Alexander Hamilton (174 page)

Read Alexander Hamilton Online

Authors: Ron Chernow

Tags: #Statesmen - United States, #History, #Presidents & Heads of State, #Political, #General, #United States, #Personal Memoirs, #Hamilton, #Historical, #United States - Politics and Government - 1783-1809, #Biography & Autobiography, #Statesmen, #Biography, #Alexander

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“Anas” scrapbook of
anti-Adams campaign of
appearance of
background of
“bancomania” and
Bank of the United States and
botanizing tour of
Burr’s relationship with
Callender exposé and
debt assumption–capital site deal and
debt of
Declaration of Independence and
deism and
in election of 1796
in election of 1800
in election of 1804
and electoral tie of 1801
Federalist deal with
Federalist Papers
flight of
in France
French Revolution and
as governor of Virginia
health problems of
Hemings’s relationship with
as image maker
inauguration of
Jay Treaty and
Kentucky Resolutions and
on Lafayette
Louisiana Purchase and
Madison’s correspondence with,
James, Jefferson’s correspondence with
Madison’s relationship with
military rejected by
Monroe’s correspondence with
Monroe’s defense of
Monroe’s relationship with
as president
presidential ambition of
as Republican
resignation of
resignation offers of
Reynolds affair and
as secretary of state
454 in selection of capital site
Shays’s Rebellion and
silence and secrecy of
slavery and
as strict constructionist
as vice president
on Washington
Washington’s disillusionment with
Whiskey Rebellion and womanizing of
XYZ Affair and


Johnson, Peter

Johnson, Samuel

Johnson, Seth

Johnson, Sir William

Johnson, William Samuel

Jones, David S.

Jones, James

Jones, Meriwether

Jones, Samuel

judicial review


in Virginia Plan
see also
Supreme Court, U.S.

Judiciary Act

Jumel, Eliza (Betsey Bowen)

Jumel, Stephen

Kent, duke of (son of George III)

Kent, James

on AH’s oratory
on Burr
Croswell case and
Grange visited by

Kentucky Resolutions

Kerelaw Castle

King, Mary Alsop

King, Rufus

AH’s correspondence with
at Constitutional Convention
elections and
Hamilton-Burr duel and
Jay Treaty and
“scrippomania” and
State Department appointment turned down by
Troup’s correspondence with

King’s College

British occupation of
legal studies at
militia at
mob action at
see also
Columbia College

Kirkland, Rev. Samuel

Kline, Mary-Jo

Knox, Henry

army organization and
Reynolds affair and
as secretary of war
Society of the Cincinnati and

Knox, Hugh

Kortright, Cornelius

Kortright and Company

Kortright and Cruger

Lafayette, Adrienne de Noailles

Lafayette, George Washington

Lafayette, marquis de

AH’s correspondence with
AH’s relationship with
in American Revolution
in French Revolution
Yorktown siege and

Lamb, John

land, foreigners’ ownership of

land banks

land grants

Lansing, John, Jr.

Lansing, Robert, Jr.–67

Constitutional Convention and

La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, duc de

Latin America, revolution in Latrobe, Benjamin

Laurance, John

Laurens, Henry

Laurens, John

as abolitionist
AH’s correspondence with
AH’s intimate friendship with
background of
capture of
Charles Lee’s duel with
death of
as envoy to France
promotion of
in Yorktown siege

Laurens, Martha Manning

Lavien, Johann Michael

possible Jewish roots of
revenge of

Lavien, Peter

Lavien, Rachel Faucette,
Hamilton, Rachel

Faucette Lavien
Lear, Tobias

Lee, Charles

Lee, Henry (Light-Horse Harry)

in American Revolution
Whiskey Rebellion and

Lee, Richard Henry

Lee, Robert E.

Leeward Islands

see also
Nevis; St. Kitts
legislative branch
see also
Congress, U.S.; House of Representatives
U.S.; Senate, U.S.

L’Enfant, Pierre Charles

Lenox, David

Létombe, Joseph

Letter from Alexander Hamilton…

“Letter from Phocion” (Hamilton):


Lewis, Mary,
Reynolds, Maria

Lewis, Morgan

Lewis, Susannah,
Livingston, Susannah Lewis Lexington, Battle of (1775)


Alien and Sedition Acts and
Burr and
election of 1804 and

Lincoln, Abraham

Lincoln, Benjamin

Lippmann, Walter

Little Sarah (La Petite démocrate)

Livingston, Brockholst

Livingston, Catharine (Kitty)

Livingston, Edward

Livingston, Gilbert J.

