Ally and Jake (8 page)

Read Ally and Jake Online

Authors: Laylah Roberts

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Ally and Jake
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“Good girl,” Jake said as he returned. The approval in his voice shouldn’t have warmed her, but it did. Ally concentrated on slowing her breathing, trying to ignore the painful throbbing of her bottom as Jake moved around the room.

“Well, little girl, do you have anything to say?”

Ally stood and turned, wiping her c
heeks. She walked towards Jake
where he sat on the chair.

Standing before him, Ally stared down at her feet, twisting her hands.

“Ally? Look at me, please.”

She glanced up and saw the loving warmth in his eyes. “I’m sorry for being so naughty, Daddy,” she told him. “Please can you give me the rest of my s-spanking.”

“Good girl. I want you to walk over to your dresser and get your hairbrush. Bring it back here.”

With a low moan, Ally slowly retrieved the heavy, wooden hairbrush and passed it to Jake who then pulled her between his legs. He pressed her over his left leg, keeping her legs trapped between his thighs.

“Okay, baby. This
is for coming up to your room to play when I told you to stand in the corner of the living room.”

The hairbrush landed with punishing force, pushing the air from her lungs in a whoosh. It landed twice more before Ally found her voice, letting out a loud screech of pain.

“Hurts! Hurts!” she yelled, trying to move away, to reach back and stop him. But Jake held her in a tight grip, her legs trapped by his, her wrists quickly captured in his free hand.

“Five more, baby,” he told her.

Ally didn’
t know how she could stand it. L
uckily he did them quickly, not drawing out the experience.
Still, fire licked at her, making her scream with each punishing slap.

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack

Ally sobbed, her buttocks throbbing, sizzling.

“There now, all over,” he murmured, rubbing her back as Ally lay exhausted on his knee, sobbing.

“Sore, Daddy,” she cried pitifully.

“I know, baby
and I’m sorry I had to punish you so harshly, but you have to remember to obey me.”

lay on his lap, unable to move
as he rubbed her back
. The only good thing about a spanking was the cuddles she got from Jake afterwards. And the fact that she was instantly forgiven as soon as it was over.

“I’m sorry, Daddy. Cuddle?” she asked.

Ally hated to admit it, but sometimes she felt a lot better for having been given a spanking. Oh, not for little things, but the bigger ones. Like when she said something hateful without thinking. She hated to hurt anyone’s feelings and could beat herself up for weeks over it.

A spanking wiped the slate clean instantly.

“In a minute, baby. Daddy just wants to take your temperature first.”

Ally stiffened a little before forcing herself to relax as Jake parted her bottom cheeks. So that’s what he’d left the room to get. Jake pushed the thermometer inside her bottom.

“Daddy, I don’t feel sick.”

“That’s good, honey. But I need to make sure my baby girl is all healthy.
I don’t want you getting sick. I’m still worried about you, baby.”

Finally, he pulled out the thermometer. “A little bit high.”

He pulled her up into his arms and hugged her tight. Ally wrapped herself around him. “How are you feeling, little girl? Got a sore throat?”

She nodded. “From crying after my spanking. I didn’t like that, Daddy.”

“You’re not supposed to, little girl. You’re supposed to do what your Daddy tells you to.” He rubbed her back as he spoke, soothing her. “But all is forgiven now.”

She pulled back to stare at him, her lower lip in a pout. “How come I don’t get to spank you, Daddy?” she asked.

He laughed. “Because I’m the daddy and you’re the little girl.”

“Doesn’t seem fair.”

Jake just shook his head. “Not going to happen, little girl. Now, how about we have some breakfast? You hungry?”


“Good.” Jake helped her stand, drawing her between his open legs. Her bottom still stung like fire had licked along the skin. Jake reached out and
checked the glands in her neck

“Hmm, feels al
right. Open wide for me, baby girl.”

Ally obediently opened her mouth as Jake picked up his small torch and a tongue depressor. It seemed he’d grabbed his doctor’s bag when he’d left the room earlier. Ally stood as he checked her over, peering in her throat then her eyes and ears.

Good girl. You’re being very good, Ally.” Jake stood and grabbed her hand, pulling her to the bathroom through the connecting door. He reached under the bathroom cabinet and dragged out
the scales that were kept under there.

“Daddy?” she asked, staring at the scales l
ike they were a snake. Adult Ally
battled with baby Ally.

“Come on, little girl,” Jake told her, ignoring her trepidation. “Remember, little girl’s don’t worry about things like weight.”

That’s right,
she told herself, still not daring to look at what the scales told her.

“Okay, good girl. You can hop off now.”

Ally looked over at Jake to see him writing something in her book. He had a special book for her, just like a real baby and he seemed to always be writing in it. Ally stepped off and slid the scales away.

Now, how about a bath
?” Jake asked her.

She nodded eagerly before remembering her sore bottom. It wasn’t going to take kindly to sitting in a hot bath.

“Can I have a shower, Daddy?” she asked. “With you?”

She loved baths, but showering with Jake was special and usually only happened as a treat.

He tapped his finger against his mouth, pretending to think deeply. “Well, you’ve been very naughty this morning, so I don’t really think you deserve that, do you?”

Ally looked down at her feet. “No, Daddy,” she agreed.

He raised her chin with his finger. “If you promise to be a very good girl, Daddy will let you shower with him. But that means th
at later on this afternoon big Ally
has to come out and go grocery shopping with me without a fuss.”

“I promise, Daddy,” she said.

He smiled and gave her a hug.

