Alexander Hamilton (176 page)

Read Alexander Hamilton Online

Authors: Ron Chernow

Tags: #Statesmen - United States, #History, #Presidents & Heads of State, #Political, #General, #United States, #Personal Memoirs, #Hamilton, #Historical, #United States - Politics and Government - 1783-1809, #Biography & Autobiography, #Statesmen, #Biography, #Alexander

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Schuyler, Gertrude,
Cochran, Gertrude Schuyler

Schuyler, John Bradstreet

Schuyler, Margarita,
Van Rensselaer, Margarita


Schuyler, Philip

AH’s correspondence with
AH’s relationship with
capital site selection and
Continental Congress and death of
Eliza’s correspondence with
finances of
as general
George Clinton’s feud with
health problems of
marriage of
as senator
slaves of

Tory-Indian raid on

Washington’s friendship with

in yellow-fever epidemic

Schuyler, Philip, II

Schuyler, Philip Jeremiah

Schuyler, Rensselaer

Schuylerville, N.Y.


Arkwright’s mills in

Scott, Winfield

Scottish Enlightenment “scrippomania,”

Seabury, Samuel

Sears, Isaac

secession movement

Second Bank of the United States

Second Continental Congres

AH as delegate to
AH’s criticism of
AH’s financial reforms proposed to
dollar adopted by
French relations with
Gates-Washington rivalry and
Laurens proposal and
money printed by
payment issues and
peace treaty ratified by
Pennsylvania mutineers and
Philip Schuyler and
slavery and
taxes and
threat of Newburgh mutiny and

Washington’s correspondence with


crash in
trading of
see also
bonds; stock exchanges

Sedgwick, Theodore

Adams’s outbursts to
AH’s correspondence with


Sedition Act (1798)

Senate, New York

Senate, U.S.

AH’s views on
appointments confirmed by
bank bill and
Senate, U.S. (
Burr’s presiding over
in Connecticut Compromise
impeachment powers of
Jefferson’s presiding over
New York’s selection for
in Philadelphia
Republican control of
Smith appointment rejected by
titles considered by
treaty powers of

September Massacres

Serle, Ambrose

Seton, William

Sewall, Jonathan

Seward, William H.

Sharples, James

Shaw, William

Shays, Daniel

Shays’s Rebellion

Sheridan, Richard Brinsley

Sherman, Roger

Shippen, Margaret,
Arnold, Margaret Shippen Shippen, William

Short, William

Six Nations

Six Per Cent Club

Slater, Samuel

slavery, slaves

AH’s alleged ownership of
British compensation for
Burr and
Congress and
Constitutional Convention and
election of 1796 and
former, resettlement schemes for
insurrections of
Jefferson and
Louisiana Purchase and
punishment of
renting out of
sugar production and
trade in
of Washington
in Washington, D.C.


Smith, Abigail (Nabby) AdamsSmith, Adam

Smith, Melancton

slavery and

Smith, Samuel

Smith, William

Smith, William Loughton

Smith, William S.


Society for Establishing Useful Manufacturing


Society for the Relief of Widows with Small Children

Society of the Cincinnati


Sons of Liberty

South America

South Carolina

in American Revolution
election of 1800 and
slavery in

Southern Army


American Revolution and
colonial revolutions against

Spectator, The
(Addison and Steele)

Spencer, Ambrose

Stamp Act (1765) “Stand, The” (Hamilton) Stark, John

State Department, U.S.

Freneau and
mint controlled by
size of
see also specific secretaries of state

Staten Island


AH’s views on
Connecticut Compromise and
debt of
militias of
New Jersey Plan and
Society of the Cincinnati and
taxing of
treatment of former Tories and
Virginia Plan and

states’ rights

Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions and

Steele, Richard

Sterne, Laurence

Steuart, James

Steuben, Frederick William August von

Society of the Cincinnati and

Stevens, Ann

Stevens, Edward

Stevens, Eleanora

Stevens, Hester Amory

Stevens, Thomas

Stirling, Lord (William Alexander)

stock exchanges

Stoddert, Benjamin

Story, Joseph

Strong, George W.

