Read An Act of Redemption Online

Authors: K. C. Lynn

Tags: #Fiction, #romance

An Act of Redemption (13 page)

BOOK: An Act of Redemption
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He doesn’t comprehend that I’m serious and he advances, but before his hands can touch me he’s intercepted. “Back the fuck up!”

By the time I can register what’s happened Toby is on his butt about ten feet in front of me. “What the hell?” he sputters in shock, his eyes wide with fear as a very pissed off Logan stalks toward him.

Where the hell did he come from?

“You don’t understand what the fuck

I jump in front of Logan before he can make mincemeat out of Toby. “Logan, stop. Everything is fine, he was just playing around.”

“Everything is not fine,” he snaps.

Toby’s tone is shaky as he gets to his feet. “Anna, who the hell is this guy?”

“I’m the guy that’s going to kick your ass if you don’t get the fuck out of here in the next three seconds.”

“Logan, stop it now!” I push him back with all my might, terrified what he’s going to do to Toby. I turn to tell Toby to leave but see he’s already halfway across campus, running for his life. Spinning around, I give Logan a hard shove. “What the hell is the matter with you?”

“Me?” He points at himself incredulously. “What the hell is the matter with you? What do you think you’re doing with that guy?”

I rear back, aghast that he thinks he has a right to question me. Violence pours off him in waves and so does something else, something that can only be described as feral. “Not that it’s any of your business, but Toby was walking me back from our study session.”

“Study session? And what fucking study session is that? All the different ways to check out a chick’s ass, lesson 101?”

My eyes narrow at his sarcasm. “Now you’re just being a smart-ass!” I storm off, picking up my books along the way from when I had jumped in front of him.

“The hell I am. That little prick purposely knocked your books out of your hands so he could check out your ass.”

I stop and turn on him. “Just how long were you watching us for? What are you even doing here, Logan? Spying on me?”

He stares at me, not knowing what to say, then points an accusing finger at me. “We are not talking about me, we are talking about you and geek boy.”

I gape at him. Who the hell does he think he is, questioning me? “You know what, forget this, I’m out of here.” Pulling my key card out of my bag I head to the back entrance.

“Get back here, we are not done talking!”

“Oh yes, we are. I don’t have to explain anything to you, least of all Toby.”

He follows me inside the building with a grunt. “Toby, what kind of fucking name is that anyway?”

“A perfectly fine name,” I say through clenched teeth.

“The guy is a dip shit.”

“You don’t even know him.” I don’t know why I’m defending Toby; I’m just as annoyed at him as I am at Logan right now. Both of them need a good throat punch.

Logan barges into my room behind me like he owns the place, and I’m thankful to see Charity isn’t here. He stands with his arms crossed over his chest, looking arrogantly determined. For the first time tonight I take notice how his usual rumpled hair is even more mussed from his helmet, pieces of it falling into his face. And how his loose, tattered jeans hang just right off his lean hips and the way his black t-shirt stretches across his broad shoulders, showing off the black swirling ink that’s woven up his arms.

The sexy asshole.

“Don’t tell me you’re actually seeing that geek.”

“It’s not any of your business if I am.”

He advances on me, reminding me of a predator stalking its prey. With my heart in my throat, I retreat until my back meets the wall and I have nowhere else to go. Just like earlier today he cages me in, his hands going on either side of my head. His scent surrounds me and the air around us becomes stifling.

He leans in close, his eyes fierce. “Don’t, Anna. Don’t you dare try to tell me that you two have more, because we both know different.”

My blood boils at the nerve of him. “Just who the hell do you think you are? You have no right to act like this. We are over! We have been over for years and—”

“Like hell we are,” he growls.

Those are the last words spoken just before his mouth claims mine with a possession that steals my breath. I gasp at the unexpected act, and he uses it to his advantage by thrusting his tongue past my lips. A whimper escapes me the moment his familiar taste, the one I’ve never forgotten, floods my mouth and rocks me to my core. It’s only a split second later before I wrap my arms around his neck and match him stroke for stroke.

