All The Little Moments (24 page)

BOOK: All The Little Moments
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“Oh, you
so were.”

“Whatever. I just didn’t do commitment while I was focussed
on work.”


. Then I did a three-year commitment.
So there.”

“Do you mind me asking what changed? With your ex, I mean? Or is that not something the current date
can ask?”

“I think it’s fine.” Grateful for alcohol, Anna sipped her beer again. “I don’t know, really. We were incredibly similar, driven. We both understood our careers came first and that was okay. I’m not sure many women would be okay with that. Now that I think about it, I wonder if that was the main thing holding us together. We didn’t spend that much time together, considering we
lived together.”

Lane nodded. “That
makes sense.”

“At the beginning, I was such a commitment rookie. Now? I’m plopped into a life with kids, something I never planned. I’m definitely a rookie now. At least before I could kinda make it up as I went along.” Anna looked intently at Lane. “You? You seem to have this settled, comfortable thing
down pat.”

Lane laughed out loud. “Anna, everyone is just making it up as they
go along.”


“Really.” Lane sipped her beer. “I’m certainly happy to be here. New to everything and two
kids included.”

Unable to resist, Anna kissed her before pulling back slightly to look her in the eye. “You’ve been amazing.” Lane shook her head but Anna interrupted. “You really have,
Lane. Amazing.”

Before sitting back down, Anna kissed her
once more.

Lane was grinning. “Even despite the whole I-owned-a-cat-with-my-ex thing?”

with that.”

“What if I told you it
was two?”

“I’ll laugh at you,
but yes.”

“What if I told you I met her at work when she came in with a broken femur?”

“A patient, Lane?
How risqué.”


Anna drained the last of her beer. “Still,
point stands.”

“Going to
report me?”

“Ha. I think if I did, I’d have to report the multiple times I know you’ve been making out
in stairwells.”

Lane poked her tongue at her. “Shot yourself in
the foot.”


Anna picked up her empty bottle, intending to get another. About to ask another question about the ex, she heard Lane’s chair push back. When she turned around, Lane had stepped into her space, gently pushing her so the small of her back pressed into the bench. Lane cocked her head
at her.

“I got pretty burned coming out of
that relationship.”

Anna trailed her fingers down Lane’s soft cheek. “I don’t know how anyone could do that
to you.”

“It was a long time ago now. I’m just saying that, because I don’t get this urge to run and protect myself with you. I wasn’t innocent in it
all, but—”

Acting on impulse, Anna surged forward, digging her fingers into Lane’s neck as she kissed her. Pulling back, she looked searchingly into Lane’s eyes. “Do you want
another beer?”

Lane shook her head, fingers toying with Anna’s shirt. “I don’t really want any
more beer.”

“What do you
want, then?”

Anna’s eyes closed of their own accord as Lane’s gently kissed her jaw, tracing a pattern to behind her ear. Fingers rested lightly against Anna’s hips, and her hands fell to grip the bench
behind her.

When Lane spoke, it was in a whisper, her breath light against Anna’s skin. Anna held back a shudder. “I want you. Just.” Lane’s tongue snaked against her neck, then her lips pressed against the same spot
once. “You.”

Anna threaded her hands in Lane’s hair, the dark tight curls clamped in her fist. She pulled Lane up so that their lips crushed together. An involuntary groan fell from Anna as Lane pressed her full weight against her, pinning her to
the bench.

There were no children in the house. Lane had the day off, and Anna didn’t need to be in until twelve. Life
was glorious.

At Anna’s smile, Lane
stopped. “What?”

“We aren’t going to be interrupted by work.” She kissed Lane once. “Or Kym.” And again. “Or
crying babies.”

Lane grinned too. “Oh, okay. Good reason
to smile.”

Using her body, Anna moved them towards the kitchen door, lips barely leaving
each other.

“Well, you always make
me smile.”

Anna gently guided Lane to the stairs, eyes flicking to look up before she decided it was too hard and just pushed Lane against the banister. Lane’s hands fell on it to balance herself as Anna’s lips moved to
her neck.

