Alien Sex 104 (4 page)

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Authors: Allie Ritch

BOOK: Alien Sex 104
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“You know, the nipples are often neglected on men.” Lexy pinched Huv’s and circled them with his fingertips. “They can be amazingly sensitive if handled right.”

So he noticed. A hiss escaped Huv as Lexy continued to play with his flat, coppery nipples. His erection, which he could no longer blame on anything but desire, was already rising with renewed vigor.

“There’s something I noticed last night.” Casually, Lexy stroked his hand right down the center of Huv’s body toward his groin. “You have the most incredibly soft hair down here.”

The first rake of Lexy’s fingers through his nether hair made Huv jolt. Behind him, he had a naked male body confusing and exciting his hormones like never before. In front of him, his cock made it very clear what it wanted.

His voice sounded like gravel when he spoke. “All Allurians have a fine pelt there.”

“Mmm.” Lexy kept brushing it. “Makes me want to pet you all day. Except there’s something else I want to stroke.”

Huv yelped—actually yelped—when Lexy wrapped his hand around the base of his shaft. In his male incarnation, Lexy had a larger grasp, one as sure and deft as Huv’s own. Lust unfurled inside him, followed sharply by a bolt of fear. This felt too good.

“I can’t do this.” He spoke the words with a quaver.

Lexy kissed the side of his neck in reassurance. Although he didn’t remember moving, Huv found himself leaning back hard on Lexy, his balance completely supported by him.

“It’s all right.” Lexy’s voice was gentle. “Just relax, Huv. Let’s try this.”

Huv’s nervous swallow was so loud it seemed to echo off the walls. He watched, paralyzed, as Lexy grabbed the bar of soap and generously lathered his hands. Hands that then descended to encircle his throbbing shaft.


A mini-orgasm somersaulted in Huv’s balls at the first touch. Behind him, Lexy made soothing sounds and held still until he’d settled. Panting so hard he practically wheezed, Huv had to lock his knees. His legs had begun to shake.

“You really are harder than other males.” Lexy traced one of the bridges in his shaft with his fingertip. “Is this bone?”

Huv heard himself answer from a long way away. “Cartilage.”

“Do you have feeling here?”

He nodded. “Oh, gods, yes. Especially sensitive to pressure.”

“Like this?” Lexy tightened his fingers until Huv’s eyes nearly crossed in bliss.

Evidently satisfied with the groan he pulled from him, Lexy began to pump Huv’s cock with his fist. The slick soap greased the movement without reducing the friction. Orgasm grew at the base of his dick.

“Now I can see why you felt so good inside me.” Lexy’s husky voice added another layer to his arousal, rubbing him from the inside out. “Is this the right pressure?”

It was perfect. Before he could stop himself, Huv began to jerk his hips in time to the strokes.

“I wonder what this marvelous cock will feel like taking me anally. It’s harder than most dildos.”

The reminder that Huv was with a man—a reminder he shouldn’t have needed—sent panic crashing through him. Suddenly he was very aware of the male body pressed against him, the male hand working his cock. He was being handled by another man naked in a shower, and he was about to come so hard he’d probably blow the top of his dick off. Anyone who saw this would say he was gay. But he wasn’t gay. He couldn’t be.

“I can’t. I can’t.” The chant sounded like a whine as Huv was caught between heaven and hell. His balls ached with the need to climax, but he couldn’t quite reach the crest. “Please.”

Abruptly, he stopped thrusting his hips and braced himself against the shower wall for support. He had the most ridiculous urge to cry.

“Lexy, I’m sorry. I can’t do this. I can’t come.”

There was a long moment of silence, filled only by the sound of the water running down the drain.


Sure he hadn’t heard right, Huv blinked. “Okay?”

He thought he felt Lexy shrug against his back. “If you can’t come, you can’t come. You mind if I keep playing with you for a while, though? I’m having fun.”

“Um.” Not sure what to say, but too embarrassed to deny him, Huv nodded.

Lexy resumed the erotic massage. “Have you ever come with a man before?”

“You know I haven’t.” Despite himself, he moaned in pleasure when Lexy increased the pace of his strokes. “I’ve come in front of other men before, but never from one’s hand.”

“You were rocketing your way there a while ago,” Lexy mused. “What were you thinking about just before your climax faltered? No, don’t tense. It’s okay. You’re okay.”

