The Nephilim and Pyramid of Apocalypse (2 page)

BOOK: The Nephilim and Pyramid of Apocalypse
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uried in the depths of the Pentateuch and other ancient Hebrew texts lies a wealth of information that has long been, by and large, invisible to most scholars. But how reliable are these age-old writings? Can we learn anything new from them or is our first instinct to dismiss any likely discoveries as mere fable? Before delving into these hidden scripts, I would like to put forth some interesting vignettes which may have previously been unknown to the reader.
In his best-selling book
The Bible Code,
Michael Drosnin sets out his findings on a series of computer-based scientific tests carried out by himself and some eminent Jewish mathematicians. It was well known by Jewish scribes of old that a hidden code was encrypted in the Hebrew lettering of the Pentateuch, which is the name given to the first five books of the Old Testament.
These were written originally in Hebrew. If you take the first Hebrew letter in Genesis, skip 49 letters and take the next letter, and repeat the skip sequence, then every four letters spells
(the Hebrew word pronounced “Torah,” meaning “The Law of God”).
This holds all the way through the first two books of the Bible,
. When you get to the middle book of the five,
it stops. However, when you apply the same skip sequence to
and the
Book of Numbers
, it spells
, which is Torh backwards.
Go back now to the middle book of the five,
, use the skip sequence again, this time skipping every seven letters, and it spells
. Which is the Hebrew name for God!
So we have every 49 letters in
spelling “The Law of God” and pointing to
and every 49 letters of
spelling “The Law of God” backwards and pointing to
Every seven letters in this book spells
: God himself.
Because Hebrew lettering is mathematical as well as literal, these scholars were able to put the whole of the Pentateuch into a computer programme. Then they chose differing “skip” sequences and ran them through the programme. The results they found astounded them. Encoded throughout the texts they found messages concerning different aspects of life and history.
For instance, Drosnin himself, while running through a particular test one day, found the name Yitzhak Rabin encoded in the text. Written across this name was “Assassin That Will Assassinate.” Perplexed and concerned by his findings, Drosnin wrote to Yitzhak Rabin (who was then Prime Minister of Israel), telling him of his findings.
Rabin wrote back and informed Drosnin that he was a humanist, a fatalist and unconcerned with these findings.
Some time later, while in a railway station in Canada, Drosnin was speaking on the telephone to a friend. His friend asked him if he had heard the latest news. “What news?” Drosnin asked. “Yitzhak Rabin has just been shot dead in Israel.”
With that, Drosnin dropped the phone and began to shake. Before this, he had known in his mind that these codes were unique. But now he knew in his heart that these hidden codes were indeed real.
Michael Drosnin and the Jewish mathematicians who pioneered these studies have done thousands of these “skip” sequence tests. They have found all manner of information concerning events which have already happened and also some relating to the future. And the interesting thing is that there is no way they could have discovered these hidden codes without the use of computers. For the information is so vast, and the permutations are so great, that in no way could it be deciphered without the use of our modern-day computers.
After Yitzhak Rabin's assassin was arrested, Drosnin put this man's name into the programme and ran it through the same sequence he had used before. To his astonishment, right above the place where he had found the original message concerning Yitzhak Rabin, the assassin's name was encoded in the Hebrew text.
This is just a small snippet from Michael Drosnin's book. His findings, along with those of his Jewish colleagues, have been tested and scrutinised by many agencies such as the CIA and the US army, and none have been able to contradict or gainsay their conclusions.
This tells us that there is much we have yet to discover concerning these ancient texts, which have been largely ignored for so long.
Suppose you were asked to construct a genealogy of real people, but there are certain constraints:
• The number of words in this genealogy must be evenly divisible by seven (with no remainders)
• The number of letters must be divisible by seven
• The number of vowels and consonants must be divisible by seven
• The number of words that begin with a vowel must be divisible by seven
• The number of words that begin with a consonant must be divisible by seven
• The number of words that occur more than once must be divisible by seven
• The number of words that occur in more than one form must be divisible by seven
• The number of words that occur only in one form must be divisible by seven
• The number of names in the genealogy must be divisible by seven
• The number of male names must be divisible by seven
• The number of generations in the genealogy must be divisible by seven
Would it not be next to impossible to draw up such a genealogy? Yet this describes exactly the genealogy of the Messiah, as given in the Gospel of Matthew 1:2-17.
From an academic and literary point of view, the Bible stands head and shoulders above any other book ever written, yet it has been largely ignored by academia. It has sold over eight billion copies in more than 2,000 languages. It was written by 40 different men over a period of 1,600 years, yet it remains uniform in its content. It has survived 40 centuries of history. It has more ancient manuscripts to authenticate it than any other ten pieces of ancient literature put together.
Source: The Alpha Course Manual, Alpha International, Holy Trinity Brompton, London
In fact, there are over 5,000 Greek manuscripts of the New Testament, over 10,000 in Latin and 9,300 in other languages, the oldest dating to around 68 AD. Compare this to only nine old copies of “Caesar's Gallic War,” and the oldest of these dates to 900 years after Caesar's death. Yet nobody questions this (see
Figure 3
When copying was being carried out, the Hebrew scribes had enormous reverence for the text of the Bible. Copies were checked, double-checked and re-checked many times. If a small mistake was made, the whole page would be rewritten. When they came to the word “Yaweh,” meaning God, they would burn the pen and change their clothes. Only photocopying is more accurate than the methods they followed to preserve the accuracy and integrity of the text.
One would think that those who occupy the seats of higher learning would acknowledge the obvious literary merits of the Bible. It was, after all:
• The source of over 1,200 quotations used by William Shakespeare in his works.
• The inspiration for literary giants such as Milton, C.S. Lewis, Sir Walter Scott and Charles Dickens.
• The inspiration for Da Vinci's
Last Supper
, Michelangelo's
and Handel's
, which he wrote in 21 days, most of the text coming from the
Book of Isaiah.
