comes into the living room, he sits down on the sofa and says, “Turn toward me. Eyes on mine.” I turn and face him, looking straight into his eyes. And he shocks the shit out of me with what he says.

“Trish, listen to me. That guy I just let fuck you? He’s a Dom from the club. I pre-arranged all of that.” I gasp. His face goes somber, as somber as I’ve seen it. “I want you to remember that I said this: If any Dom ever tries to trade sex with you for anything, groceries, clothes, drugs, alcohol, smokes, a car, anything, get the hell out. That would be the epitome of disrespect, and you don’t have to subject yourself to that. No Dom should
ask you to compromise yourself that way. Do you understand me?”

I swallow hard. He was trying to teach me something, and it worked. “Yes, Sir. I won’t ever let anyone do that to me again, Sir.” There are tears in my eyes and I feel so foolish and dirty. “I was just trying to please you, Sir.”

“And if that had really been a stranger, you could’ve been hurt badly. I do appreciate your trust in me, though, but don’t do it with anyone else – ever. Please?”

Even though I’m trying not to, a tear escapes my eye and rolls down my cheek. “No, Sir, I won’t.”

He puts his fingers under my chin and pulls my face up to look into it. “I hope this taught you something. You need to value yourself. No matter how your own Dom uses you, he has your best interests at heart. But someone who would do that to you is not worthy of your service or loyalty. Never forget that.” I try to smile my tears away and, to my surprise, he leans down and kisses my forehead. “Get in the shower. By the way, his name is Gary and he’s a really good guy. He said he thinks the next time he has a new sub he’ll ask me to do the same thing with her so she gets a lesson that will stick. Now go get cleaned up.”

I rise and head down the hall, still in a state of disbelief. If he was looking to make an impression on me, it didn’t just work – it’s indelible.

The hot water feels good on my skin, but I’m still in need. I’ve been fucked so many times already that I can’t count them and I still haven’t been allowed to come. As I wash myself, I start to take a few extra passes with the washcloth. Before too long, I feel an orgasm coming on, and I look toward the hallway. Clint’s nowhere to be found, so I go ahead and satisfy myself, careful not to make a sound.

BOOK: Adventurous Me
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