Read Always In: The Shore Series Book 2 Online

Authors: M.R. Joseph

Tags: #General Fiction

Always In: The Shore Series Book 2 (24 page)

BOOK: Always In: The Shore Series Book 2
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But he doesn't. Even though my eyes are shut, I can tell he pulls away because the warmth from his breath against my face is gone.

I blink a few times and see he's putting the extra food back in the picnic basket.

"What are you doing?" Daniel doesn't look at me, just grins and looks at his watch.

"It's getting late and there's much more to do, so we better get going."

I realize we've been in this park for almost four hours. Daylight savings time finished last week so it becomes dark earlier.

When he's done packing everything up, Daniel takes my hands and pulls me up from the blanket. He folds it up and puts it away in one of the bags.

"Um, Daniel,
are we going?"

He grabs my hand and pulls me against his chest and his lips swiftly kiss mine. He winks and tells me, "You'll see."


Daniel put the convertible’s top up because it has become colder than when we first arrived at the park. I like talking to him. Actually, I love talking to Daniel. The flow of our conversation is always light and airy. Even though I’m here with Daniel I can’t help wondering if conversations with Cruz were similar to the ebb and flow of the way Daniel and I talk. In the confines of this magnificent piece of machinery, we talk favorite foods, favorite holidays, favorite music. The typical things you discuss when getting to know someone. At one point when discussing British music and American music, Daniel tells me how cliché it is for him to love the Beatles and I tell him it's the same with me for Michael Jackson. When I tell him how much I loved Michael, he asserts the Beatles would kick Michael's
in a battle of the musicians. I begged to differ.

"Are you going to tell me where we are going?"

He turns to me with a sexy smirk, yes a sexy smirk that makes my head spin.

"Patience is a virtue, Miss Hannum. We have almost reached our destination."

I pout and he laughs.

We pull into a long driveway where trees align both sides. As the tires roll over the graveled road I feel every bump in my seat. It's dark and I can't see much as we drive along. Look to my right, left, and behind us, I don't see anything. My anticipation as to where we are grows and makes me a bit jumpy until I see lights ahead and we pull into a parking lot where there are dozens and dozens of cars parked. I realize where we are.

An old drive-in movie theater.

My jaw drops and I look over at Daniel who just keeps his eyes on the road and tries to find a parking spot, but he grins knowing I’m in shock.

"A drive-in theater?" He still doesn't say a word, but pulls into a spot, shuts off the engine, and
looks over at me. I’m in awe of my surroundings, so excited that we're here, and can't wait to see what movie is playing.

A man walks around and tells Daniel how much and he reaches for his wallet and pays for us. He tells us to enjoy the show. Daniel presses a button and the top of the convertible goes down. He grabs the blanket from the back seat and hands it to me.

"In case you get cold, or I could put my arm around you?"

He winks at me and my belly tightens at the gesture.

"Daniel, this is just...amazing. How did you find this place?"

"Research," he tells me as he lifts my hand off the seat to kiss the top of it. His hand then goes to the back seat and he pulls out a paper bag and out comes...a six pack of beer.

He pops the top off one and hands it to me.

"I would have brought wine, but I know you're a beer kind of girl."

He opens one for himself and holds it out to mine. We clank the necks of our beers and I take a sip while still looking at him.

"And what else do you know about what kind of girl I am?"

Before he could answer me, the lights that surround the parking lot go out and the extremely large screen lights up, and what comes on next is an old commercial for soda pop from the 1950s.

So cool.

Then the picture starts with the name of the movie company and it's black and white.

It's an old movie.

I jump in my seat, my mouth wide open, and I am almost at a loss for words.


"Oh my God, Daniel. This is.... Oh my God, how did you...when did you...? It's one of my all time favorite movies."

He turns to me in his seat. "I know." His facial expression tells me he's proud but I still don't know how he knew I loved old movies and that
is on my top five list.

"Daniel, seriously, tell me. How did you know? We didn't talk about this, ever."

His body inches a little closer to mine even in these old bucket seats. Our thighs touch and he gracefully puts his arm around my shoulder.

