Altering Authority (4 page)

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Authors: Ashley Dooley

BOOK: Altering Authority
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The bass dropped then and girls started to walk down the stairs. All different races. All completely naked. Phil felt his eyes grow wide and his heart beat kicked up a few notches. The girls made their way towards the men and the first ones sat on them, next to them, at their feet, anywhere they could make contact basically and when Phil could take his eyes off the beautiful Asian girl on his lap, he looked toward the stage where there were more girls coming.

              When about twenty five of them were around the room, occupying every imaginable space, they began doing to each other what the other girls were doing to the men.

              Just when Phil thought that Gary might die from a heart attack, the girls with them stood and led them to different parts of the room, where Phil noticed the little cubicles against the walls. His girl (he never did bother getting her name) stood then and motioned for him to follow her to one of the cubicles with three other girls. Naturally, he didn’t hesitate. Inside, more alcohol was set up and the girls began to undress him expressing their desire to fulfill his fantasies.

Sometime later when Phil and Gary emerged, looking a lot drunker and looser than they had when they went in, Tatum was on her third rum and coke, dancing with a couple of the girls on an unoccupied stage in the party section. Gary noticed her first, with her back pressed against a pole, sliding down it expertly. The straw from the drink in her mouth rested on her plump lips suggestively and although he’d never mention it to Phil, more than once while one of the strippers with similar colored hair as Tatum had him in her mouth, Gary imagined his best friend’s daughter.










The weekend went pretty fast. The guys were amazed when they saw Tatum’s house. They have never been in one so big before. She informed them that she wanted to have a party when the rest of the guys arrived that night. She’d spent all day cooking and cleaning.

              Phil grew more proud with each passing minute. She had everything. Money, beauty, people to tend on her hand and foot, yet she was down to earth. She cleaned her own house, cooked her own meals, and shit, was she a good cook! He’d come to learn that she basically raised herself, not that she ever said those words, but knowing Donna and men like Bill, it wasn’t hard to see. The thought of leaving her and going back to San Francisco had a ball of anxiety building in his stomach. He would ask her to come with him, to visit when he and the gang left. She was so different than his other daughter. Kieran was innocent. It was hard not to be at sixteen years old he supposed, although, he doubted that Kieran would ever be like Tatum.

              They were all sitting out by the pool. Tatum had two men BBQing at two separate BBQ’s. Some of the girls from the club were dancing around and swimming. Sugar and Gary were having the times of their lives. Just below them, the beach swarmed with people having bonfires and playing in the waves. A path off to the left of the grounds led to the beach.

              The sound of expensive engines had Phil and the guys perking up their ears. Tatum stood and leaned over the railing to see down the long, winding driveway. She looked at her father and his friends and smiled evilly. Phil knew the guys couldn’t have taken
cars with them. He looked questioningly at his daughter, as did Gary and Sugar.

              “What?” she said, shrugging her shoulders and looking back down the driveway.  Rick and Marcus were smiling but keeping to themselves. “What the fuck are they driving?!” Phil said walking over to meet his daughter and look at his approaching brothers. “I
have rented them some cars,” Tatum said nonchalantly, while continuing to stare down the road. Phil turned to look at Gary and Sugar. Their expression matched his. Outrage, shock and disappointment.
didn’t get new cars

              Tatum kept up the act for a minute more, just as the boys made their way up over the hill closest to the house. “Come on,” She said, linking her arm thru her fathers and walking through the house and towards the front door. When they stepped outside, there were three cars with giant orange bows on them right in the driveway. Two of them were 2015 Ferrari Enzo’s. The one in the middle was a Pagani Zonda Cinque Roadster.

              “Obviously I had to get some for my boys too,” she kissed Phil’s cheek; “The one in the middle is yours,” She said to her father before wrapping her arm around Gary’s neck as he came to stand next to her. She threw caution to the wind and kissed him on the cheek too.

