All Good Things Exposed (6 page)

Read All Good Things Exposed Online

Authors: Alannah Carbonneau

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #Novel

BOOK: All Good Things Exposed
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Yes. I did. I truly did. If Jace was anything, he was protective over me. Sometimes overly so. I could only hope his need to keep me safe from all harm followed us into this twisted relationship I'd agreed to. Yes, I had agreed to this I reminded myself.

I felt numb as I looked up at Jace. He looked so damned delicious as he stood against the counter. His arms were folded over his chest, accentuating the muscles of his arms. I let my eyes trail lower to settle onto his stomach. He had washboard abs and golden tan skin. His pants cut off the V of his stomach and my stomach tightened as I thought of the rest of his beautiful body.

My mouth watered and I felt my hands begin to tremble at my body's natural, but oh-so-wrong reaction to him. Jeez, how had I become this woman? How was it possible that I was eager for his possession? I should be down right terrified of it! The idea of any man possessing me should send me running at full speed for the hills. But it wasn't. Instead, I was left with pounding nerves and budding excitement.

"Olivia?' Jace's voice bulldozed my thoughts and my eyes shot up to his face to settle on the source of the sound. His mouth. His full lips were pursed in a thin line as he studied me with blazing blue eyes.

"What?" I squeaked. At the sound of my voice, I felt a blush rise in my cheeks and Jace's stern mouth relaxed into an easy grin.

My heart leapt. "Are you ready to begin, Olivia?"

My heart started hammering in my chest and I laughed out loud.
Oh, there was the panic.
I was wondering when it would arrive. A little too late, I'd say.

"Ready?" I laughed again and Jace's brows knitted. "Right now?"

He nodded. "When do you propose we begin?"

"Well, I thought there was more to discuss." I was grappling for anything to halt the inevitable.

"Like what?" His eyes narrowed and he shifted against the counter.

"Well," I paused. "What did you mean you had your submissives 24/7?"

"I mean they were available to me 24/7."

"I can't be available to you whenever, Jace." I said in what I hoped was a diplomatic tone. "I have a business to run."

"I'm aware." Jace peeled himself from the counter to lean over the island. His eyes were trained on mine the entire time. "But you will spend your nights here with me."

"Every night?" I felt my chest grow warm. Actually, my entire body grew warm. I wanted to do just that. I wanted to be here every night with him. But I couldn't. I had responsibilities at home.

"Yes." He nodded. "Every night."

"I can't." I whispered.

He frowned. "Why not?"

"I have responsibilities, Jace." I scoffed. "I can't be here every night of the week."

"What responsibilities?"

Oh dear - I could see an argument brewing. "Well, I have Moo-moo to think about here."

His eyes widened. "Your cat?"

"Yes." I nodded. I knew I sounded silly. But I had a feeling I was going to need two nights out of the week for me…to recuperate my strength to come back to Jace for more…sexy submissive time. Or, whatever it was called. Hell if I knew.

"Olivia, you're making excuses."

"No." I shook my head adamantly. "I'm not."

"You are." He growled. A vein in his neck throbbed and I knew he was angry. It was more than apparent I was fighting with someone who rarely if ever, didn't get his way.

"If you're all right with Moo-moo moving in then I will spend every night here." I was playing dirty. I knew it and he knew it.

"You can have two nights a week to yourself." Jace ground the words from between his teeth. I noticed his hands fist, blue veins rising from his stressed skin. "Nothing more."

"Good enough." I smiled. "I'll take Friday and Saturday."

"You'll take Tuesday and Wednesday." Jace countered roughly.

"That's not fair." I pouted.

"Life isn't fair, Olivia."

"Jace," I scolded.

"Olivia." He warned.

I huffed. "How about Wednesday and Thursday?"

"No. Tuesday and Wednesday."

"You're ridiculous." I snapped.

"Get used to it, Angel."

I folded my arms over my chest and stared at him. He wasn't dissuaded by my glower and that only served to infuriate me more. He was being completely unreasonable. But that was Jace. I knew this side of him before agreeing to be anything more to him than a sex companion. Obeying his impulsively arbitrary demands came with my newfound territory. I better get used to it sooner rather than later. And, I had an inkling I'd better save my arguments for the ones that really meant something to me.

