The Nephilim and Pyramid of Apocalypse

BOOK: The Nephilim and Pyramid of Apocalypse
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Patrick Heron
Kensington Publishing Corp.
All copyrighted material within is Attributor Protected.
Are the above images a mere figment of the artist's imagination or real beings?
or almost 5,000 years, the pyramids have asked more questions than they have answered. Many books have been written which have propounded incredible facts concerning their construction and their astronomical qualities. We have learned that the Pyramids of Giza are aligned with certain star constellations.
It has likewise been discovered that other similar structures in Mexico and Cambodia also have astronomical significance.
The Great Pyramid of Giza consists of circa 2.3 million stone blocks weighing about 2½ tons each. Some of the blocks weigh up to 50 tons.
Yet, despite the vast numbers of blocks used, and the incredible weights involved, the mathematical accuracy of the layout of the structure is breathtaking. Other such puzzling buildings scattered around the world pose the same questions.
Who built them? How did their builders acquire such mathematical and astronomical knowledge? And what advanced technology was used in their construction?
To simply say that the Egyptians built them is not a satisfactory answer. For if man began at the stone age, progressed to the bronze and then to the iron age, we have the oldest pyramids popping up somewhere between the stone age and the bronze age.
This is akin to saying that at some point in time past man invented the wheel. Some time later, another made a cart. But in between the wheel and the cart we find a brand new Mercedes Benz! This is a realistic comparison when considering the construction of the pyramids.
Despite all the recent books written about them, the pyramids remain a conundrum wrapped in an enigma and surrounded by a paradox. Yes, these authors have discovered and charted their astronomical significance. They have unearthed their geometric alignments and mathematical properties. And the conclusion they have reached is that some lost civilisation or race of advanced people was responsible for these mammoth edifices.
But all these writers have one thing in common. They have failed to tell us who these people were and from whence they derived their knowledge and skills.
When one or two of these esteemed authors do hazard a guess as to who these mystery architects and builders may have been, their speculations amount to little more than sand castles built on the tidal reach of eternity.
It is my contention that the evidence advanced in this volume will provide satisfactory answers to all these questions.
Buried in ancient Hebrew texts, undiscovered and largely ignored by scholars, lies a wealth of information about a secret race of superhuman and supernatural people known as the
In the first part of this volume I will provide a detailed study of this unknown race, showing:
• Who they were
• Where they came from
• Where they acquired their mathematical and astronomical knowledge
• How they possessed the strength to construct these huge buildings
• Why they chose the pyramid shape
• Why the pyramids are aligned with celestial bodies
• Where these people went
In the second part of this book I will show how these same age-old pyramids portend a future event. Analysing the ancient texts, I will provide an examination of the prophecies of the Book of Revelation and of the signs we are told would precede these imminent happenings. In doing so, we shall garner the necessary details and information whereby the reader will be able to audition the future.
Finally, having travelled back to an epoch dating to before our world began, and having journeyed forward to espy what lies ahead, this volume will culminate and climax in a phenomenon never before proposed or explored:
The Pyramid of the Apocalypse.
We now invite you to participate in an excursion through time and space which could change your perceptions of life forever.
any people are aware of the phenomenal engineering feats involved in the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza. For those who are not, I would like to give a brief and simple summary of some of these facts.
On the west bank of the River Nile, not too far from ancient Memphis and almost opposite present-day Cairo, stands the last one of the seven wonders of the ancient world: the Great Pyramid. This is the largest of all the pyramids and the first to have been built. It embodies in its construction a wealth of knowledge of mathematics and astronomy which indicates that its builders possessed amazing wisdom.
The original pyramid was built of granite and limestone rock and had a smooth exterior finish of white limestone which would have made it impossible to surmount.
Some legends say that its capstone was made of gold. In its original form, it must have been an awe-inspiring sight. But the passage of time and the wear and tear of countless storms have stripped away its limestone exterior and left us with what we have today. Now one can climb to the top, using the blocks as stairs, a feat which, in its initial form, would have been impossible. The esteemed architect and eschatologist Clarence Larkin made the following observations:
• The base of the Great Pyramid covers about thirteen acres. It consists of approximately 2.3 million blocks of stone weighing around 2½ tons each, some weighing up to 50 tons. Some huge granite blocks, weighing 100 tons, are situated within the pyramid structure at a height of 46 metres. The base of the pyramid is a square with right angles accurate to within one-twentieth of a degree. The sides are equilateral triangles and face exactly to the true north, south, east and west of the Earth.
• Taking the Hebrew cubit to be 25.025 inches (63.5 cm), the length of each side of the base is 365.2422 cubits, the exact number of days in the solar year (including the extra day for every four years).
• The slope of the sides of the pyramid is of such an angle that they meet at the apex at the predetermined height of 232.52 cubits. If twice the length of a side at the base was to be be divided by the height of the pyramid, we would arrive at the figure 3.14159, which, when multiplied by the diameter of a circle, gives its circumference.
• The perimeter of the base of the pyramid (365.242 x 4 = 14609.68) is exactly equal to the circumference of a circle, whose diameter is twice the height of the pyramid (232.52 x 2 x 3.1416 = 14609.68). So here we have in these figures the solution to the problem of how to square a circle (see
Figure 1
Figure 1
The solution to the problem of how to square the circle.
• The angle of slope of the sides is 10 to 9. That is, for every 10 feet you ascend, you rise in altitude by 9 feet. And if you multiply the altitude of the pyramid by 10 raised to the power of 9, you have 91,840,000, which, in miles, is the exact distance of the Sun from the Earth.
• The year of the stars is called the “sidereal” year and the year of the seasons is called the “equinoctial.” These differ by about 50 seconds per year. In other words, the stars in their rising and setting are retarded by about 50 seconds each year. For the “sidereal” and the “equinoctial” years to come around and coincide again it would take 25,827 years, which is known as a cycle. If we add together the diagonals of the pyramid's base in inches, we arrive at 25,827, or as many inches as the cycle has years.
The Great Pyramid stands at the exact centre of the world. It is midway between the west coast of Mexico and the east coast of China. Between the north cape of Norway and the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa. It stands at the intersection of the 30th parallel, both latitude and longitude.
The Great Pyramid was the highest building in the world for thousands of years until modern man began building skyscrapers such as the World Trade Centre. If it were compared to a skyscraper, the Great Pyramid would be 42 storeys high. It contains enough stone to build a six foot high wall from New York to Los Angeles.
Researchers Alan and Sally Lansburg provide the following statistics regarding this incredible edifice:
“Somehow the builders knew that the world was round but flattened at the poles, which caused a degree of latitude to lengthen at the top and bottom of the planet; that it rotated in one day on an axis tilted 23.5° to the ecliptic, causing night and day, and that this tilt caused the seasons; that earth circled the sun once in a year of 365 and a fraction days.
The designers also must have known that earth's celestial north pole described a slow circle around the pole of the ecliptic, making the constellations appear to ‘slip backward' (the precession of the equinoxes), and bring a new constellation of the Zodiac behind the sun at the equinox approximately every twenty-two hundred years in a grand cycle of about twenty-six thousand years. These facts, too, were part of the internal measurements of the pyramid”.
We are asked to believe that primitive man, dressed in animal skins and roaming wild, constructed the Great Pyramid with all that it entails, yet these same builders had not yet invented the simple wheel!
From an astronomical point of view, we have learned some extraordinary facts.
There are four long narrow passageways or shafts built into the Great Pyramid, two on the north face and two on the south. The two on the north point to two distinct stars: one at
Beta Ursa Minor
and one at
Alpha Draconis
in the constellation of Draco.
The star shafts on the south face point to
Zeta Orionis
. In ancient Egyptian tradition,
is associated with the goddess
. And
Zita Orionis
, which is the brightest star of three in
belt, is identified with
, the god of resurrection and rebirth in the remote epoch referred to as “
Zep Tepi
” or “
First Time

