Aliandra: nymph: Book 1 The Nymph chronicles (13 page)

BOOK: Aliandra: nymph: Book 1 The Nymph chronicles
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Chapter 28






Brand and Ali entered the throne room where Hades and Persephone waited for them.


"Sire, may I present the designer and maker of my armor, Aliandra" announced Brand.


Ali stepped forward. "Hades, I have agreed to make custom-fitted suits of armor for you and Persephone. They will be comparable to Brand's suit of armor. I am here to design and measure for the armor. Do we have an agreement that you will release all oaths that connect Rivier to you, the underworld and any other contractual obligation he may have signed? I have the contractual agreement to make the two suits here. I wish for you to prepare the agreement that releases Rivier from all his oaths, contracts and obligations while I design and measure. The documents will all be signed today and Rivier will be released to my care today. Does that meet your approval?" asked Ali.


"My, my, my. You are forthright and organized, are you not? How long will it take to make the suits and have them delivered?" asked Hades.


"I will aim to complete them and have them delivered by the end of the week. They will be of the finest quality, so I will not do a rush job on them. It takes as long as it takes for the finest craftsmanship. All other projects will be sidelined to meet your deadline. You have not answered my question, are you in agreement with signing documents and releasing Rivier into my care today?" said Ali staunchly.


Hades sighed. "Yes, that will be the agreement, the suits of armor for Rivier. It can be accomplished today" Hades waved his hand and a small wiry man stepped forth. "Draw up the agreement now." The man bowed and disappeared.


"Now, the fun part. If you stand and remove your robes I can measure you both now with this instrument. Hades first. Please step forward, remove you clothes and turn until I say." Hades did so until Ali said "Stop. extend your hands and I will get precise measurements of them so every weapon will be perfectly fitted to your hands. Please dress. Persephone, Please step forward. Remove your garments and turn." Brand remained standing staunchly at attention. "Please stop and extend your hands. Done! The worst is over. "Persephone, please dress and I require a table and some chairs for the design process."


"Hades, a striking snake perhaps?" Ali did a few designs and Hades chose his favorite. "Persephone, what impact do you prefer. For something beautiful and graceful I can design a deer eating sheathes of grain on a silver background or for something more daunting I would design bats on a dark background. Hades will be on a striking snake on dark background. Do you choose to match or contrast with Hades. Your choice."


"Each design reflects my positions as goddess of spring and queen of the underworld. I would have the bat design because queen is the dominant position on the hierarchy" stated Persephone.


"Of course" said Ali and she made various bat designs from which Persephone chose one.


Ali then took the chosen design and made a detailed drawing of what the suits would look like with the designs on them. She made a list of weaponry Hades and Persephone wanted incorporated in the design.


"We want the grooming application too" interrupted Hades.


"What kind of storage capacity do you have on your current gems?" asked Ali.


They said and Ali said she would include complimentary gem storage with the suits because they needed larger capacity. Once Ali got their choice of color, both black, she got Hades and Persephone to initial all the drawings to signify their approval.


"Please check the designs carefully now to determine if you want to make any changes or additions" asked Ali. "I want them to be perfect for you, not just acceptable."


Both were pleased  with the agreed designs and weaponry. Ali produced her contract to produce the suits for the payment of the release of Rivier from all oaths, contracts and obligations that bind him to Hades and the underworld. The small wiry man returned with the contract pertaining to Rivier and Ali took it and quietly read it through.


"This contract is incomplete" she stated. "Please correct it."


The little man produced another contract and Ali read it through. "I want you to change the wording. Rivier is to be released from every oath, contract and obligation linking him to Hades and the underworld. Fix it!" she demanded as she handed it back to the man.


"You seem to understand contracts" said Hades.


"It was necessary. I have been learning about business management" responded Ali.


"Quite" said Hades.


The small man returned and Ali read the contract slowly and carefully. "Yes, this is acceptable. We need it signed and witnessed by two people. There has been no space provided for witness signatures" she said and the small man angrily waved his hand and produced the space for witness signatures.