Strong, John

Stuart, Gilbert


slavery and
trade in

Sullivan, John

Sullivan, William

Supreme Court, New York

Supreme Court, U.S.

AH’s views on
carriage tax and
Jay as justice of

Swartwout, John

Swartwout, Samuel

Syrett, Harold C.

Taft, William Howard

Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles-Maurice de


Tappan, Fanny Antill


see also
duties, import

taxes, tax system

AH as advocate of
AH as New York receiver of
in American colonies
Continental Congress and
see also
duties, import

Tayler, John


taxes on

Ten Broeck, Dirck


Tilghman, Tench

on Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton

Tillary, James


Todd, Dolley Payne,
Madison, Dolley Payne Todd

Todd, John, Jr.

Tories (Loyalists)

AH’s defense of
in New York
postwar flight of


AH’s writings on
colonists’ embargo of
interstate conflicts over
Jay Treaty and
Jefferson’s recommendations for
in St. Croix slave
U.S.-British U.S.-French U.S.–West Indies

Treasury Department, U.S

AH as secretary of
AH’s alleged abuses in
AH’s resignation from
AH’s staff in
Bank of the United States and
debt assumption–capital site deal and
excise taxes and
Fraunces’s relations with
Gallatin as secretary of
Giles investigations and
House investigations of
James Reynolds and
manufacturing and
and minting of coins
petitions to
Philadelphia offices of
public debt bill and
reports to Congress by,
see Report on a Plan for the Further Support of Public Credit; Report on Manufactures; Report on Public Credit; Report on the Mint
size of
splitting of
Wolcott as secretary of
Wolcott as temporary head of
see also
Coast Guard, U.S.; Customs Service, U.S.


Senate powers and
American Revolution, peace treaty in; Jay Treaty

Trenton, Battle of (1777)

Trenton, N.J.

Trespass Act (1783)

Troup, Robert

on AH
AH offered land deal by
AH’s correspondence with
as AH’s executor
on AH’s writings
American Revolution and
on Burr
health problems of at King’s College
King’s correspondence with
as lawyer
on Philip Hamilton
slavery and

Trumbull, John

Tryon, William

Uppington, Mary,
Faucette, Mary Uppington

Valesco, Don Alvarez de

Valley Forge, Pa.

Van Buren, Martin

Van Cortlandt, Pierre, Jr.

Van Ness, William P.

Van Rensselaer, Margarita Schuyler (Peggy)

AH’s correspondence with
death of

Van Rensselaer, Stephen

Varick, Richard

Vattel, Emmerich de

Venable, Abraham B.


Venton, Ann Lytton (daughter)

Venton, Ann Lytton (mother),
Mitchell, Ann

Lytton Venton

Venton, John Kirwan


election of 1800 and

Verplanck, Gulian

Viomenil, baron de


in American Revolution
armed insurrection expected in
debt of
election of 1800 and
James Reynolds in
militia of
ratification of Constitution in
slavery in
Whiskey Rebellion and

Virginia Assembly

Virginia Plan

Virginia Resolutions


Waddington, Benjamin

Waddington, Joshua

Wadsworth, Jeremiah

Walker, Betsey

Walker, John

Walpole, Robert

War Department, U.S.

AH’s responsibility for
Knox as secretary of
McHenry as secretary of

War of 1812

Warren, Mercy

Washington, D.C.

as capital
description of

Washington, George

Adams’s correspondence with
AH as wartime adjutant to
as AH’s alleged father
AH’s correspondence with
AH’s disputes with
AH’s relationship with
AH’s sex scandal and
in American Revolution
appearance of
army organization and
background of

Bank of the United States and

biography of birthday of

Burr’s relationship with

cabinet appointments of

capital site selection and

Constitutional Convention and

critics of

death of

in election of 1789

in election of 1792

farewell address of

Federalist alliance of

Federalist Papers

Fraunces’s correspondence with

French Revolution and

Gates’s rivalry with

health problems of

inauguration of

Jay Treaty and

Jefferson-Madison-Hamilton feud and

Jefferson’s correspondence with

made head of Continental Army

Madison’s break with

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