A sigh reached Anna’s ears as she ran her tongue along soft skin. When her teeth grazed the hot flesh under her lips, the sigh turned to
a moan.

“Upstairs.” Anna planted another kiss on her. “Upstairs is
a bed.”

“Right.” Lane’s hands pulled Anna tighter.
“Right. Bed.”

“If we don’t go,” Anna tried to untangle herself from Lane, “I’m going to shove you onto the stairs, and as hot as that’d be, there’s
a bed.”

With a pout, Lane looked at the stairs. “They don’t even
have carpet.”

Anna laughed, grabbing Lane’s hand. Within moments, they were in
her bedroom.

For a second, they simply stood next to each other, hands linked. Then they met in a tangle, hands in hair, lips parting against each other, stumbling back against
the bed.

Lane sat down on the edge, pulling Anna with her. At the tug on her hips, Anna straddled Lane, not breaking the kiss. Goosebumps erupted over Anna’s skin as Lane’s fingers ran along her spine under her shirt. Lane kissed her neck, and
Anna sighed.


“What?” The whispered question against her neck made Anna shiver. She hadn’t meant to say
that aloud.


Lane kissed her again, and Anna couldn’t speak anymore as the sensations Lane’s fingers caused made all thoughts fade. All there was in that moment
was Lane.

Their kiss finally broke as Lane
pulled away.

Anna’s protest turned into a soft sigh as Lane’s lips moved over her cheek and jaw. Teeth grazed her neck. Thumbs brushed the underside of her bra before trailing back down over her stomach, tracing just over the waistband of her pants and back up
her spine.

Anna giggled, and Lane looked up, bemused. “Um. Anna? Not really the reaction I was
looking for.”

With a sheepish look, her hands shifted to cup Lane’s cheeks. “No, I’m sorry. I just…this position is very deja-vu, in your bedroom. It just crossed my mind how different it is
this time.”

A slow look of pleasure crossed Lane’s face. “No tears
this time.”

Happily, Anna shook her head, pushing Lane back so she lay down on the bed. Lane gave no resistance whatsoever, hands sliding out the back of Anna’s shirt to rest on top of her thighs. Anna rested a hand on either side of Lane’s face, smiling down at her, hair falling
around them.

“Nope. And
no stopping.”

medals required.”

Anna chuckled, leaning down further to press her lips to Lane’s. “I think we deserve medals. It’s been a long time that I’ve wanted you like this, with no interruptions. I don’t care that it’s four in
the morning.”

Lane’s hands came up to either side of Anna’s face. Her eyes were soft. “Totally worth
the wait.”

The gesture made Anna melt. “Totally.” She leant forward as if to kiss Lane, but then pulled back, smiling at the disgruntled look on Lane’s face. Instead, Anna toyed at the hemline of her own shirt, head tilted as she waited for
Lane’s reaction.

Understanding crossed Lane’s face, her eyes dropping to Anna’s hands then back to meet her eyes. That smile that would forever make Anna’s stomach flip lit up Lane’s face. This was what Anna had been
waiting for.

She tugged the shirt up slowly, pulling it over her head and dropping it on the floor. Briefly, shyness overtook her, an emotion she sometimes thought would never completely leave a woman, no matter how confident. However, when she saw Lane’s eyes trail over her and then her mouth drop open, all feelings of inadequacy fled, and all Anna felt was the burn of
Lane’s eyes.

Lane pushed herself up on her elbows, her gaze intent on Anna’s. “You are so
fucking beautiful.”

Overwhelmed with emotion, Anna leant down, capturing Lane’s lips in
a kiss.

For a moment, it was Lane who took control. Her fingers stroked Anna’s stomach and back, and shivers ran over Anna’s body at the touch. She nipped at Anna’s lips, teeth dragging over the skin before pulling back. Then her hands dropped down to her own shirt, her gaze boring into Anna, a cheeky smirk on
her lips.

Anna pulled those hands away. “I
want to.”

Lane’s smile became sassier. “Assertive? I
like it.”

