Read Adventurous Me Online

Authors: Deanndra Hall

Tags: #Romance, #drama, #Erotica, #erotic romance, #Mystery

Adventurous Me (6 page)

BOOK: Adventurous Me
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He stops.

I wail. When I do, he slaps my bare ass. “None of that. Be a good girl, not a brat. Take it like a good sub.” I’m shaking with need, and I can’t do anything about it. If I could get my hands free, I’d stroke myself, but I can’t.

He starts again. This time, I’m more sensitive and it doesn’t take as long. His fingers are talented, and a sweat breaks out on my brow. My stomach muscles are starting to clench, and I feel the muscles in my pussy clenching too. The orgasm is right on me, about to overtake me.

And he stops again.

This time I manage to stifle my groan, but my hips are still churning and I feel like I’m on fire. “Much better, pretty one. Once more.” He slaps my ass again, then takes his hand and slaps my entire pussy. The blood rushes to the impact points, and I can almost feel myself swelling.

His finger moves to my most sensitive area again and starts to methodically stroke, this time around and around the glans of my clit. I’m almost screaming, but I’m quiet. It’s a struggle, though. The circling is driving me mad, and my hips are bucking. I can see my breasts hanging down either side of the horse and bouncing as I writhe, and my nipples are so swollen that they look like flames might shoot out of them. Everything in my lower body is going into spasms, and I need relief. I’m getting closer, closer, so close, and I tense my legs, waiting for it to hit.

Of course, he stops.

That’s it for me. I start to cry. I’m not sobbing out loud, but the tears are rolling down my face. They’re hot and fast, and I don’t know how much more of this I can take. He can see my shoulders shaking with sobs, I’m sure. He puts his hand on my lower back and I hear him whisper, “Pretty one, I’m very impressed. You’re doing very, very well. We’re almost there.”

His hand moves back down my slit and, this time, I’m determined to hang in there. His finger finds its mark and he starts again, slowly, around my clit. My teeth find my lower lip and I bite it in an attempt to stay quiet. He’s working my nub and my abdominal muscles are cramped and tight, my pussy in spasms, and my arms and legs rigid in their shackles. I feel faint and lightheaded, and I don’t know what’s going to happen. Working its way around, over and over, his finger doesn’t just hit the magic spot, it’s abrading it, torturing it, asking it to give in. Spots are beginning to form in the backs of my eyes, and I’m panting over my bitten lip. I’m not sure what’s going to happen, but I’m going all in. Just as I feel the climax working its way through me, I feel Steffen’s other hand rest gently on my ass cheek, almost like a caress, and he says the magic words.

“Pretty one, let go and come for me.” He gives my clit an extra little flick, and everything inside me explodes. I know I’m shrieking, but I can’t control it, and he keeps going until I’m straining against my restraints and jerking. Then he stops.

Before I can stop my tears, he’s at my head, squatting in front of me. “Look at me, pretty one,” he says, and I look up. He smiles into my face, leans down, and kisses me. I kiss him back, a hungry kiss, because now I know what Dave was trying to tell me: I want to be fucked. Right now. I need it.

Steffen has my restraints loose in just a few seconds, and he picks me up. That’s a good thing, because I really don’t think I could walk at this minute. Quick as a wink, I find myself in a big bed in a dimly-lit room, candles burning and soft music playing. There’s a hand on my cheek and a sweet male voice says, “That was so good, pretty one. You did very well. I want to satisfy you. Would you like for your master to fuck you?”

There’s no way for me to stop myself. “Yes, please! Please get inside me!”

“Use the words, sub. What do you want?”

I’ve never said anything like that out loud, and I don’t know if I can, but I’m not going to get what I want if I don’t try. “Please, oh please, screw . . .” He pinches my ass. “Oh god!” I pant. “Oh, please, I need you to . . . please . . . please fuck me! I need you to fuck me!” I can’t believe those words are coming out of my mouth, and I can’t believe I haven’t said them before. They’re so freeing, to ask for what I want and know that I’m going to get it.

“That’s ‘Master.’ Call me Master, pretty one.”

“Yes, please, Master! I need to be fucked, Master. Please?”

