An Act of Obsession (Acts of Honor Book 3) (16 page)

Read An Act of Obsession (Acts of Honor Book 3) Online

Authors: K.C. Lynn

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: An Act of Obsession (Acts of Honor Book 3)
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“Yeah?” Pulling my arms apart, he pins them over my head and moves over top of me, his erection now settled at the apex of my thighs. “And what else have you thought about since then, Sophie?”

God, I love hearing my name fall from his lips.

“Your touch and how good you made me feel,” I tell him fervently, as he continues to rob me of oxygen.

“That’s all I’ve been thinking about too, baby, and I’ve been fucking dying to do it again.” His mouth tears from mine on a journey south, passing along my wrecked skin before trailing over the front of my tank top. The feeling of his hot breath through the thin fabric has my nipples rising for his attention.

My gasp pierces the air when he takes a sharp nip, the sting shooting all the way to my core. “Kolan,” I moan, arching as much as my pinned arms will allow. “Let go so I can touch you, too.”

“No, baby. Just you. Always, just you.”

Before I have a chance to argue, he lifts my shirt, latching his hot mouth around my nipple, banishing every thought and feeling. Nothing but pure unyielding pleasure sweeps through me as he sucks each bud until I’m writhing beneath him.

“Kolan, please.” His name falls on a needy plea, my hips lifting to seek the friction I desperately crave.

“Easy, baby, I’m getting there,” he croons, moving lower to continue his sweet torture.

My arms become free the farther he travels, but I don’t dare move, not wanting anything to ruin this intimate moment. There’s obviously a reason he doesn’t want me to touch him, one I intend to find out eventually. But right now, I need to get lost in this spellbinding pleasure that only he can provide. To forget my haunted past for just a few minutes and relish in this powerful man’s touch.

The wide breadth of his shoulders spread my legs farther apart. “This,” he whispers, “this is what I’ve been dying for.” He skims his nose along my hot center, sending tiny shock waves to every cell in my body as he inhales deeply. “I’ll bet you taste as sweet as you smell.”

My teeth sink into my bottom lip as he slides my shorts down my legs. Heat invades my cheeks when I’m fully bared to him.

“Jesus, Sophie, you’re so fucking pretty,” he groans, his eyes locked on my most intimate part. With two fingers, he spreads me open, gently blowing on my throbbing clit.

A tidal wave of emotions rush through me, shoving a harsh breath from my parted lips. “Kolan,” I moan, lifting my hips for more.

“So responsive,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to my inner thigh. “The things I want to do to this body of yours. The pleasure I could give you with barely a touch…” The sentence is left unfinished; his head dipping lower as he spears my flesh with his hot tongue.

“Oh god!” I cry out, my back bowing off the bed as he devours me in the most intimate act possible. His strong hands move to my hips, pinning them in place as he sucks and licks, consuming every single preconceived notion of what I thought pleasure should be. I’d never known anything like this. Something so beautiful—dark and perfect.

“So fucking good.” The subtle vibration only adds to the exquisite feelings he’s dragging out of me.

“Kolan.” His name purges from my lips, a sense of freedom leaving with it. Fisting the sheets, I plead for him to end it, to put me out of this sweet misery. Finally, he sets me free. Reality is nothing more than an afterthought as I catapult across an endless black sky, racing toward what is sure to be the most beautiful destruction. It burns through every part of me, shining light into all of the dark places I hide.

As I’m lost in a sea of pleasure, Kolan kisses his way back up my body, settling over me again but making sure to hold his weight. “Jesus, Sophie,” he rasps in my neck. “I’ve never had someone come apart for me like that before.” The tortured restraint in his voice has me slamming back to reality.

Winding my arms around him, I relish in the fact that he’s letting me hold him. “I’ve never had anyone make me feel the way you do,” I tell him, seizing the opportunity to slip my hands under his shirt. His muscles instantly tense, straining beneath my fingers. “Please, let me touch you, too.”

“No. I can’t.” Something that sounds an awful lot like fear hardens his words.

“Why?” I can feel how much he wants me. In his kiss, his touch—between my thighs. “Talk to me, Kolan,” I plead, my lips trailing across his jaw.

