The Nephilim and Pyramid of Apocalypse (8 page)

BOOK: The Nephilim and Pyramid of Apocalypse
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The point is that Satan and all his supernatural allies are very familiar with the stars and their groupings. But they have managed to change the true meaning of Biblical astronomy into the false art of astrology and of the occult and other so-called related “sciences.”
This explains to some degree why many of the ancient temples and monuments are decorated with Zodiacal configurations. For the persons who built them are intrinsically interwoven with the stars and their movements. And they are called “stars.” Their original habitation was a place called “Heaven,” which is somewhere among the stars, and more than likely they are named after individual stars. (
“He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name.”
Psalm 147:4
So matters celestial are part of their heritage. Moreover, their leader, Lucifer, the Morning Star, was in Eden, the garden of God. He was upon the mountain of God and walked up and down in the midst of the fiery stones. Then he said in his heart:
“I will ascend into Heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God . . . I will ascend above the heights of the Most High

. . .
(Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14).
But his rebellion was in vain and his plans came to nought. He and his host were cast out of “Heaven” to the Earth. But they remain obsessed with trying to return to their celestial habitation. Thus, the many monuments they constructed are often Earthly reflections of stellar configurations.
Here is a brief summary of the twelve signs of the Zodiac and their Biblical meanings. (I would refer the reader to E.W. Bullinger's W
itness of the Stars
for a more detailed and complete study.) The twelve signs are divided into three books of four chapters (or signs). Each book, therefore, consists of four signs.
I Virgo
The Prophecy of the Promised Seed
1. Coma: Woman and child
2. Centaurus: The despised sin offering
3. Bootes: The coming one with branch
II Libra
The Redeemed Atoning Work
1. Crux: The Cross endured
2. Lupus: The Victim slain
3. Corona: The Crown bestowed
III Scorpio
The Redeemer's Conflict
1. Serpens: Assaulting the man's heel
2. Ophiuchus: The man grasping the serpent
3. Hercules: The mighty man victorious
IV Sagittarius
The Redeemed Triumph
1. Lyra: Praise prepared for the conqueror
2. Ara: Fire prepared for his enemies
3. Draco: The dragon cast down
V Capricornus
The Result of the Redeemer's Suffering
1. Sagitta: The arrow of God sent forth
2. Aquila: The smitten One falling
3. Delphinus: The dead One rising again
VI Aquarius
The Blessing Assured
1. Picis Australis: The Blessings bestowed
2. Pegasus: The Blessing quickly coming
3. Cygnus: The Blesser surely returning
VII Pisces
The Blessings in Abeyance
1. The Band: The great enemy
2. Andromeda: The redeemed in bondage
3. Cepheus: The Deliverer coming to loosen
VIII Aries
The Blessing Consummated
1. Cassiopeia: The captive delivered
2. Cetus: The great enemy bound
3. Perseus: The Breaker delivering
IX Taurus
Messiah Coming to Rule
1. Orion: The Redeemer breaking forth as Light
2. Eridanus: Wrath breaking forth as a flood
3. Auriga: Safety for His redeemed in the day of wrath
X Gemini
Messiah as Prince of Princes
1. Lepus: The enemy trodden underfoot
2. Canis Major: The coming glorious Prince
3. Canis Minor: The exalted Redeemer
XI Cancer
The Messiah's Redeemed Possessions
1. Ursa Minor: The lesser sheepfold
2. Ursa Major: The fold and the flock
3. Argo: The pilgrim's arrival home
The Prophecy of Triumph Fulfilled
1. Hydra: The old serpent destroyed
2. Crater: The cup of wrath poured out
3. Corvus: The birds of prey devouring
Thus end the Scriptures of the Heavens.
At the beginning of this chapter, we quoted Psalm 19:1-6. Listen again to the first four verses:
The heavens declare the glory of God;
and the firmament sheweth his handiwork.
Day unto day uttereth speech,
And night unto night sheweth knowledge.
There is no speech nor language,
Where their voice is not heard.
Their line is gone out through all the Earth
and their words to the end of the world
The 36 constellations contain the Scriptures of the Heavens. This is the story they tell. This is the “speech” they “utter.” This is the “knowledge” they “show forth.” There is no articulate speech or voice and no words are heard; but their sayings have gone out into all the world.
From the very first mention of the stars in the first chapter of Genesis we are told that not only are they for light, but also as signs which would mark out something or someone to come. We have learned that this knowledge of the stars would have been passed down through the generations in the oral tradition. For the most part, this knowledge had been lost, as it was no longer needed due to the advent of the written word. We also learned that other spiritual beings are aware of this astronomical knowledge, as matters stellar are their heritage. Thus many of the pyramids and other monuments bear astronomical information and details which would be outside the realm of all but the initiates. We conclude this section with a quote from I Corinthians 15:39-41.
All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds.
