Alien Sex 104 (19 page)

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Authors: Allie Ritch

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Leaning across the table, Deina hushed him by shoving a bite of sandwich into his mouth. “Glynn, I did the same thing with Huv, and I’m not apologizing for it. I know you were with another woman, and I still set it up for us to model this week. Doesn’t that tell you explanations aren’t necessary? I don’t care whom you slept with in the past or why. I only care what happens now that we’re together.”

Glynn swallowed carefully. “Good. I’m glad that’s settled.”

“Well, I don’t know about that.” She walked over to his side of the table and sat on his lap. “Maybe I’m feeling insecure now. You should soothe my doubts.”

The twinkle in his eye proved he was back to being playful again. “How do you suggest I do that?”

“Let me have my way with you.”

Opening his fly, she reached inside and stroked his cock. It hardened for her instantly.

“I can do that.” His gulp was audible.

Deina’s chuckle came out more like a purr. Diving for his mouth, she flicked her tongue against his and felt his warm breath fan across her upper lip. She continued to work his cock inside his pants, but she didn’t have much room to maneuver. The hard edge of the table was digging into her spine.

Releasing his lips, she sat back to look at him. “We need someplace more cushioned for this.”

Although the image of doing it on the kitchen table may have been erotic, she knew from experience it was damn uncomfortable. Glynn, as practical as ever, evidently agreed. Deina whooped in delight when he swept her up and carried her from the room. Instead of taking her to the bed, though, he set her on her feet in front of the living room couch.

She kissed his jaw while they stripped each other. “Dirty minds think alike.”

“Gods, I hope so,” he muttered.

Once they were naked, he tried to tip her back onto the sofa, but she made him sit on his heels on the middle seat.

“My way, remember? I get to do you.”

The heat from his gaze was incendiary. “Whatever you want.”

Deina didn’t mount him right away. Instead, she kneeled so close their knees bumped and reached between his legs.

“How about a nice massage?” Using his expression as a pressure gauge, she kneaded his balls between her palms and fingers.

Obviously fighting to maintain his dignity, Glynn turned his moan into a hiss. “Only if I can return the favor.”

She jolted when his fingers speared between her slick folds. Although she’d always enjoyed sex and been a quick starter, she’d never been so affected by a man. Fiery pleasure blossomed inside her sex as he strummed her clit and darted one fat finger in and out of her pussy. Her orgasm was already prepared for launch.

It became a struggle to keep her focus, but she continued her intimate massage of his sac. How long should she keep doing it? Was this enough to loosen him up and help him spend? She let her body set the time limit. When she got to the point when one more stroke was sure to send her over, she released him.

“Enough.” Deina pushed his hand away and straddled his lap.

Her aim was true as she set his tip to her entrance and came down over his cock. His thick shaft stretched and filled her to perfection. The feeling was so good she almost didn’t want to push up, but she couldn’t stay still.

When she sank back down again, her body jumped her control. All around his invading length, her sheath convulsed wildly in climax. Keening, she dug her fingers into Glynn’s shoulders.

“I love when you do that.” He sounded like he was enjoying her orgasm as much as she was.

But Deina intended more for him. Much more.

Using the strength in her legs, she rode him until their skin made a slapping sound when they came together. His coarse chest hair rasped and teased her nipples until she cried out, and he ran his tongue over the pulse point in her neck. It seemed impossible, but she could feel a second orgasm surging inside her. Judging by his tension, Glynn was close, too.

He snapped his hips in counterpoint and started to mutter. “Come on. Please.”

Her reach was awkward, but this wasn’t Deina’s first time at the rodeo. She managed to slide her finger between his flexing buttocks. The way she leaned into his body smashed and rubbed her clit, nearly making her forget what she was doing. Almost on autopilot, she slipped her finger inside his rear passage and found the almond-shaped spot she was searching for.

Glynn yelped when she rubbed it vigorously. Then he flinched and froze, and she caught the startled look on his face.

Deina tried to ask what was wrong, but the question turned into a wail. Her orgasm broke with tremendous force, rocking her with spasm after spasm. At the same time, Glynn bucked and arched his back. He didn’t just moan this time. He bellowed.