"Fine." I relented on a sigh.

His eyes glimmered and he grinned as he came around the island. His hands weaved around my middle and he kissed my forehead. "See how easy you submit to me, Angel?"

"I do." I murmured half-heartedly.

"You're already learning to submit." He grinned. "This should be easy."


Jace led me by the hand up the stairs, down the hall and into his bedroom. All the while, my heart beat in my chest a thousand miles per hour. What the hell was I doing? Oh good lord…if Trisha knew what I was about to do she would put her foot down and lock me in a cellar. And what exactly was I about to do? I didn't have a clue. After everything Jace had said downstairs, I still didn't know exactly what our sexual acts would entail.

Jace turned to me, and my heart leapt at his predatory gaze. "How do you feel about spanking?"

I felt my brows rise in complete and utter shock. Was he joking? "Pardon me?"

"Spanking, Olivia." Jace repeated. "How do you feel about it?"

I laughed nervously. "You mean like throw me over your knee and tan my hide?"

"That is exactly what I mean."

Oh. Why the hell would he want to spank me? What in the world kind of sexual gratification could someone derive from that? Seriously? "I don't know. I've only ever been spanked for punishment by my grandfather and parents. I didn't enjoy it. As a matter of fact I found it quite degrading."

"Well, I find it enjoyable."

"You like being spanked?"

Jace eyed me warily. "No. I want to spank

"I don't think that would turn me on, Jace."

"But does it turn you off?"

Did it? I don't know. The thought of being sprawled, ass up, over his knee was not something I'd ever thought of much less fantasized about. "I don't know."

"Well, we need to establish a punishment you're comfortable with."

"A punishment I'm comfortable with?" The words sounded so wrong coming from my mouth. They were a freaking oxymoron! What in the world was wrong with me? Good lord I was twisted! I must have been dropped on my head as a baby. There was no other explanation. Because…I was seriously considering this.

"Yes. There needs to be a punishment we go to when you disobey me." Jace said factually.

"Well, I suppose we could try spanking?" It came out as a question rather than permission.

"Yes. We'll try." His eyes glimmered, although I didn't know with what. "Do you have a safe word?"

"Um," I shifted uncomfortably. "No. I've never needed one." I didn't know why I felt the need to point that out, but I did.

Jace glared at me. "Well, I suggest you choose one."

"Or, you could choose one." I snapped. "Surely you've done it before."

"Olivia." He warned. "Don't make me punish you before we've even begun."

I bristled. This was a lot to take in and my stress limit was almost maxed. I didn't know what to do. "Sorry." I looked down.

"A safe word, Olivia." Jace reminded. He crossed the room and slid a finger under my chin, forcing me to meet his eyes. "This is for you. When you say this word I'll know I've gone too far. I'll know I have to stop."

"Have any of your other submissives needed to use a safe word?"

"We're talking about you, Olivia."

I nodded. The only thing I could think of was the overhead sign reading exit in red over a door. Maybe it was my minds way of foretelling some unfortunate event I would have to escape from, I didn't know. I whispered the word. "Exit."

"Good word." He nodded. "Exit it is."

"What now?" I asked. My voice was shaky. Actually, all of me was shaky. I could barely stand straight my knees were so wobbly and my ankles felt weak. My stomach rolled as though it were infested with butterflies…no wait…ladybugs. And my throat was nearly closed. It was a horrible feeling, but through it all, there was curiosity. It surprised me, but I wanted to know the answer to my question. I wanted to know what was next.

Jace's finger looped through the belt of my satin housecoat before he tugged. The warmth of his hand bled through the thin fabric to tease the oversensitive skin of my stomach. With the knot undone and the tassels hanging to the sides, the housecoat bared my body to him. For a moment, he stood and stared at me. His blue eyes drank me in and he wet his bottom lip.

"You're beautiful."

I didn't speak. I didn't know if I was allowed. Right now, I was in submissive mode. I was focused entirely on him…on pleasing him. The thought was oddly…liberating.

My entire body was aware of Jace's every movement as he lifted his hands from his sides to where the fabric of the housecoat lay against my shoulders. His fingers slid beneath the satin before pushing it from my shoulders. It fell in a crumpled heap to the floor, but I didn't bother to look at it. I couldn't tear my eyes from his. I loved the way he looked at me. As though I captivated him completely. It was both devastatingly beautiful and dangerous.