              Their mouths were literally hanging open in shock. They walked over to their vehicles and sat on them. They looked at each other and finally sugar put his fists in the air and yelled out an off-key ‘Fuck YEEEEEA!’

              The rest of the guys rounded the corner then and the sound of male excitement filled the air. Tatum knew that the cars were sure to get them all good and wound up. She couldn’t help but laugh and share in their excitement. She stayed near Phil’s side as he greeted the guys, introducing her proudly.

              Behind the five cars, all Ferrari’s, was a big van, filled with their ‘groupies.’ Tatum expected them but was taken aback when two little boys stepped off last, just after an older woman who didn’t fit the ‘groupie’ image, and stood near the van. Their fingers in their mouths, one holding the other one close to him protectively. The older woman picked up the youngest and took the older one by the hand. Tatum ignored Phil’s introduction to a tall, burly man that had hair longer than she did, and walked over towards them.

              The woman and boys looked somewhat scared, yet used to the crowd and rowdiness at the same time.

              “Hi,” Tatum said, reaching her hand down to shake the oldest boy’s. He was no more than six or seven.

              “Hello,” he said shyly and nudged closer to the woman. Tatum looked at her then and she smiled back. “I’m May” she said in a thick southern accent, “I’m their neighbor and nanny. Jager is their da’.”

              Tatum nodded as if she knew what she was talking about. She’d heard of their ‘Authority’ but wasn’t expecting his kids to be part of the mix.

              “Hello,” she said and tickled the youngest boy’s belly. To her surprise and much to Mays, he leaned towards her and held out his arms. Tatum took him without haste and her heart melted when he curled his tiny hand around the collar of her shirt and cuddled into her.

              “He never likes anyone!” May exclaimed, filling her arms with the other boy.

              “Connor is two,” he told Tatum and she smiled.

“Well, how old are you?” she asked, and he held up six fingers proudly.

“This is Matthew,” May said.

“Well alright then,” Tatum smiled again at Matthew and May. “Let me show you guys your room. I have some pretty awesome stuff inside if you want to see?”

Matthew nodded his head and May looked at her affectionately. They made their way through the crowd. One woman stopped to say good night to the boys and kissed them on the cheek. They called her ‘Ava’ so Tatum assumed she wasn’t their mother. When they got nearest to the front Phil caught her eye and waved her over. She walked in his direction, only with the intention of telling him she’d be right back after she showed May where she could put the boys.

“I see you made a new friend hey Connor?” Phil said and tickled his toes.

Tatum didn’t notice the man standing next to her father until Matthew called, “Hi Daddy.”

She turned to look at him, just as Connors head perked up to look as well. Her breath caught in her throat.

He was probably the most handsome man she’d ever seen. His blond hair fell in disarray in his eyes even though the back was fairly clean cut. His beard wasn’t as unkempt and long as some of the other men surrounding them, looking more as if he’d shaved a few weeks or so ago and had simply started growing it out.

His eyes met hers and he smiled but it was a tired smile. One that was only a motion his lips made. It was obligatory.

“I hope you don’t mind. They didn’t want to stay behind without me,” he said to Tatum and she looked at Phil who in turn, looked at Jager and then at his daughter, concern on his face.

“It’s no problem,” she said warily.

Jager smiled again and looked at Phil before running his hand thru his hair. “It’s nice to meet you finally. And uh – thanks for the cars,” he said, playing with Connors toes in his onesie pajamas and not looking at Tatum.

“Ya, no problem,” she repeated, growing somewhat annoyed with his lack of personality for some reason. “I’ll show May here where they can sleep. You can come with if you want to know where they’ll be.”

Jager looked at Phil, who put his hand down on Jagers shoulder as if in support. The Authority nodded and they all walked together into the house.