“Let’s get you up where you’ll really enjoy it.” He manipulates my body like I’m a poseable doll, and in a few seconds I’m on my elbows and knees, ass in the air. “Arch your back to give me better access to your pussy, pretty one.” I do as I’m told. “Perfect. I’ll fuck you now. Please let me know if I’m satisfying you.”

Juices are already dripping out of my cunt and running down my leg, and all it takes is the tiniest push from him and he’s in me, stroking me, the parts of me no one’s ever stroked that way. I’ve never been fucked this way, never felt so thoroughly used and so thoroughly sated. I want more, more, more.

“What do you need, pretty one?” Steffen pants.

“More, please, Master! I need more! Please fuck me harder!” It’s almost like I’m having an out-of-body experience because I can’t believe I’m begging to be fucked by a guy I didn’t know an hour before.

He picks up the pace and my mind is going somewhere it’s never been. Everything goes white, and every muscle in my body responds as I scream out my orgasm. I’ve never had a vaginal orgasm like this, and it’s stupendous. There’s nothing else like it, and I ride it for all it’s worth.

Next thing I know, I’m in strong arms, snuggled tight to a big, broad chest. There’s a hand stroking my hair, and I’ve never felt so safe. The sensation is almost like floating. I hear a calm, warm, male voice say, “Come down, pretty one. It’s over. No more flying,” and he chuckles.

“Can I look up at you now? Please?” I ask. I don’t want to be called a brat again.

“Please do.” The face I look up into is smiling back at me. “How was that?”

“I don’t know.” He shoots me a puzzled look. “I’d have to get a thesaurus, because I’m pretty sure ‘awesome’ is overused and I don’t know what else to call it.” He chuckles again. “That was incredible,” I manage, then finish with, “Master.”

“You’re a quick study,” he murmurs, then surprises me by kissing me. I kiss him back and stroke his cheek, and he wraps his hand around the back of my neck and kisses my forehead. “I think Dave is really going to enjoy training you. I’d like to get another shot at it too. Whaddya think?”

“I think that’s absolutely, positively doable!” My grin is bound to be goofy, but I don’t care. It’s genuine. I’ve never felt like this in my life. Do I want to do this again?

Oh hell yeah.

Chapter 3

hat was Wednesday night. On Thursday night, Dave works with me all evening. Everything that I suspected about the man is true. He’s even more gorgeous naked, is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen, and is as trustworthy and honest as they come. But he’s really, really mad when I come through the door.

There’s no mistaking it. First thing, he grabs me by the arm and drags me to a private room. Once there, he asks me point-blank, “Did Steffen tell you about safewording?” The look I give him must’ve answered his question, because now he’s livid. “I can’t believe that. He knows you’re a novice. What the hell was he thinking?”

“Hey, Dave, really, no harm, no foul. I don’t know what . . .”

“Safewording. You choose a word. If you call that word, all play stops. I was watching you up there scening. I know you would’ve called a safeword if you’d known to.”

I shake my head. “No, I wouldn’t have. I was enjoying myself. Well, as much as someone can enjoy being tortured. But there’s no doubt in my mind, if I had cried out and asked Steffen to stop, he would’ve.”

He’s still angry, but that seems to have calmed him a bit. “Steffen and I will have a talk.”

“Okay. But know that I thought the whole thing was unbelievably great, and I’d do it again in a heartbeat.” I smile at him, and finally he smiles back.

“You may have to eat your words,” he grins.

“I’ll eat whatever you give me and ask for more,” I grin back. In a split second, he presses me to my knees, then unzips his leathers. I find myself face to face with what has to be the mightiest cock I’ve ever seen. I get out one word: “Whoaaaa.”

“Glad to see you approve. You give head?” he asks.

“I have, but not well. And not on demand.”

“Well, you will now. Suck me, sub. Watch those teeth. And I’ll give you direction. I expect you to follow it.”

“Yes, Master.”

“Very good. Take me in your mouth.”

