The Nephilim and Pyramid of Apocalypse (12 page)

BOOK: The Nephilim and Pyramid of Apocalypse
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is a town about 20 miles south of present-day Gaza on the border between Israel and Egypt. Its ancient name was
It is likely that the
after whom the original town was named was a post-Flood
or one of their descendants.
was the son of one
. In Hebrew,
means “
strength of Baal
.” Baal was the chief male deity of the Phoenicians and Canaanites and Ashtaroth was their chief female goddess. Baal in the Hebrew means “
master, possessor
” or “
the lord who possesses
.” This
was a
and his name suggests a direct link with
which is another alias for Satan.
built a city which was called “
” or “city of
.” We are told that this city was built seven years before the building of Zoan in Egypt (Numbers 13:22), which was constructed by the first kings of the 19th dynasty. Rameses II made this his capital and Zoan was the scene of the Exodus and was noted for its wisdom.
In the name
we find another link with the stars. For in the sign of
and in the constellation of
the brightest star is called
, which means “encompassing.”
In the Book of Numbers, 13:33, we are told that the spies sent in by Moses said
“there we saw the
, the sons of
which come of the
It would appear that yet again, as with the Greek and Roman gods, we find this stellar thread associated with the
and their offspring in Egypt.
It has also been established that the descending shafts in the Great Pyramid of Giza align with four distinct stars at certain times. The north shaft from the King's Chamber aligns with
Alpha Draconis
while the south shaft from the King's Chamber aligns with
Zeta Orionis.
The north shaft from the Queen's Chamber aligns with
Beta Ursa Minor
and the south shaft from the same chamber aligns with
While no direct connection has yet been discovered for
Beta Ursa Minor
which can connect us with an Egyptian god, we have definite associations for the other three.
is the celestial counterpart of the goddess
and is identified with her.
Zeta Orionis
is the brightest and lowest star in Orion's belt and is associated with
The ancient Egyptians referred to
as the high god of resurrection and rebirth in the remote epoch known as the “Zep-Tepi” or “First Time
.” Osiris
is spoken of in one coffin text thus: “
Osiris, Lord of the Doubles . . . who threads his two lands, who navigates in front of the stars of the sky.”
And pyramid text spell 882 states:
“O king, thou art this great star, the companion of Orion.”
the great hunter of Greek mythology, be
who reigned in Egypt a short distance away?
So here we have two more of the primeval gods of prehistory,
, associated with, and named after, prominent stars. But what of
Alpha Draconis
is the third constellation in the sign of
and is in the northern sky. The brightest star in it is called
which means “the Subtle.”
means “the Dragon” and is depicted in the pictures of the planisphere of the heavens as a serpent. Draco was the pole star in 2170 BC. In many places in both the Old Testament scriptures and in the Apocalypse, the dragon is directly associated with Satan. So here in this so-called star shaft of the King's Chamber we have a direct link with
who is the dragon, who is the serpent or Satan, who is the devil, who is more subtle than any beast of the field. It is of him that we read in the Apocalypse:
The great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the devil and Satan which deceives the whole world: he was cast out into the Earth, and his angels with him.
Book of Revelation 12:9
This leaves us in no doubt as to who the dragon is. And now we have a major clue and connection between the Great Pyramid of Giza and the chief prince and ruler of the rebel band of fallen angels, Satan, and two of his earthly subordinates,
If we cast our minds back to the original fall of Lucifer, as recounted by the prophet Isaiah, we will recall that prideful ambition led to his fall from grace. But this passage reveals another interesting vignette:
For thou hast said in thine heart: “I will ascend into heaven;
I will exalt my throne above the stars (
) of Yaweh; I
will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the
of the North
Book of Isaiah 14:13
Draco is in the northern sky and it would appear from this verse that the habitation of Yaweh and his congregation is also in the north.
In verse 519 of the pyramid texts we find another celestial link between these primordial avatars,
, and their offspring,
“O Morning Star, Horus of the nether world, divine falcon
Lucifer literally means “Morning Star,” here used as an appendage to one of the principal heroes of the gallery of gods stretching back to the first epoch of ancient Egypt.
plays a major role all through the history of the pharaohs and beyond and is clearly identified in engravings in many of the temples of Egypt. Often he is a large man, over twice the size of his captives, and often he is depicted holding a number of slaves or prisoners by the hair with one hand, his other arm raised with a weapon in readiness to slay his prey.