Ali checked it through carefully again. "This is acceptable. Hades, Persephone please put your formal signatures on this document, I will follow, then the witnesses. The little man needs to stay and Brand please step forward to witness." The documents were passed around and signed. Ali checked their signatures were present and correct. "Your formal seal please Hades to acknowledge the document." said Ali.


"That contract is indeed watertight now" griped Hades after he used his seal of office.


"Indeed. Now we sign the contracts to produce your suits, please read it carefully" said Ali. The documents were passed around and signed by all parties. "Please advise your troops and medics that Brand and I are permitted to remove Rivier from the underworld with your blessing. I would not like anyone to think we might be kidnapping him. We will wait while you make the announcement" said Ali.


The announcement was duly made and Ali and Brand bowed and exited. Ali and Brand made their way to the medic station. Riv was still heavily medicated. "We are here to remove Commander Rivier, here is the document releasing him to our care" stated Ali. The medics checked the contract and nodded. "Brand, unhook him and 'port him straight to the forge office couch. I will take it from there" Ali whispered. Brand 'ported Riv out and he and Ali followed.


When they arrived in the forge office Ali said they had to wait for the medication to wear off first so that Riv was coherent. Ali was shaky after the underworld encounter. "It was like a contractual battle ground. No wonder the mortals don't stand a chance with Hades. He is the sneakiest, most vile critter I have ever encountered. It is a good thing I was so familiar with contractual law and Hades' usual bag of tricks" said Ali as she flopped down on a chair.


Hephaestus brought some coffee over and they sat quietly sipping it.


"You saved his life little Ali-cat" said Brand with emotion. "I grew up with Riv, we were best friends from the day we met."


"I haven't saved him yet. When he wakes I will heal him" she said.


"He isn't earth" disputed Brand.


"That is right but nymphs have a little trick up their sleeves. We can heal anyone who has sworn an oath to serve us. So when Riv wakes and swears an oath of fealty to me then I will heal him. Easy! He will be ready to start work tomorrow; just catch me before I hit the ground, if you please" smiled Ali.


Brand's soft smile was almost tender as he looked at Ali.





Chapter 29






Riv rustled his mostly denuded wings after pacing the floor continuously and turned to Brand as they looked at the unconscious form of Ali on the couch. "What are we supposed to do now? Do we sit around and wait for her to wake? Am I going grey or is this supposed to happen with nymph healing? I am not used to being without structure, orders and purpose. It feels wrong."


"Get used to it, Riv. You serve Ali now. She is pretty good with handing out orders. You should have heard her with Hades. By the end of it I didn't know whether to laugh or cry" said Brand. "Maybe introduce yourself to the elf female and start learning your new job so you can take over."


Riv was full of purpose as he headed to the front desk. "I am Rivier, sworn to serve Aliandra. I am to be the new secretary. Show me the tasks that are required of me" he ordered.


"I am Amirael. It is the wish of Aliandra I show you your duties and the office set up" she returned. Amirael and Rivier continued to speak very formally to each other as they made their way around the office.


Hephaestus listened in as they worked and wished Ali was awake to hear them, she would have chuckled with him. Hephaestus approached Brand "Your friend is now safe, well and in our custody. What is your plan now, Brand?"


"I will speak to my mother as I agreed" he said. "I will invite her to my house tonight to say her piece. First, I will make sure Aliandra recovers from all her efforts today and see her to her home safely. Everything else seems irrelevant."


"Ali seems to be making it a habit of working her way into people's hearts. Even those who seem to have forgotten long ago that they had one. You are only beginning to get to know her but I can tell you there is not a speck of deception in her. Everything she has promised, she has delivered on. I have nothing but good things to say about her; Ali is unrepentantly Ali. She knows who she is and take it or leave it, she does not much care. She is a formidable young woman who isn't afraid to demand respect. You will not bend her or break her to your will, Brand. If you have feelings for her you will have to accept her and accede to her demands. She measures and weighs every demand she makes so you will have to learn to trust her and not try to dominate as is your wont. Ali is such a joyful, generous and unpretentious soul. I count myself fortunate that she is my friend and I have benefited greatly from it; privately and professionally." Hephaestus sighed deeply "You are both the most stubborn people of my extensive acquaintance but I hope that does not hinder your growing regard for each other."


