All the Broken Pieces: (Broken Series Book 3) (20 page)

Read All the Broken Pieces: (Broken Series Book 3) Online

Authors: Anna Paige

Tags: #contemporary romance

BOOK: All the Broken Pieces: (Broken Series Book 3)
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“It’s Kade Edenfield.”

She froze, mouth agape and brows suddenly shooting up in a hilariously cartoonish way. I hated turning my attention back to the road but kind of had to if I wanted to keep the truck between the ditches.

“Bullshit!” she gasped, and I saw her hand fly to her mouth. “You’re fucking with me, aren’t you?”

“Nope. Kade is a friend and his place is the safest I could think of, so I called him.” I risked a glance in her direction and was greeted with narrowed, suspicious blue eyes.

“You just picked up the phone and called Kade Edenfield?” Her tone was incredulous.

“Yeah. I debated using a carrier pigeon but decided the phone was faster,” I teased.

Not a good idea.

Her voice was deadly when she said, “Don’t joke right now. I’m pretty sure you’re fucking with me and teasing me only adds insult to injury.”

I raised my right hand. “I swear, Lauren. I’m not fucking with you. I waited to tell you so you wouldn’t be freaked out but I couldn’t very well wait until he opened the door to spring it on you, now could I? I waited until we were close but not so close that you wouldn’t have time to process the information.”

“Kade. Fucking. Edenfield?” Her voice was thin, squeaky.

“You’re not going to go all fangirl and try to hump his leg, are you? Because that could get really uncomfortable.”

She cocked a brow, grinning so wide I could see every tooth in her mouth. “For who?”

“Me.” I gave her a look. “I’m sure he’s used to it but I’m not.”

She opened her mouth, I could see the witty comeback flashing in her eyes, and then she just stopped. Her mouth snapped shut and before I knew it, her hand shot out and she pinched the shit out of my bicep.

“What the hell was that for?”

She glared at me. “That’s for standing there listening to me go on and on about how much I love Thrill of the Chase and not saying a word, not once mentioning that you were friends with Kade-Fucking-Edenfield, you ass! And it’s for plopping my ragged ass in this truck knowing where we were headed and not doing me the courtesy of at least suggesting I put on some makeup.” She folded her arms across her chest in a pout only to drop them by her sides a moment later, wincing in pain.

“See? Your little outburst ended up making you hurt yourself.” I rubbed my bicep. “And me.”

She cut her eyes at me. “I’m not sorry, you know. You deserved that for lying to me.”

“I didn’t lie to you. I would never lie to you. I just didn’t think name-dropping was the kind of thing that impressed you. You are much too real for shit like that. Frankly, I think bragging about who you know is a douchebag thing to do, so don’t be offended. I don’t talk about Kade or any of my other high-profile friends to anyone. I don’t need to gain attention by association.”

That mellowed her out fast. “Okay, you’re right. I’m sorry I pinched you. And I think it’s pretty cool that you don’t announce stuff like that. It shows integrity. I guess I felt sort of left out for a second there, like maybe we weren’t as good of friends as I thought because you didn’t trust me enough to tell me.”

“Baby, you’re my best friend.” I reached for her hand and let her slip it carefully into mine. “And I do trust you. Don’t ever doubt that.”

“You’re my best friend, too, Weirdo.” She lift our joined hands to nuzzle the back of mine before letting it slip through her fingers. Twisting around in her seat with a wince, she began rummaging through the bags in the back seat. “Now where the hell is that makeup bag…”

“Would it do any good to tell you that you’re more beautiful without a speck of makeup than most models are after they’ve been airbrushed to death?” I asked, glancing in the rearview mirror.

She sat back and I could feel the heat of her gaze. “You really mean that, don’t you?”


She fumbled around a moment more before sinking back into her seat, empty-handed.

“Couldn’t find it?” I asked, putting on my blinker so I could pull over and help her look.

“No. I found it. I just don’t want it anymore.” She leaned over the console and kissed my cheek. “After a few words from the best friend in the entire world, I can honestly say I’ve never felt more beautiful than I do right now.”

I turned off the blinker and resumed speed.

And I couldn’t have stopped smiling if my life depended on it.