Figure 2
Similarly, ancient monuments in Mexico and at Angkor Wat in Cambodia have celestial connections with Orion, Draco, Leo and Aquarius.
At Nazca in Peru we find a huge combination of strange lines and drawings which only become discernible when viewed from the air. These lines cover a large area 60 kilometres ( about 40 miles ) square and could in no way be the work of mortal man. There are various sketches of the Nazca Monkey, Humming Bird, Whale, Spider, Dog and Condor, all etched into the rugged earth.
Scores of perfectly geometric lines and designs criss-cross the landscape. Some of the lines resemble runways which could be used for aircraft either landing or taking off. The longest of these lines measures almost 15 miles (23 kilometres). But what do they mean? Where did they come from and who made them? Again, the scholars and experts arrive at the same conclusion: they do not know. Speculation reigns.
In ancient Egyptian tradition, Sirius is associated with the goddess Isis and Zita Orionis is identified with Osiris, the Egyptian high god of death and resurrection and rebirth.
There is an ancient temple at Baalbek in Lebanon known as the Temple of Jupiter. Incorporated in its foundations are three huge cut-stone blocks weighing 800 tons each. Not far away lies another gigantic stone block called the Stone of the South, weighing 1,000 tons. This is the combined weight of three 747 jumbo jets. How did the builders cut such large blocks and, more to the point, how did they move them into place?
Much has been chronicled regarding the building and astronomical parallels and mathematical properties of the many monuments which populate the globe. Scholars have mapped and measured these structures and charted their celestial counterparts with minute precision. Many books containing the finer details of their construction and stellar configuration are to be found in bookshops everywhere.
What message are these edifices relaying to us? Is there something we can learn from them which has so far eluded us? If the walls of these monuments could speak, what priceless information would they impart? Do they portend coming events? I believe that they do. And we shall now endeavour to unveil the riddle of the pyramids by identifying their likely architects.

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