Closing his eyes, Huv leaned heavily on the other man. “I’m not gay.”


If he hadn’t been under strain, he would have laughed. “You keep saying that.”

“That’s because it’s true.” Lexy used the press of his own hips to get Huv’s pelvis rocking again. “Look down at my hand fondling you, Huv.”

It required a great deal of effort, but Huv managed it. The sight of the masculine hand—a hand not his own—masturbating him ripped a spurt of precum out of his cock. Even that tiny gush made him feel like he was spewing molten lava.

“Ah, gods.”

“Keep looking, Huv. Don’t turn away. That’s a man’s hand doing you, making you hard and ready. That’s my hand you’re seeing, feeling, craving. Feel my body, a male body, pressed against you, cradling you. It’s just you and me in this shower. No one’s here to judge you. Nobody is going to deny you.”

Huv was glad for the spray of the showerhead. He was no longer certain all the dampness on his cheeks was fresh water. His face felt warm, and his heart ached nearly as much as his cock. He felt the strongest yearning for … he wasn’t sure what.

“Lexy.” He said the name like a plea.

“Take what you want. This isn’t forbidden pleasure. It’s just pleasure. Your life is in my hands now, Huv. Give it to me. Give me your trust.”

“I’m trying.” He was almost there. Almost, almost … “I need … I just … I can’t. Lexy, I can’t.”

“Keep thrusting. Keep watching.”

Reaching lower, Lexy palmed Huv’s balls and drew them up tight to his shaft like when he ejaculated. The change had the biggest orgasm he’d ever experienced redoubling at the base of his shaft.

“That’s it,” Lexy encouraged him. “Relax and let go. I’ve got you. Come right into my hand.”

The last word was barely audible beneath Huv’s bellow. Lexy had gotten into his head in a way no lover ever had, and the result was explosive. Semen blasted out of him so hard it nearly hurt, causing him to buck his hips. As rapture convulsed through him again and again, the only thing holding him up was Lexy’s sturdy frame. Suddenly the feel of Lexy’s cock became an extra kink, one that made his balls lurch up on their own.

“Please.” Huv didn’t even know what he was begging for.

He wanted it to end. He wanted it to go on forever. Finally, the last gush of seed dribbled out of him like a salty tear. Drained, shaking, he spun and buried his face against Lexy’s shoulder.

Lexy didn’t demand anything for himself. Instead, he hugged him close. “It’s all right.” He rubbed Huv’s back in soothing circles. “Sometimes it’s scary to learn something new about yourself. You’ll get used to it.”

Huv wasn’t so sure, but he had no intention of letting Lexy go anytime soon.

* * * *

Lexy had pushed, and he knew it. The look on Huv’s face after he’d come, after Lexy had brought him off with his hand, had told him maybe he’d pushed a little too hard, too fast, but he still couldn’t regret it. When they’d made love, Huv had taken over physically and in ways still hard to define. They’d been incredible together and more than ever, Lexy hoped they’d have a future. He’d just needed to make certain Huv responded to him as a man as well as a woman.

As he pulled up in front of Huv’s temporary place the next weekend, Lexy hoped soothing his insecurities hadn’t done any damage. He sensed Huv was in a vulnerable state right now, despite the brave front he put on. For certain, Huv was suffering a sexual identity crisis, but Lexy was pretty sure he’d already had some identity issues before that. Why else would he linger on Trilanta, undecided as to whether to go home or move here? He was obviously contemplating a change of life.

And here Lexy was overanalyzing again. He—or rather,
since Lexy had finally hit her next cycle—couldn’t seem to stop being a therapist. Or maybe being a therapist and helping people was too much a part of who she was. So now she was analyzing herself, huh?

Recognizing a stalling tactic when she tried one, Lexy calmed her mind and exited her car. She had time to compose herself as she walked to Huv’s door and waited for him to open up.

Instead of the Allurian she expected, a younger male with cerulean hair and matching eyes greeted her. His grin nearly split his face, and the gleam in his eye struck her as familiar.

“Well, hello there, gorgeous,” he said. “Who might you be? I hope you’re selling something.”

She had to bite her lip to keep from laughing. “
, and
, in that order. I’m here for Huv. You must be his cousin.”

His practiced veneer faltered. “Yeah, I’m Huv’s cousin Rix. You’re Lexy?”

“The one and only.”

