All the Broken Pieces: (Broken Series Book 3) (18 page)

Read All the Broken Pieces: (Broken Series Book 3) Online

Authors: Anna Paige

Tags: #contemporary romance

BOOK: All the Broken Pieces: (Broken Series Book 3)
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After Vanessa was through, we helped Lauren into my bed, still nude, and lightly tugged the thin sheet up to cover her. Her eyes drifted shut almost immediately and Vanessa motioned for me to follow her into the hall. I looked down at Lauren, not wanting to leave her for even a second but knowing I needed to do as Vanessa asked.

As quietly as possible, I leaned over and placed a kiss on the top of her head, the only place I was comfortable touching her. She didn’t stir, just sighed in her sleep.

God I wanted to hold her so fucking bad.

Instead, I followed Vanessa out into the hallway and pulled the door nearly closed behind me, angling myself so I could peer through the crack and see Lauren’s sleeping form.

Vanessa’s voice was soft but sure. “Okay, here’s the deal. The burns aren’t as bad as they look. First degree, which is good news. If it were second or third she would definitely require emergency care. As it stands now, and because you were so thorough with the cool water soak, we are looking at the same level as a bad sunburn. Not the type that causes blistering, mind you, just the miserable kind that makes you hurt all over and feel cold all the time. It will pass, but it’s gonna take some time. Luckily for Lauren, most water heaters don’t get the temperatures high enough to get above a first degree burn and nine times out of ten it won’t even do that unless you stay under the scalding water for an extended period of time.”

“She was in there at least twenty minutes. The water was normal temperature when she got in, I know because I turned it on myself, but I have no idea how long she was in there before…” I winced at the thought, remembering her huddled there on the shower floor.

“Well, it looks like you caught on before it got too bad. Don’t get me wrong, she’s going to be hurting for a few days, maybe a week, but at least there won’t be any permanent damage.” She reached into her oversized bag and handed me a bottle of pure aloe gel and a plain white tub of cream. “Use the aloe for now. Apply it as often as she needs. After a couple of days, start using the cream twice a day, too. It’s an antimicrobial that will help stave off any possible infection. It’s just a precaution since I don’t foresee any blistering but it’s always better to be safe than sorry.”

She started toward the stairs, looking back at me as she reached the landing. “Give her ibuprofen every six hours for pain and if you see any blistering at all, even just a little, get her to the hospital to be checked out. Understood?”

I nodded obediently. “Yes, ma’am. Thank you so much for driving all the way out here.” She just waved me off with a smile and started off down the stairs. When she was almost out of sight a thought occurred to me. “Vanessa?”

“Yeah?” She backed up a few steps so she could see me.

“How long should she wait before traveling? I mean, when will she be healed enough to spend a few hours in the car?”

She deliberated a moment. “I’d say give her a day or two. By then, the pain should be ebbing enough to endure several hours in one position. Why?”

“Because as soon as she’s good to travel, I’m getting her the fuck out of here.”




























Clay and Ali stopped by the next day. Ali gave me a quick hug and barreled up the stairs to check on Lauren while Clay took a seat at the table, content to let the girls visit for a while. I grabbed us both a mug of coffee and took the seat across from him.

“Dude, no offense, but you look like hammered shit,” he commented, taking a sip from his cup.

“Gee, thanks, fucker,” I deadpanned.

He sat the mug on the table, casting a glance at the upstairs landing. “You didn’t sleep last night, did you?”

“What other reason would I have to look like shit?” Sarcasm was our go-to language and despite being tired as hell, today was no different.

“Hammered shit.” He corrected ruefully. “And I think there could be a lot of reasons. Yeah, lack of sleep will do that to ya, but so will watching someone you care about go through hell. Then throw in the fact that she’s still in danger, and she’s hurting in every way a person possibly can.” He met my eye across the table. “And it’s all made ten times worse when you’re in love with her.”

“Is that right?” I didn’t have the strength to argue, to deny it, especially not to Clay. He would see right through me anyway.