There are also celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial; but the glory of the celestial is one and the glory of the terrestrial is another.
There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differs from another star in glory.
Today, we refer to famous actors, sports personalities and other celebrities as “stars.” But other famous men, the stars and heroes of old, walked this earth in the dim distant past five and a half thousand years ago. It is to these we now turn our attention.
e are now ready to consider the presence of the Nephilim on the Earth, prior to the Flood of Noah, and their effect on it. Very little information is provided in the texts, but I believe we can piece together the details provided through arcane sources and, along with the evidence left for us in hieroglyphs and other written records, we can reach an acceptable conclusion. Consider the following mathematical problem:
2 + 2 + 2 + ? = 8
By analysing the information to hand, we can fill in the blanks in a reasonable fashion and find the correct answer. But we must return to the original passage in Genesis 6 once more to begin this analysis.
When men began to increase in number on the Earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.
Then the Lord said: “My spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years.”
were on the Earth in those days and also afterwards, when the sons of God went in to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.
The Lord saw how great man's wickedness on the Earth had become and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all of the time.
Genesis 6:1-5
Because the Lord was grieved that he had made man, he decided to destroy all living things:
“I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the Earth: men and animals and creatures that move along the ground, and birds of the air, for I am grieved that I have made them.”
Now the Earth was corrupt in God's sight and full of violence. God saw how corrupt the Earth had become, for all the people on Earth had corrupted their ways.
Genesis 6: 7,11
What could man have done that was so bad that it would require Yaweh to totally obliterate all living creatures? Let us consider each verse and see if we can tease out the clues.
The “sons of God” married any of the daughters of men they chose. “Sons of God” in Hebrew is Beni-ha-Elohim. The word ben in Hebrew means “son.” So Beni-ha-Elohim are the sons of Elohim (God). We have already concluded from a previous chapter that these “sons of God” are created spirit beings known to us as angels. These spirit-men were part of a band of angels which rebelled against Yaweh and became evil in their intent. It is said that they “married any of them they chose,” the inference in the text being that these spirit beings were so powerful that the daughters of men could not resist them. Therefore they married any whom they chose. Again this phrase suggests more than one wife and probably very many.
Now it would appear that there is a problem here in understanding how spirit beings can have intercourse with ordinary human women and produce children as a result? We are informed in Genesis chapter one that Yaweh created all manner of plants and trees, animals and fish, and they were all to produce seed “after their own kind.” And, left alone in nature, animals and trees etc will automatically produce offspring after their own kind. Does this mean that the genetics of plants and animals cannot be interfered with to produce genetically-modified aberrations? No, it merely states that if you leave nature alone, it will produce seed after its kind.
So when the evil fallen spirit-men made the daughters of men pregnant, they may have done so by means of genetic engineering.
Is there any precedent for this in the old Hebrew texts? I believe that there is. Look at Genesis 3:17, where the context is Yaweh confronting Adam after the Fall:
“Cursed is the ground because of you:
Through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life. It will provide thorns and thistles for you and you will eat the plants of the field.”
Genesis 3:17,18
When Yaweh made Paradise, there was only perfection. Adam and Eve lived in a veritable Garden of Eden. No thistles, no mosquitos, no noxious plants or poisonous insects or snakes. The lion ate grass like the ox. But all that changed after the Fall. Because of the influence of the serpent, the Earth became cursed. Satan and his host of evil spirit beings changed Paradise into a hostile environment. Thorns grew on bushes which had none before. Man now had to toil and sweat to eat. And all the time be bitten by insects or be on guard against other animals or creatures which could inflict harm.
We know that only good can come from the creator, Yaweh. Therefore the change in the environment had to be a result of the interference in the genetics of the whole universe by Satan and his entourage. Remember, we are dealing with a powerful foe. One who was so full of wisdom and knowledge that he thought himself to be on equal terms with the Most High, Yaweh.
But why would Satan want to produce such a race of evil people and have them populate the Earth? Remember the first promise and prophecy of the Messiah? When Yaweh pronounced that the seed of the woman would crush the head of the serpent?
Well, put yourself in Satan's shoes. Here the Most High is telling him that the lineage of the woman, Eve, will produce the offspring which will ultimately destroy him. So what is he going to do in order to thwart this plan? Well, the obvious thing to do is to kill off the line so that the seed cannot be born and the sentence can be averted. Satan begins to destroy the lineage when he has Cain murder his own brother, Abel. But this does not prevent the line continuing, since Adam and Eve produced many more children. So Satan decides to populate the world with his own seed and corrupt the Earth to such a degree that the line of Adam and Eve is wiped out completely. Thus the seed of the woman is extinguished and Satan preserves his own existence.
So Lucifer has some of his own band procreate with women and produce children. But these are no ordinary children. They are the offspring of superhuman and supernatural beings, half-human, half-demon, whose only intent is evil.
