Alien Space Gods Of Ancient Greece and Rome (49 page)

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The Fiery Cross was seen by Constantino and his army on their march towards
across the
, possibly at Autun in
or near Andernach on the
or even near
. Constantine welcomed this omen, he allied with the Christians, defeated and killed Maxentius at the Battle of the Milvain Bridge; now Emperor he established Christianity as the State religion nearly three hundred years after the death of Christ. Without aid from the Christians convinced by that shining Cross in the skies
might have met defeat, when paganism would have triumphed and Christianity possibly extinguished.


Eusebius states that Christ appeared to
as he slept. Could this Vision have been a Spaceman?


Gibbon in sardonic disdain quotes the celebrated orator, Nazarius, who 'laboured to exalt the glory of


'Nine years after the Roman victory, Nazarius describes an army of divine warriors, who seemed to fall from the sky, he marks their beauty, their spirit, their gigantic forms, the streams of light which beamed from their celestial armour, their patience in suffering themselves to be heard, as well as seen by mortals, and their declaration that they were sent, that they flew, to the assistance of the great Constantine.'


Lycosthenes dredged from contemporary records several celestial phenomena which lend credence to the Cross seen by
. In AD 384 a terrible sign shaped like a pillar shone in the sky during the reign of Theodosius; in 393 strange lights were seen, then a bright globe at midnight which absorbed many small stars. At
in 394 the night skies were haunted by an immense apparition, oddly described as a 'woman' moving erratically over the city emitting sudden bursts of sound which appalled the people below. This terrifying prodigy may suggest some Spaceship?


Prehistoric peoples world-wide carved stone crosses. Did they symbolise Spaceships?


William of Newbury in
'Historia Anglicana'
mentioned that in 1189 'The Emblem of Our Lord with a dazzling milk-white whiteness and the conjoined form of a man crucified' hung in the sky at
above the
. In 1227 Matthew of Paris in
'Historia Anglorum
' reported a crucifix in the air beheld by crowds in


Flying Saucers and Extraterrestrials still haunt
studied by researchers who watch the skies like those old Etruscans long ago. Sightings and reported landings during our twentieth century are summarised by the brilliant Gruppo Clipeologico Fiorentino in their fascinating work
UFO in Italia
, which records that amazing Cross in the heavens seen by Dr. Alberto Perego, the distinguished author and diplomat, on
6th November 1954


'As he himself relates that day about 11 o'clock, he found himself in the Tusculan Quarter, in the neighbourhood of a mineral-water factory, when he noticed in the sky a formation of UFOs very high like little white dots. Fascinated by the spectacle he ascended to the terrace of the factory to see better. Other UFOs continued to arrive, so many that after half an hour Perego calculated that at least fifty must have been present over
. But the crucial moment of the sighting occurred towards
, two perfect V-formations of twenty dots steering one to the other from opposite directions. After a few seconds, they met joining at the apexes of the Vs and forming thus a perfect "Greek Cross".  According to the estimation of Perego the Cross was formed over
Vatican City


Celestial crosses 312 and 1954! Do Spacemen still inspire Christianity?


The Ancients themselves in their religions, philosophies, even in their daily lives, fervently believed that somewhere in the stars lived 'Gods' who sometimes descended to people on Earth.

We too may have much to learn from those Spacemen in

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