The guard working Kade’s gate could have body-doubled for The Rock. Couple his enormous size with his stoic demeanor and the dark sunglasses that hid most of his expression… dude was fucking scary.

I liked him instantly.

If ever there was a guy who would feed someone their teeth for even looking too hard at that gate, he was the guy.

After calling Kade to confirm, he tipped his head almost imperceptibly and hit the appropriate button to open the huge wrought-iron gate, motioning vaguely for us to proceed.

Lauren’s eyes were everywhere, taking in the immaculate shrubbery and topiary, the exotic foliage still in full bloom despite the cooling temperatures, the fountain that sat in the middle of the yard. It was all flawlessly maintained, though Kade was only in residence a small portion of the year.

We parked in the circular driveway and Lauren gaped up at the expansive two-story home.

“Shit. This is for real.” She waved a hand at the house. “I still half-believed I hallucinated the whole conversation about us going to Kade Edenfield’s house but… shit…”

I leaned across the console and peered out the window she was gaping through, smiling to myself at her excitement. “Just wondering here, so don’t pinch me again, but are you going to address him by his full name all afternoon? Because that ranks right up there with humping his leg on the ‘uncomfortable’ scale.”

She turned to look at me, her face only inches from my own. My breath hitched when her eyes wandered briefly to my lips. “I’m not going to pinch you but I might need you to pinch me.”

I winced at the idea, knowing there was no safe place for me to even attempt such a thing. “Maybe later.”

She smirked as I realized how that comment sounded.

“I didn’t mean that in a sexual, hey let me do dirty things to you tonight kind of way. Geez. I meant your skin is still too sensitive right now.” I shook my head.

She took my chin in her hand and kissed the tip of my nose, laughing. “You are the cutest, most awkward, most adorable weirdo I ever had the good fortune of meeting, did you know that?”

“I don’t know about those other two things but awkward sounds about right.” I chuckled, opening my door and moving around to help her from the truck.

Once I got her on her feet and made sure she was okay, I gingerly took her hand in mine and started up the massive set of steps that led to the front entrance. “I’ll come out and get our stuff after I get you settled and peel you off Kade’s leg.”

She blushed scarlet and squeezed my hand, hard. “Don’t do that right now, shithead. You’ll have me all flustered, picturing the horrified look on his face if I actually did something like that.”

“I’m sure he’d be far from horrified,” I muttered.

She laughed softly. “You’re adorable,” she muttered right back.

I was also jealous already.






Having Brant’s hand in mine helped stave off the worst of the nerves but I was still a little flustered as we made our way up the steps. The big door swung open before we were able to knock, and I did everything in my power to keep my jaw off the floor.

Holy mother of all things lickable.

Kade Edenfield, lead singer of my all-time favorite band and possessor of the sexiest fucking singing voice known to man, stood not five feet from me. He towered over me in the doorway, standing at nearly six and a half feet, with broad shoulders and thick muscular arms. He was bare-chested, in low-slung button-fly jeans that revealed the beginnings of the delicious V that began at his slender hips and pointed the way south. His feet were bare, and his golden hair dripping wet, looking darker than usual.

Do not hump his leg.

Do not climb him like a tree.

And for the love of God…

Do not piss your pants.

One of the most memorable things about Kade Edenfield had always been his signature stare; a notoriously intense, dark expression that intimidated even the bravest men and made panties melt across the globe. I steeled myself for it and met his eyes… shocked to find him regarding me with a soft smile before turning his gaze on Brant, expression morphing into a full-on grin as he extended his hand. “Hey, man. ‘Bout time you brought your ass by to hang out. It’s been way too long.”

Brant shook it and nodded his head, returning Kade’s smile. “Sure has.”

Kade’s eyes flickered back to me and he snatched his hand from Brant’s grip, casting a sarcastic look his way. “Let go of my hand, dude, I need to properly greet my new friend, Lauren.”

He said my name, he said my name. Kade-fucking-Edenfield just said my name.

Stop fangirling and breathe, bitch! You’re on!

He extended his hand and I lifted mine from Brant’s grasp, a feeling of floating washing over me. When I slipped my hand into his, he tenderly placed his other hand over it, barely grazing my flesh with his own as he looked deep into my eyes. “I’m Kade. It’s an extraordinary pleasure to meet you, Lauren.” He looked to where his hands covered mine, tenderly brushing my knuckles with his fingertips as he pulled his hands away. “Brant told me you were recovering from some minor burns.”