Livingston, Margaret

Livingston, Maturin

Livingston, Peter R.

Livingston, Robert R.

AH’s correspondence with
treasury secretary position and

Livingston, Sarah

Livingston, Susanna

Livingston, Susannah Lewis

Livingston, William

Livingston family

Locke, John

Lodge, Henry Cabot


Church family in
Jefferson’s reception in

Long Island

Lossing, Benson J.

Loudon, Samuel

Louis XIV, king of France

Louis XVI, king of France

Louis XVIII, king of France


Louisiana Purchase

Lyon, Matthew

Lytton, Ann,
Mitchell, Ann Lytton Venton

Lytton, Ann Faucette

Lytton, James, Jr.

Lytton, James, Sr.

Lytton, Peter

McComb, John B., Jr.–42
McCulloch v. Maryland

McCullough, David

McDonald, Forrest

McDougall, Alexander

AH’s correspondence with
Bank of New York and

McHenry, James

AH’s correspondence with
army organization and
firing of
as secretary of war

Machiavelli, Niccolò

McKitrick, Eric

Maclay, William

AH criticized by
on selection of capital site

McLean, Archibald

McNobeny, Thomas

Macomb, Alexander

Madison, Dolley Payne Todd

Madison, James

AH’s collaboration with
AH’s correspondence with
AH’s death and
AH’s feud with
Annapolis conference and
appearance of background of
Bank of the United States and
Bill of Rights and
botanizing tour of
Constitutional Convention and
in Continental Congress
education of election of 1796 and
excise tax supported by
farewell speech drafted by
Federalist Papers
French Revolution and
in House of Representatives
Jay Treaty and
Jefferson’s correspondence with
Jefferson’s relationship with
marriage of
“Pacificus” essays and
as president
Report on Public Credit
as Republican
Reynolds affair and
as secretary of state
secretary-of-state position rejected by
Shays’s Rebellion and slavery and
as strict constructionist
Virginia Resolutions and
war and standing armies rejected by
Washington’s break with
on Whiskey Rebellion

Malone, Dumas

Manhattan Company

Manhattan Well Tragedy

Manning, Martha,
Laurens, Martha Manning Mansfield, Lord


AH’s views on

Marat, Jean Paul
Marbury v. Madison

Marie Antoinette, queen of France

Marshall, John

on AH
in diplomatic mission to France
as Supreme Court justice
Washington biography by
election of 1800

Mason, George

Mason, Rev. John

Mason, Rev. John M.


constitution of
debt of
farmers’ uprising in
slavery in

Mathews, John

Matlack, White

Meade, Richard Kidder

Mercer John F.


AH’s relations with
in American Revolution
Bank of New York and
Jay Treaty and
in New York City

Merchants’ Bank

Merry, Anthony


Michaux, André

Mifflin, Thomas

Million Bank

Mills, Matthew


Mint, U.S.


Mirabeau, comte de

Miranda, Francisco de

Mitchell, Andrew

Mitchell, Ann Lytton Venton

Mitchell, Broadus

Mitchell, George

Moir, Alexander


money banks

money supply, expansion of “Monitor, The” (Hamilton)

Monmouth, Battle of (1778)

Monroe, James

AH’s correspondence with
AH’s feud with
in American Revolution
background of
Eliza Schuyler Hamilton’s visit from
French Revolution and
Jefferson’s correspondence with
Jefferson’s relationship with
as minister to France
Reynolds affair and
slavery and

Montaigne, Michel de

Montesquieu, baron de La Brède et de


Moore, Rev. Benjamin

Morgan, Daniel

Morris, Gouverneur

AH’s correspondence with
AH’s death and
at Constitutional Convention
French Revolution and
as minister to France

Morris, Robert

Morristown, N.J.

Morton, Cornelia Schuyler

Morton, Washington

Mount Vernon

Muhlenberg, Frederick

Mulligan, Hercules

in American Revolution

Murray, William Vans

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