“Huh.” He frowned. “The way Huv talked about you, I thought you were a guy. Actually, I’m pretty sure he said outright you were a—”

“And we’re leaving.” Brushing past his cousin, who stood framed in the doorway, Huv ducked out and grabbed Lexy’s hand. “I apologize for him. We can go out and come back again by the time he thinks to invite you inside.”

Rix had the grace to blush. “Sorry. You just took me by surprise.” He turned to his cousin. “And you’ve been holding out on me. You didn’t tell me Lexy was your girlfriend—you’re super
girlfriend. What’s the matter? Did you think I’d steal her? I am the handsome one in the family, you know.”

Lexy glanced at Huv to see an expression of amused affection on his face. It was clear he and his cousin were close, although they probably drove each other crazy more often than not.

“So you keep telling me,” Huv said. “Now go chase your own women.”

They walked back to Lexy’s car.

“I will,” Rix called after them. “As a matter of fact, I have a date with a blue-haired beauty tonight. She works at one of the clubs. Let me tell you, she can do things with a Brachoi spice cherry you wouldn’t believe. She puts it in her—”

Lexy got the car door closed in time to avoid hearing the rest of his sentence. Unfortunately, she could still see him gesticulating in a way that should have gotten him arrested.

“Is he really miming…?”

“Yes.” Huv made the answer sound like a groan. “He’s not demonstrating the cherry trick anymore, though. I think those are instructions for us.”

Lexy thought he was kidding until his cousin finished with a wink and waved them off. She pulled into weekend traffic.

“I thought you were kidding about your family. They really are bawdy, aren’t they? Or is Rix the only one like that?”

Huv shrugged. “He sums up most of my immediate family. They’re great fun in small doses. By the end of the hour, though, every relative from here to Alluria will know I’m dating an alien and have similar suggestions about what we should be doing together.”

“Does that bother you?”

“I don’t need their recommendations.”

“No.” She chuckled and shook her head. “I mean, does it bother you for your family to know about us?”

He seemed to consider that for a moment. “Not really, but I’m not ready to share everything with them yet.”


With that one word, Lexy felt tension form between them. She was sure they were both remembering what they’d done together in the shower. She couldn’t let it go any longer.

“Huv, are you all right? You said you were when you left last weekend, but I know this relationship has been out of your comfort zone.”

His sigh held great weight. “I’m struggling with this. I won’t pretend I’m not.”

Although she was sad to hear it, she was relieved he was honest with her. They couldn’t work through this if they didn’t bring their issues out in the open.

“I wouldn’t want you to,” she assured him. “And I do understand.”

“I really like you, Lexy. When I’m not with you, I spend most of my time thinking about you. In both your forms. It just doesn’t sit well with me that I enjoy sex with you when you’re a man. I’m not attracted to men.” He lightened his tone. “And don’t say there’s a first time for everything.”

Lexy smiled. “I wouldn’t dare. Would it be such a horrible thing if you were gay, though? Or bisexual, in this case?”

“Of course not,” Huv scoffed. “It’s only horrible to have that kind of thing sneak up on you, especially when you’re not sure the label even fits. That’s what’s so damn confusing.”

“You know, a lot of peo—” His finger on her lips hushed her, and she glanced over to see a tender look on his face.

“This isn’t something for you to fix, Lexy.” He removed his finger and caressed her cheek. “It’s just something I have to work out. I guess I need you to be patient and try not to get your feelings hurt if I have trouble accepting certain things.”

Touched, she turned her head enough to kiss his wrist. “Of course.” She’d leave him be for now. “In the meantime, I’m all woman for the next four weeks. That should give us a month of unimpeded sex.”

Huv dropped his hand. “The whole month? As females, Cedecians don’t have … um…”

For the first time since she’d met Huv, Lexy saw him blush. It took her a moment to follow his train of thought, but then she laughed.

“Honey, you’re looking at my monthly right now. I consider it one of the many perks of Cedecian life.”

“So do I.” He sounded amused. “This means I won’t go into flux either.”


“Uh, it’s basically a no-sex state an Allurian male goes into while his partner is infertile. That wouldn’t necessarily have happened with us, since we’ve only been together a short while, but it’s nice not to bother with it.”

“Somehow this relationship just gets more and more interesting.” Apparently, she didn’t know as much about Allurian physiology as she’d thought.

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