Alpha A Paranormal Encounter

BOOK: Alpha A Paranormal Encounter
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A Paranormal Encounter

by Sophia Severn

Copyright ©2012 Sophia Severn

Kindle Edition



is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.



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Leaves brushed my fur as I kicked up dirt. The woods were even more tempting at dusk when the sun peeked through the treetops and unsuspecting animals sat snug in their burrows. Sometimes I wasn't sure which form I preferred. Human or wolf?

A pack of male suitors growled at my heels as I ducked through overgrown thickets, side-swiping an oak tree. Three days left. I had to pick one or my pop would do it for me. But all five of the Greys behind me made better dogs than lovers. Pop needed to get with the times. I was only twenty one, and none of these potential mates caught my fancy. But I'd be forced to pick the most tolerable or I would end up with Vincent, Pop's number one choice.

I felt a breeze of movement beside me. Vincent had caught up and his heavy coat of fur was rubbing up against mine. I distanced myself - my auburn fur shining in what little light streamed through the forest trees. My wild hair was just as red when I shifted from human to wolf. My mates called me Red. Vincent howled, gradually leading the pack along a different trail. I nudged him in the side. I knew these woods better than him and if he wanted an easy kill, he was headed in the wrong direction.

I caught a whiff of cologne and sweat.
I raced ahead, trying to steer the others away but they had already made up their minds and the scent was growing stronger. A human was up ahead. Alone. Even the village postman knew better than to explore the heart of the woods at night. As a clearing up ahead came into view, I stopped. The pack of males behind me blew past without a thought. I didn't approve of harassing humans. The others knew that. No matter how they teased, it wasn't a weakness. Why would I harm my own species? We after all were humans too . . . most days.

I heard a growl followed by a gurgle and a thunderous yell. My ears perked up as my heart thudded in my ribcage. I raced to scene up ahead, watching as my suitors circled a tall man that resembled a roman statue. His brown jacket was unzipped, revealing a sturdy torso and thighs that stood rooted in place. The man had a look in his moss-colored eyes. He shook his tousled locks clutching a jagged hunting knife in one hand as he eyed his competition - ready to do what it took to survive.

I marveled at his courage, but he didn't stand a chance. As men the pack was rough - often stirring up trouble at Nikki's, the local pub. As wolves they were worse, especially Vincent. He took whatever action he could get, ignoring all possible consequences. The forest was his playground. I butted my way through, biting off a good chunk of Vincent's fur. My disapproval didn't faze him. He continued to show his fangs.
Idiot alpha male.
An attack like this would draw attention - too much attention.

I felt the man glare in my direction, studying my auburn fur. His jaw briefly dropped. I froze, letting his gaze take hold of me. I couldn't let this happen. I glanced down, seeing small drops of blood. The man had already made his first move, and TJ was at the back discreetly licking his wound.

Vincent growled again, lunging forward towards the man's calf. The man was ready. He dodged Vincent's attempt while grazing his side with the hunting knife. Vincent's eyes lit up as he his face grew even more vicious. The man glared back, refusing to back down or even run. I stood rooted next to a fallen evergreen.

Furious, Vincent snarled for reinforcements. Danny, TJ, Robby, and Gabe all closed in. I knew this attack plan all too well. They would soon be biting each limb all at once. A surge of energy ran from my nose to the tips of my paws. I pushed my way back up to Vincent, desperate to change his mind. The man's stare fell back on me for a brief moment. His chest rose as he flexed his muscles. His ripped pant leg made his bulging calf muscle visible.

I leaped in front and faced the pack with my head held high. I wasn't as big and my fur wasn't as gray, but I was the only eligible female for miles. I displayed my teeth and quickly turned my body, making my unkempt tail visible. I prayed my gesture of displeasure would catch their attention. The purpose of our hunt was so I could pick the fittest of them all - the one I fancied. I made it clear I wasn't impressed.

Danny backed away, nudging TJ to follow. The two of them sniffed the bark of a nearby oak and took off. Mostly likely catching the scent of a deer. I felt the man behind me lower his knife as Vincent and the others slowly backed away. There was a permanent scowl on Vincent's face. I was sure to get an earful in the morning. I let out a snort, relieved that the man was still in one piece.
One perfect piece.

My heart pounded again against my will as I thought of the man staring at my shiny fur. I didn't want to leave, but leaving was the only way to ensure Vincent wouldn't back track. I stepped forward and looked into Vincent's black eyes. He closed his mouth and stepped aside to let me by.

