Aliandra: nymph: Book 1 The Nymph chronicles (12 page)

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Chapter 24






Ali woke slowly. Her pillow was hard and lumpy. She tried to thump it and it groaned. Ali opened one eye. She was sprawled over a sleeping Brand on the office couch. Ali tried to carefully move off him and he grumbled and held her tighter. Ali huffed and tried to work out her next move.


"Are you going to sleep all day?" she asked huffily. "I need to get a coffee."


Brand groaned then growled. "I repeat I need a coffee now or I will be really grumpy very soon and that is not something you want to experience. Trust me!" said Ali. "Let me up or I will keep talking."


Brand opened one eye "I am not a morning person. Sleep!"


"NO!" shouted Ali. "Don't you dare give me orders like that."


"Fine. go." he let go and rolled over to fall asleep again.


Ali made coffee for both of them and sat on a chair watching Brand. Amirael arrived with breakfast and Rom in tow. Rom made his way to his regular corner of the office. When Amirael noticed Brand on the couch she asked if Ali wanted her to leave. "No, come in he has to wake up anyway. Brand your coffee is on the table. I know you are not asleep and people will start to arrive soon. So if you want to discuss anything it will have to be soon."


Brand rolled over bleary-eyed and grabbed his coffee. Eventually he noticed Rom in the corner and he looked suspiciously back at Ali. "The mountain lion is yours?" he asked.


"Yes, his name is Rom."


"Do you know how to shoot a bow and arrow?" he asked cautiously.


Consternation, then shock crossed Ali's features "You are the hunter I shot at. You tried to kill my pet. YOU ASS!" she yelled. Rom got up and prowled over to Ali looking for the trouble.


"I did not know he was a pet. It looked like he was preparing to attack you" he said in a fierce low growl.


"You are the reason my first keening was more miserable than it should have been. I was stuck in that tiny bubble for weeks and weeks because of you" she said furiously.


"Interesting. You keen for how many weeks?" he asked smoothly.


"None of your damned business!" she bit back furiously as she held Rom back.


Hephaestus arrived and peered in carefully. "Is it safe to enter the premises?"


"Yes" said Brand.


"No" growled Ali at the same time. Hephaestus put his hands up in surrender and backed out the building. "Rom, go to your corner" ordered Ali. "You! I have some things to say to you" as she pointed at Brand.


"Continue" he said.


"First, you will take your lovely new armor and you will use it. If anyone asks you about it then you will let them know to see me for their order. Second, Hephaestus needs a secretary soon. If you know anyone we could train up then contact him. Third, I made the demon statuette with Hephaestus in mind. I thought he would really enjoy it. It is up to you whether you gift it to him or not. Finally, you are deliberately ignorant of so many important things concerning yourself. The only one who can provide you with that information is your mother. I am aware of the information and until you learn what you need to know then you are at a strategic disadvantage. Go speak to your mother. Until you do I will have nothing more to say to you. Now leave!" demanded Ali as she glowered at him.


Brand stood and approached Ali until he was standing over her and she felt the full impact of his formidable presence. "You are a little spitting Ali-cat with claws. I will enjoy taming you" said Brand confidently.


Ali glared at him and then shouted "Hephaestus, you can come in now!" Ali turned on her heel and went to her workshop.





Chapter 25






Brand's commanders arrived on time for the scheduled meeting. They each did a double take as they looked at Brand but said nothing. After the meeting Commander Rivier remained behind.


"Got a question, Riv?" asked Brand.


"Got a few, boss" he replied.




"Your scars have gone. What happened?"


"A nymph with healing powers" he responded.


"Is this nymph the reason you are so moody, boss?"


"Next question" growled Brand.


"I will take that as a yes, then. A couple of the sparring teachers are injured and I am asking if you could help fill in for their advanced students?"


"Yes, when is the class?"


"About now, if you can manage it?"


"Let's go" said Brand.


The men headed to the training arena and silence fell over the crowd of students immediately. The students stood to attention. Riv directed intermediate students to follow him and advanced students remain with Brand.


"What is on your schedule for today?" asked Brand.


"Blade and dagger combination attack, my lord" volunteered a student.


