All You'll Ever Need (11 page)

Read All You'll Ever Need Online

Authors: Sharon C. Cooper

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Multicultural, #Multicultural & Interracial

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“Sweetheart, you have no reason to be sorry. I’m the one who should be apologizing. I should have made sure I stayed close to you, especially knowing how slippery those rocks can get.” He squeezed her hand. “I’m just glad you’re not hurt.”

“Yeah, me too. But I have a feeling I’m going to remember this moment every time I try sit down, at least for the next few days.”

He released her hand and gently palmed her butt as if he were holding a football, and pulled her against his hard body. “Well, if you need me to massage a certain part of your anatomy,” he said, his voice deep and sensual, sent a ripple of excitement through her veins, “just say the word, and I’m there.”

Jada gulped and stared into his sexy eyes. “Okay,” she croaked, unable to form any other words. This man had the power to short circuit any common sense she had, and Jada could feel herself falling for him. Falling hard.



Chapter Eight


“So what gives? You haven’t gone out on the town in a couple of weeks, which has to be a first,” CJ said strolling into the living room.

Jada lounged on the sofa, her feet on the coffee table as she flipped through television stations. She didn’t know how people sat in front of the TV all day every day when there was nothing good on.

When she turned the channel to a football game, she stopped, hoping Cincinnati was playing. She didn’t know much about football, but thanks to her cousin Nick, she knew more now that she and Zack were seeing each other.

 “Ahh, so that’s it.”

“What’s it?” Jada glanced at Christina when she sat next to her. “And if you start throwing out some of your big, stupid words, I’m going to shove this remote down your throat.” She held the television remote next to CJ’s face, daring her.

“Oh stop.” Christina swatted Jada’s hand away. “I don’t do the words anymore. It wasn’t as much fun as I thought it would be. Most of the people I talk to are you and our cousins. Kinda like talking to a brick wall.”

“Whatever.” Jada grinned. She had to give her cousin credit for trying to build her vocabulary, especially considering the type of networking she had to do in her secret life. The part of her life that the rest of the family didn’t know existed.

Jada turned her attention to the television. The Cincinnati Cougars weren’t playing, but according to the sports announcer, their game was up next.

“Since you’re watching football, does that mean that you and Zack are getting serious?”

“I’m watching football because there’s nothing else on.” Jada, not sure why, hadn’t told her cousin that she and Zack were exclusive. Maybe because what she felt for him still made her a little nervous.

“Yeah, right. You’re watching football because there is nothing else on? Tell it to someone who doesn’t know you.” Christina moved around trying to get comfortable on the sofa. “I guess since the Cougars have had away games the last two weeks, you’ve had to settle for trying to get a glimpse of Zack during the game on TV, huh?”

Jada couldn’t ever remember missing someone as much as she missed Zack.
So much for protecting my heart.
Memories of a time where she allowed herself to get emotionally attached to a man came flooding into her mind.
Dion Greely
. The man she’d met and fallen in love with three years ago, the first and only man to break her heart. Jada made the mistake of thinking that eating at fancy restaurants, being whisked away on weekend trips, and receiving expensive gifts meant he loved her. That was a lesson learned quickly, and she vowed never again. Finding out he was married with a child wasn’t as easy to get over. The knowledge nearly destroyed her emotionally. Dion had made it clear that even if he weren’t already married, he’d never be able to marry someone who didn’t have anything to bring to the table besides a pretty face and a tight body.

“You know, I’m a little shocked by your behavior,” Christina said, breaking into Jada’s thoughts. “Over the past month, you’ve complained about the less than glamourous dates that Zack has taken you on, yet you’re still interested in him. So how do you explain that?”

Jada couldn’t explain her desire to be with him. Yet, she had determined early on that Zack was nothing like Dion. Zack had morals, compassion, and treated her special. Most importantly, he wasn’t married. However, after the third date with him, when he had taken her to a movie and then to a hotdog joint afterwards, she had vowed that that would be the last date with him. Then she couldn’t for the life of her understand why she’d agreed to go fishing with him three days later, only to return home smelling like a swamp. She had knocked over the fish bucket and water splashed on her. That should have been the last straw. Yet here she was, watching football, hoping to get a glimpse of him because she hadn’t seen him in a few days. The last time was over an early morning breakfast before she reported to work and he went to football practice.

