Ambitious Brew: The Story of American Beer (58 page)

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beer, changing attitudes toward.
See also
homebrewing, microbrewing

in 1850s,


in 1920s,
in 1950s,

in 1960s,
in 1970s,


beer, consumption of, per capita

in 1840s,
in 1890s,
in 1915,
in 1934,
in 1960s,

in 1981,
in 1985
in 2000,

beer gardens,
See also


See also

Bergner & Engel Brewing Company,

Best Brewing Company.
See also
Best, Phillip; Pabst Brewing Company; Pabst family listings

acquisition of South Side Brewery,
advertising by,

annual production: in 1840s,
; in 1860s,
; in 1873,
; in 1880,
beer, problems with,

beer, superiority of,

beer gardens owned by,
beerhalls owned by,

Bohemian-style lager developed by,
brewing methods in early years,

brewmasters employed by,
chemist employed by,

Chicago, sales in,
criticism of by saloonkeepers,
expansion of: in 1840s,
; in 1850s,
; in 1860s,

; in 1870s,
expenses of,
founding of,
location of,
name changed,
New York, sales in,
officers of,
Phillip Best becomes sole owner,
post-Civil War expansion,

saloon ownership,
saloonkeepers, conflicts with,
technologies developed at,

Best, Carl (brother of Phillip),


Best, Charles (son of Carl)

complaints about salesmen by,
criticizes Frederick Pabst,

disposition of,
duties of,


Best, Henry,

Best, Jacob, Jr.,

Best, Jacob, Sr.,

Best, Lorenz,

Best, Phillip

ambition of,

arrival in United States,

character of,

construction of brewery,

death of,
heirs, lack of,
honors and awards,

life in Germany,
ownership of brewery,
retirement of,

Best, Phillip (brother of Carl),


Bielefeld Garden,

Billigheim, Joseph,


Black Hawk Stout,

bland beer.
beer, American preferences in Blatz, Albert,

Blatz Brewing Company

production, annual,
saloons owned by,
sold: to syndicate,
; to Pabst Brewing Company,

Blatz, Valentin,

Blitz-Weinhard Brewing Company,


Blue Heron Pale Ale,


Blue Moon Belgian White Ale,

Bohemian lager.
lager, Bohemian


Borger, John,

Boston Beer Company.
See also
Koch, Jim

annual production: in 1980s,
; in 1990s,
beer brewed by,
brewery purchased by,
business plan of,

conflicts with other brewers,
contract brewing, benefits of,
contract brewing by,
extreme beers brewed by,
influence on brewing industry,
rank in industry,
reputation of,
stock offering by,
success of,

Boston Braves,

Boston Celtics,

Boston Consulting Group (BCG),


Boston Red Sox,

bottled beer.
packaged beer Boulder Brewing Company,

Bowker, Gordon,

Brand, Stewart,

Braun, John,

Brehm, Peter,

breweries, number of

in 1840s,
in 1860s,
in 1870s,
in 1880,
in 1918,
in 1920,
in 1830s,
in 1950s,
in 1970s,
in 2000,

Brewers Association of America (BAA),

Brewers Digest

brewers, small.
See also
Brewers Association of America; microbrewing

British syndicates buy,

combinations of in late nineteenth century,
compete through diversification and mergers,

cultivate niche markets,

decline to exhibit at World’s Columbian Exposition,
needs differ from microbrewers,

organize during World War II,

post-World War II shakeout among,

World War II shortages harm,

brewing industry

in in 1840s,

in 1860s,

in 1880s,
in 1890s,
1920s, impact of on,

in 1830s,

in 1950s,
Civil War, impact on,

in late nineteenth century,

Prohibition, impact of on,

World War I, impact on,

World War II, impact on,


brewing process described,


Brewmaster Brewing Company,


See also
Mendocino Brewing Company

Brisbane, Arthur,


Brooklyn Brewery,

Bubbles La Brew,

Buck, Bill,

Buckeye Brewing Company,
Budweis, Bohemia,

Budweiser beer

acquired by Anheuser-Busch,
imitated by other brewers,


introduced by Carl Conrad,

lawsuits involving,


process of making,
quantity sold,

Budweiser Brewery,

Budweiser Garden,

Buffalo, New York,

Burch, Byron,


Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF),

Burgermeister Brewing Company,

Busch, Adolphus.
See also
AnheuserBusch Brewing Company; Budweiser beer

anecdote about, apocryphal,

Anheuser, Eberhard, partnership with,
arrival of in United States,

boyhood of,
brewing expertise,

as brewing innovator,
Budweiser, identified with,
career, early,

competition, marketplace, attitudes toward,

competitions, brewing, attitudes toward,
death of,
description of,

education of,
entrepreneurial genius of,
funeral of,
health, deterioration of,
honors awarded to,
Lademan, Otto, testifies against,
lifestyle of,

management philosophy of,

marriage to Lilly Anheuser,
offspring, relationship with,

prohibition, opinion of,
prohibitionists’ attacks on,

royalty, relationship to,
salesmanship of,

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