“It’s nice to meet you, too, Kade.” I looked at my hands and the pink tinge that covered my exposed arms, noticing for the first time that I had goosebumps. “I’m feeling a lot better today.”

He stepped back and motioned us inside. “I apologize. It’s getting cold out and I just left you both standing out there to freeze.”

I shook my head but hurried into the spacious foyer alongside Brant whose hand once again carefully threaded through mine. “It’s not that. I’m going to be cold no matter what for the next few days. Side effect of the burns.”

Kade stood back from us and gave me a crooked smile that had me biting back a sigh. “Well, the house has individual climate controls for every room so adjust them as you need. Whatever helps you feel most comfortable.”

Brant cocked his head at Kade. “You’re freaking me out with this ultra-accommodating shit. Cut it out.” He chuckled. “She’ll think you’re a gentleman or something.”

Kade regarded him stoically. “You saying I can’t be civilized, fuckface?”

My laugh drew both of their gazes to me. Two matching smirks. One set of deep gray eyes and one set that shined a bright cornflower blue.

Cue spontaneous ovary explosion.

Being the focus of both of their attention at once was like being cast into the spotlight after a lifetime in shadow. Kade turned away, grabbing a t-shirt from the table near the door and tossing it over his shoulder instead of slipping it on.

Losing his gaze didn’t dull the spotlight one damn bit.

Brant still watched me, an amused smile on his face and a hint of desire in his eyes.

“Sorry.” Kade said, running his hands through his wet strands. “I was just getting out of the shower when the guard called.” He glanced around and pursed his lips in an endearing way. “Give me five minutes to finish dressing and I’ll give you the grand tour.” His eyes were on me. He tipped his head toward Brant. “That jackass has already seen everything, obviously, but I take my host duties seriously so I’ll be manning the tour myself. After that, I’ll let you two get settled in. There’s a massive waterfall shower off of the master suite that would be great for soothing your skin, Lauren.”

I nodded happily and, after a quick wink, he disappeared down the long hallway to the left of the foyer, giving me a fleeting real-life glimpse of his infamous ‘spine of steel’ back tattoo.

“See?” Brant leaned close, dropping his voice. “You didn’t even try to hump him.”

“Not yet,” I smirked before leaning closer, whispering into his shoulder. “But I think I peed a little.”

Brant’s laughter echoed through the entire house.

“Shh!” I hissed. “He might ask what you found so funny.”

“And I might tell him, too.”
Oh really?
“Ow! Dammit! Quit pinching me!” He laughed, rubbing his arm.

“Quit giving me reasons to,” I quipped, biting back a laugh.















An hour later…


Holy fucking shit!

I’m using Kade Edenfield’s shower.

I’m actually standing naked in the man’s shower.

I couldn’t help thinking to myself that he probably came up with a lot of the songs I loved so much right there in that shower, maybe hummed an inspired tune while standing under the spray or tried to jot down ideas on the steam covering the clear glass doors. It made me absolutely giddy to think some of the songs that I listened to every single day might have been born here in this house, in this very shower. It didn’t escape me that the man also stood naked in this very spot on a daily basis when he was here, but something about being in the place of inception made more of an impact.

I gave myself a last quick rinse, grateful for the blissfully cool water on my scalded skin as I looked around in wonderment. It was like I’d stepped out of a horror movie and into a beautiful daydream. If my flesh wasn’t still tender, I would have pinched myself.

How did I end up here? How did I go from Isaac’s dried blood under my fingernails to this posh mansion and meeting my idol?

I pulled a thick, incredibly fluffy towel from the rack just outside the wide glass shower door and began to carefully pat my skin dry, wincing at the bite of pain where some places were scalded more than others. I could hear Brant pacing in the bedroom, so I sighed and called out to him. “I’m fine. The cool shower helped a lot. Stop pacing or you’ll wear a groove in that expensive rug you’re standing on.”

The sound of his feet shuffling across the carpet halted. “I have the aloe gel out here. It’s about time for another application.”

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