The Nephilim and Pyramid of Apocalypse (10 page)

BOOK: The Nephilim and Pyramid of Apocalypse
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“These were the heroes of old, men of renown.”
Apart from the fact that these gods bore the names of stars and planets, also remember that the
and their offspring were exceedingly depraved and wicked and could be no other way, since this was their genetic make-up and nature. They so infected the entirety of the people with their sin and behaviour that all of mankind had to be destroyed, for they were beyond redemption. Only eight souls – Noah and his family – were saved.
An artist's impression of Moloch. This deity was often represented as a horrible idol from whom flames came forth to consume whatever offerings or sacrifices were placed in his arms. Babies and young children were frequently sacrificed to Moloch.
The prime
raison d'être
of the chief archangel, Lucifer, was to kill all people so that the line of the seed of the woman could not survive and hence Yaweh's prophecy could not be fulfilled. By filling the world with the
and their wanton brood, Satan almost succeeded. But the line of the promised Messiah, the seed of the woman, was maintained through Noah, and the nefarious plan of Lucifer came to nought.
The fallen angels, these sons of God, who infiltrated the people of the Earth and who were the gods of old, the heroes and men of renown, are all now kept in
, awaiting a future judgment day. And I shall now show you something quite amazing concerning these same fallen angels, the gods and heroes of old.
uch was the extent of the violence and immorality being practised by practically all the population of the entire world that Yaweh had to destroy it. So all the living, breathing things were drowned in the Flood of Noah. But the original fallen angels are not mere flesh and blood and cannot be drowned as ordinary people can. So Yaweh had to detain these spirit-men in a place from whence they could not escape. We are told of these beings in just three verses in the latter end of the New Testament. First in the Epistle of Peter. Speaking of the risen Messiah, he tells us:
He was put to death in the body but made alive by the spirit, through whom also he went and preached (Greek:
) to the spirits in prison who disobeyed long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the Ark was being built.
1 Peter 3:18,19
The Greek word for “preached” here is
which means “to herald.” This is a phenomenal revelation. We are told here that the risen Messiah, in his new spiritual body, went to this prison where these fallen spirit beings are kept and heralded or announced his triumph to these evil spirits.
In essence, we might assume that he appeared triumphantly to these evil spirit-men and said to them, in our present-day vernacular, something like: “Here I am boys. All your plans have failed and have come to nothing. I am risen from the dead and, in short, your number is up and you're history . . . I'll be back!”
This passage states that these spirits are those who “disobeyed” in the days prior to the Flood and that, as a result of their sin, they are held in this place awaiting a future judgment. In the second Epistle of Peter we are given some further details:
If God did not spare the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell (Greek:
), putting them into gloomy dungeons to be held for judgment.
If he did not spare the ancient world when he brought the flood on its ungodly people, but protected Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and seven others . . .
II Peter 2:4,5
This tells us that these angels who committed the sin which precipitated the Flood are “
thrust down to Tartarus.
” What makes this interesting is the fact that the word “
” is used only once in the entire New Testament. The only other place it is found is in Greek mythology. The
described by Homer is the subterranean prison of the Titans or giants, who rebelled against Zeus. In a similar way, Egyptian writings speak of the “
” Could it be that these ancient “mythologies” are describing the place where the
the fallen evil angels who perpetrated all the violence and heinous crimes in the days of Noah, are kept?
Jude 6 gives another mention of this particular band of fallen angels:
And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority, but abandoned their own home – these He has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great day.
Jude 6
Without delving too much into the Greek text, the above phrase “
They . . . did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their own home . . .
” means that they left their spiritual realm and became manifested in the realm of the earthly. The inference is that, having abandoned their spiritual state, they could no longer go back there and were permanently obliged to remain on this Earth. But, because they are not flesh and blood but are celestial beings (even though they are in physical form and can be seen), they do not die as mortals and therefore have to be imprisoned in these gloomy dungeons known as
Now I would like to change tack slightly and introduce another idea.
In the Gospel of Mark, chapter five, we have an account of a meeting between the Messiah and a man who was possessed by many demons. This man was wild. If they bound him with chains or ropes, he would break them asunder. He lived in the tombs and would cry aloud and cut himself with stones. When he was confronted by the Messiah, the evil spirit speaking through the man said that his name “was legion . . . for we are many.” And they begged the Messiah not to cast them into the “Abyss.” (By the way, there are about 6,000 men in a Roman legion).
The Greek for “Abyss” is
and it is sometimes rendered “The Deep” and sometimes “Bottomless Pit.” But before looking at this passage, let us briefly recap some of the points already made.
We are told that these fallen angels of old were called the
, the “fallen ones.” These beings and their offspring inhabited this world both before and after the Flood of Noah. We are told that, in ancient days, these were the men of renown, the heroes of old, the mighty men who had made a reputation for themselves. Putting this information together with the ancient Greek and Roman mythologies, we can hazard that the gods of old were actually these
and their offspring. And that these old myths actually have their foundation in primitive truths which have changed into legends that have been passed down to us today.