"No, we did not, but you and Willow have. Call me a stalker or something, but one day early on in the school year while in the teachers’ lounge, I overheard you and Willow discussing your weekends and you told her you stayed in making up lesson plans and watching
She proceeded to make fun of you because of your love of old classic movies and the fact that it was one of your favorites."

I shut my eyes, tightly. I can't breathe. The air in my lungs is still and I can't believe the lengths he has gone to in order to make this happen. I don't think much about what I’m about to do next because all of my thoughts aren't processing and all my inhibitions are now thrown out the window of the gorgeous car. I turn his face to mine and kiss him. I mean I don't peck at him. I hold the back of his neck and bring his face into mine, assaulting his lips and tongue and I don't even give him the chance to retreat, he has no choice but to kiss me. And he kisses me back with passion, such feral intensity I see stars as I feel his tongue against mine. I slow down the kiss and pull away from his face slowly. His eyes are wide but lustful and he licks his lower lip.

"If you keep that up we won't even make it through the opening credits." I smile sinfully at his words.

That's the plan, Daniel Mathewson, that's the plan.


His hand rubs at my shoulder in a sensual way making the hair on my arms stand at attention. Now and again he rubs his nose against my hair and I shut my eyes every time he does, breathing in as though it will be my last breath. He plays with the back of my neck softly with the tips of his fingers, sending an exhilarating feeling right down to my core and down into the satin panties. The chances of me watching this movie are null and void.

My hands sit in my lap anxiously. They want to touch him, too, and with my brazen new ways I think, yes, if it's okay he's doing it, why not join the party? My hand reaches his knee and I begin to lightly rub small circles on the cap. His jeans are soft and worn and I like the way they feel against my skin. Daniel changes his caress by moving to the back of my neck massaging the base of my scalp, stroking my hair with slow methodical strokes. My head, unintentionally rolls to one side and I hear Daniel let out a subtle moan. My fingers trail up from his knee to his inner thigh. The tips of them creep upward to his center and then down again.

Oh, shit I did not just try and stroke his balls? What has this man done to me?

My hand comes down to go back into my lap but he grabs my wrist and holds it. I turn to face him. The moonlight makes his eyes dance and he looks at me with such need. He whispers, "No, please, don't...don't stop."

What the hell do I do? Okay big-balls Hannum, make your move.

I begin the process again, my fingers dancing their way up his thigh to the hardness that rests between his legs and I stroke it on the outside.

Holy Christ.

He’s huge. I mean, from what I feel anyway. He leans his head back to rest on the seat and moans.

"Oh God, Harlow, let me touch you. Mmm...that feels...oh, Jesus. Please, I need to touch you."

I nod as our eyes lock gazes and I lick my lips. I want him to rub me like I’m rubbing him so he does. Cupping me between my legs, I can feel his fingertips on my clit through my leggings. The thin material means nothing because I feel everything. He increases the pressure and we breathe heavily, my chest and his chest rising and falling each time we breathe. My head is the one that falls back now and he goes faster and faster and my hips rise with each stroke. Faster and faster until I’m almost ready to explode. I suddenly feel his lips on mine. Slipping his tongue inside my mouth. Our teeth clank and he bites my lower lip and that’s enough to send me hurtling into space.

I pull away and take my hands off his swollen crotch and bring them to his face.

Still panting, I say with what breath I have left in my body, "Let's get out of here." His eyes go wide. "But this is your favorite movie?”

I smile at him and trace his lips with the tip of my finger which I can clearly see drives him crazy.

seen it a thousand times, but there's something I want
to see."


Mario Andretti has nothing on Daniel Mathewson. His driving skills when he's in a hurry are superior to Mario's. I’m sure of it.

As soon as we pull into my driveway, he comes to my side and helps me out of the car. We walk to the door with urgency. Behind me, Daniel gently touches my shoulders, rubbing them, and then his hands travel to the cheeks of my ass. I turn around and swing his body so he's the one against the door now. I attack his mouth once again. He's not fighting me, only rubbing his cock through his jeans onto my center.