"I think Ali beats me in the stubborn stakes" countered Brand.


"Yes, but not by much" retorted Hephaestus. "I think we ought to celebrate with bottle of something good. What say you, Brand?"


"A fine idea Hephaestus. Champagne or beer?" asked Brand.


"Let us not be stingy in our hour of glory; how about both" said Hephaestus as he waved his hand and the table filled with bottles of beer, glasses and champagne. "Let us see if we cannot get Riv and Amirael to loosen up a bit. They must have finished by now. Call them over, Brand" he chuckled gleefully.


Ali woke to singing. She opened an eye and spotted a hazy angel.
Crap! I'm dead. How did that happen? The last thing I remember is healing Riv. Oh, it is Riv. Yay! I am not dead!
Ali looked around and saw it was Riv and Amirael singing with their arms around each other. Hephaestus looked the worse for wear and was passed out on an office chair. Brand was watching her and nursing his beer.


Ali sat up carefully. "I missed the party?" she asked sleepily.


"Take it easy Ali-cat. Did you want champagne or beer?" he asked.


"A glass of champagne would be nice" she answered.


Brand poured her a cold glass of champagne and set it before her. "Are we celebrating Riv's recovery?" Ali asked.


"We are on the point of celebrating everything by now. It started with Riv's recovery but the joy from that seems to have spilled over into everything life has to offer. Hephaestus, Riv and Amirael will likely have epic hangovers tomorrow" he smiled.


"That is why we have the epic coffee machine to kick-start the day" said Ali.


"I will arrange to speak to my mother tonight at my house. I was waiting for you to wake so I could see you home safely" said Brand.


"That is nice of you, Brand" said Ali.


"Ali, I have a confession to make." Ali nodded cautiously. "I had Riv investigate you and we came up empty. No mortal knows you in Eureka and no tribal people would talk about you" he said.


"Good, it worked. Some friends wiped the minds of all mortals in Eureka to protect the identity of my mortal family" she replied.


"Including your family?" he asked seriously.


"Yes, of course. I asked them to. I was devastated for a long while and I mourned but I know they are safe now. It needed to be done." she responded. "As for the tribal people, they too are family. They tend to be very protective over me."


"The fortress where you keened is destroyed. What happened?" asked Brand.


"I am not sure how much of anything I am supposed to tell you right now. I will have to get some advice before I can answer that" she replied.


"Are you in any danger?" asked Brand.


"No immediate danger" replied Ali. "This god realm does have plenty of inherent dangers that affect every immortal. I have people who I love and trust that are very protective of me. Donovan is my boyfriend and he is capable of protecting me better than most."


Brand bit off an angry retort.


"There is no point stewing over it, Brand. I have a boyfriend and you have a harem. If I can deal with those facts then so can you. Donny is a good man and very good to me. If you choose to make trouble, like I suspect, then no doubt I will find a different boyfriend. At this point, you are not an acceptable proposition. You are a major fixer-upper. Did you want a list of your deficiencies or are you aware of them already?" asked Ali.


"Provide the list" he said with clenched teeth.


"The list is interchangeable. First, you need to leave the underworld. Second, disperse your harem and marry them off to men who will love and protect them. Third, one wife only. Ever! Fourth, learn your job as the dimensional god and step up to your responsibilities. Fifth, start being kind to people and they will learn to be kind back. Sixth, learn to trust again. Seventh, Love is all or nothing. Commit everything and hold nothing  back or don't bother at all. Last, I am too young to worry about or deal with all your issues. I was happy to help you out with Riv but you need to sort yourself out and straighten up before you approach me any time soon. I do not want to spend my time battling with you every step of the way, I have better things to do and issues of my own to handle. I ask you not to pursue me, it isn't the right time."


"When will be the right time?" asked Brand cautiously.


"If you make no changes, never. It depends on you and if you prepare for commitment and respect my wishes. When I am ready to take a leap of faith you have to be there to catch me and hold me tight" she answered. "It will not take forever Brand so you have to get busy or someone else will be there for me. You have lived in limbo long enough and it is time to transform yourself into a man I can respect."


"You do not respect me?" asked Brand.