The man let out another thunderous yell as Vincent leaped towards his chest.
The trees seemed to shake as fowls flew from the branches above me. I could hear whimpering and ripping flesh. My canine eyes went wide as I witnessed the man thrusting his knife at whatever came near. He yelled as he grabbed balls of Vincent's fur, kicking him into a pile of pine needles. The man's coat was stained with crimson as he swiftly dug his knife into Robby, Vincent's backup.

Robby howled as the man made a giant slit in his side, using impressive strength. Robby limped backward and joined his brother Gabe. Sensing Robby's need, Vincent growled one last time as he escorted Robby and Gabe back towards the river. My first instinct was to follow Vincent back to town where Robby would surely need medical attention. But the determination and power of the man before me was too entrancing to ignore.

I stared at the man's heaving chest as he hung his head, wincing while he touched his wounds. My heart pounded. This man had proved himself stronger than the rest, and his tousled hair and sharp features had me fantasizing about my future - a cozy country home outside the village with a giant hearth made of brick. My chest thudded uncontrollably as I imagined myself lying in a mess of warm blankets with this man's massive torso beside me. I took a step closer. The man was hesitant, raising his blood-stained hunting knife again.

The forest was even darker, and soon the only source of light would be gone. The smell of his sweat made me forget all obligations. I wanted to help this man, assist him, and please him. As I inched closer, the man moaned. His hand was covered in red liquid. He flinched as I rubbed my cold nose against his forearm.

"Mange takk," the man gritted through his teeth. The deep sound of his voice made me desperate to shift to my human form. I could tend to his wounds. I could lead him home. I knew this forest better than anyone, even Pop. But my oath to the pack forbade it. I would have to make due with helping this man to safety. I nudged his arm again - my canine hormones going wild every time my fur touched his skin.

The man groaned again as he tossed his head up towards the tree tops. He struggled to stand, but his powerful quads pulled him up. I let out a soft bark, running through the trees and stopping every few minutes to make sure the man was still behind me. I could smell his trail as blood dripped from his wound along the forest floor. I prayed Vincent wasn't nearby to catch the scent. My wild pheromones mixed with the smell of this man's potent sweat was a deadly combo.

"How much longer, ulv?" The man leaned against a tree. I barked, hyperactively wagging my tail. We were close. I could see the glare from the stoplights in town through the dense brush. The man grinned, placing his bulky hand on my auburn fur. With one gentle stroke, my entire body was filled with an urgent longing - the need to be praised. The same feelings I was supposed to have towards Vincent, the alpha male.




I stood staring at the lemon yellow bathroom tiles as streams of water trickled down my back. I ran my fingers through my tangled, red hair pulling out a leaf from an oak tree. The house was empty, which was a relief. Pop was still at the store, most likely staying late to catch up on bookkeeping. I had some time to think.

I let droplets of water run down my abdomen as my thoughts wandered to the man in the forest. His face was fixed in my memory - dirty blond hair, scraggly chin, and a mountainous amount of muscle that could challenge the pack in its entirety. The thought of his coarse hands on my soft fur made my thighs burn. When a shifter chooses their mate, the energy between them becomes increasingly intoxicating. I was drawn to
. A human. A complete human.

"I'm coming in, Red!" A sudden bang on the bathroom door interrupted my thoughts. Vincent's angry voice made my blood pump.

"I'm in the shower," I shouted back. "I'll be out in a minute." The door swung open anyway, revealing Vincent's scarlet cheeks. I grabbed the shower curtain and covered myself. Vincent was wearing a snug pair of jeans and tight blue t-shirt. His strong cologne filled my nostrils, making me gag. He always wore way too much. He balled his fists, clenching his jaw as he glared in my direction. "Vince!"

"What's the matter with you?" Steam was rising from Vincent's face as he eyed my bare shoulders.

"What's the matter with
? I thought I made this clear. I don't hunt humans."

"I wasn't asking
to kill him!" he yelled banging his fist against the wall. The noise made me jump, but I held my composure.

"And what would have come from killing him, huh? A treat for afternoon tea? You know humans taste vile. You were harassing him on purpose!"

"And you were protecting him on purpose," he added, lowering his voice. "Why?" His chest rose rapidly but he closed his eyes, trying to still his breathing - something he did when he was overly anxious. The last time I'd seen that face was when he took me to the pub for drinks last week. Vincent had made me an offer, spilling out his desire to be my life mate. But I didn't feel the same way. I hadn't since high school.

"I was simply making a point," I casually replied, suppressing the images in my head.

"You sure about that?" He took a step closer, slightly blushing as he glanced down. Delicate imprints of my nipples were visible through the shower curtain. I covered myself again, hoping I hadn't stirred his animal instincts too vigorously. Once aroused, he couldn't be tamed.

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