America and Americans and Selected Nonfiction (63 page)

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Authors: John Steinbeck,Susan Shillinglaw

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #Classics, #Writing, #History, #Travel

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JS in
San Francisco Call
San Francisco News
San Francisco Wasp
Saturday Evening Post
Saturday Review
Savoy, House of
Scarlatti, Domenico
Schlesinger, Arthur M.
Schneider, Louis
Schultze, Norbert
Scripps-Howard newspapers
Sea of Cortez (Steinbeck)
Seine River
“September Song” (Weill and Anderson)
Shakespeare, William
Shaw, George Bernard
Shebley, Lloyd
Sheffield, Carlton
Smith, Gerald L. K.
Smith, H. Allen
“Some Random and Randy Thoughts on Books” (Steinbeck)
“Some Thoughts on Juvenile Delinquency” (Steinbeck)
“Soul and Guts of France, The” (Steinbeck)
Southern Pacific Railway
South Korea
South Vietnam
Soviet Union
see also Kremlin; Moscow; Red Army; Stalin, Joseph
Spanish War
Sports Illustrated
Spreckels, Claus
Stalin, Joseph
Stanford, Leland
Stanford University
“Starvation Under the Orange Trees” (Steinbeck)
states' rights
St. Cleran's
Steffens, Lincoln
Steinbeck, Carol (first wife)
Steinbeck, Elaine (third wife)
Steinbeck, Gwyn (second wife)
Steinbeck, John:
anticommunism of
attachment to place, and environmentalism of
California boyhood and bohemian youth of
college education of
on critics
death of
on dogs
early writing of
fatherhood of
fiction style of
first automobile of
first private-enterprise job of
first published essay of
on friends
gardening and fishing of
on great teachers
humor of
idealism and moral concerns of
inventions of
journalistic style of
left-wing politics of
motion picture work and sales of
New York years of
Nobel Prize of
personal journals and correspondence of
pet dogs of
philanthropy of
political criticism of
reviews and literary criticism of
Scottish-Irish, English, and German heritage of
on sports
success and celebrity of
on television on violence
war correspondence of
World War service of
on writing and books
youthful jobs of
Steinbeck, John
Steinbeck, John Ernst
Steinbeck, Olive Hamilton
Steinbeck, Thom
Stevenson, Adlai
JS's letter to
stock market crash of
“Stories of the Blitz” (Steinbeck)
Story Writing (Mirrielees)
Street, Toby
Street, Webster
Studs Lonigan (Farrell)
Sunday, Billy
Supreme Court, California
Supreme Court, U.S.
Sursale, Marquis Paolo
Sweet Thursday (Steinbeck)
Syndicated Newspaper Editors
Taddei, Ezio
Tahoe, Lake
Tan An
Temple, Shirley
Temple of the Vestal Virgins
Tempo (Rome)
h Cavalry, U.S.
“Terrorism” (Steinbeck)
Tetrazzini, Luisa
Texas, University of
Their Blood Is Strong (Steinbeck)
“Then My Arm Glassed Up” (Steinbeck)
Third World
Thoreau, Henry David
Tiberius, emperor of Rome
Times (London)
To a God Unknown (Steinbeck)
“Tom Collins” (Steinbeck)
Tortilla Flat (Steinbeck)
Townsend, Francis E.
Travels with Charley (Steinbeck)
“Trial of Arthur Miller, The” (Steinbeck)
“Troopship” (Steinbeck)
Trotsky, Leon
Turner, Lana
Twain, Mark
JS compared with
d Artillery Group, U.S.
h Division, U.S.
“Tyranny over the Mind” (Huxley)
Unita '
United Nations (UN)
United States:
breast fixation in
business and money in
children and parenting in
civil rights and universal suffrage in
conservation and environmentalism in
crime and immorality in,
dream homes in
ethics and morals in
ethnic, racial, and national diversity in
ethnic and racial prejudice in
foreign criticism of
frontier hardships in
history and foundation of
hospitality in
imagination and craftsmanship in
languages and dialects of
literature and journalism in
motto of
myth and folk wisdom in
organizations and gatherings in
politics and government in
pollution and irresponsible land use in
power and success of
presidency in
problems of aging in
public lands in
religious diversity in
