An Outlaw Wedding (5 page)

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Authors: Jenika Snow

Tags: #erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #paranormal, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: An Outlaw Wedding
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and that was so not what Alexis wanted. Her heart raced, and shit was about to
hit the fan if
couldn’t control himself and
shifted. Dakota might be able to hold his own in a fight, but a human against a
shifter was no match.
would tear him up, and
because he was young he wouldn’t be able to hold himself back. Things could go
from bad to a lot worse with Dakota seriously injured.

took a step
forward, and she saw the way his muscles grew, how his t-shirt stretched wide
around his growing body. He kept clenching and unclenching his hands into fists
at his sides. She scented his bear so close to the surface, saw the way he was
growing bigger, stronger, right before her eyes. His grizzly bear was pushing
forward, and the low, deadly growl that left
proved that point even more.

could fuck you up right now, just tear you apart before any of The Grizzlies
came out here and stopped me,”
growled out.
Lucas stepped up beside

calm down before shit gets real and out of hand,” Lucas said.

, please.
You’re acting ridiculous,” she said and
applied pressure on his back with her hand.

looked at her
over his shoulder. “I’m not overreacting, Alexis. He touched you earlier today,
and it was your dad stopping me from going over there and kicking his ass.”
took another step forward, but even with the threat of
shifting and delivering on that promise Dakota
held his ground and didn’t look at all threatened by what

was innocent,
. You’re acting like a damn child
right now.” She felt her own animal rising with her anger.

think I’m afraid of some eighteen year old shifter?” Dakota chuckled
humorlessly. “I grew up with The Brothers, asshole. You may be able to shift,
but that doesn’t mean I couldn’t get I some serious damage to you before that
happened.” Dakota took a step forward now. They were both acting childish. “You
want to try and make this something it isn’t, fucking fine by me. You’ve been
acting psycho any time any guy even talks to Alexis. You need to get your
fucking head on straight, man, and realize that there are only two types of
people in this world.
Men and women.”

this was getting so bad that Alexis’s hands were starting to sweat.

, just stop.”
God, she was
pissed now, angry that her boyfriend couldn’t even look at her, wouldn’t listen
to her, and needed to put his dick back in his pants. It was like he was trying
to prove something. “I love you, and if you’re going to let your jealousy take
control and push you to get into a fight with a guy we grew up with, then I
won’t stand here and watch.” She glared at Dakota. “And you’re adding fuel to
the fire.” She turned away, angry with
wanting to do this, and also with Dakota for not being smart enough to back the
hell off. And then there was everyone else at the party that had formed a
circle, probably waiting to watch the fight. They were drunk and immature, and
she just wanted to be alone. If they wanted to beat each other’s asses, then
she wasn’t about to be a cheerleader for them.

Chapter Three


shook her head at
when she tried to stop her,
and made her way out of the garage and around to the back of it. There she leaned
against the wall and stared up at the sky. She wasn’t there for very long
before she heard the garage door open and slam shut, and then heard a Harley
start. She moved so she could look around the corner and saw Dakota getting
onto his bike and putting his helmet on. Even from the distance she could see
him clenching the handlebars tightly, saw his chest rise and fall with his
heavy breathing, and knew he had taken the high road. He might want to fight,
but he had walked away. And the fact
hadn’t gone
after him told her that her boyfriend had also walked away. But she didn’t go
back in. She wanted to breathe in the fresh air, get her bearings, and wait for
all the testosterone to chill in the garage.

was probably twenty minutes later when she heard someone leave the garage. She
knew it was
even before he rounded the corner
and stopped beside her. She had been able to smell his cologne and his bear, and
she could tell his animal was now calmer. He was silent for a few minutes, and
although he had used his head and hadn’t ruined the party by fighting, she was
still annoyed with him. She wanted to blame it on the fact all shifter males
were more territorial and possessive than humans, but she had gotten into this
conversation with him before when he had let his jealousy override his common
sense, and it hadn’t done much good.

pissed.” He didn’t phrase it like a question.

turned and looked at him. “I’m annoyed,
. Why do
you have to let your emotions get the better of you?” She tuned and leaned her
side against the wall so she could look at him. “Why can’t you control yourself
when you know picking a fight over something ridiculous won’t solve anything?”
She didn’t wait for him to respond. “I love you. Isn’t that enough?” She reached
out and cupped either side of his face. There was a light sprinkling of dark
stubble along his cheeks. It was hard to stay angry with him. “Dakota is my
friend, he’s your friend, and you acting like a jealous boyfriend
solve anything.”

can’t help it, baby.” He cupped her hand that was on his face. “I fucking love
you, and the very idea of being with another guy, or even one talking to you,
pisses me off and has my bear coming forward.”

was useless to argue with him, because she had done it so many times already.
The kind of guy he was wouldn’t be solved with her bitching. He was a bear
shifter, and the son of Jagger, The Grizzly MC President. They were a breed all
their own. But just because she couldn’t change who he was, and loved him, that
didn’t mean he didn’t annoy her with the way he acted so jealous at times. She
leaned in and kissed him. It hadn’t meant to be anything sexual, just one that
was light and told him that she didn’t want to fight. But as soon as he had his
lips on her, Alexis's entire body heated,
hardened, and she became wet between her legs. And then he had her body pulled
in closely to his, had his tongue speared between her lips, and took control of
the kiss. Her reaction to him was instant, and she couldn’t help it, nor did
she want to fight it.