His eyes swept over my body, taking me in from head to toe. His eyes moved slowly up from my feet, burning a path with his eyes over my skin. When his eyes took in the V between my legs, my knees felt weak, as though they might collapse at any moment. He looked at my stomach and goose bumps took over my skin, making me quiver…with need? When his eyes settled on my breasts I was shocked at my body's reaction. My breasts felt heavy, swollen. And, my nipples pebbled, aching to be touched. I wanted to feel the moist warmth of his tongue over their sensitive flesh. I wanted to feel his fingers stressing the skin, kneading it. The thought alone made my breaths shallow and my skin flush red.

Jace's eyes shimmered. "You respond so quickly to me, Angel." His voice was husky. It did things to me. Sweet things. "And I don't even have to touch you."

I fought a moan at his words. Instead, I stood quietly awaiting his instruction.

"Stand at the end of the bed and kneel." Jace instructed. My heart leapt, but I turned around and walked to the foot of the bed. I felt his eyes on my naked behind and flushed scarlet. It amazed me that I didn't even feel the pull to disobey him. My need to satisfy him existed on an instinctual level. I knelt down on my knees and looked up at him. The sight of his tented pants made me ache with a burning need in the pit of my stomach. I did that to him, I thought to myself. It was empowering despite the fact I shouldn't feel at all in control.

"Sit back on your heels and spread your knees for me." His voice was husky and I obliged without question. "Lock your hands behind your back and open your mouth." This command had the alarm bells sounding in my head, but none-the-less, I complied. "Look at the floor. Don't look at me unless instructed."

Again, I complied. I felt vulnerable. Never before in my entire life had I ever felt this way. My most private parts were exposed to him. To his touch. To his eyes. To his desires. My body and soul completely bared. And yet, the feeling of such vulnerable exposure was…exhilarating.

"This is the stance you will assume without my having to tell you. You will automatically assume I want you in this position." I wasn't watching him, but I could hear his footsteps on the floor. "Your legs are spread to offer me access. Your mouth is open because it is mine and I will fuck it when and how I desire." His words were mean and wrong sounding, but my body disobeyed my minds quick judgments. I was wet for him and aching with need. I was so wet and swollen for him…I hurt. I wanted his touch. I wanted him to reward me for my quick obedience by releasing my body of this pent-up need for him. But I had a feeling that wouldn't come for a while.

I continued looking at the floor as Jace moved to his side of the bed. I couldn't see him, but I could hear him. More than anything, I wanted to look behind me at him. I wanted to know what he was doing and why he was leaving me here on the floor…but I didn't. I remained where I was. Where he told me to stay. With my knees spread and my hands behind my back, I sat waiting for him. I felt as though I was a sitting duck and he was a wolf. My heart drummed a torrent of rapid beats and my hands that were still behind my back were moist with nervous sweat. What was he doing?

Just when I couldn't take it any longer and I was about to question him, I heard him move. His feet grazed against the floor with every step until he stopped behind me. My every sense was on overdrive. I could feel him standing behind me despite the fact that he never touched me. The energy between us was charged. It caressed my skin, my body, my soul.

"I'm going to blindfold you, Angel." He explained. I swallowed despite my dry throat and fought the urge to cough. Wow, I was nervous. "Close your eyes." I did as he commanded and not a moment later, I felt the smooth fabric of silk press against my face, blinding me of my surroundings.

With every flick of his wrist as he tied a knot into the silk at the back of my head, I shivered. Every hair follicle stood on end, erectly awaiting his touch. My blood rose to the surface of my skin, making me feel hypersensitive to touch…or maybe it was the fact that I couldn't see. I didn't know. I had never been in this position as to wonder why I felt so stimulated.

"Relax," Jace spoke gruffly and I nodded to let him know I would try. I didn't trust my voice. "Trust me, Angel."

I did. Oh, I did trust him. If I didn't, I wouldn't be here like this…vulnerable. I wouldn't be blindly awaiting his touch, panting for his lips on my skin. I wouldn't be like this if I didn't trust him.

"I'm going to touch you." He informed. I wondered if that was standard. Would he always inform me of his moves, or would they come as a surprise? Again, I didn't know.

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