It feels so fucking good to be bad. We are on my front porch dry humping like teenagers and it's the best feeling in the world.

As I continue to kiss him, I somehow manage to get my key in the door and with him leaning against it, it swings open, barreling us both inside. The door hits the wall and our lips are still locked.

Between kissing, he mumbles, "Bedroom?" I nod and he lifts me up. I swing my legs around his waist as he kicks back to shut the door with his foot. It hurts a little, but my legs have to stretch to keep up with the workout they’re going to get tonight.

The kissing and rubbing and tugging of hair become more urgent as we make our way to my room and tumble onto my bed. He peels off my sweater leaving me with just my tank top on and I hope and pray he takes the straps down and sees what kind of gift I have for him underneath. The thought enters my brain as to if he even is a sexy bra and panties type of guy. But who wouldn't be? That's why they make them. To turn guys on to the point where they won't last long
our bodies because they just want to rip it off.

His touches are so soft yet intense and the feel of his body over mine makes me want to touch more of his skin. What does it feel like? Is it soft like butter or is it hard and rigid? Questions I want answered. Now. I make my way to the buttons of his shirt and when I reach the last one I feel like I just ran a race and I’m almost to the finish line. He sits up on his knees and looks down at me and slowly lets the fabric fall from his body.

My God, the man has the body of an Olympic swimmer. Long, lean, and rippling. I reach out and touch each one of the muscles of his abdomen. He shakes a bit as I move my fingers. He locks eyes with me then he stills my hand.

"Good Lord, Harlow, the way you look right now...I God, you are so beautiful."

I smile at him. "Thank you. I say the same about you." I try and sit up to take his mouth to mine but he pulls away. Not a good sign. "Daniel, what's the matter?" I rest my hand on his abdomen and he is shivering.

"Please tell me what's wrong."

He runs his hand through his hair and lets out a sigh.

"Harlow, I’m sorry, I’m...well, I’m nervous. I haven't been with anyone in a very long time, I mean a
long time." He sits there resting on his heels and I sit up trying to mimic the same position. The pain in my legs is okay, just a bit stiff, but I can do it. I reach down and pull my tank over my head exposing my new bra. I ask, "Does this make you any less nervous?"

He stares, his eyes locked on my lace-and-satin-covered breasts.

"A little," he mumbles quietly. Taking my legs from underneath me, I stand, and pull down my leggings carefully. I’m still a bit stiff but I make my way back onto my knees and position my body so he has a good look at the rest of what I have on.

"How about now?" I question.

"I’m getting there," he whispers and I see him swallow hard, his eyes looking at me with desire, intensity, and I know he wants more.

I take his hand and place it on my breast and make him circle it, knead it, and feel what’s underneath. My nipple goes erect and he growls. I mean he makes a sound from deep back in his throat.

"And now?" I look at him and say breathlessly.

He inches closer to me on his knees. Both hands are on my breasts and he looks at me, then down to my underwear then back at me.

"Do you always wear undergarments like this or did I just hit the fucking jackpot."

I laugh and throw my head back, and when I straighten up he grabs the back of my neck and kisses me. Long and hard and lustfully. He quickly makes his way to the straps of my bra and they fall past my shoulders. He reaches behind and unhooks it and suddenly I’m bare for Daniel Mathewson to see. He licks those plump lips of his and shakes his head.

"If I would have known what was underneath, I would have taken that off a long time ago."

I grab the waist of his jeans and my fingers go to work fast on his button and fly. They fall from his hips down his thighs and I can see his thick, hard cock strain against the fabric of his boxers. I look down then back at him. He shrugs.

"I’m a simple man really, no satin or silk, just Fruit of the Loom."

Sarcastically I say, "They are really hot. I love plaid and that peek-a-boo front, it's enough to drive a woman mad with lust."

Daniel's eyes read the game I’m playing.

"Oh, really?" He reaches for my sides and begins to tickle me and I laugh. We roll around on the bed like children and it's liberating and comfortable and so freaking hot that if he doesn't take these expensive underwear off me soon, I’m going to scream.

BOOK: Always In: The Shore Series Book 2
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