"Form a circle around me. As I point to you activate your armor." Brand pointed at each student randomly and noted those with delays in their armor activation. I will pair those with faulty activation together to keep the contests fair. I need a volunteer." One student stepped forward quickly. "When you spar the armor is often intrusive and limits mobility. What I want to see today is the spot activation of your armor. That means you quickly activate then deactivate your armor as required throughout the contest. It will take some practise to get it right so start slowly to get used to it. It is risky but when you get it right it gives you a definite advantage over the opponent who remains in his armor. I will demonstrate the advantage with this student who will remain armored throughout."


As Brand activated his armor there was a collective gasp. As he removed his dagger and blade to spar, his student volunteer remained staring and transfixed on his weapons. "Wake up, student. Prepare to spar." The sound of shouts and running feet sounded in the background.


"Yes, my lord" he said as he became sensible and drew his blade and dagger to begin.


"As fast as you can manage. Attack" he instructed.


The student attacked with ferocity and Brand easily deflected his attack, deactivated his armor then swiftly moved to reposition himself behind the student to hold his dagger against his throat. Several more demonstrations were watched by an ever-increasing crowd of student observers. Brand paired the students off and observed their efforts, made corrections and provided instruction as required. At the conclusion of the lesson the students asked to get a better look at his armor and weapons. Brand obliged and after activating his armor her ran through all the attached weaponry. He also brought out of storage the range of others weapons Ali made one by one. He showed the students how to move with and handle each weapon differently. The crowd grew and the students were in awe and were engrossed with Brand's every word.


Riv returned from teaching his class and listened to Brand as he demonstrated his armor. "If only my students hung on my every word like those around you. Your armor and weapons truly are a work of deadly art. Has Hephaestus finally succeeded in getting you to accept this as a gift?" asked Riv.


"No" replied Brand.


"Not the nymph, surely?" asked Riv.


"Yes. She is sneaky and wayward. If you recall, Hephaestus referred to his assistant as a nice little steamroller. He demanded I not offend her when I went in to pick up my dagger and this is what I got. She melted down my old armor to make a statuette, it is in my office" brooded Brand.


"The demon pulling a face in the corner? I didn't think that was your taste."


"She made it for Hephaestus."


"I see. Yes, he would like that sort of thing, especially since it was made from your old armor."


"Riv, find out everything you can on Aliandra. For my eyes only."


"Hephaestus' dowdy little helper?" asked Riv.


"I warned you she was sneaky so don't underestimate her. She is neither dowdy, dim nor as weak as she makes out. Indeed, I think she is quite the opposite" mused Brand. "Riv, strictly between us, understood?"


"Yes, boss" replied Riv.





Chapter 26






In his office, Brand looked through the file on Aliandra that Riv had compiled. Nothing about it seemed right. No mortals in Eureka had memories of Aliandra, even though it was the place listed as her home. No tribal people would talk about her under any circumstances. The fortress where he knew was the place she had first keened was mostly destroyed. He recalled the image of the tall slim girl courageously firing arrows at his gun. he tried to reconcile that image with the curvaceous beauty in tribal dress and the dowdy helper at the forge. A puzzle in a dress.


He browsed the information on her boyfriend, Donovan. A tribal river god with wealth and power. A seemingly solid relationship that Brand decided he needed to break up. The phone calls from his house to Donovan's office were interesting. He would leave early and speak with his bed-mates about this surprising new association.


That evening Brand had a very long conversation with Tana until he was certain she had relayed every detail to him  regarding her connection to Aliandra and Donovan.


"Are you unhappy here, Tana?"


"No, my lord."


"I do not begrudge giving my companions choices or making friends. Advise the women that I will arrange a visit to the tribal areas you are so interested in." said Brand. "If you choose to stay or return that will be up to each woman. Contact Donovan and advise him of my plan. See if he might act as host. Make the arrangements."


"Yes, my lord. Will you be attending with us?"


"No, I will be busy" he said then Tana quickly left.


Brand wandered over to his desk and picked up a letter from his mother asking to meet. He then grimly threw it into a draw, locked it and stalked away.


A hurried knock on the door announced the late night messenger. "My Lord, it is Commander Rivier. He has been badly injured."


"Where is he now?"


"En route to the underworld medic station."


