All You'll Ever Need (10 page)

Read All You'll Ever Need Online

Authors: Sharon C. Cooper

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Multicultural, #Multicultural & Interracial

BOOK: All You'll Ever Need
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“Thank you for bringing me here.” Jada glanced over her shoulder, the back of her head brushing against his chest. “This is breathtaking,” she said of the sun glowing over the water. I’ve lived here all my life and never knew of a place to come where I could see an actual sunrise. And just think, yesterday I almost said no thank you once you mentioned picking me up at four-thirty this morning.”

Zack laughed. “Well, I’m glad you didn’t turn me down. I like having you here with me.”

Hiking up the winding trails along the ridge often helped Zack clear his head while getting in a workout. The trip today was different, giving him an opportunity to share something special with Jada. Sure they had talked a number of times over the last two weeks, but being with her was so much more rewarding than a simple telephone call.

“Let me see your palm?” She lifted her left hand to him. “It still looks a little red. Does it hurt?”

“It stings a little, but I’ll live. If I had been paying attention, I wouldn’t have tripped over the roots of that tree.” She shook her head and smiled, her whole face lighting up. “I think I might’ve still been half asleep. I guess you can probably tell that I’m not a morning person.”

He linked his fingers with hers and stared at their joined hands, her brown skin a stark contrast next to his pale skin. He hadn’t dated a black woman since college but learned early on that where it mattered, most women were the same.

Zack released her hand and pushed a loose strand of hair out of her face, slipping the silky lock behind her ear. She felt right in his arms. Actually, the whole morning felt right, as if they were right where they were supposed to be.

“I guess fall is finally here,” she said, snuggling closer to him. “When October first rolled around, and we still had seventy degree weather, I started to believe there was something to this global warming thing.”

Zack nodded, his chin brushing against the softness of her hair. “Yeah, you’re right. It has been warmer than usual this time of year. Personally, I’m glad it’s finally cooling off. When I’m on the field with all of my gear on, it’s as if the temperature is at least twenty degrees hotter.”

“You must be naturally hot-blooded. You’re not wearing a jacket while I have on a jacket and a sweater.”

They talked and laughed for a few minutes more. This connection is what Zack had been missing, what he’d been yearning. A woman who could share in some of the activities he enjoyed without complaining every couple of minutes that they didn’t want to get dirty, or they were tired, or they were afraid of bugs.

When Jada shivered again, despite his arm being around her, he knew it was time to pack everything up and leave. He wasn’t ready to end their time together, but considering how long it took them to get there, it was probably a good idea to start heading back.

“Are you ready to go?” He kissed Jada on the cheek, her hair tickling his nose. Both his arms wrapped around her as she sat between his legs, her back to his chest.

“I’m not ready, but I guess we probably should head out.” She turned slightly in his arms, her lips mere inches from his. He stared into her sexy brown eyes and then his gaze dropped to her tempting mouth. He looked up to find her still staring at him, and a sensuous light passed between them. They wanted the same thing.

Zack moved his body to the right slightly, his fingers caressing her cheek. Without saying a word, he lowered his head and their lips touched. The kiss started slow and exploratory, but quickly spiraled out of control. Jada moaned and pulled away from him slightly. Turning on her knees, she faced him and wrapped her arms around his neck, reclaiming his lips. It was his turn to moan when she increased the pressure of their kiss. He was shocked at her eager response, loving her boldness as their tongues tangled to a sensuous tune.

Zack lowered her to the blanket, laying her on her back without breaking contact. He wanted her like a moth wanted light. They’d talked periodically over the last couple of weeks and his desire for her had multiplied since the last time he’d seen her.

Lying next to her, he cradled her head in the crook of his arm, while his other hand slid under her sweater, stopping at the lace covering her firm breast. “Ah baby,” he mumbled against her lips, his control slipping. Every night, visions of her crept into his mind, dominated his dreams and left him frustrated when he’d wake up to find her not there. Right now, he would give anything to have her. All of her.

Reveling in the softness of her body against his, Zack slid on top of her, careful to support his weight. His hand still between their bodies, his fingers tweaking her erect nipple through the laced bra. His shaft throbbed behind his zipper. No doubt she felt the effect she was having on him against her thigh. Everything about Jada turned him on. From that sassy wit and curvy body to the erotic whimpers slipping through her soft, sensual lips.