We have also named many of these gods, illustrating that, just as they are known in the Hebrew texts as “stars” and “angels” alike, so they have been given the names of actual stars and planets, which star names date back to antiquity. So these
go by such names as
Apollo, Hercules, Orion, Pegasus, Perseus
and planets such as
Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, Uranus
etc. Only about a hundred of these ancient star names are known to us today. However, I would not be surprised if all the other so-called gods of Greece and Rome were not also the actual names of stars now long lost or forgotten.
It has been established that these fallen spirit beings which came to Earth and corrupted the whole of mankind are now imprisoned in a place called
. We have also noted how the risen Messiah went and visited these evil beings in their present prison and proclaimed his triumph to them. Now let us jump forward into the future, to the middle of the events described in the Apocalypse, the Book of Revelation:
The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star (
) that had fallen from the sky to Earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss.
When he (
the star or angel
) opened the Abyss, smoke arose from it like the smoke of a gigantic furnace. The sun and sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss.
Book of Revelation 9:1,2
Notice once again that an angel is here referred to as a “star.” This angel, on opening the
, lets loose smoke similar to that of a huge furnace. The passage goes on to describe “
” which also emerge from the
These locusts are given power to torture people like scorpions but not to kill them. The agony suffered by those stricken by these locusts is like that of the sting of the scorpion when it strikes a human. But now comes a very interesting vignette. We are told regarding these locusts:
They had a king over them, the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is
, and in Greek
Book of Revelation 9:1,2,11
The meaning of both
in English is
The Destroyer
Could it be that the
also called the Bottomless Pit or the Pit of the Abyss, is that same place called
in the Epistle of Peter? Could it be that this is the present abode of the evil angels who inhabited the world before the Flood? And is there not a distinct etymological similarity between the Greek god of old called
and the angel here described as being the king reigning over the locusts of the Abyss whose name in Greek is
I am not saying that the above conjecture is the definitive truth. But, by putting together all the pieces of the jigsaw based on the Scriptures, Greek and Roman mythology plus the other pieces of information we have examined, it would appear that the
of old is one of the chief
who sinned in the days of Noah and was thrust down to
for his offence. And that this same evil spirit-man is none other than
, the king reigning over the “locusts” which are to emerge, in the future, from the
, the Bottomless Pit, to bring agony and destruction to the people of the Earth.
In the latter half of this book we shall delve into the events of the Apocalypse more closely. But for now I believe that this passage is pertinent to the context we have been pursing thus far.
If this surmising proves to be the truth, then it verifies that the gods of old, the gods of Greece and Rome, were indeed the
and their offspring, and that these men are now held in
, the underworld of myth and the Bottomless Pit or
of the Scriptures, awaiting a future day of judgment. Furthermore, in the passage quoted from Revelation chapter nine, it is stated that the angel who was given the key to open the Pit of the Abyss had fallen from heaven to Earth. This would suggest that the
out of which
and the “locusts” arise is on this Earth. This would tie in with those mythologies which speak of a subterranean underworld.
a brother to
who was married to
was the keeper of the nether world, the abode of the dead. In Roman mythology, he is called
. In Egypt, the god who was the ruler and judge of the underworld is
, who was the brother and consort of
In an earlier chapter, a list of the12 signs of the Zodiac and the 36 constellations was given. The Hebrew and Arabic names of these and the principal stars contained in them provide much information. In the context of this chapter it is most interesting that in the sign of
, which means “the twins,” the two principal stars are of the same magnitude. They are named in Greek as
and the Latins called them
(which was the name of a boat Paul sailed in from Malta after being shipwrecked there: Book of Acts 28:11).
were the twin sons of
Jupiter (Zeus)
although some hold that
) was the twin sister of
is the Greek goddess of sex and fertility. She was
to the Romans.
are both identified as
who was a goddess and idol of the
Phoenicians, Philistines
These peoples fashioned trees and bushes in the shape of female genitalia for worship purposes.
However, the main point here is that one of the two brightest stars in the sign of
is named
which means “ruler” or “judge.” (In Revelation 9,
is the king [ruler] of the “Locusts.”) This again gives credence to our thesis that the original “fallen ones,” the rebel angels, were named after stars and kept these names with their arrival on Earth. These names survived through the myths and legends of yore and we recognise them here as being the
“mighty men of renown, the heroes of old who got themselves a name,”
. Also note that the other brightest star in Gemini is
who is twinned with
These two stars (angels) fell to Earth and are two of the principal gods of early prehistory.
Incidentally, we know that, in a secluded glade overlooked by Mount Parnassus about 10 kilometres from the Gulf of Corinth, lies
This was the most important sanctuary of
and included his temple, theatre and treasures. At
the oracle of Apollo was consulted. It was discovered in 1890.
What is intriguing is the fact that
is a constellation in the star sign
, which is in the Northern Hemisphere near to
This is further proof of the astronomical knowledge and association of the
with the celestial bodies and their movements, as
obviously derives its name from the constellation of

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