"I will attend at once" he said as he closed the door and disappeared.





Chapter 27






The medic station had a range of basic facilities. Professional healers were rarely brought in because of the expense. Those who did not die of their injuries were often killed by competing families, in the cutthroat demon hierarchy, shortly after they were released from the medic station. Brand checked with the medics and found Riv's injuries were extensive and he was currently in the operating theatre.


Brand left to advise Hephaestus of Riv's injuries and to see if Riv could take on the secretarial position to prevent any further attacks on him.


"Ali will have to give the final agreement since we are essentially business partners now. I have the forms she drew up for that position and the list of qualifications" said Hephaestus.


Brand quickly reviewed the list and said Rivier was more than qualified. However, there was one item he would have to address with Hades. Ali had insisted that the applicant was able to retract their existing oaths of allegiance in order to swear fealty to one of the owners in order to safeguard any business secrets. Brand made an appointment to meet Hades the next morning.


Hades welcomed his High Daemon Lord and asked of the troops and their training progress. Hades also asked to view Brand's new armor. Brand showed Hades through all the weapons and accessories.


"A grooming application you say. Ingenious!" exclaimed Hades. "Very impressive suit, Brand."


"Hades, I have come on behalf of Commander Rivier. He has sustained serious injuries in the line of duty and if he is able to recover from the injuries then he will certainly be attacked and finished off as soon as he leaves the medic station" said Brand.


"What is there to do, Brand? It is the nature of the underworld" replied Hades.


"Our friend, Hephaestus, is looking to fill a secretarial position in his business. One requirement of the position is that the applicant must be able to nullify their existing oaths and swear fealty to the owner to protect their business secrets. I ask for Commander Rivier to be released from his oaths of fealty to you and the underworld so he may work for Hephaestus and be given the chance to fully recover from his injuries" said Brand.


"Hephaestus is also friends with Rivier?" asked Hades.


"More of a drinking buddy, sire" replied Brand.


"I will require a payment to release Rivier" stated Hades.


"Sire?" asked Brand.


"I wish to have a suit of armor comparable to yours. Also a suit of armor for my wife. That is the payment for Rivier's release to Hephaestus" said Hades.


"I will carry the message to Hephaestus, sire" said Brand.


Brand left and wearily ran his hand through his hair with the feeling of defeat staring him boldly in the face. Time was running out for Riv and only Ali could make the armor. She wasn't even talking to him so it seemed unlikely she would make the armor. The situation looked hopeless for Riv.


Brand appeared at the forge office and entered wearily. Ali was working at a bench and Hephaestus approached him in welcome.


"How goes it, Brand?" asked Hephaestus quietly.


"To release Rivier to you, Hades wants two suits of armor, one for him and one for Persephone, but they must be comparable to mine. That is the payment and he will not change his mind" said Brand.


"We must tell Aliandra. Aliandra, come forth please" called Hephaestus.


"On my way."


When Ali arrived in front of Hephaestus, Brand had slunk down on the couch. "Aliandra, our friend, Brand, has located a suitable secretary for the business. It is one of our friends, Commander Rivier. Riv has been seriously injured and to save his life he needs this job to keep him out of the underworld while he heals. It is normal for demons to attack their competition while they are weak or injured. So it is literally a matter of life or death that Riv gets this job."


"What is the problem?" asked Ali.


"Hades has demanded a high payment. Two suits of armor, comparable to Brand's, in payment to release Rivier from his oaths of fealty to Hades and the underworld" explained Hephaestus.


"So, what is the problem?" asked Ali.


Brand stood and shouted "I have not the money to pay for such suits and save my friend. You are the only one who can make the suits even if I could pay for it. Riv will be released in a matter of weeks then attack is certain when he is at his weakest. Such suits would take many months to make."


"The payment I ask is for you to speak with your mother. All else can be delivered on time" said Ali. "If you agree I can meet Hades and Persephone today to custom design and measure. The suits will be delivered within the week. Does that suit you?"


A small flicker of hope crossed Brand's. "You will do it?"


"Of course" replied Ali "Your payment, do you agree?"


"Yes" said Brand firmly.


"I guess we are talking again, Brand. Take me to Hades" ordered Ali as she turned to gather up her design supplies.

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