He lowered his hand to her flat stomach and lifted his head slightly. “I know this is a fine time to ask, but are you dating anyone … exclusively?”

Her eyes lowered, and she licked her lips before her gaze met his again. “No,” she mumbled, her voice raspy.


“Are you?” He hesitated, and she leaned away and narrowed her eyes at him. If only she knew how much he cared about her, how much he craved her. She would’ve understood what a crazy question that was.

“I am now.” His voice gruff with desire as he reclaimed her lips with an urgency he had never felt before, needing her to feel what he felt in his heart. He wanted her more than he had ever wanted anyone, but it was too soon. He wanted forever and didn’t intend on screwing up whatever was developing between them by moving too fast.

Jada’s moans stoked the flames burning inside of him. But if he didn’t stop soon, he wouldn’t be able to stop, and he didn’t want their first time to be outside on the hard ground.

He raised up on his elbows and stared down at her. “You are so damn beautiful,” he mumbled hoarsely, caressing her cheek.

“I could say the same thing about you.” She wiped lipstick from his mouth with the pad of her thumb, her finger lingering longer than necessary.

“I guess we should go.” He raised up and helped her into a sitting position.

“You mentioned that we’re going back down the trail a different way.”

He nodded. “Yeah, we’ll walk along the water’s edge for a ways and then go down a back way to the truck.” He stood, grasped her hand, and pulled her up. “It’s picturesque and it’ll give you a chance to see different scenery than what we did coming up here.”

“I can’t imagine it being any more beautiful than this area.” She walked to the edge of the water as Zack cleaned up the extra food from their picnic, loading it into the backpack that he had carried. Picking up the used napkins, paper plates and cups, he shoved them into a small trash bag he had thought to bring.

Zack glanced over to where Jada stood. Everything about the time he’d been spending with her felt different than it had with Leslie. They both were very beautiful women, but he couldn’t believe how fast he had taken to Jada. His mother often said that when its right, its right. He never knew exactly what
was, but he had a feeling Jada was right for him.


Jada stood next to the water, her hands shoved into the pockets of her Burberry jacket. They had been at the reserve for hours, and she wished they could stay forever. She glanced back at Zack, who was still cleaning up. Returning her attention to the water, her fingertips lightly touching her lips, still felt warm from his kiss.
Damn he can kiss, but what am I doing?
Her mind relived the velvet warmth of his mouth. If she weren’t careful, Zack could become an addiction she couldn’t break. Hooking up with a man because of his wealth and companionship was one thing, but she couldn’t risk falling for someone who had the ability to break her heart.

A ripple in the water caught her attention.

What the heck?
Is that a fish?
She stepped closer, not caring that Christina’s boots were getting wet.

“Be careful Jada, those rocks can get a little slippery,” Zack called out from their picnic spot.

“Okay.” She slowly treaded through the shallow, clear water noticing moss, colorful pebbles, and algae, but no fish. Why she was so determined to see a fish up close was a mystery to her considering she didn’t really like the slippery little creatures.

A frustrated growl rumbled in her throat as she swatted at a bug flying too close to her face.
That’s another reason I don’t like being outside. Stupid insects.

Another ripple in the water a few feet out grabbed her attention again.

“Ready to go?” Zack asked.

Jada glanced over her shoulder at him, surprised at just how far she had walked out.

“Yep, I’m ready.” She turned to retrace her steps, but whipped her head back around when she heard a soft splash. “Whoa!” Her foot slipped, and she tried desperately to steady herself. Her arms flailed as she wobbled back and forth.

“Jada!” Zack yelled. Heavy footsteps pounded through the crunching leaves covering the ground. “Jada!” Before she could look at him, her feet slid from beneath her.

“Aarrggghh!” Her earsplitting scream pierced the quietness of their surroundings. It was as if she were falling in slow motion. Her arms flopped around, and her heart pounded wildly in her chest. All thoughts flew from her mind. She squeezed her eyes shut, landing with a splash in the cold shallow water.