sorry I upset you, but I just fucking love you so damn much. I can’t help
myself when I get angry that another guy is around you,” he murmured against
her lips, and the flavor of the beer he had been drinking bathed her tongue.
His voice was clear and smooth and heated, just like how she felt.

as much as I want you.”
Maybe it was the alcohol traveling though her veins
that made her inhibitions less rigid, but she wanted
so badly.

broke the kiss and started running his tongue and lips over her neck. She
closed her eyes and let the feel of him touching her move through her body.
This whiplash inside of her whenever she was with
wasn’t anything new. She could be annoyed with him one minute, and then when he
would touch her she’d feel like she was this puddle of liquid under his hands
and mouth. The sounds of the party still going strong in the garage could be
heard in muffled noises, but they were alone. Her emotions were running high,
and she wasn’t going to stop this. Maybe she should have cared, though, given
the fact all the people around, how anyone could see them if they moved behind
the garage, and the fact her dad was right in the clubhouse.

at me, Alexis.” He said those four words softly, but they were deep and filled
with a kind of command. Alexis opened her eyes and looked into his face. The
shadows partially concealed his features, but the heat that came from him, the
scent of his bear, and the cologne he wore, filled her with arousal and
remembrance. Neither said anything for several long moments, and then he leaned
in another inch once more. She held her breath.

look so fucking hot, Alexis,” he said on a groan and pressed his lower body
further into her.

felt his erection probe her belly, and a fresh gush of moisture left her. The
way he said it held a note of heat that she felt all the way down to her toes.
Suddenly she couldn’t catch her breath. “I can’t breathe.”

used his body
to position her so
back was to garage wall. “Good,
I want you breathless, baby.”
held her gaze, and
his grin kicked up a notch. He caged her in with his arms on either side of her
body. He wasn’t about to let her escape, but right now she wouldn’t have tried
if her life depended on it. He leaned in and kissed her deep and hard, and she
gripped his bulging biceps to hold on. After long drugging moments he finally
pulled away and let his arms drop to his side.

you okay?”

closed her eyes and nodded. “I’m more than okay.” When she opened her eyes she
could tell that his pupils were fully dilated as his bear tried to gain
supremacy. “I want more,

started breathing more heavily, and the wild scent of his bear right below the
surface of his skin filled her nose. It was like an aphrodisiac, a pheromone
that had her hotter than the fucking sun. His dark brown hair was messy around
his head, like he had been running his fingers through it. She let her gaze
lower along his body and took in the intoxicating sight of him. The t-shirt and
faded jeans he wore fit him so damn perfectly it was no wonder the girls had
flocked to him. In fact, they still did even though they were together. High
school girls were notorious bitches for trying to take what wasn’t theirs.

“Is that right,
He glanced down at her mouth.

nodded because right now she couldn’t find her voice.

know what I think?” He leaned in so close that only an inch separated their
mouths. The side of the garage was hard and cold behind her, and Alexis placed
her hands flat on the building, needing to feel something stable.


think if I took you right now you would let me, knowing there is a garage full
of people right on the other side of that wall, and your dad just a few feet
from us in the clubhouse.”

opened her eyes, not even realizing she had closed them again. Tendrils of her
hair tickled the side of her face from his breath. She licked her lips and
exhaled. “You’re right.” She was the one to lean in close enough that their
mouths were barely touching. “I wouldn’t stop this because I want to be with

, Alexis.” He closed his eyes
briefly, and when he opened them she could see his pupils constricting and
dilating rapidly. He was trying to make his bear back off, and that took a
strength she didn’t know he had yet.

want you as much as you want me, and I don’t want to wait anymore,
.” And just like that the world fell away until the
only thing she was aware of was
body pressed
against hers. He slipped his hand behind her hair and gripped the nape of her
neck tight enough that a sting of pain filled her, but then was followed by
immense pleasure. He brushed his thumb along the side of her jaw, and then he
tilted her head back and slanted his mouth on hers. The taste of every untamed
and carnal thing that made up
filled her mouth
and bathed her tongue. It was a spicy, intoxicating flavor. A moan surrounded
her, but she couldn’t tell if it came from him or her. He pulled away just
enough that their lips barely touched and said, “You have no idea how long I’ve
wanted you, Alexis.”

for as long as I’ve wanted you.”

took hold of her hand and placed it right over his chest. The
of his heart was strong and steady. He moved their conjoined
hands down and over his hard, rippled abdomen, and stopped right over the very
prominent and hard erection that pressed against his jeans. She widened her
eyes, not from shock or fear, but from the turbulent emotions moving through

you feel that, baby? You make me so fucking hard.” His lips were still barely
touching hers as he spoke, but it was the way he said those words and pressed
his hips into her palm that had her feeling like she was in some kind of
alternate universe. He moved his mouth along her cheek, over her jawline, and
down to the pulse that beat hard and fast right below her ear. “Just thinking
about you makes my cock so fucking hard it aches, Alexis.” He continued to
grind himself into her, over and over and over again until she thought for sure
she could come from that motion alone. “All I’ve thought about for years was
holding you, kissing you, and being buried inside of you.” He applied pressure
to her mouth and kissed her lightly. “And I’ve had two out of three of those,

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