“I like him. I
like him,” Jada finally responded.

“I like Zack too. He doesn’t seem as shallow as your other boy-toys. But why do
like him? He doesn’t fit your required characteristics, except for being cute and rich. He doesn’t take you to overpriced restaurants. He hasn’t bought you any expensive gifts unless you count the purple tools and drill,” she laughed, “and he doesn’t come across like a pompous jackass. So why are you even bothering with him?”

“I’m not totally sure,” Jada mumbled. “I think it’s the way he makes me laugh and the way he makes me feel.” She sat up and turned to Christina. “I also appreciate how real he is. He clearly is not trying to impress me.” They both laughed. “He’s attentive. Not in a – he’s trying to get into my panties way, but in a he is truly trying to get to know me way. Not the shallow me,” she said sheepishly, “but the real me. The me who has feelings. The me who loves attention and the me who wants to be happy.”

“So what are you going to do about Zack’s lack of dating savvy?” CJ removed the scrunchy from around her wrist and pulled her curly hair out of her face and up into a ponytail. “Maybe he’s just cheap.”

Jada fell back against the sofa. “Nah I don’t think that’s it. He gives tons of money to charities. He lives in Indian Hill not too far from Gramma and Grampa, and he has a place near the stadium, as well as a home in California. Don’t get me started on all of the cars he owns. So, I don’t think he’s cheap. I think he just has a different idea of what fun is.”

“Well, he must be doing something right if he has you sitting by the phone and watching football.” Jada rolled her eyes and didn’t bother responding. “Okay, but seriously, why do you think he can’t plan better dates?”

“I don’t have a clue. Outside of coming right out and telling him that I hate
outdoor activities, that hotdogs make me gag, and that I’m looking to marry rich so that I can quit my construction job, I’m not sure what to do.”

“Why don’t you show him?” Christina put her feet on the floor and sat up.

Jada looked at her cousin sideways. “Show him what?”

“Show him how you like to be treated. Insist that he get dressed up.
take him to a fine dining establishment, to the theater, and do all the other crap you like doing.” Her cousin stood and stretched her arms above her head, her short T-shirt rising up showing off light brown skin and flat abs. “If he doesn’t catch a hint then, you might want to cut your losses and move on to your next victim.”

Jada smiled, ideas for an exciting evening running rampant through her mind. “I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but you might be on to something. I’ll plan a nice romantic evening for next weekend. Friday I’m working a half a day. After his team’s workout, he’s taking me 4-wheeling.”

“Hmm, that sounds like fun. The last cruise I went on, I had planned to go 4-wheeling on one of the excursions, but the outing was canceled. Since then, I haven’t thought about going. Hopefully, you’ll have a good time.”

“I hope so too. I have barely survived his dates. If he wants to keep me, he’s going to have to step up his game in regards to these dates.”

“I’m sure he’ll catch on … eventually. In the meantime, I definitely think you’re going to have to teach him how you want to be treated.”

The doorbell rang.

“I’ll get it.” Christina walked out of the living room and down the short hall to the front door. Minutes later, she came back carrying a box the size of a boot box. “A delivery for Ms. Jada Jenkins from Mr. Zachary Anderson.” She waved a small envelope. “It looks like your man sent you a gift. Maybe he’s already caught a hint. The box is from Bloomingdales.”

Jada jumped up from the sofa, excitement streaming through her veins. “Oh my goodness!” He’d sent her a case of Acqua Di Gioia, her favorite perfume a month ago and had been sending flowers for the last couple of weeks. “I can’t imagine what’s in this box, but I hope it’s the Marc Jacob’s boots that I mentioned to him when we went out to lunch last weekend.”

“How would he know which ones to get?”

Jada twisted her lips in a grin. “Well, while we were waiting for our food, I happen to have a magazine with the boots in it, and I might’ve shown them to him.”

Christina shook her head and grinned. “Of course you did.”

Jada grabbed a pair of scissors from the drawer near the built-in bookshelf and hurried back to the sofa. Christina stood nearby.

“Oh please, please, please be the Marc…” Her voice trailed off when she made it through the first box and pulled out a smaller boot box with Timberland printed across the top. “What the heck?” She opened the box and pulled out a pair of wheat color suede-like boots that resembled her steel-toe boots.

