Alpha A Paranormal Encounter (3 page)

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"Please! Take my advice. Gather your things and stay far away from Gloucestershire."

"Red," Dag replied as his jaw dropped. "You're not making any sense."

"I'm well aware of that." I smiled, but inside my heart ached. This was it. This was goodbye. I stood up, feeling weak at the knees when Dag stood too. His mountainous stature and perfectly sculpted hands gave me hot flashes. I rushed out the door, letting the chill breeze cool me down. I rubbed my forehead, hoping there was still time for Dag to travel safely home. I could feel him breathing behind me. He touched the edge of my jacket and pulled me closer.

"I guess this is goodbye," he said disappointed.

"Look Dag," I sighed. "You might think I'm a nutter, but please promise me you won't take this lightly. This isn't a joke. Your life is in danger."

"Then tell me what is going on," he calmly responded.

"I can't," I gulped. "You just have to take my word for it." My eyes shifted to every street corner. I glanced over my shoulder and gave no indication that I was kidding.

"Alright," he nodded. "God natt." He took a breath of the cool night air and turned to leave. I listened to his boots pound against the pavement as his steps grew more and more distant. I felt a pit in my stomach and a tiny tear dripped down my cheek. Dag was leaving and I felt as if I'd been stabbed with red hot iron. The pain in my chest too much to bare.

I took a few steps, feeling calmer the more I moved. I broke out into a jog, letting my emotions fuel my speed until it hit me. A pungent scent wafted through my nose as I suddenly stopped. Vincent. He was nearby and . . .

I shifted almost immediately, leaving a heap of clothes in an alley. I broke into a sweat as I ran the fastest I was able down St. John's Street. I neared the woods, smelling Vincent's scent along with others. The pack had been following us.
Damn it!
I might already be too late.

I zoomed farther from town until I arrived at a terrifying scene. My nightmares had come true. Vincent, TJ, Danny, and Gabe surrounded Dag like before. Vincent growled, showing Dag his sharp fangs. I could smell Dag sweating as he held his stance, eyeing each wolf with a fearless glare. An urge to protect my loved one overcame me as I saw Dag entrancingly stare at my coat. He looked relived and a confident grin crossed his face.

I jumped in front of the others, knowing full well that Vincent intended to kill this time, by any means necessary. That didn't stop me. I showed the others my teeth as I snarled with disapproval. Vincent lunged towards me but I was ready. The claws on my paw scraped across his face staining my fur with blood. The others backed away, giving Dag the time he needed to run. Dag took off in a sprint. He was surprisingly fast for a man his size. His jog shook the ground under my feet.

"Oi!" A man ran outside after hearing our growls. With a shot gun in his hand he fired at our circle. The pack scattered, taking off in different directions. I ran to follow Dag but Vincent bit my leg and dragged me back. I squirmed under his weight as his bite sank further into my flesh. I howled as a gut-wrenching sting prickled up my leg. Another shot was fired our way and Vincent finally let go. The sound of gunfire made both our hearts thump. He sped into the forest, leaving me to fend for myself. I limped away and took shelter in the trees. I had to find Dag before the pack did. I was his only chance at getting out of town alive.


* * *


I caught Dag's scent deep in the forest. It was hard to track down but I was fully familiar with his tempting aroma. I was drawn to it. Dag was sitting with his head in his hands near a quiet grove of trees. The sky was gray and a rough breeze blew though the treetops. I trotted towards him. My heart thudded in my ribcage as I got closer. Dag looked up, pleased to see me. He stared at my auburn fur amazed that I'd found him.

"Jeg skylder deg," he said, stroking my hair. His warm hand moved to my wounded paw. My hurt leg looked tiny in his huge hands. He picked a large leaf from a nearby oak tree and covered the bloody tear where Vincent had bitten me.

His gentle touch made me tingle. The feelings of longing returned. I wouldn't be satisfied until I was cradled in Dag's arm. The temptation to shift grew stronger. Soon I would have to obey. Dag needed to know what he was up against. He needed to know why the pack was after him, and I couldn't bark it out. To fulfill his needs I would have to shift.

The air became colder and I shivered, inching closer to his body. He stroked my fur again and I felt an energy so intense that my womanly form began to take shape. My auburn fur turned to fair, smooth skin and my torso elongated. I looked up at Dag's face as I covered my bare breasts and thighs. His eyes were wide and glossy as his heart beat out of rhythm.

"You?" he whispered. "The red wolf."

"Yes," I breathed, clutching my bloody forearm.

"But . . ." He shook his tousled locks.

"I'm a shifter," I replied. I could feel heat radiating from his body and it beckoned me to move closer. "Please . . . don't be mad." A burning sting made me grimace. There was a messy slit across my arm.

"How could I," he replied, touching my arm. "That's twice you've saved my arse."

"Don't mention it," I smiled.

"And the others?"

"Yes," I continued. "All shifters. And all set on covering the forest with your blood."

"We will see about that," his voice thundered. His fist hit a tree, shaking its branches with momentous force.

"No," I gasped. "You have to run! They won't stop until you're dead."

"Then I will be ready."

"No," I repeated. "Don't you understand? You got lucky last time. And even if you succeed, another pack will find you - seek revenge. Your best bet is getting as far away from here as possible. Shifters don't like to leave their territory."

"And if I don't like that option?" He watched as I hung my head and avoided eye contact.

"That's the only possible solution," I sighed. Dag studied my face.

"And the

"Is impossible," I reiterated.

"Tell me," he commanded. He touched my red curls, rubbing them in his fingers as he body warmed mine.

"You take over," I said quietly.

"Take over?"

"You challenge the alpha male and become the new pack leader."

"I can do that as a human?"

"No," I shook my head. "You would have to become . . . one of us." He looked at me - his chest heaving.