With a groan his hands slip beneath my dress to cup my bottom then lifts me off my feet. My legs wrap around his waist as he pins me against the wall. Our mouths are fierce and frenzied as we devour one another, tongues battling in the most beautiful way. He moves one hand up to grip my hair and pull my head back. I suck back much needed air as he stares down at me with an intense hunger that matches my own. I whimper as his hips slam against me, his cock hitting me hard where I ache for him.

“Remember,” he growls, his eyes wild. “I want you to fucking remember what my touch feels like.”

I stare back at him, my heart swelling at the raw desperation pouring from his words. “I don’t need to remember, I’ve never forgotten.”

His expression softens at my admission and his eyes fall closed just before he drops his forehead against mine. “That’s because you’re
my Anna
. You always have been.”

Tears sting my eyes and a strangled noise makes its way up my throat as the words I’ve longed to hear are finally spoken. Logan claims my mouth before a sob can escape, inhaling my pain. My fingers grip his hair, holding on for dear life as we are swept away in a heated storm of regret, passion and longing.

Moving away from the wall he carries me over to the bed and sits down, bringing me to straddle him. I moan into the kiss and grind down on his jean-clad erection. He breaks our connection to look me in the eyes, his gaze raw and powerful. “Tell me you need me as much as I need you right now. Tell me you want this, Anna.”

I don’t know what the future holds for us, if anything. There’s still a lot of hurt from our past but none of that matters right now. Nothing matters but taking what we have both obviously yearned for, for so long. Reaching up, I cup the side of his strong jaw, hating the vulnerability I see in his eyes. It’s something I’ve never seen from him before. “Yes, I want this. I need you, Logan.”

Relief washes over him just before we are on each other again. Our hands and mouths fueled with urgency. I tug up his shirt, needing to feel his skin on mine. He leans back just enough to pull it over his head and my hands immediately roam his hard body, re-exploring what I remember. He’s harder, more defined. Not that he was ever lacking that before but…it’s different.

Following my lead he pulls my sundress up over my head, leaving me in my soft pink matching bra and panties. With a deft flick of his fingers he rids me of my bra and my breasts tumble free into his waiting hands. My head falls back on a moan when his familiar touch meets my skin.

“Just as beautiful as I fucking remember.” Leaning in, he takes a tortured bud into his mouth, grazing it sharply with his teeth, and the sting shoots straight to my throbbing center. He does this back and forth with each nipple, bringing my body to flare so hot that I swear I’m about to combust. I grind my hips, desperately seeking relief for the fierce ache between my thighs, but he stops my frantic attempts with a groan. “I want to devour every inch of this sweet body of yours, but goddamn, Anna, I can’t wait any longer to take you. It’s been too fucking long.”

“Yes,” I agree breathlessly.

“Sit up just a little, baby.” I do as he says and he reaches between us to undo his pants. Just as he gets his zipper down he freezes. “Shit!”


“I don’t have a condom.”

My heart stutters to a stop at the thought of not feeling him inside of me. “Are you clean? Have you been with anyone else?” I brace myself, terrified for his answer. I know he said he wasn’t with Sara but what about all the other girls who are throwing themselves at him while he’s at the fights? The thought makes me sick to my stomach.

“I’m clean. I haven’t been with anyone else since you.” I let go of my imprisoned breath. Logan senses my relief and reaches up to cup my face. “I told you, Anna, there is only one pussy I want.” His hand moves between my legs, seeking what has only ever been his. “Only this.”

A wave of heat flashes through me at his possessive words. “Forget the condom, we don’t need it. I’m on the pill, and I haven’t been with anyone else either.”

“Thank fuck!”

I laugh at his response but it trails off on a gasp when he rips my panties clean off my body. His hand immediately finds my aching center and he runs his fingers through my wet flesh. “Oh god.” My words fall on a whimper as he skims over the spot that has tremors wracking my body.

“Ah, so fucking wet for me, baby.”

Unable to wait any longer, I reach between us and shove his pants down just enough to grab his cock then sink myself down on him. I suck in a sharp breath and drop my forehead on his at the exquisite burn, as he not only fills my body but my soul.

“God, Anna.” The groan that escapes him is torturous, proving that he’s feeling the same thing as me.