Ohmigod! Ohmigod
!” She splashed around, arms flailing, legs kicking, water flying everywhere. She screamed again, when she tried to stand, only to slip back down, frustrated by her clumsiness.

“Jada.” She startled, not noticing that Zack had come up behind her. “Are you okay?” He grabbed her underneath her armpits and lifted her into a standing position.

“Yeah.” Her unsteady legs barely held her up as she gripped his arm tightly. “You were right. It is slippery out here.” She tried to make light of the situation, hoping he didn’t think she was a total klutz.

“Are you sure you’re okay? You’re not hurt, are you?”

She slowly released the death grip on his arm. “Only my pride.” She took a deep breath in and slowly let it out forcing her heart to reclaim its steady beat. Soaking wet from the top of her head to the soles of her feet, if she didn’t get out of the water and those clothes soon, she was guaranteed to catch a cold. Or worse, die from hyperthermia.

Still sliding on the rocks, unable to maintain her balance, Jada grabbed hold of Zack’s arm again. How was it that he was able to stand next to her without sliding around the way she was? Sure, he might’ve had an extra seventy-five to a hundred pounds on her, but still…

“Come on let’s get you out of this wat—”

“Aarrggghh!” Jada screamed when she lost her footing. Again, her arms flailed, her legs kicked, unable to get her balance despite Zack’s efforts to get a grip on her jacket.

“Jada stop … oh sh…!” Zack’s feet slipped from beneath him, when she grabbed hold of the tail of his flannel shirt on her way down. She ducked, hoping he wouldn’t fall on her, but he landed on the side of her with a huge splash and curse words flying out of his mouth.

“Ohmigod! Are you okay?” Jada splashed around and frantically brushed her hair out of her face to glance over her shoulder at him. Their eyes met …seconds passed … and they burst out laughing.

“Are you okay?” she asked between giggles that turned into a full-blown laugh, unable to help herself. She could only imagine what they must look like flopping around like ducks in ankle deep water. Still laughing she said, “I … am … so sorry.”

“Un…freakin…believable,” Zack said shaking his head, a smile plastered on his face. “First you almost give me a heart attack,
, and then you try to kill me.” He slicked his wet hair back away from his forehead. “What am I going to do with you?”

Jada glanced down, finding it hard to believe she was sitting in water fully clothed. “Well, for starters you can help me up.”

“Alright, but this time I’m carrying you. Clearly you can’t walk on rocks.” He stood slowly, getting his footing and then bent down and lifted her out of the water.

Jada wrapped her arms around his neck tightly. “Please don’t drop me.”

“Sweetheart, you’re a lightweight. I’m not going to drop you, but can you loosen your grip? I can’t breathe.”

“Oh.” Jada grinned and relaxed her arms. “Sor … ry.” A chill roared through her body, and her teeth clattered. Shivering, she nestled against Zack, getting colder by the minute.

“I should have some extra clothes in the truck for us to change into.” Zack set her on her feet once they were back on solid ground. Jada rubbed her hands up and down her arms, bouncing from one foot to the other until Zack snatched off the blanket attached to his backpack. “Here, this might help a little.” He wrapped the fleece material around her shoulders and pulled her close.

Still shivering, she closed her eyes, loving the feel of his arms around her, trying to warm her up despite the fact they both were soaking wet. He leaned down and his mouth covered hers in a sweet tender kiss, and heat spread through her body. Not enough warmth to make her forget she was standing in wet clothes and boots, but enough to make her sex clench with need. Zack took his time, licking, teasing, making love to her mouth, and leaving her wanting so much more.

“We better get going.” He gave her one last peck on her lips before picking up the backpack and slipping his arms through the straps. “Instead of the scenic route, we’ll take the shortest trail.”

Bouncing around, Jada nodded. “Good idea.” Glancing back at the water, she shook her head. She prided herself on being sophisticated. The type of woman a man would love to have on his arm. But on each date with him, she came out looking like a total goof.

“Zack, I’m sorry,” Jada said as they moved toward the walking trail.

He slowed and looked down at her, a frown marring his handsome face. “Sorry for what?”

“For this.” She glanced down at their clothes. “All of this. You planned such a nice picnic date, and I ruined it. I am so sorry.”

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