Ali threw up her hands in frustration and skulled her drink. "Do you only hear the last sentence of anything I say. Did you zone out for the rest? Why did I just waste my breathe? I refuse to argue with you! Take us home please. Can you send Hephaestus to his home too?"


Hephaestus disappeared. Brand call Riv and Amirael over. Ali called Rom. They reappeared in front of Ali's cottage. Gramma opened the door.


"Is everything alright?" asked Gramma.


"Yes, fine. We are coming in but Brand is going to get ready to visit with his mother tonight. I will explain when we get in and sit down. Thankyou for seeing us home, Brand. Is there any tea ready?" asked Ali as she stepped in the door.


"Of course, I will make another pot." said Gramma as she collected herself from her surprise.


"Riv and Amirael take a seat in the lounge and I will set up the tea. Goodbye Brand" she said as she shut the door. "Gramma, kitchen."


They entered the kitchen and Ali explained about Riv. Ali asked if he was now trustworthy since he swore his fealty to her and she healed him. Gramma said she would test him out. Gramma closed her eyes for a few minutes while Ali waited. "He is doubly bound to you because of the oath and the healing, it should be safe" she said. Gramma waved her hand for tea to appear in the lounge and they made their way through to see Riv and Amirael kissing. Ali coughed and they broke apart.


"Amirael, Riv is found to be trustworthy. He will stay with us in the attic house and may be updated on any relevant information. Riv, for my safety it is necessary that I have a number of secrets and you are obligated to keep my secrets" Ali said.


"I am sworn to you. I am yours to command" he said firmly.


"You are not to inform any immortal, especially Brand, of any of my secrets, agreed?"




"Your time outside of office hours is yours to do with as you please. You are free to conduct your personal life in any way that makes you happy as long as you do no harm. If you wish to commence a relationship with Amirael, that is your private business and you have my blessing. The attic house it is large and you may choose whether you wish to have a private room in the staff quarters or if you both choose to be in a relationship you may move into a room in the main house that is set up for a couple. Do so whenever you feel you are ready. However, if you are used to promiscuity then that is not acceptable in my house because the women involved will be hurt by your actions. I ask you to consider what is in the best interests of the household. Amirael, I will leave it to you to show Riv around when time permits. Would you care for some tea?"


"I will pour, Ali" said Amirael.


"The first of our secrets sits with us, Riv, Gramma is actually Gaia, Brand's mother. She is also the lady who raised and educated me whom I refer to as my grandma." Gramma nodded. "As a result of being with such a powerful goddess, this cottage is not what it appears to be, as you will soon see. Apparently I am not what I appear to be either but I don't know what that is yet, except that I am a nymph and a goddess" sighed Ali. "I dress down for my work to not attract male attention. It is better for business. I think that covers the basics. Any questions?"


"May I assist you with your combat, strategy and military training?" asked Riv.


"Yes, the basement is set up for physical training and sparring. The attic has a forest if you wish to set up obstacle courses. You are welcome to teach me any of your competencies. I a gifted with speed, so if I work slowly to get the correct stances and positions I can perform those actions at high speed later. While my life is not in immediate danger there will be a time in the near future when I will have to defend my life. I also have to refuse to swear an oath of fealty to Zeus at my debut, so he won't like that. Gaia has been building me up since childhood in preparation. It is in my favor that I appear to be weak to those who would be my enemies in order to catch them under-prepared."


"May I provide you with personal protection?" asked Riv.


"I am keen to maintain a low profile, so nothing obvious. It will be normal that you and I will walk to and from work together with Rom. If I am invited out somewhere I will try to ensure one of my trusted friends is present. At the debut I will be on my own so we must prepare for that. I will give you some privacy to talk now. Amirael, I will go up to my bedroom now have chef prepare dinner for tonight and advise him of the numbers please. I will see you at dinner." Ali left and signaled Gramma to follow.

"Gramma, I need some metal ingots to make the suits of armor. I already have my tools and forge stored. If you send them to my bedroom I will transfer them. I would like a big jug of ambrosia too" Gramma waved her hand and delivered the ingots and ambrosia and Ali gave her a hug and headed upstairs.

BOOK: Aliandra: nymph: Book 1 The Nymph chronicles
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