His arms locked around her so tightly she could barely breathe as he ground his cock into her, but she didn’t care since she was still coming, too. Then she felt something that set off a second climax inside her. Was that…? Gods, yes! Glynn was spurting inside—long, hot streams of cum that bathed her vaginal walls until her pussy overflowed.

If there was a level of rapture beyond orgasm, she reached it. The feel of those wet pulses felt like a benediction, a true blessing on their union. For him, it must have been doubly moving. She swore she felt dampness where he tucked his face against her neck.

An eternity later, his cock stopped spending and settled down with a final twitch. They remained where they were, together in each other’s arms.

Deina couldn’t help it. She giggled. “I guess we’re sexually compatible after all, huh?”

Glynn snorted—a raw, uncouth sound.

“Does this mean we have to stop all the testing?” she asked.

He jerked his head up to look at her. “Hardly. I plan to
you again and again for the rest of our lives. That’s the scientific method, you know.” The lusty glow faded from his face, replaced by something far more powerful. “I love you, Deina.”

Instead of answering, she kissed him with everything she had.

Now she had it all. A ring, a proposal, fantastic sex, and those three little words. She really had won.

* * * *

Tuesday night, standing naked in front of a classroom full of his peers, Glynn noted with bemusement the odd looks he was getting. Since the other students had seen him model before, he couldn’t figure out what seemed to fascinate them. Then Deina leaned over and clued him in.

“They’ve never seen you smile this much.”

Glynn chuffed out a laugh. Of course he was grinning. After his first full, successful coupling with Deina, he’d been insatiable. Part of his drive had been due to the lust she inspired in him, plus the newfound rapture of a wet release. Another motivation, though, was a bit of anxiety that it wouldn’t last, that he’d dry up if he didn’t keep the pump primed. Far from being put off by his passionate demands, Deina had urged him on.

Now here they were in front of a room full of people, ready to demonstrate something that was old news to the others, but something Glynn would never take for granted. He waited patiently while Xindra and Quinn explained Semhym physiology to the group.

“Male Semhyms have a limited period in their lifetime in which they can produce sperm.” They were using the full-body scanner on him, and Xindra pointed to the image of his testes on the overhead screen.

Unfortunately, the med scanner chose that moment to act up. After a few flickers and hisses of static, it decided to change to a full-spectrum view that made his genitals look like an exotic flower. Quinn fiddled with the device for a minute before settling for a firm whack with the heel of his hand. The scanner blacked out for a moment before returning to normal.

Xindra cleared her throat and resumed. “As I was saying, Semhyms have a limited period of fertility. After a certain age, typically in their early forties, the males enter a state they call ‘decline,’ which is a sort of male menopause.”

Quinn picked up the lecture from there. “If Semhyms want to have children, they must find a female with just the right body chemistry to trigger…”

Tuning out the rest, Glynn glanced over at Deina. Her impatient expression told him she was thinking the same thing he was: let’s get on with it.

Finally, Quinn finished his spiel, and it was time for the intercourse demonstration. Glynn had already discussed this with Deina, and they’d agreed. They didn’t need to do anything complicated. Neither of them had any desire to contort themselves like Benni and Varion had or go primal like Zeo had done with Pixie. Instead, they arranged themselves so Deina was sitting in his lap with her arms around him.

Now they were both being scanned, which meant Glynn could look overhead and see his cock sliding into Deina’s sheath. It was a unique perspective—one that jolted a spurt of precum, still a new sensation, from his cock.

“Like that, do you?” Deina followed his gaze to the large screen above.

The med scanner wasn’t done misbehaving. Although the image of them joined didn’t so much as flicker, a warning flashed across the screen. Then it switched to voice mode.

“Warning: foreign body introduced.” The computerized voice sounded concerned.

Glynn chuffed, and Deina snickered, which made her channel tighten around him.

“Sorry about that.” Quinn went over to fix it.

Unable to remain still any longer, Glynn began to grind his hips in short thrusts. Deina gasped. Immediately taking the hint, she started to ride him, sliding her wet, clasping sex up and down his shaft. He’d never felt anything better.