“I just know what I want.” Anna gripped the shirt, giving a playful shrug before she slowly pulled it off. Heat rushed through her at every inch of skin and curve that was exposed. She tugged the garment over Lane’s head, and dark hair tumbled to her shoulders. Anna threw the shirt behind her and pushed forward, pressing Lane down on the bed. Lips crashed together. Legs slid between each other, both of them moaning at the contact. Smooth skin ran under Anna’s hand as she grazed it over Lane’s thigh, across her hip and up
her side.

Her bra was somehow on
the floor.


Trembles ran through her at the soft voice against
her ear.

“I just want to
feel you.”

Smothering a groan, Anna slipped her hand under Lane and removed her bra, their torsos pressing together as Lane wrapped her arms around Anna’s back, pulling her in. Hot skin
pressed flush.

With her palms gliding over Lane’s sides, Anna pressed her lips against the thumping pulse at Lane’s neck. Her thumb brushed over a nipple, and Lane’s head fell back with a groan. Her hands were tangled in Anna’s hair, urging her head down to replace the thumb with
her mouth.

Anna gripped Lane’s hip as her tongue coaxed moans from soft lips. Caught between wanting to drag this out as much as she could and wanting to hear how Lane sounded,
right now
, when she came, Anna kissed a path down Lane’s ribs, tongue tracing against
her skin.

“You,” Anna said between damp kisses, slowly moving down Lane’s writhing body, “do things to me I can’t even explain.” She looked up, her lips pressed just under
Lane’s navel.

Lane’s black eyes sent a jolt through her—a jolt that settled straight in her centre. With trembling fingers, she undid the button and zip of Lane’s jeans. How was it possible for Lane to feel so good? Compliant hips lifted as Anna tugged the trousers down and off Lane, pulling her underwear
with it.

Lane exhaled deeply. “Believe me when I say,
I understand.”

Anna smiled as she stood, tugging off her own pants before she crawled back up the bed, dropping wet kisses to Lane’s skin. Lane’s legs came around Anna, pulling her down. And finally, warm skin enveloped Anna as she lay flat against Lane, naked skin to
naked skin.

The site of Lane’s mouth dropping partially open as Anna rocked her hips caused her to bite her lip. That groan drove Anna wild. Dipping her head, she kissed Lane again, rolling her hips in a slow rhythm. Lane’s legs tightened their hold, pushing Anna harder
against her.

“That,” Lane moved her hips forward to meet Anna’s,
“feels amazing.”

Distracted by the sensation of nails dragging against the skin of her back, Anna kissed her neck, teeth grazing gently before biting
down softly.

“I’ve wanted to feel you like this for
too long.”

Their kisses grew more insistent as Anna built a rhythm, soft groans echoing in the room. Heat shot through her when Lane’s nails dug into her ass, guiding Anna’s movements to greater satisfaction. The friction between them wasn’t enough, but it wasn’t a sensation Anna wanted to end just yet. Electricity danced over her skin. Lane dragged her other hand between their bodies, thumb brushing over Anna’s nipple before cupping
her breast.

Anna rocked herself into Lane’s body, feeling with every move the heat of her, all of her underneath. “You’re so
fucking wet.”

Nails dug into her back as she thrust against Lane again, and fingers twisted her nipple, making
Anna gasp.

“You’ve worked me up
a little.”

a little?”

Lane rasped a laugh. “A
fuckload, actually.”

Despite her distracted state, Anna smirked, elbow bracing her body on one side, her other hand on Lane’s breast rolling a nipple between her fingertips. At the feeling of Lane spread under her, the heat of them pressed together—an instinctual rhythm
took over.

“I’ll come like this, just so you know.” Lane’s hand pulled almost painfully at Anna’s hair, her voice low, words coming out between fast breaths. “You feel
so good.”

Forcing herself to slow down, Anna brushed her lips against Lane’s cheek. “Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but…” She shifted one leg, straddling Lane’s thigh, hissing slightly as she pressed against the taut muscle, “I really want to be in you when
you come.”

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