We are told that these
were on the Earth “in those days,” i.e. the days of Noah. Now Noah was six hundred years old when the Flood finally came in the year 2348 BC (see Appendix). This means that the
were multiplying and living for at least six hundred years prior to the deluge taking place. So these genetically-engineered people were inhabiting the then known world only 1,000 years or so after Adam. We must realise that these
were totally evil. They were a hybrid of demons and men. They were evil and wicked by nature and could not be rehabilitated and made good, for the evil was in their genes. They were so corrupt and wicked that they had almost totally infected the whole human race at that time.
So what heinous crime could they have committed which would cause Yaweh to regret that he had made man and decide to destroy all living flesh on the face of the Earth with the exception of eight individuals? And, secondly, who were these people who so corrupted the ancient world? We will now endeavour to answer these two important questions. Firstly, who were these
of old? Look again at verse four of Genesis six:
were on the Earth in those days (the days of Noah) and also afterwards (after the Flood) when the sons of God went in to the daughters of men and had children by them.
They were the heroes of old, men of renown
(New International Version)
The above verse contains all the detail we are given concerning these “heroes of old.” But this passage is pregnant with information.
We are told that the
were the “heroes of old, the men of renown.” In the Hebrew, “renown” means “the men of name,” i.e. those men who got a name and were renowned as heroes. And what was the extent of their sin?
The Lord saw how great man's wickedness on the Earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time
Now the Earth was corrupt (Hebrew
destroyed) in God's sight and full of violence.
God saw how corrupt the Earth had become, for all the people on Earth had corrupted their ways.
Genesis 6: 5,11,12
Things must have been extremely bad when we are told that “every inclination of the thoughts of man's heart was only evil all the time,” and that the whole Earth was full of violence. We go now to the New Testament, which sheds a little more light on the background to this situation. Speaking of the fallen angels, Jude 6 tells us:
And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, He has reserved in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great day.
In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves over to sexual immorality and perversion . . .
Jude 6,7
In the above verse we are told that these evil angels left their own habitation. In the Greek, this word is
and it is used only here and in II Corinthians 5:2, where it refers to the “spiritual body.” So these angels left their spirit body and came into physical form in order to produce the
, who were superhuman in size and in wickedness and evil. So heinous were their crimes that not only did Yaweh destroy all living creatures on the face of the Earth, but also the millions of people who had become totally evil and morally bankrupt as a result of the activities of the
. Their sin is likened to the perversion and sexual immorality of Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns.
The sin which these fallen spirit beings committed in debauching virtually the whole of the then known world was so vile that it precipitated the Flood. This worldwide deluge is well documented in the historical annals of most of the known ancient world. It destroyed all breathing things except for the eight souls preserved through the Flood and the animals Noah was instructed to bring along. But water cannot kill spirit beings. When we are told that these angels left their own spirit sphere, the inference is that they could not return there. So Yaweh, because of their sin, cast them into a place called
, there to await future judgment.
But was their crime merely excessive sexual immorality and worldwide violence or was there something more? I believe that there was something more. This theory is not spelt out in black and white in any of the Scriptures. But by examining the ancient written records pertaining to the period before the Flood, and even afterwards, I believe we can construct a good argument.
As was mentioned in an earlier chapter, it would appear that these spirit beings were involved in some form of genetic engineering. We observed how two of the Israeli spies carried one cluster of grapes between them on a pole from the land inhabited by the
in the days of Moses. Later, we encountered Goliath the Gittite, who had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot. In this chapter we considered how all the Earth was changed after the fall of man. Noxious plants and poisonous insects and other creatures appeared which were never part of the original Eden. Evil influences must have interfered with the DNA of all these plants, animals, insects etc to cause them to change and become as they are today. Consequently, when the fallen angels married the daughters of men, perhaps it was genetic engineering which was utilised to impregnate the women and produce the monstrous evil aberrations called the
These in turn produced offspring who were genetically-engineered supernatural and superhuman evil monsters. Over the course of several hundred years, while the Ark was being prepared, these people contaminated the whole world with their immorality, perversion and violence. And only eight souls preserved their true nature and were saved: Noah and his family.
Let us take this a step further. If we examine many of the ancient writings and pictures, we see some peculiar images appearing in many of the countries surrounding the area where mankind dwelt during that time. We see pictures of beings who are half-human and half-animal. We see pictures of centaurs, who had the upper body of a man and the lower body of a horse. We have statues called sphinxes which show a man's or woman's head attached to the body of a lion (see
Figure 6
). In yet more reliefs we see other strange animals which appear to have human appendages (see
Figure 7
) as well as four-footed animals with men's heads and birds with the head of a man.
A drawing of a standing female sphinx, somewhat “Asiatic” in appearance, found on a fragment of limestone block dating from the Egyptian late New Kingdom period (Cairo Museum).

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