“Yep.” He narrowed his gaze. “I speak from experience, remember?” He looked at the second floor landing again, his expression troubled. “The idea of Ali in that house, trapped while the fire spread… I still have fucking nightmares about it. Shit like what she went through, what Lauren is going through, it sticks with you forever.”

I followed his gaze, fighting the urge to go and check on Lauren, reminding myself that Ali was up there and she would let me know if Lauren needed me. “But you got to her in time, you saved Ali. I didn’t save Lauren, man. She saved herself. I’m the reason she was in danger in the first place. I shouldn’t have let her go alone. She practically begged me, said she needed a little freedom, and I let her go. I let her walk out that door,” I pointed to it for emphasis, my fist shaking, “and right into his fucking path.”

“Do you really think you could have kept her from going? She may have asked you out of respect but that girl is no one’s property; she has a mind of her own and you can bet your ass that she was going to go whether you wanted her to or not. I know Ali would have.” He shook his head, a smile creeping across his face. “Something you have to learn, little brother, is that when a woman asks your opinion, it’s just a courtesy. She’s gonna do what she damn well wants to do, regardless of what you say. Lauren wanted you to know she respected your opinion, but in the end, she would have still gone even if you didn’t want her to. She needed to get away, and you can bet your ass she was going to do just that.”

“Maybe,” I hedged, deciding to change topics. “Speaking of getting away…”


“If Lauren is up to it, we’re leaving tomorrow. I’m not sure for how long—as long as it takes to get a handle on this shit, I guess. The cops didn’t find Isaac and the only way for me to keep him from finding her is to get the hell out of here. I’m hoping to leave in the morning, but we may have to wait one more day if her burns are still too painful.”

He frowned, taking a sip from his mug before carefully setting it on the table. “Where will you go?”

“I’m taking her to Kade’s. I’ve already made the call. The guys are doing shows in Canada for the next few weeks and his place will be empty. There’s a round-the-clock guard at the front gate and cameras everywhere. She’ll be safe there. Kade’s expecting us tomorrow before he heads out for the tour, but he’s leaving instructions with the guard in case Lauren’s injuries need another day to heal.” I looked at Clay, pleading for understanding. “I know I’m supposed to be here for the build, but I just can’t…”

“Go.” Clay shook his head, not needing an explanation or an apology. “We’ve got more than enough help here. Ali and Talia can both step in at the diner, and Spencer and I have it covered at the job site. Don’t worry about work shit, we have your back. And Lauren’s too. You just get her somewhere safe until the investigators or the cops find this guy. And if there’s anything either of you need while you’re away, let us know. We’ll find a way to get it to you. Once you’re at Kade’s, keep your asses there.”

“Thanks, Clay. I really appreciate your help.”

He reached across the table and slapped me on the back of the head. “That’s what big brothers are for, dumbass. All you ever have to do is say the word.”

I rubbed the back of my head, narrowing my eyes. “That word wouldn’t happen to be asshole, would it?”

He just laughed and drank his coffee.




It was a busy day on the visitor front. First Clay and Ali, then Spencer and Talia came by, and by lunchtime, Miss Fay had brought enough treats from the diner to put Lauren and me both into a sugar coma. Everyone was upbeat and smiling, but I could see the worry, the questions in their eyes.

The police came by to take our statements and I only wanted to kick the shit out of them once or twice for pushing for specific details regarding Isaac’s previous incarceration. Rationally, I knew they were doing their jobs but that didn’t mean a goddamn thing when I saw that look of shame in her eyes as she cast them toward the floor and recounted his list of convictions. She handled it better than I could have imagined, though. Just like she always did.

Lauren eventually excused herself to lie down, probably to get away from the barrage of questions, cutting them off and not giving a shit whether they were done or not. My girl had had enough. They apologized and backed off, saying they had all they needed and watching quietly as she made her way up the stairs to my room, where she’d taken up residence.

I told the lead officer as I walked them out that I intended to take her away for a while, until Isaac was found. He didn’t balk, only asking that we be reachable by phone at all times. They also promised regular updates on the search but that was said with less conviction, which meant I wasn’t going to hold my breath. I had more faith in Spencer than them, anyway, so I just nodded and showed them out.

