Ambitious Brew: The Story of American Beer (63 page)

BOOK: Ambitious Brew: The Story of American Beer
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brewing innovations in 1970s,
competitive strategy in 1960s,
; in 1970s,

complacency of in 1950s,
expansion of in 1870s,

; in the 1880s,
; in 1950s,
; in 1960s,
; in 1970s,
grand jury investigates,
leadership, lack of in 1970s,
legal woes, 1970s,
Los Angeles brewery,
marketing research in 1960s,
Old Milwaukee beer,
Prohibition, response to,
ranking in industry,
real estate owned by,
repeal, preparation for,
sale of to Stroh,
saloons owned by,
shipping, long distance by,
stock price collapses,
strikes at,
Tampa brewery,
as third largest brewery,
tied system and,

World War II, response to,
World’s Columbian Exposition and,

Schlitz Hotel,

Schlitz, Joseph,
See also
Schlitz Brewing Company; listings under Uihlein

Schlitz Park,


Schmidt, Edward,


Schmidt, Helene,

Schmidt’s beer,

Schultz and Dooley,
See also
West End Brewing Company Schumacher, E. F.,

Schwarz, Anton,


Scribner, Charles,

Seipp Brewing Company,

Sheboygan Beverage Company,

Sheppard, Morris,

Shiner beer,

Shipman, Paul,

Shipyard Brewing Company,

Siebel Institute,

Siebel, John E.,

Sieben, Joseph,

Sieben’s Brewery Company,

Siegel, Mo,

Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.
See also
Grossman, Ken

annual production: in 1981,
; in 1982
; in 1990s,
beer brewed by,
brewery, construction of,
equipment of,
expansion of, in 1980s,
financing of,
label design,
ranking of, in industry,
reputation of,

Sixteenth Amendment,

Sinclair, Upton,




Small Brewers Committee,
See also
Brewers Association of America

Smith, Al,

Smith, Bubba,

soft drinks,
See also
specific breweries

Sonoma, California,


South Side Brewery,



Special Export beer,

Spillane, Mickey,

Sproule, Irwin,


Standard Oil,



Stausz, Alexander,

St. Charles Hotel (Milwaukee),

Steam Beer Brewing Company.
Anchor Brewing Company

Steese, Lawrence,

Stern, Suzy,

Stevens, Brooks,

Stevens Point Brewery,

Stifel, Otto,

St. Louis, brewing industry in,


St. Louis Cardinals,

St. Louis Refrigerator Car Company,

stock market collapse (1893),

stock market collapse (1929),

Stoney’s beer,

Stoudt, Carol,

Strange, John,



Stroh Brewing Company,

Students Against Driving Drunk (SADD),

Stum, V. H.,

Sullivan, Barry,

Sunshine Brewing Company,

Sweden, official beer classifications in,

Syndicates, British,



Taft, William Howard,


. See
Sixteenth Amendment

temperance movement.
See also
neotemperance; prohibition movement

alcohol consumption declines as a result of,
alcohol, shapes attitudes toward,

destruction of by political parties,

impact on lager’s popularity,

origins of,

prohibition laws resulting from,
violence sparked by,


Texas Brewers’ Association,


Texas Brewing Company,

Thacher, John Boyd,


Theurer, J. F.,

Thompson, William,

Thousand Oaks Brewing Company,

Tivoli Brewing Company,

trademark law,


Trading with the Enemy Act (1917),

Treadway, Allen,

“Treatise on Lager Beer, A,”

Trommers Brothers Brewery,

Truman, Harry S.,

Tuborg Brewery,

Tuchman, Barbara,



Twenty-first Amendment,
See also
legal beer, return of; Volstead Act


Uhrig Brewing Company, Joseph,
See also
Lademan, Otto

Uhrig, Joseph,

Uihlein, Alfred,

Uihlein, August.
See also
Schlitz Brewing Company

arrival of in United States,
career, early,
description of,

diversifies business holdings,

lifestyle of,
offspring, relationship with,
real estate ventures of,

Schlitz Brewing, begins career at,
wealth of,

Uihlein, Edward,


Uihlein, Erwin,

Uihlein, Henry,

Uihlein, Joseph,

Uihlein, Lorraine,

Uihlein, Robert (son of August),

Uihlein, Robert A., Jr. (“Bob”),
See also
Schlitz Brewing Company

Underground Brewers’ Club,

Union Brewery,

United Breweries Group,

United States Brewers’ Academy,

United States Brewers’ Association (USBA)

Congress investigates,
fights wartime grain rationing,

founded (1864),
opposes ASL,

Pennsylvania investigates,
supports repeal of Prohibition,



Utica Club beer.
West End Brewing Company


Vardaman, James,

Verrett, Jacqueline,

Vienna International Exposition (1873),

vinegar manufacture,

Vineyard, Nancy,



Volstead Act (1919)

benefits anticipated from,
celebrations of modification,
hearings to modify,

legislation modifying signed,
weakness of,



Wagner, John,

Wahl-Henius Institute,

Wainwright and Company,

Wales, Billy,

Walker, Jimmie,

Washington [D.C.] Times


Waters, Alice,

Webb-Kenyon Act (1913),

Wehle family,

Weinberg, Robert S.,

West End Brewing Company

advertising, innovative use of,

annual production: in 1950s,
; in 1980s,
awards won by,
competitive strategy: in 1950s,
; in 1980s,
contract brewing by,
location, advantage of,
microbrewing, impact of on,
name change,
price wars, damaged by,

West, Mae,

Western Brewer



Western Brewery,

Westside Brewery,

Wheeler, Wayne

Anti-Saloon League, influence in,
career of,


Congressional hearings, orchestrates,


death of,
description of,
tactics employed by,

Volstead Act, influence on,

Webb-Kenyon Act, influence on,

Whig Party,



Whole Earth Catalog, The,


coercion of by brewers,
emergence of after repeal,
importance of to brewers,



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