restlessness and intemperateness in
screwballs and eccentrics in
slavery in
spirit of
United States Foreign Service
United States Information Service
Updike, John
“U.S.A. Today” (Caldwell)
Vallee, Rudy
Viet Cong (VC)
Vietnam, North
Vietnam, South
Vietnam War
JS as war correspondent in
opposition to
U.S. bombing missions in
see also Mekong River Delta; Viet Cong; Vietnam, North; Vietnam, South
“Vietnam War: No Front, No Rear” (Steinbeck)
“Vikings at Helgoland, The” (Ibsen)
Virgin Islands
Viva Zapata!
“Waiting” (Steinbeck)
Waiting for Lefty (Odets)
“Waltzing Matilda,”
Washington, D.C.
Bonus Marchers in
Capitol Building in
Washington, George
West, George
Westmoreland, William C.
White, E. B.
Whitman, Walt
William the Conqueror, king of England
Willkie, Wendell
Wilson, Edmund
Wing Chong
Winter of Our Discontent, The (Steinbeck)
“Witches of Salem, The,”
Wolfe, Thomas
“Woody Guthrie” (Steinbeck)
Working Days: The Journals of “The Grapes of Wrath” (Steinbeck)
World War
World War
Allied bombing missions in
entertaining the troops in
JS's service in
“Writers Take Sides,”
Yatkumi, Takasi
Yellow Peril
Yellowstone Park
Yevtushenko, Galya
Yevtushenko, Yevgeny
Yorktown, Battle of
Yosemite Park
Zapata, Emiliano
The following selections were previously published, some under different titles:
“Some Random and Randy Thoughts on Books” appeared in The Author Looks at Format, edited by Ray Freiman (American Institute of Graphic Arts); “Tom Collins” as a foreword to Bringing in the Sheaves, by Windsor Drake; “. . . like captured fireflies” in CTA (California Teaching Association) Journal; “Duel Without Pistols,” “The Soul and Guts of France,” and “I Go Back to Ireland” in Collier's; “G.O.P. Delegates Have Bigger, Better Badges” and “Florence: The Explosion of the Chariot” in The Courier-Journal (Louisville); “A Primer on the '30s” and “The Trial of Arthur Miller” in Esquire; “I Am a Revolutionary,” “On Fishing,” “The Joan in All of Us,” and “One American in Paris” (fourth and thirteenth pieces) in Le Figaro; “A Model T Named ‘It'” in Ford Times; “Woody Guthrie” as a foreword to Hard Hitting Songs for Hard-Hit People, compiled by Alan Lomax (Oaks Publications); “Henry Fonda” and “Positano” in Harper's Bazaar; “Always Something to Do in Salinas,” “My War with the Ospreys,” and “Conversation at Sag Harbor” in Holiday; “Starvation Under the Orange Trees” in Monterey Trader; “Dubious Battle in California” in The Nation; “Making of a New Yorker” in The New York Times Magazine; “Dear Adlai,” “The Ghost of Anthony Daly,” “Vietnam War: No Front, No Rear,” “Action in the Delta,” “Terrorism,” “Puff, the Magic Dragon,” and “An Open Letter to Poet Yevtushenko” in Newsday; “Robert Capa” in Photography; “Circus” in Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus Program; “The Golden Handcuff” in San Francisco Examiner; “The Harvest Gypsies: Squatters' Camps” in San Francisco News; “Atque Vale,” “Random Thoughts on Random Dogs” and “Critics—from a Writer's Viewpoint” in The Saturday Review; “Adlai Stevenson” as a foreword to Speeches of Adlai Stevenson, edited by Debs Myers and Ralph Martin (Random House); “Then My Arm Glassed Up” in Sports Illustrated; “The Play-Novelette” in Stage; “Rationale” in Steinbeck and His Critics, edited by Ernest W. Tedlock and C. V. Wicker (University of New Mexico Press); “Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech” in Story; “My Short Novels” in Wings; and a selection from Writers Take Sides (League of American Writers).
Source notes in the editors' introductions refer to works listed in “Works Cited”; unpublished letters, primarily the Harry Guggenheim/John Steinbeck letters, are cited by date.
The photographs from the original 1966 edition of America and Americans are not included.

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