“You like Tatum hey Connor?” Jager said behind Tatum as they walked through a wide hallway on the side of the house furthest away from the party. Their boots clunked and clinked on the marble floors as they made their way. The beige walls were bare Jager noticed. He was expecting to see knight armor and paintings of Tatum’s ancestors, maybe even the King and Queen of England. This house was way grander than anywhere he’d ever been.

“I’m her daddy you know?” Phil said to the boys, beaming with pride and breaking Jagers scrutiny. Matthew turned and looked at them both and said, “Really!?”

Phil nodded and Tatum smiled.

They settled the boys and May away, each having to take turns hugging the boys and wishing them good night. Jager was a little more reluctant to let them go and only left them when they started to doze off.

May always felt uncomfortable with his presence, as if she didn’t know how to do her job while he was around.  How do you parent a child when you’re
their parent and
parent is in the room?










The party lasted until daylight. Tatum didn’t necessarily have time for the groupies however she hit it off wonderfully with the one the boys called Ava.

The gang welcomed her as if she were - well - a long lost sister. They all danced with her and constantly thanked her. Phil couldn’t remember a time in his life when he was happier.

The next morning Tatum went to check on the boys as soon as she woke. Aside from her father being here, she was most excited about the fact that there were kids under her roof for the first time.

They were playing quietly in their room with May, who was still half asleep. Tatum asked them if they wanted to get some breakfast and they both yelled “Ya!” enthusiastically. She told May to stay and sleep in, that she would watch them and May conceded, gratefully.

Upstairs, in the smaller kitchen, Tatum made the boys some cereal and made a note to get Rick to go out and get them some toys and more kid-appropriate food.

Connor was pretty self-sufficient and fed himself. She sat at the counter; drinking her coffee and watching the boys watch cartoons, delighting in the sound of little feet and laughter. This house had never had that before, not since Tatum was that age anyways.

When Phil woke up, he walked out of his room to find Jager leaving the bathroom. “Morning,” he said, patting his Authority on the back. “You sleep well? What do you think?” he motioned to the house and the extravagant rec room behind him. It had a sunken sitting area that was filled with lush red, yellow and orange pillows. Jager looked at it and thought about how much fun it would be to run and dive into it with his kids. There was a huge flat screen TV built into the wall facing them and a small bar in the corner with an old fashioned popcorn machine on it, as well as an array of liquor bottles and wine glasses.

Jager smiled at his oldest friend, running his hand through his hair. “It’s insane Phil,” he said with true happiness but didn’t elaborate any further. He put his hands in his pockets and rocked from his heels to his toes and back down again. They stood awkwardly for a moment, not knowing what else to say. “I should check on the boys.”

Phil was used to Jager’s avoidance as of late. Since April’s death, he hadn’t been much interested in conversation. Phil hoped that this trip would help him. Take his mind off everything for even just a little while.

The sound of Matthews laughter from the smaller kitchen broke their train of thought and Jager turned on his heel, returning to Phil’s side and making his way up the stairs with the older man. When they walked into the kitchen, Jager saw Tatum sitting on a bar stool at the breakfast nook. She was wearing a see-through mens shirt that looked as if it had one too many goes in the washer. It looked ancient but she pulled it off. Her hair was down and messy, but Jager thought she could shave her head and still be just as beautiful.

Her back was to them but he knew she was watching his boys.
How unlike Connor it was to take up with her like that last night
, he thought. He hoped that this meant his youngest son was coming around, after having lost his mother.

Tatum turned when she heard the men approaching. She smiled at them and stood to turn on the coffee pot. “What do you drink Jager? Coffee? Tea?” she asked with her back still to him. The pajama pants she was wearing were loose in the thighs and tighter around the calves and ended a few inches above her ankles. Her ass looked great in them.

“Coffee, thanks,” he said, averting his gaze when he noticed Phil’s scrutiny and walked over to his boys. He kissed each of them on top of their heads, happy to see they were smiling and eating a good breakfast. They’d barely registered his presence amidst the riveting cartoon on TV. Tatum laid cream and sugar out on the counter and set two mugs down for the men. They took one each; Phil hugged his daughter and kissed her on the head.