With our foreheads close, I start rocking my hips, reveling in the feeling of being connected to him once again. I forgot how incredible it feels when you are with the right person. The one who makes your heart beat faster just by being in the same room as them. And the way electricity shoots through your entire body from just a simple touch. Or when you kiss until you’re breathless because you can’t get enough of each other. It’s a feeling I never thought I would feel again. It’s why I rarely dated—I compared everyone to Logan and they never measured up.

His intense eyes bore into mine as if seeing every one of my thoughts. Reaching up, he frames my face before stealing a soft kiss from my parted lips. “My Anna,” he murmurs. “Tell me, baby, tell me you’re my Anna.”

“I’m your Anna,” I whisper, not being able to deny him, especially because it’s the truth.

“That’s fucking right.” Giving me one more kiss, he lies down to his back, the position allowing me to take him deeper. “Jesus, you look like a goddamn angel over me right now.”

I give him a soft smile. It’s not only his words that make me feel beautiful but also the way he stares up at me. It’s a look I remember well and one that I have missed almost as much as him. No one has ever made me feel as beautiful as he does.

Bracing my hands on his hard stomach, I quickly find my rhythm. “That-a-girl, fuck me.”

I moan, his dirty mouth fueling me as I frantically seek relief.

With a groan, he pumps his hips, forcing air from my lungs, then stills. “That okay, Anna?” he asks, his jaw tight with restraint.

I appreciate him making sure, but I don’t need it. Not any more and not with him. “Yes, it’s more than okay. I want all you have to give me.”

“Then that’s what you’re going to get, baby.” Gripping my hips with his strong hands, he forgoes all caution and drives up into me. I bite my lip to keep from screaming while sounds that can only be described as animalistic erupt from him. He brings one of his hands between us to stroke my swollen clit.

“Oh god.” I grab his wrist to keep it in place and ride his finger while he fucks me hard and fast. I’m so close to the edge and I can feel he is too, his cock growing harder inside of me.

“Come with me, Anna.” His other hand reaches up, pinching my sensitive nipple. Then it happens—ecstasy crashes into me hard and fast. I throw my head back on a cry and revel in the incredible sensations exploding throughout my body. He keeps his pace, dragging out my pleasure before following along with me. I’m unable to stay upright any longer and tumble down on top of him. Logan’s strong arms hold me close as we struggle to catch our breaths. Our sweat-slicked bodies melding together as our hearts beat wildly against each other.

Once I float back down to reality, I bring my face level with his and we remain transfixed, staring into each other’s eyes in the dark and silent room. No words need to be spoken.

A few minutes later I reluctantly go to the bathroom with a sheet wrapped around me. I take a moment and try to pull myself together after the emotional roller coaster that I just experienced. I walk back out to see Logan sitting at the end of my bed with his pants back on but still shirtless.

“Are you leaving?” I blurt out before I can think better of it, and I want to kick myself at how vulnerable I sound.

“That depends.”


“You.” He watches me, his gaze uncertain. “Do you want me to leave, Anna?”

I shake my head. I still don’t know what the future holds for us but I do know that I’m not ready for him to leave yet.

He reaches out for my hand. I take it and he pulls me over to him before wrapping his arms around my waist. “Then I’m staying.”

I give him a relieved smile then crawl into my small bed. I move up against the wall to make as much room for him as possible but he doesn’t follow.

“Can I sleep there instead?” For the second time since seeing him again he looks uneasy. No, his gaze is downright tortured, like he might get sick.

Pain slices through me at his tormented expression. I’m terrified to know what has made him scared to sit anywhere with his back to the open. Being a major in psychology I have a few suspicions, none of them good.

“Yes, of course.” I move to the other side and once he takes the spot I turn to face him.

He pulls my body flush against his, and I bring a leg out from under my sheet to drape over him, wanting to be as close as I can get. We stare at each other in the dark, his face illuminated from the moonlight that cascades in from my window.

“What are you thinking about?” I ask him softly.

“You, and about how much I’ve missed you.”

My heart turns over in my chest at his admission. I more than missed him—I ached for him. Some days were so painful I thought I would never survive it. I bury my face in his chest to hide the sting of tears in my eyes but, unfortunately, they fall.

BOOK: An Act of Redemption
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