He remains still, his breathing harsh. Hope flares inside of me when he doesn’t push away but it quickly deflates when his cell phone goes off. I feel the exact moment I lose him.

With a breath of relief, he gives me a swift kiss before rolling to his back to dig in his pocket. “Yeah?” he answers, his voice rough.

I pull the sheet over me, ingrained modesty taking over.

“This Saturday night?”

I hear someone mumble something on the other line but can’t make out what they say.

“That gives me less than a week to train.”

Fear consumes me when I realize it’s about the fight.

Kolan grunts. “Hardly…no, it’s fine. I don’t need much time. I’ll be there… Yeah, set it up.” After he hangs up, he peeks over at me, something harder in his eyes that wasn’t there before the phone call.

“About the fight?” I ask softly.


“Saturday doesn’t give you much time. Maybe you should postpone it.”

“No. I want this over with, especially after what that fucker did to the gym and my truck.”

“So, you think it was him?” I ask, even though I had the same thought.

He grunts. “I know it was. Who else could it have been?”

“Did the cops find anything against him so you can press charges?”

“No, but Coop is trying.”

At the mention of Cooper, I shoot up with a gasp. “Oh my god. Cooper. Work…I’m late,” I shriek in a panic. With everything that happened, I hadn’t even thought about the time.

Just when I’m about to run from the bed, Kolan locks an arm around my waist. “Easy, baby,” he soothes, crowding my back. “I sent Cooper a text early this morning and told him you would either be late or not going in at all. He’s fine either way.”

Relief swamps me. “Thank you. I’m glad one of us was thinking,” I say, feeling awful. The last thing I want to do is lose this job.

“You had a rough night,” he says, pressing his lips to my bare shoulder. “Maybe you should just chill for the day.”

“No, I’ll be okay. It will be good for me and it’s the only place I feel safe other than when I’m with you,” I admit quietly.

He pulls me in closer with the arm that’s curled around my waist. “You’re safe all the time now, Soph.”

My stomach dips at the nickname, warmth invading my blood. I relax against him, basking in his confidence. “I hope you’re right.”

“I am. I’m always right, just ask my sister.”

A smile tugs at my lips. “Hmm, I have a feeling she would argue that.”

“Probably,” he admits with a chuckle, but his amusement fades quickly. “I am right about this though. He’s not going to hurt you. I won’t let him. We’ll find him before he has the chance.”

I want to believe that so badly, but it’s hard. Daniel has ruled my life for so long, has outsmarted so many people…

“Trust me, Soph,” he presses when I remain silent.

“I do.” I trust him more than anyone else in the world. I just pray that this decision doesn’t cost him; otherwise, I will never be able to live with myself.


Later that afternoon, I leave work early, feeling terrible. I emptied my stomach only a short time ago and feel close to doing it again. I knew I was coming down with something. I’ve felt it slowly approaching for almost a week now. Feeling run down, sleeping harder than usual only to wake up and feel more tired. However, this morning I felt better than I have in a while, so I thought I escaped it, but apparently not. Now, it’s finally hit and it has hit hard.

As I approach the gym, I decide to drop in and let Kolan know I won’t make tonight’s lesson. Taking a deep breath, I try to tamp down what’s threatening to come up and walk through the door to see the place in full swing.

It doesn’t take me long to spot the man I came to see. On the mats to my left, Kolan is doing push-ups. Sarge shouts down at him, spurring him on as Benny sits on his back, adding to his weight as he eats a small bag of chips. Even with feeling as awful as I do, I can’t help but chuckle at the sight.

Benny spots me first, excitement lighting up his eyes. “It’s Lia,” he shouts, jumping off Kolan’s back mid push-up. He runs over to me, seeming as happy to see me as I am him.

“Hey, Benny.”

Surprise renders me speechless when he wraps his arms around my waist, giving me a hug. “Hey, Lia.”

I return his small embrace, my heart melting into a giant puddle of goo.

Stepping back, he gives me an excited smile. “Guess what? I’m helping the Champ get ready for his big fight. He’s letting me be a part of his training team and even allowing me to be ringside with him. Pretty cool, huh?”

“Very cool,” I agree, my eyes moving to the man himself as he comes striding over. I take in the sight of him, from his chiseled abs to his hard, inked-up body slick with sweat. My queasy stomach flip-flops.