“This place is amazing Tatum,” Jager said looking around the room at the vaulted ceilings, granite counter top and view of the ocean. Phil had to look twice. He hadn’t heard Jager speak voluntarily in months. He hoped that this was a good sign.

Tatum smiled at them then. “It’s a bit grand for my tastes actually. It was Bill’s. He was worse than Liberace,” she laughed.

“Not that bad,” Jager said over his coffee, smiling.

It was as if he caught himself then, like he realized he was having a normal conversation. His smile faded, as did the look in his eyes. He stared at the boys and then stood. “I’m a… going to grab a shower. I’ll send May to look after the boys.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Tatum said, staring after him, unsure about what just happened. “I told her to sleep in.”

Jager nodded and turned back towards the stairs.

When he was out of earshot, Tatum sat next to Phil and looked at him, waiting for some kind of explanation.

“He’s going through a rough time,” Phil said looking at the boys, not wanting to say too much, fearing they may overhear.

Tatum looked at them too and understood her father couldn’t elaborate anymore at that minute but was relieved when May walked in moments later. She thanked Tatum and cleaned away the dishes for them.

Tatum led Phil out onto the patio, where the party had been last night. She started to clear away the beer bottles that were lying around, making a note to call the cleaners when she went back in. Phil started helping her, loading up the empty boxes.

“So go ahead…what constitutes as a
rough time
?” she asked her father as she reached across one of the tables and grabbed a few bottles. She thought about dumping the remainder of beer out onto the ground but changed her mind when she saw the cigarette butts floating in some of them. Making a face to show her disgust, she waited for Phil to answer her.

He made sure his voice was low enough only for them to hear. “His wife. They’d been together since high school. They uh – were going through a rough time. She took the boys on him and ran. She couldn’t handle this life. Didn’t want it for them,” Tatum nodded, understanding but feeling a kind of resentment towards this wife. No parent should ever have their child taken away from them. Unless they were abusive, and Tatum knew from her brief moments with Jager that he was a loving, good father. She shook her head to show her distaste.

Phil continued, “He found them, we all did after looking non-stop for a few weeks. Jager was furious, but he’d convinced himself that the boys were better off without him.” Tatum’s head shot around and she looked at her father, shocked. She rolled her eyes. Men were dumb. Phil nodded. “She was grateful to him. Things seemed to be working out. I think they’d…reconciled and then two nights later he’d found her murdered in their bathroom.”

Tatum felt sick to her stomach.

“Were the boys there…?” she managed to choke out. She had to sit. She believed that sometimes extreme measures were needed in certain circumstances, but when it came to kids and her family and friends, it was a different story.

Phil shook his head, “They were with May.”

Tatum understood now and felt bad for thinking Jager was an asshole. She decided then and there that she wanted to make this vacation count for them. The boys
their father too.

“What was she like?” Tatum asked Phil after a few minutes, randomly. “As a mother I mean?”

“She was a good-enough mother I suppose. Not really the kind to get on the floor and play with the kids or to plan trips to Disney, but they were taken care of.”

Tatum went quiet for a minute and started cleaning up the patio again.

“I’m beginning to recognize that look. What are you thinking?” Phil asked.

She smiled at him over her shoulder. “I don’t know… What he is into. You’d know,” she paused, “I want to take the boys around. Do some fun things with them. Do you think May or Jager would mind I mean?”

Phil shrugged his shoulders, “I don’t see why not.”

“Why don’t you plan something today for you and the crew? You could go to one of my clubs? Or just out around the hills in your cars? Let me know and I’ll set it up. Can you ask Jager if it’s ok for me?”

Phil couldn’t resist. He knew that Jager would protest, but his daughter seemed so passionate about this. She wanted to help so desperately that he knew he’d do anything to persuade his friend.

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