An Act of Redemption

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Authors: K. C. Lynn

Tags: #Fiction, #romance

BOOK: An Act of Redemption
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An Act of Redemption

Acts Of Honor Series


Copyright © 2015 K.C. LYNN

EPUB Edition

Published by: K.C. LYNN

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form without written permission except for use of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales, is entirely coincidental.


This gem is dedicated to a very dear reader turned friend of mine. Sian, thank you for always supporting me, believing in me and never letting me second-guess myself. But more importantly, thank you for always being you: sweet, kind and beautiful, right down to your soul. I dedicate Anna & Logan to you.

Table of Contents


Title Page

Copyright Page


A note from the author


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Eight


Dear Reader


A note from the author

Hey all. You know what’s great about being an indie author? Getting to tweak the rules a tad and doing what you want to stay true to you. For example, for my own personal reasons I do not capitalize god, jesus and christ if the words are used as cuss words and not in reference to him. It’s just a preference I have for my relationship with the Big Guy upstairs. It’s just how I roll.

Please note that these words and other similarities you may see are not editing errors. I can assure you I have very qualified eyes behind my editing. My editor is in the midst of getting her degree and two of my proofreaders have their Masters in English.

Again, it’s things like this that make it awesome to be an indie author. So sit back and enjoy the story for what it is comprised of: unconditional love, bravery, courage and honor.

Happy reading. XO



hen I was fourteen years old I was abducted into the sex trafficking industry while on a field trip with my school in Thailand. It was the worst week of my life. I lost my best friend, Maddie, and had my innocence stolen from me. I didn’t think I would come out of it alive, but thanks to Jaxson Reid, who I now consider my big brother, and two other brave Navy SEALs, I survived. A little damaged but alive. I wasn’t sure I would ever be able to overcome what happened to me, but I did, and I came out stronger. I’d like to say it was from the extensive group therapy I did along with the support of my parents, and although I know that helped, it was actually all because of one person—Logan Knight. A guy who was misunderstood by most people and perceived as dangerous, but I’ve always known better. I saw in him what no one else did and we formed a connection, one that, even with a break in time, could never be severed.

In the beginning he was my salvation, but in the end I was his redemption.

This is our story.



y heart thrums with anticipation as we ride the elevator up to the tenth floor of the swanky hotel. Me in my prom dress and Logan in his tuxedo, something I never thought I would ever see him wear, but lord does he look good in it. Though, he looks good in everything he wears. I swear it’s impossible for the guy to look anything less than perfect. Whether he’s wearing his loose, faded jeans and usual, fitted t-shirt or this tuxedo, Logan is the epitome of every girl’s fantasy. The way every girl eyes him whenever we are out in public only confirms this. It’s something I’ve become accustomed to, and as much as I hate it, I can’t blame them. He never seems to notice though, and always makes me feel like I’m the only person in the room with him.

I’m still shocked he took me to my prom. I know it’s not his thing, he never even went to his own, but he did it for me. Which makes what’s about to happen tonight that much more special. I’ve been waiting a long time for this moment, two years to be exact, and although I am definitely nervous I’m more than ready. I’m ready for him to finish erasing the ugly memories that were engraved on my body and soul three years ago.

The ping of the elevator’s destination draws me from my thoughts. When the doors slide open, Logan looks at me with one of his trademark sexy smirks and puts his hand out for me to take. “Come on, baby.”

I accept his hand with a smile of my own and follow him as he leads the way to our hotel room. Once he slides the key card through the lock and holds the door open for me, I take a couple steps in before coming to an abrupt halt at the sight before me. The room is massive; it’s more of a suite with a living room and fireplace. The lights are dimmed, candles are lit and arranged over every high surface there is, bringing the room to a soft glow. A single yellow calla lily lies on the center of the bed.

Walking over, I pick it up and bring it to my nose with a smile, loving that he chose my favorite. At the sound of the door clicking shut behind me I turn to see him watching me carefully, trying to assess my reaction.

“How on earth did you find time to do this?” I ask, my voice thick with emotion.

“I set it up earlier in the day. The lady at the front desk came and lit the candles just before we got here.”

I shake my head, still not believing he went to all this trouble. “You didn’t have to do all this.”

He shrugs, acting like it’s no big deal, when in fact it is a very big deal. Not only did a lot of thought go into this but money would have too, something that I know he doesn’t have much of. All of the money he makes at the garage goes to help support his mom and sister. “I wanted to. I want to make sure tonight is everything you deserve.”