“Hey,” he greets me, wiping his face with a towel.

“Hi,” I whisper then clear my throat when I hear how winded I sound. “Sorry to bother you.”

“You’re no bother.”

“Yeah, no bother at all,” Benny adds, crossing his arms over his chest as he looks back and forth between us.

Kolan gives him a playful shove. “Go hit the bag with Sarge until I’m done.”

“That’s okay, I’m good where I am,” he replies with a cheeky smile on his cute face. It deflates with the look Kolan shoots him. “Aw man,” he grumbles. “See ya, Lia.”

“Bye, Benny.” I giggle as he jogs away. My gaze moves back to Kolan to find him staring at me, the stark hunger in his dark eyes a reminder of what he did to my body only hours ago.

“Everything okay?” he asks, knocking me out of my stupor.

“Not really. I just came by to tell you that I don’t think I’ll be making tonight’s lesson. I left work early because I’m not feeling well.”

“What’s wrong?” he asks, concerned.

“I think it’s the flu. I’ve felt it coming on for a while now, but I was hoping to escape it.”

“When I’m done here, I’ll come by to check on you.”

I shake my head, then instantly regret it when I feel my stomach rebel. “No, don’t do that. You can’t afford to get sick, not with the fight coming up.”

“I don’t give a shit about that.”

“I do. I’d feel horrible if I jeopardized you winning this fight.” I can tell he’s about to argue, but I don’t let him. “Really, Kolan. I’ll be okay, and I promise to text you. Hopefully, I’ll wake up tomorrow morning feeling like myself. Maybe we can reschedule our lesson for then?”

It’s clear by his expression he doesn’t like it, but eventually he tumbles out a defeated breath. “Yeah.” His arm snakes out, curling around my waist to pull me against him, causing my pulse to beat rapidly. “But if you’re not better by tomorrow, all bets are off, Sophie, and I’m coming for you.”

Oh lord.

“Okay,” I agree breathlessly, my hand finding its place on his stomach as I try to remain on my feet.

An amused grin curves his sexy mouth. He’s just about to say something when Benny interrupts him. “Come on, Champ. Slip her the tongue!”

My body tenses, humiliation burning me as his words echo through the entire gym. I drop my forehead on Kolan’s chest with a groan when several chuckles fill the air, including Kolan’s.

“I told you he was mouthy.”

I peek up at him, feeling a smile tug my lips. “He is. But he’s still really cute.”

He grunts, obviously disagreeing with me.

When another wave of nausea rolls through me, I take a step back. “Well, I better go.”

“You want me to give you a ride?”

I consider taking him up on the offer but quickly decide against it. If I am going to empty my stomach again, the last thing I want is to do it around him. “No. I’ll be okay but thanks anyway.”

I’m about to make my exit when he grabs my wrist, halting me. “Text me, so I know you’re okay.”

My heart warms at his concern. “I will. Promise.” This time, when I turn to leave, he lets me go.

“Bye, Lia,” Benny yells from across the gym.

Glancing back, I manage to give him a weak smile and return his wave. I walk out of the gym, moving as fast as I can, all the while praying I don’t lose the contents of my stomach. Thankfully, I make it home first but with every second that passes I only feel worse.

After hugging the toilet for a solid twenty minutes, I barely manage to make it to my room before collapsing and falling into a state of unconsciousness.



wo nights later, I’m turning down Sophie’s street, refusing to go another night without seeing her. I don’t care what she says, sick or not, I need to see for myself that she’s okay. The fact that she still hasn’t been to work proves how bad she must feel.

I also might miss the hell out of her. Okay, I do miss the hell out of her. Not even the intense training sessions I’ve been doing has distracted me from thinking about her. I’ve turned into the biggest pussy, and I’m the first to admit it but I don’t care. I miss everything about her. Her shy smile and soft giggle that always does funny shit to my chest. The way she feels in my arms or her breathy moans when I make her come. Jesus, just remembering the way she shattered for me the other morning has my dick hard as a rock. Then she wanted more and I pushed her away like an idiot, because I refuse to subject her to the only lifestyle I’ve ever known.

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