Always & Forever Vive (The Undergrad Years #4)

BOOK: Always & Forever Vive (The Undergrad Years #4)
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Always & Forever, Vive
(The Undergrad Years)

Avery Aster

I Know What You Did Last Summer
Pretty Little Liars
in Avery Aster’s new novel
Always & Forever, Vive.

Operator: “911, what’s your emergency?”

“Help! I need help. My name is Viveca Farnworth. I’m in a high-rise on the Upper West Side. My friends, Lex, Taddy, Blake, and I are being held hostage by a lunatic with a gun.” I choked back a cry as the voice on the other line asked who’d abducted us. I swear on my Chanel handbag collection I’ve got the worst flippin’ luck ever! “It’s a fellow student…who I’ve been…dating,” I replied. Shit! He’s coming back. Hanging up, I slipped the cellphone in my pocket. He doesn’t know I have it.

With a body that’s ripped in all the right places, utterly gorgeous, and so freakin’ charming, I glared at him—part in fear, part in some freaky-deaky state of arousal. I couldn’t believe I’d fallen for this psycho. The sex had been so hot. Everything had been so perfect between us. I loved him. And now, he wants me and my Manhattanites…dead? But why? And what can I do to stop him?



Reader Warning:

Often while reading Avery Aster’s books, readers have been known to experience hot flashes, orgasms, and laughter to the point of peeing in their pants.

It’s suggested that you have a bucket of ice nearby, along with a chilled glass of champagne and your favorite sex toy—fully charged—before reading this story.

Please note that Avery’s writing is not suitable for prudes, slut-shamers, or uptight readers who don’t have a sense of humor about money, sex, or fame. Avery’s books are not intended for anyone under the age of 18.

Have fun!!

Swag and reader contests can be found on Avery’s blog at:

Interact with Avery while reading Always & Forever, Vive on Instagram and Twitter @AveryAster using the hashtags #UndergradYears #NewAdult



XO, Blake (The Undergrad Years)

by Avery Aster…

“XO, Blake was full of heart, mystery, and yes, sexy time. There were moments that moved me to tears and others that I just thought to myself, ‘How the hell did that happen?’”

—Love Words & Books

“Of the three currently available books, I must admit that this one is my favorite, and it isn’t simply because I love my LGBTQIA fiction. The story had a more serious side story, and Blake was an eighteen-year-old with a heightened sense of responsibility and maturity. The humor that is part and parcel of this series is still very much there, so don’t think that this is a tearjerker of a book.”


“I loved XO, Blake as I knew I would. I want to know more. Here are some questions to tease you with. Will Taddy deal with the lost she had? Will Blake’s newfound love be his only love? Will Blake’s secret admirer continue to admire from afar? Ahhh…can’t wait for the next adventure.”

—Worth Reading It

“There are hundreds of hot, witty and downright amazing quotes throughout this novel, but when I read this quote, ‘Son, that three-syllable word seems mighty big for something which isn’t that much of a deal. Being a homosexual is no different than being a heterosexual, you just like dudes is all. We clear.’ I was completely blown away by it. It’s such a simple sentence, but so… WOW!”

—Saucy Reviews on Kinky Corner

“Aster tells a fast-paced, passionate story that includes its share of emotional ups and downs. This fun and spicy book has some hot gay lovin’ and let’s just say that Blake, despite his technical virginity, can rock that headboard!”

—Vox Libris

“I highly recommend XO Blake to anyone looking for a fast-paced story, as it’s a reminder that friends should be like Blake: loyal, caring and nonjudgmental.”

—Penny for My Thoughts

“Addressing issues such as fetishism, sexual identity, sexual awakening and HIV; XO Blake quickly distinguishes itself as ‘a read with a reason.’ It gives readers both a sexy, unputdownable, fully evolved drama and a thought-provoking social commentary.”

—WTF Are You Reading

“This is Blake’s story, and boy, do I love this boy. I love seeing his shy side and the love he has for his family and his BFF, VBF and BFFL (aka his ladies). I adore his relationship with his best friend Thor and the love of his family.”

—BJ’s Book Reviews

“I’m a new fan of author Avery Aster. I recently discovered The Undergrad Series and I devoured the first three books. The characters all lead complex and highly dramatic lives, but you should plan on being completely sucked into their chaos and loving it.”

—Maine Book Momma

Blake’s life has the typical over-the-top shenanigans that he and the girls are destined to fall prey to and that we’ve grown to love so much!”

—Little Red Riding Hood



The handsomest angel I’ve ever seen.

To Lynn, the strongest woman I know. I’m honored to call you a close friend. You make New York City feel as home, and I adore you for that. Thank you for being a true Scorpio. You’ve always had my back, and I will forever have yours. Love, Avery





Always & Forever, Vive

Copyright 2015 Avery Aster

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Cover It! Designs

Formatted by
Mark's Ebook Formatting

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