Christina fell to her knees. Holding her stomach, she rolled around on the floor laughing. When her cousin pounded the floor with her hand, unable to catch her breath, Jada admitted it might’ve been a little funny, but it wasn’t that funny.

Zack cannot be this clueless.

When she finally calmed herself, her cousin swiped the back of her hand across her eyes to wipe the moisture from them. “As I’ve said before, I like Zack. If nothing else, he’s great comic relief.” Still on the floor, she sat with her back against the sofa and grabbed one of the Timberland boots, holding it out in front of her. “What does the card say?”

Disappointed, Jada reluctantly pulled the notecard from the envelope.

Hey sweetheart, I can’t wait to see you in the morning. Thought you might need these for when we go 4-wheeling. I hope you like them. Until tomorrow. Zack.”

“Well, at least he got the size right.”

“Yeah, whatever. He just better hope I enjoy 4-wheeling. Otherwise, I’m done.”


“That’s it!” Jada screamed, her arms flailing around, anger marring her muddy face. “Do not call me. Do not come by my job. Do not send me gi…gifts. Lose my damn number!” Her finger stabbed the air, punctuating each one of her words. “Look at my clothes! And my hair,” she sobbed.

Stunned, Zack could only stare at her. They’d gone 4-wheeling, and things were going well until they hopped on one of the most challenging trails full of potholes and mud. How was he to know that she would lose control and hit a mud puddle? Besides, who wore a white jacket when they knew they were going 4-wheeling?

“Don’t you think you’re over reacting?” Zack folded his arms across his chest. “They’re just clothes, Jada. Hell, I’ll be glad to replace the whole outfit.” A clump of mud from a few strands of wayward hair sticking out from under her helmet, fell to the ground. “And your hair can be washed.”

“You don’t get it do you?” She slowly approached him, the vein in her forehead protruding, her jaw and fists clenched. Now he was the one who was taking slow steps back. Anger leaked from every pore in her body. “All you’ve been thinking about is yourself with these stupid dates! We have gone hiking, fishing, hung out in your mechanic’s garage, played around in dirt and now this – driving through mud!” Her voice grew louder with each word. “What woman in her right mind would enjoy this?”

“Well, damn, Jada!” He dropped his arms to his sides and yelled back. “You never, not once, said you didn’t like the activities I planned!” His arms flailed around; annoyance quickly turning into anger. “Hell, if you were having such a rotten time, why didn’t you say something? You had plenty of opportunities! How in the heck was I supposed to know that you weren’t enjoying yourself? I thought—”

“You thought what?” She pointed her finger at him, barely missing his face. “That just because I work in construction that I don’t like the finer things in life? That I don’t like to get dressed up and go to the theater, a concert, or hell a five-star restaurant. While you were planning all of these activities, did you even think of me once? Did you ever ask yourself,
I wonder what Jada would enjoy doing

“Hold up. Wait!” Zack braced his index fingers against his temples, closed his eyes, and tried to wrap his brain around all that she was saying. Had he missed some signs? He opened his eyes and glared at her. “Let me make sure I have this right. You’re mad at me because I suggested that we do some outdoor activities. Mind you, this is after
told me you were a go-with-the-flow kind of girl who loves the outdoors. So now you’re telling me that that’s not the case? So what the hell was that conversation on the dance floor all about?”

Silence fell between them, both their chests heaving. Jada wiped at the mud that covered her face, only making it worse.

“It’s time I was honest with you, Zack.” She leaned against the truck. The hairs on the back of Zack’s neck stood at attention as trepidation rose through his body and lodged in his chest. Thoughts of Leslie and the way she had lied and used him immediately came to the forefront of his mind.

Jada let out a loud breath and removed the helmet from her head, dropping it to the ground. She bent over slightly, hands perched on her thighs, her head hung low. Thinking that she was going to be sick, Zack inched toward her but stopped when she lifted her head.

“I hate getting my hands dirty.” She pushed hair away from her face and shivered when she lowered her hand and saw more mud caked under her French manicure. “I don’t like animals, not even goldfish, and the day I volunteered at the farm was the first time I’d done any volunteering since girl’s scouts.” She glanced down at her clothes. Zack thought she was going to burst into tears.

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