Only about five strokes in, he tells me, “I’m going down your throat. You’re going to choke. There’s no way around it. But if you’ll pretend you’re yawning every time I press in, you’ll eventually get it. Don’t worry about drool, tears, or snot; it’s part of the process. This will be the first thing we practice every time you’re here until you get it down pat. Fellatio is one of the things a Dom desires the most from his sub. It’s the ultimate act of submission, especially when the sub swallows, and it’s the one gift a Dom can give his sub that no other Dom can, that particular taste and smell that’s all his. Some Dom is going to enjoy it from you, and you’ll enjoy giving him this gift back.”

As he spoke, I’d started to stroke down on him, but when he stops talking, he takes my head with both hands and shoves it down onto his thick shaft. I feel like someone has put a foot on my neck, and I could swear I’m seeing stars. When he pulls me off, he says, “Take a deep breath and down again.” He repeats the process. By this point, I’m pretty sure he’s trying to kill me. He shoves me back down over his cock and I gag again. This time, when he lifts my head, I’m coughing almost uncontrollably. “Again, little one.” Just before his cock head hits my throat, I remember to try to yawn. That’s all it takes; it goes right past my soft palate and down my throat, and I want to cheer. Except I can’t. Because I’ve got a giant cock down my throat.

“Good girl!” he praises, then starts thrusting into my throat. It’s not so terrible now that I can let it go on down, and he’s really getting into it. I do hate the saliva that’s falling from my lips and the fact that my eyes and nose are running profusely, but I can’t help that. There’s a sense of accomplishment on my part that I can’t describe. This man has taken his time to train me, and I’m giving him something that’s making him feel really, really good.

After a good five minutes, he says, “Reach up and fondle my balls. Gently. Like you’d roll billiard balls in your hand.” I’ve never heard it described that way, and I try it. He moans – loudly. I take that to mean I’m doing it right. In under two minutes, I hear him groan, “I’m going to come down your throat. Spitting is disrespectful. I expect you to swallow.” I’d nod, but I can’t. His balls are still in my hand, and I feel them draw up just before he explodes in my mouth. There’s so much cum that I’m having trouble swallowing it, but I manage.

Before I can catch my breath, he takes me by the upper arms and pulls me up. “Sorry I look such a sight,” I whine, looking around for something to wipe my mouth, eyes, and nose with.

He hands me a towel. “I’d be concerned if everything wasn’t running. That would be very abnormal. And the saliva is important, very needed, so you need to work
that, not avoid it. But overall that was very good, little one. You’re a quick learner.”

“That’s what Master Steffen said.”

“I see he also told you not to look your Dom in the eye.”

“Yes, Master.”

“Very good. I’ll have to thank him for that. Now, go lie on the bed and open yourself to me. I’m going to return the favor.”

I do as I’m told and in just a few minutes, I’m riding an orgasmic wave that takes me to another world. Steffen is good; Dave is an expert. He knows just how to speed up and slow down to make the most of his work, and his hands and tongue are nothing short of miraculous. I’m impressed – and thankful.

“Are you coming back tomorrow?” he asks as he holds me after my orgasm.

“I was planning to unless you don’t want me to.”

He smiles. “Now why would I want you to stay away?”

I have to ask. “Do all of you always hold the subs, you know, afterward?” I know what I’m hoping he’ll say.

“Absolutely. I don’t know a respectable Dom who doesn’t.” He must be able to see the disappointment on my face; I was hoping I was special, but apparently I’m not. “Hey, listen, we do it because we genuinely care about you and your feelings. We don’t want to treat you like whores, because you’re not. You’re here, giving yourself to men who love and respect women. We want you to feel special, not used and thrown aside. Let me put it this way,” he says, stroking one of my nipples. “If you ever scene with a Dom who doesn’t hold and cuddle you afterward, don’t ever scene with him again. He’s just using you. And you don’t deserve that. You deserve to feel special, precious, cared for. Because you’re all of those things to all of us. There’s not a man in this club who wouldn’t jack somebody up for calling you a name or hurting you in any way.”

A tear rolls down my cheek, and Dave wipes it off. “Thanks,” I manage to stammer. “I needed to have someone say that to me.”

“You’re welcome. And it’s true.” He kisses my forehead.

BOOK: Adventurous Me
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