"Okay," he stated.

"Just like that?" I argued. "Dag, once you transform there's no telling what might happen."

"If that's the only way I can fight. I'll do it."

"No I can't let you . . ." There was a howl in the distance. Vincent's scent was faint among the forest brush. We were running out of time.

"It's them, isn't it?" Dag's booming voice sent shockwaves through my core. My canine hormones pumped through my blood. A desire burned through my core like a blazing wildfire.

"You don't much time."

"Do it," Dag commanded. "Make the change."

"I . . ."

"Well, how is it done?"

"The exchange of bodily fluids," I replied. My heat hammered as I felt my nipples stand at attention. Dag eyed my bare shoulders, allowing his eyes to wander to my open wound. He took off his shirt. His thick muscles flexed as he tore the bandage on his ribcage. His wound from the night before was starting to scab.

"My blood with yours?" he suggested.

"That's one way." I anxiously watched as the reality of our situation hit him.

"And the other way," he quietly whispered, letting his eyes caress my fit body. "I will not do anything of the sort unless . . ." My animal instincts couldn't be tamed. My thighs burned as I yearned to feel his warm body against mine. I leaned forward and kissed him, enjoying the sweet taste of his lips. When I pulled away, Dag stared into my chestnut eyes. An energy pulsed between us. His chest rose rapidly as if he could feel the same sensations.

With one arm around my waist he lifted me off the ground, setting me in his lap. His eyes stared lustfully at my bare breasts. He ran his fingers through my hair and kissed my neck. A rush of adrenaline fueled my desires further. And as I felt the muscles on his pounding chest, the burning in my lions flooded through my body. My fingers wandered to the top of his jeans. I undid his zipper, letting Dag rub each nipple with his thumb. He pulled me closer to him, rhythmically guiding my hips. My entire body became hot as I moaned, letting a wave of ecstasy take over.

"Imogen," I whispered. "My name is Imogen."

"Imogen," Dag repeated. His deep voice sounded satisfied. "I owe you my life."

I could feel Dag thrust into me. His powerful force burned to the point of pain. I whipped my head back, allowing myself to take pleasure in his groans. Dag was my alpha, and knowing I was pleasing him was the most thrilling sensation. I had succeeded. We were one.


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A Preview of
Voodoo: A Paranormal Encounter


"Gag me!" I kicked open the door to the handicap stall. Josh already had the new girl pinned against the wall. I cringed as I saw their hands fondle each other. The sight of Josh's slimy fingers slithering down Riley's spandex workout shorts made me sick. "OUT! This is the girl's locker room!" Josh pulled away from his new play thing. He wiped his mouth and glared at me like an angry child glares at his mother.

"Chill, Katie." He kissed Riley again, making her giggle.

"Josh! What if a client had walked in?" I folded my arms hoping Josh would finally be fired this time. Dare to dream, I guess. Josh's dad owned the place and just about every other gym in Portland.

"Ignore her," he whispered. "She's just jealous of you baby." Josh jumped as I banged my hand against the stall. I can't believe I actually used to date this loser.

"Riley," I said as calmly as I could. "This is your first week. You might as well know Josh is an asshole."

"Uh . . ." Riley looked confused and I didn't blame her. She was fresh out of high school - an eighteen-year-old newbie with a cheap training certificate. She twirled her highlighted locks looking from me to Josh.

"Morning meeting in five," I said, turning to leave. I rolled my eyes as I pushed open the locker room door. The gym smelt like bleach and cleaning supplies. The lemony scent made my nose itch but it was better than what the gym would smell like by lunch - BO. The weights were shiny and the cardio machines were empty. I loved everything about the mornings, minus finding Josh with slutty employees. Honestly, what would it take for that guy to keep his dick in his pants? I drew a blank.

"Katie," my boss nodded. Andrew was fit for an older man. He could actually keep up with me on the step machine. I adjusted the straps of my black tank top and brushed my short blond hair off my shoulder. I needed a trim.

"Appointments for the day?" I looked at the appointment book. Typical morning. Spin class at nine. Mrs. Carter and her posse at eleven, and . . . Chase? I mean Mr. Wilcox?"

"He requested you," my boss replied. My heart beat a little faster and my cheeks went red. Chase was a regular, and the most attractive man I'd ever seen in all my years in Portland. He was a consultant working for his father's company. And yes! He was loaded.

"He requested
?" I shut the appointment book and walked towards reception. It was time to concentrate and take my mind off of Josh and his new little toy. The month we'd dated was the worst month ever. And it only got worse when I discovered he was dating about half his clients too. Josh was a bodybuilder. A classic jerk-off. He would randomly cancel at the last minute, saying he had to get in an extra workout.
Workout my ass!

"Hmmm, looks like another full one for me." Josh strolled up behind me, checking the appointment book. He flexed his bicep as he picked up the book, acting like I wasn't standing right next to him. I rolled my eyes and kept my mouth shut. "What? Now you have nothing to say?"

"It looks that way." I held my chin up and did my best to avoid his mocha brown eyes. I wasn't going to let him get to me today.

"Hey Katie," Josh muttered. I could feel him glaring at me. He waited but I refused to acknowledge him. "Look at me Katie. I've got something to say." I continued to ignore him. He sounded a little irritated. "Katie." His frustration made my heart beat a little faster. Finally, I was the one pushing

"Katie!" Josh shouted, slamming his fist on the counter. I flinched as I felt the countertop shake. Josh's face was bright red and a few beads of sweat sat above his eyebrow. "I'm warning you. STAY OUT of my business." His jaw was clenched as he pushed the words from his mouth. The furious look on his face made me gulp, but I continued to act unbothered by his comment.

"Why Josh? Does that
you? I thought you said you could care less what I do?"

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