Can there be any doubt that the Pyramids of Giza, known by the ancient Egyptians as the “gateway to the other world” and dating to the time of the primeval age, the
” or “
” of the gods
Horus, Isis
, were related directly to the activities of the
, the fallen ones, and to their offspring? In his fine book
Heaven's Mirror,
Graham Hancock assures us that the Edfu Texts declare that the development of these sites should bring about “the resurrection of the former world of the gods.” He also informs us that the time of the “seven sages” was an era when divine beings settled along the banks of the Nile; these divine beings were known as the “builder-gods.” This primeval land was where the earliest mansions of the gods were founded, but this ancient domain was destroyed by a huge deluge and the majority of its divine inhabitants were drowned and their mansions were inundated.
By this stage it should be glaringly obvious to the reader that there is a clear and distinct connection between much of the extant evidence in the Egyptian texts and the Biblical records of the Flood of Noah and the activities of the
. But the connections become stronger and the picture becomes clearer still as the evidence continues to unfold.
Another illustration of the obsession which the gods of Egypt had with the stars and their courses is found in the ceiling of the Temple of Hathor at Dendera (see
Figure 11
). Here we find not only the 12 signs of the Zodiac and their principal characters, but also depictions of the gods themselves apparently strolling among the constellations, including
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter
Saturn. Sirius
, the
Dragon (Draco
), and
are also clearly visible.
Zodiac from the ceiling of the Temple of Hathor at Dendera showing many of the gods strolling among the constellations.
In endeavouring to determine the reasons for this obsession with the celestial bodies and also with a never-ending quest for immortality and eternal life (as evidenced by their various religious rituals and rites), it must be remembered that these spirit-men once owned these treasures. Before their rebellion and their free-will decision to vote with Lucifer and attempt to usurp the throne of Yaweh, these angels possessed both immortality and a heavenly abode among the stars. But their reward for believing in the lie of the serpent was to be ejected from the presence of Yaweh and cast down to Earth.
Having once lived among the celestial bodies and having possessed immortality, they are now exiled in a distant land. But, like most exiles, they yearn for restoration to their original state and hanker for a return to their former homeland. Also, they now face the prospect of the ultimate sanction, as prophesied and promised by Yaweh when he said “He (the Messiah) will crush your head” (and, by extension, the heads of your associates)
Genesis 3:15.
So it is little wonder that, having backed the wrong horse and lost, these forces of evil should try everything in their power to kill the Messiah, thwart the plan of Yaweh and thereby avert their own doom and regain immortality. This is the reason why the
infiltrated the Earth in the first place and filled it with violence. The plan was to kill off all human life, thus ending the “line of the seed of the woman,” so that the Messiah could not be born. But Yaweh always seems to be one move ahead in this eternal chess game, and He maintained the line through Noah and his family.
After the Flood, when it became known to the princes of darkness that Abraham would possess the promised land, and that the seed would continue through him, Satan again endeavoured to prevent this prophecy by flooding the entire area of Canaan with a second irruption of
so that Israel could not possess the land and the line would be broken once more. But, alas, his scheme failed yet again and, as ever, Yaweh's prophecy was realised.
And so the contest continues. Many times down through the ages Satan has interfered with Israel and the line of the seed of the woman in order to frustrate the prophecy and destroy the promise of a redeeming Messiah. When the Messiah was crucified and placed in a tomb, Satan and his host thought that they had finally won and averted their own demise. I am sure they had a big celebration that night. And perhaps that is why the Messiah, in his new risen spiritual body, went forth and appeared before those fallen angels who are kept in prison in
. This must count as one of the best party-poopers in history.
But I digress. In the latter part of this book, the questions pertaining to the bigger picture of exactly what is going on, and why, will be answered in some detail. As a result, the reader will be better able to understand the reasons for this cosmic battle and where it is leading us and how it will all end. But, for now, back to the past.
Blood sacrifices seemed to be an important part of the ritual in many of the temples and monuments of the gods of eras past. In the pyramids of the Maya in Mexico and elsewhere it would appear that the gods had an insatiable appetite for fresh blood.
The Aztecs reputedly sacrificed up to 60,000 humans per year, often plunging knives into the victim's chest and pulling the heart out while it was still beating in order to appease the gods.
Munoz Camargo, a historian, described one such sacrifice: “One who had been a priest of the devil told me that when they tore the heart from the wretched victim, the strength with which it pulsated and quivered was so great that it used to lift three or four times from the ground before the heart grew cold.”

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