My heart turns over in my chest at his thoughtfulness. With a soft smile I start over to him. His eyes sweep down the length of me with undisguised hunger, and like always, with just a look, a low heat begins to simmer deep inside of me. As I reach him I rise up on my tiptoes and wrap my arms around his neck, because even with heels on he towers over me. He encompasses me in his strong embrace and brings my body flush against his hard one, his erection pressing against my tummy. I stare up into his midnight blue eyes that are beautiful but always a little guarded. “All of this was not necessary, but thank you. Thank you for coming to prom with me tonight and for doing all of this.” I gesture to the room behind me.

Keeping one arm wrapped tightly around my back, he reaches up and cups my cheek. “I’d do anything for you, Anna. I may not be able to give you much, but I’ll give you everything I have.”

This is why I love him so much. I’ve never had anyone be so kind to me before—not like this. “You’re all I need. Just you, and then I have everything.”

Instead of responding with words, he grasps my thick locks then tugs my head back lightly before bringing his mouth down on mine. Just like always, the first touch of his lips is electrifying and it reverberates through my entire body.

When his tongue licks the seam of my lips I open for him, and he wastes no time plunging in. I moan at the first taste of him and hug him closer as he devours my mouth with greedy desperation.

Without breaking contact he sweeps me up into his arms and carries me over to the bed. My back meets the cool, soft mattress as Logan’s weight presses on top of me. Thanks to the high slit of my dress I’m able to bend my leg and wrap it around his lower back. A fiery whimper escapes past my lips when his erection hits me where I crave him most. I thrust up against him eagerly, drawing a low growl from his chest. His big, rough hand trails up my leg and slips under my dress to cup my bottom.

“This dress has been driving me fucking crazy all night.” He tears his mouth away and begins trailing his lips down the column of my throat. His hand slides around my back as I feel his fingers search for the zipper that he will not find. “Anna, baby, how the fuck do you get this thing off?”

With a giggle I bring his hand to the side of me, under my arm, and he wastes no time unzipping the dress. Since my dress is strapless and has a bra built in, the soft material slips down easily, immediately exposing my naked breasts.

A groan rumbles past his lips just before he leans down and draws my puckered nipple into his hot, wet mouth. I arch up into his touch with a sigh and thread my fingers in his hair, holding him to me while I relish in the sensations he brings to my body.

I reach between us and try pulling his dress shirt from his slacks, my hands desperate to feel his hot, naked skin, but my efforts prove impossible. “Logan, take this off, I want to feel you.”

He sits up with a knee between my legs and shrugs off his jacket, his fierce eyes never leaving mine. “Believe me, Anna, you’re going to feel me tonight, baby, all of me.”

My heart pounds against my chest at his promise, fear and excitement dueling in my veins.

Please, God, don’t let me mess this up.

Logan senses my internal plea and his expression softens. After ridding himself of his shirt and tie he lies down on top of me, his hard, bare body blanketing mine, bringing warmth and security. One of my favorite things in the world is to feel our bodies pressed against one another, skin to skin.

He reaches up and brushes a piece of hair out of my face, his eyes seeking answers. “Talk to me, Anna. What’s going through that pretty head of yours?”

I swallow nervously, hating to wreck the moment with my apprehension. “I just don’t want to ruin this. I want you so bad, but I’m worried my fear will overtake me and I won’t be able to go through with this.”

He drops his forehead on mine, his eyes warm with understanding. “If this doesn’t work out tonight then nothing will change between us. We can still be close and make each other feel good, right? I’m not going anywhere, baby, I’ll wait, however long it takes.”

My throat clogs with emotion. He’s already waited so long for me, has been so patient when he could have any girl he wants. I’m frustrated because I want nothing more than to feel him inside of me. He has pleasured me in every other way imaginable, helping me overcome most of my fears. This is the last hurdle, and I refuse to let my fear stop me from taking what I’ve wanted for so long.

“I don’t want to wait any more. I want you, I want all of you.”

“You have all of me, Anna. You always have.”

“I know, but,” I pause, hesitating with what I’m about to say, “I want to wake up tomorrow and know that you were the last person inside of me. Not
, not any more.” I don’t need to elaborate on who
is, because we both know I’m talking about the nameless, disgusting man who stole my innocence from me.

I feel Logan’s muscles tense beneath my fingers and a dangerous rage flickers in his eyes, but he relaxes quickly and schools his features. It’s something he does often—keeps his anger far away from me. I’ve seen him unleash his temper only once before, when some guy grabbed me inappropriately at a party and scared the hell out of me. Logan lost it, and even then I don’t think I saw the extent of how mad he can get. But it doesn’t scare me, I feel safe around him. I’ve always felt safe with him.

Reaching up, I touch his lips that are only a breath away. “I want this.”

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