• The motivation for the work of Mother Teresa, Abraham Lincoln, Isaac Newton and Martin Luther King.
Yet, despite its unrivalled position as an academic document, the Bible is ignored and withheld from students of literary works. It is sidelined and boycotted and scoffed at in favour of lesser works of men. You would think that even the humanist non-believer would pay tribute to the academic worth of this mighty tome and the effect it has had on the history of civilisation. But no, all are silent.
Let us now examine those same ancient texts and discover what they reveal concerning a mysterious race of whom the majority of people have never heard: the
would now beg the reader to indulge me somewhat. For this study, I would ask that you put your mind in neutral. That is, put aside for the present your assumptions and prejudices concerning your opinion of the Old Testament scriptures. Allow, for the time being, that they may contain information that is useful and trustworthy and from which we can learn. Think of yourself as a juror awaiting the evidence. After all the facts are heard, you may then reach an informed verdict.
The year is 2348 BC, the year of the Noahic deluge. Genesis chapter six provides us with a startling revelation.
And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the Earth, and daughters were born unto them,
That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair;
And they took them wives of all which they chose.
There were giants (
) in the Earth in those days: and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them.
The same became mighty men which were, of old, men of renown.
Genesis 6: 1,2,4
We are informed that the “sons of God” saw the daughters of men and took them as wives. Who are these “sons of God” and from whence did they come? Our first task is to garner all information on these individuals and allow the material to define our conclusions.
The term “sons of God” is used eight times in the Old Testament. Let us examine some of these. The following is taken from a debate Yaweh (God) is having with Job:
“Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the Earth?
“Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest?
“Or who hath stretched the line upon it?
“Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? Or who laid the cornerstone thereof?
“When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy.”
Job 38: 4-7
In this discourse between Yaweh and Job there is an obvious reference to the time of the creation of the world. In this context the “Sons of God” refers to what we call angels, which are created spirit beings.
This is always the case where the expression “Sons of God” occurs in the Old Testament.
Who maketh His angels spirits,
His ministers a flaming fire
Psalm 104:4
This also holds true for the New Testament:
But to which of the angels said he: “Sit on my right hand . . .”
Are they not all ministering spirits . . .
Hebrews 1: 13,14
In the Book of Daniel, chapter 3, we are told of three men who were thrown into a blazing furnace by the king, Nebuchadnezzar, who then . . .
. . . rose up in haste and said unto his counsellors: “Did we not cast three men into the midst of the fire? Lo, I see four men walking in the midst of the fire . . . and the form of the fourth is like a son of God.”
Nebuchadnezzar goes on to say:
“Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who hath sent His angel and delivered His servants who trusted in him . . .”
Daniel 3: 24,25,28
It is clear from the above that the fourth being accompanying the three in the fire, who was referred to as a
son of God,
is in the following verse called an “angel.”
In this next illustration from the Book of Job we observe a distant gathering of celestial bodies:
Now there was a day when the sons of God (
) came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them.
Job 1:6
In the Hebrew, the word
is translated as
. In the Greek it is
But a more accurate rendering of both these Hebrew and Greek words is
The word
occurs over 300 times in both the Old and New Testaments. In all these places the word
would, in my opinion, be a better translation, as our minds have been muddied and distorted by the word angel. For when this word is used we immediately conjure up an image of a naked infant cherubim with tiny wings and no genitalia floating around innocently and carrying a little bow and arrow. Or of a huge glorious being with enormous wings protruding from somewhere between his shoulder blades and illuminated from behind by a huge spotlight!
Nothing could be further from the truth. Later on in this study I shall present a more detailed evaluation of these messengers or agents. But lest we should stray from our present focus, suffice to say that these messengers always appear as men. They eat and drink and are mistaken for ordinary human beings. Some are referred to by name and are also called men. So they look like us. They eat and drink like us, they wear clothes and they can speak like us. But let us return to our original train of thought. In Genesis 6:2 it says:
The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all that they chose.
Again it becomes clear from this passage that there is a distinction between the “
daughters of men
,” on the one hand, and the “
sons of God
” on the other.
What this verse is implying is that these “sons of God,” who were created spirit beings, had intercourse with ordinary human women and produced children. But these were no ordinary offspring.
There were giants (
) in the Earth in those days: and
also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daugh-
ters of men, and they bare children to them.
The same became mighty men which were, of old, men of
Genesis 6:4
The Hebrew word for
in the above verse is
, from the root word
to fall.
So the offspring of these spirit beings with human women are called
meaning the
fallen ones
. The fallen spirit-men are themselves referred to as
For they fell from grace, fell from Heaven and fell to Earth.
In the course of this book I shall examine why these spirit beings or messengers became “
.” But in order to maintain our focus on the riddle before us we shall continue with our study of the
and their impact on society at that time.
You will notice from the passages quoted that we are told these irruptions occurred on two occasions, i.e.
“There were giants (
in the Earth in
those days
and also
after that

In those days
” refers to the days of Noah. The expression “
and also after that
” tells us that these
were also on the Earth after the Flood of Noah.
So these two irruptions of fallen spirit beings with women occurred both before the Flood and then again some time later. For reasons which will become clearer as we progress with this thesis, I will firstly deal with the second, which occurred after the Flood. We are given much information about these giants when they inhabited the Earth in those days. After examining the evidence relating to them, we shall return to the earlier incursion of the
before the Flood and discuss the evidence as to how they left their mark on ancient civilisation at that time.

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