Alien Space Gods Of Ancient Greece and Rome

BOOK: Alien Space Gods Of Ancient Greece and Rome
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Table of Contents

Alien Space Gods of Ancient
Revelations of the Oracle of

By W. R. Drake, Sean Casteel, & Timothy Green


This revised edition and new cover art Copyright ©2011 Timothy Green


Global Communications, All Rights Reserved


EAN: 928-1-60611-097-3

ISBN: 1-60611-097-2


No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, without express permission of the publisher.


Timothy Green
: Editorial Director, Carol Rodriguez: Publisher's Assistant, Sean Casteel: Associate Editor, Cover Art: Tim Swartz


Printed in the
United States of America


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Timothy Green Beckley
, at an early age his life has more or less revolved around the paranormal. His grandfather saw the apparition of a headless horseman. His life was saved by invisible beings around the age of three. The house he was raised in was thought to be haunted.
also underwent out of body experiences at age six.


He saw his first of three UFOs when he was but ten, and has had two more sightings since - one of which included an attempt to communicate with one of these objects. Tim grew up listening to the only all night talk show in the country that revolved around the strange and unexplained.


Long John Nebel's guests included the early UFO contactees who claimed to have visited other planets and built time machines in the desert. Tim was fascinated by everything that went bump in the night - or even in the daylight for that matter. Years later, Tim was to appear on Long John's show numerous times and over the years has been a frequent guest on hundreds of programs which have come and gone just like ghosts in the night.


Tim started his career as a writer early on - at age 14 he purchased a mimeograph machine and began publishing a small UFO newsletter. Over the years he has written over 25 books on everything from rock music to the secret MJ-12 papers. He has been a stringer for the national tabloids such as the Enquirer and editor of over 30 different magazines, most of which never lasted more than a couple of issues. His longest running effort was the newsstand publication
, which lasted for 11 years. Today he is the president of Inner Light/Global Communications and editor of the
Conspiracy Journal
Bizarre Bazaar


He is one of the few Americans ever to be invited to speak before closed door meetings on UFOs presided over by the late Earl of Clancarty at the House of Lords in
. He visited Loch Ness in
while in the
and went home with the belief that Nessie was somehow connected with the dragons of mythology as well as strange discs engraved on cathedrals and ghostly phenomenon.


The Inner Light Publications and Global Communications' catalog of books and video titles now number over 200, including the works of Tim Swartz, Sean Casteel, T. Lobsang Rampa, Commander X, Brad Steiger, John Keel, Tracy Twyman, Wendelle Stevens and a host of many other authors. His own bestsellers include
Our Alien Planet, Strange Saga, Subterranean Worlds Inside Earth, John Lennon - We Knew You.


As the horror movie host Mr. Creepo,
has made numerous films, including Skin Eating Jungle Vampires and Blood Sucking Vampire Freaks.


[email protected]


*    *    *




By Timothy Green

Before setting out on my long voyage across a good expanse of the world, I had heard that the Delphian oracle back in her day had undergone some incredible visions and that politicians, generals, and the upper echelon of Grecian society often journeyed over the roughest terrain, from all over the region, on a sort of pilgrimage or vision quest to have her prophesize for them specifically. I guess just like those celebrities who seek out a specific psychic today, her upper crust clients wanted to know what direction life would take for them. Would they wed a wealthy Greek? Would they live a long life with many children? Would they be favored by the gods? Would they be successful in battle and survive without battle scars?


You must understand that, apart from the Oracle Of Delphi, all other prophets in the territory were men. But the Oracle was special for she was a vessel by which the gods could speak directly to mere mortals. She wasn't one of those who read the entrails of animals or tossed bones to see the future. Pythia, the prophet's actual name, had been hand picked by none other than the great god of thunder and lightning, Apollo himself, to lift the veil between this world and the next.


Pythia was herself considered somewhat of a sub- goddess because of her official relationship with the heavenly fold - she was, in short, their official channel on Earth. Nowadays, you have your space channelers who claim to cross paths with Venusians as well as your channels who speak with ten thousand year old Tibetan monks, but the Oracle was the real thing, not your average UFO contactee speaking in tongues in a dugout room beneath Giant Rock in the
Mojave Desert
. This was true advice from on high (and speaking of "high," as we shall see Pythia might have, in fact, been taking a "hit" of more than just "fresh air" while going through her channeling routine.)  


Most channelers who ply their trade in what are understood to be sacred or holy places like
- the
of our day - boast a pseudo eminence in society, in that they are often thought of as being priestly and spiritually superior to the average person because of their ability to communicate with a "higher authority." Likewise, the Oracle was essentially the highest authority both civilly and religiously in male-dominated ancient
. She responded to the questions of citizens, foreigners, kings, and philosophers on issues of political impact, war, duty, crime, laws. . . and, of course, personal issues.


Nevertheless there was a catch. The Pythia, when about to deliver, would chew leaves from Apollo's sacred laurel tree and would then sit on her holy tripod, seated in the innermost sanctum, over a crack on the rock from where noxious volcanic fumes emanated. Dazed and disoriented, she would then be "possessed by the voice of Apollo" and utter inarticulate sounds before fainting. Only the priests were present there, and they had the task of "translating" her utterances in plain speech. The priests were extremely well versed on the various matters of state, as part of their work was to debrief pilgrims about all that they knew. In addition, no question to the god was ever dealt with immediately. After the query was submitted, several days of prescribed ceremonial protocols had to be observed before Apollo was sufficiently satisfied as to speak through his priestess.


But trust me, we get ahead of our story. I found myself taking the same trek as those who ventured to speak with the Oracle first hand back in the day when the gods walked across the face of the Earth as if they owned it - need I say more?


Alexander the Great visited the Delphic Oracle wishing to hear a prophecy that he would soon conquer the entire ancient world. To his surprise the oracle refused a direct comment and asked him to come later. Furious, Alexander the Great dragged Pythia by the hair out of the chamber until she screamed "Let go of me; you're unbeatable". The moment hearing this words he dropped her, saying "Now I have my answer.”

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