“Come on, then.” Jake took her hand and led her to the bathroom off their bedroom.
he got the shower ready, Ally knelt
on the floor playing with her doll. Suddenly she realized she urgently had to go to the toilet. When she was little she often didn’t recognize the warning signs until it was too late.

Fidgeting, she ignored the urgent pressing of her bladder.

“Ally,” Jake called out, making her jump and she almost let go. Ally pressed her hand over her mound just like a little girl.

“Daddy, you scared me

she complained.

“Do you need to go potty?” he asked in his deep voice.

She shook her head, continuing to play.

“Ally,” he said warningly
before sighing and walking over,
reaching out a hand. “Come on, little girl, shower time.”

Ally took his hand and let him help her rise. Jake led her into the bathroom, but instead of heading straight to the shower he walked to the toilet.

“Daddy,” she groaned.

Jake stared down at her with a stern expression. “It’s not too late to warm up that bottom and put you in the bath, little girl. Up you go.”

Ally sighed as she climbed onto the toilet. She started to let go of her urine before her bowels gave an urgent signal. She flushed and looked up at Jake who stood over her waiting.

“Daddy, do you have to be here?”
she asked.

He looked at her for a long moment then raised his finger to waggle it. “You stay on that toilet and don’t move, understand me?”

Ally nodded frantically, sighing with relief as Jake left. When she was finished, she reached around and flushed the toilet, the signal to Jake to come back in. He waited another few minutes as Ally sat on the toilet, fidgeting, desperately wanting to clean herself and get off. But little girls weren’t allowed to clean themselves, and she really didn’t want another spanking.

Finally, Jake came back in.

“All finished, little girl?” he asked.

She nodded.

“Good girl.” He walked over with some wet wipes in his hand.
“Lean forward.”

Ally leaned right over so Jake could wipe her bottom thorough

“Sit back and legs up.”

She sat up, resting back and drew her legs up towards her chest. This position was humiliating as Jake completely cleaned her folds with a new wipe.

“There you go, all clean.”

Ally sighed with relief and let Jake help her off the toilet
, washed her hands and then helped her
into the steaming shower.

Jake showered them both, taking great care to wash every inch of her skin. When they stepped out, he dried her off first then wrapped her up in a towel.

Turning her, he sent her into the bedroom with a soft smack on her bottom. “Go wait for me in the bedroom, baby.”

“Okay, Daddy,” she said cheerfully. She walked into the bedroom, but this was
Daddy and big Ally’s bed
room not her bedroom and there was only one doll in here
. So Ally
moved through into the

“Ally,” Jake called out sternly a few minutes later.

“In here, Daddy,” she said cheerfully as she sat completely naked having a tea party. She looked up at Jake who was fully dressed now in jeans and a t-shirt. He had his arms folded over his chest as he stared down at her.

“Tea?” She held up a delicate, tiny teacup and thought she saw his lips twitch, but they moved into a firm line.

“Where did I tell you to wait?” he asked.

“In the bedroom,” she said slowly, realizing he wasn’t going to
be charmed out of his displeasure

“And where are you?”

She looked around and smiled sunnily. “In a bedroom.”

He sighed and shook his head. “You know I didn’t mean for you to come in here. When I tell you to wait somewhere for me, I expect to be obeyed, miss. Come here.”

Jake crooked a finger at her.

Ally rose with a sigh and walked over slowly, her head down. “Am I in trouble, Daddy?” she asked, sticking her lower lip out.

Jake took her hand and gave her five sharp smacks on he
r bottom
. Tears immediately welled in her eyes as he reheated her still sore bottom.

“Ow, Daddy,” she cried as he led her to the change table and helped her up so she was lying on her back. “That hurt.”

“It’s the second time you haven’t been where I’ve put you today, Ally. You know I don’t like when you scare me that way.”

She sniffled miserably. “Sorry, Daddy.”

Jake spread her legs and covered her privates in diaper cream. He then lifted her legs and placed a thick diaper beneath her bottom. Ally quickly found herself wrapped up in a diaper. Immediately a sense of security stole over her and she lifted her thumb to suck.

Jake took it from her mouth and gave her hand a sharp smack.

“Daddy,” she cried. But he popped a binky in her mouth, stilling the cry.

Jake sat her up, completely ignoring her cry as she sat on her sore bottom. He moved to her drawers and pulled out a short, bright yellow dress with ruffles around the bottom.

“Arms up,” he ordered.

Ally raised her arms and he slipped it over her head, doing the zipper up the back of the dress. He then helped her down and Ally stood very still as Jake brushed her hair and plait
ed it
. She loved when Jake did her hair.

Her stomach growled then, making her blush.

“I know how you feel, baby.” Jake held out his hand and Ally took it happily
, thinking they were going to
get some breakfast. Instead, he led her into his bedroom and pushed her into a corner.

She looked up at him questioningly, the binky still in her mouth.

“I haven’t forgotten the time-out you’re owed, little one. I’m going to make some breakfast and you stand he
re and think about your behavio
r. And Ally, you move and I will take my paddle to your bottom.”

Ally shivered and nodded, turning to look at the corn
er. No way would she be moving.


was coming down the stairs, shaking
his head
over this start to the morning,
the doorbell rang. H
is little girl had become very disobedient lately.
But if
was honest he
preferred it when she misbehaved,
it was
more honest, the perfect little Ally felt like an act, a way of protecting herself. When she was misbehaving he knew it was because she felt safe enough to do so, that she knew he would never seriously hurt her.

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