After they were gone, I went up and sat on the edge of my bed, careful not to pin the sheet too close to Lauren’s body. “You’ve had a long day already and it’s barely one o’clock.” I studied her sweet face for a moment. “You tired? Because we can wait and do the aloe later if you want a nap.”

She shook her head, eyes bright and alert despite her recent dose of pain meds. “No. Let’s do it now. The stinging is getting a little better but I know I’m due for another application. And the numbing agent in it helps me sleep.”

I tugged the sheet up from the end of the bed, revealing her slender legs all the way up to her thighs as I scooted to the foot of the bed and began the task of getting the aloe on her while causing as little pain as possible. The fronts of her legs were less pink than the backs, since the water had pooled under her no matter whether it was directed at her chest or legs or… wherever. The backs of her legs definitely got the brunt of it, so I took my time and made sure to focus there as much as possible. She remained silent for the duration, her jaw clenched in that determined way that meant she was trying hard not to let me see whatever discomfort she was feeling.

“So…” I began, letting her left leg sink back to the bed as I took her right ankle in my hands. “I was thinking we need to get away for a while, go somewhere safe where we can breathe.”

She shook her head immediately. “I can’t leave. The diner…”

“It’s already taken care of. Ali and Talia are going to take care of the diner. Clay and Spence will take care of the build. And
will take care of

She remained skeptical. “But where will we go?”

“I have a friend who has a huge place, complete with guard gate and lots of security. He’s going to be out of town for a while, so the place will be all ours for as long as we want it.”

Her brow dipped, suspicion in her eyes. “How do you know we can trust this guy? And what’s to keep Isaac from following us there?”

I finished her legs and recovered them, moving up to do her arms. Once I had her right arm draped across my lap, I answered. “Because I trust him. I’ve known him for years and believe me, he’s not the type you have to worry about. He’ll probably be getting ready to leave when we get there, so you’ll have time to meet him.” I offered a soft smile. “I’m willing to bet you’ll like him immediately.”

She sighed. “That’s not really my MO, believe it or not. Just because I liked you right away, doesn’t mean I make a habit of it. You’re the exception to the rule.”

“Well, I’m honored, Miss Caldwell.”

“Just call me Pariah.” She teased. I loved that her spirits were lifting, even if only a little.

“Never. I’ve never actually addressed you by that name and I don’t intend to.”

She rolled her eyes, offering her other arm. “And the other question? How will we know we weren’t followed?”

“Because we’re going across the mountains to get there and there’s only one road out of Denson that leads that way. Clay already has several very large signs in the back of his truck announcing that the road is closed. He’s going to follow us out and place the signs for a minimum of two hours so we are sure no one is able to follow.”

“Is that legal? Can he really do that?” her brows shot up.

I lifted one shoulder. “Beats me. It was his and Spencer’s idea. If they didn’t think they could get away with it, they wouldn’t be doing it.”

Finished with her arms, I sat back and waited for her to get herself into a sitting position. She pulled the thin sheet against her bare chest as she sat up and slid down the bed so I could get to her back. It hadn’t escaped me that she still hadn’t agreed to leave Denson.

I waited in silence while she deliberated, knowing that she’d need to make the decision on her own but confident that we would be following my plan.

After a while, she sighed, leaning marginally into my touch as I smoothed the cool gel onto her tender skin. “Okay. I’ll go.”

“Thank you.” I told her, leaning in to kiss her head.

“When do we leave?”

“Tomorrow morning, if you’re up to it. I don’t want to push you if you need more time to heal.”

She shook her head, several of the crimson strands pulling loose from the clip that held them up and out of the way. I gently lifted them and tucked them back in as best I could with aloe coating my hands.

“I don’t need more time. I’m feeling a lot better already.”

I worked the gel down to her lower back. “Are you sure?”

“Considering that what you’re doing right now is kinda turning me on, I’d say I’m feeling better. Not well enough to actually do anything about it, but better than the shuddering, steaming mess I was yesterday.”

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