Meanwhile, the scanner continued to thwart Quinn’s efforts.

“Input unknown. Please reenter.”

Under the circumstances, the curse word Quinn muttered was apropos. It added to the muffled laughter from the students.

The scanner didn’t quit. “Try again. Again. Warning: temperature is rising.”

For the second time since meeting Deina, Glynn found himself chuckling during sex. His balls grew tight, his orgasm built in his shaft, and he was churning his hips demandingly. The physical urgency should have blotted out everything else, but this situation was too comical. Her cheeks rosy with rising passion, Deina looked at him as if he’d orchestrated this farce just to entertain her.

Behind them, Xindra whispered suggestions to her husband about how to fix the renegade equipment. Obviously too frustrated to listen, Quinn slapped the side of it. The thing instantly spouted what sounded like ancient Oquaran, followed by a whine that grew steadily louder.

Glynn couldn’t hold back anymore. At the top of the crescendo, he threw back his head and let loose with a long, rolling laugh. At the same time, the rest of his body found release as he flooded his seed inside Deina in a fiery eruption. They came simultaneously, both moaning and giggling while tears ran from the corners of their eyes.

The tidal wave of pleasure continued with each pump of his semen until Glynn at last came up dry. They were just drifting down from the peak when the whining noise ceased. It was Xindra who filled the sudden silence. She wore an amused expression as she walked around to the side of the demo table.

“I’d apologize for the technical difficulty, but you know what? I think that’s the perfect note to end on. You’ve all been a wonderful group, and Quinn and I have enjoyed teaching you. What you’ve seen demonstrated here tonight is exactly what you should take away from this course. Sex should bring people together, it’s always better with someone you love, and above all, lovemaking should be fun.”

“Here, here!” one of the students, Whitt, shouted from his seat.

Feeling drained and very, very sated, Glynn helped Deina disengage from him and sit by his side. The moment his cock slipped from the warm haven of her body, the medical scanner piped up once more.

“Results positive.”

Glynn snorted. “I certainly thought so.”

Turning to Deina, he expected her to join in the joke, but she’d frozen. For the first time since he’d met her, he saw her usually expressive face go perfectly blank.

“Glynn?” She pointed toward the text onscreen. “Does that mean what I think it does?”

He followed her gaze and had to read the message twice to convince himself he wasn’t dreaming. His voice sounded far away, as if it belonged to someone else. “Pregnancy test. Positive.”

“I’m pregnant.” She sounded as shocked as he felt.

Although he’d known it could happen—had warned her, in fact—he was still unprepared for the reality. Dear gods, he was going to be a father.

When he saw a soft smile spread across Deina’s face, he allowed himself a burst of joy. Swooping her up, he jumped off the table and swung her around in his arms. It wasn’t until he put her down that she ran her fingers through his hair and drew him close. Glynn buried his face against her neck.

“You did say you wanted me to have your baby,” she pointed out. “I guess we’ll have to aim for an early wedding date now.”

“Whatever you want.” Right now, he’d lay the universe at her feet if she asked.

All around them, the other students started to applaud and shout congratulations. Unaffected by their nudity, Zeo—his Nimanian classmate—slapped Glynn on the back.

Without a doubt, this was the happiest moment of Glynn’s life. He’d gambled, he’d had fun, and he’d beaten the odds.

Part Three

Xindra and Quinn

Chapter 13

The Final Exam

With Quinn by her side, Xindra stood by the door to see their students off for the very last time. She and her husband had started this Sex Ed course for two reasons: First, they were a mixed-race couple themselves, and they’d had to learn about their physical and cultural differences the hard way. By teaching this class, they’d hoped to spare others the difficulty. Second, they’d needed the extra money during the off-season when there weren’t enough clients to support their regular jobs here at the gym. In her opinion, they’d succeeded on both fronts.

Xindra enjoyed teaching, and she meant what she’d said: this was a good group. It was going to feel strange not to be back here with them next Tuesday evening.

Trett was the first to pass them on the way out. The fair Ibration had started paying on a class-by-class basis after he’d gotten involved with Xindra’s friend, Mera. He made her friend happy, and for that alone, she’d have liked him.

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