Angels Blood (11 page)

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Authors: Gerard Bond

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy

BOOK: Angels Blood
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We have business young man.”

It broke the two out of their reverie.  They both looked back at Dark who stood there with a frown on her face.

We need a change of clothes and a place to stay awhile till we decide on our course of action and eventually can get out of the city.  Will you help us?”

Vaughn looked at her a bit and then smiled,

Of course I can help.  Any friend of Keera’s is a friend of mine.”

Dark looked around a bit.  It was small boat and dank.  Loose clothes were lying about and dirty dishes piled on not only the table in the corner but pretty much any flat surface that could be found, but she had seen worse. 

For now I think we could all use some sleep, is this double bed all you have? 

Yes but there is that bench there at the end with the table.”

It was way too small to stretch out on Dark mused.

We will need two people to stay guard while the other two sleep.  Keera and Justin, you two can take first shift in the bed. Vaughn and I will sit up and stay guard.  Then at four hours, Justin you will take my place, that will see us through for the night.”

A rather nonplussed Vaughn spoke up,

Don’t I get to sleep?”

Dark shook her head,

No we have been on the road for too long and have not slept in over 36 hours. Anyway, I am sure you won’t mind sacrificing a few hours for Keera to get that extra sleep eh?”

He grudgingly nodded, he wasn’t going to get any sack time with either girl. Justin was smiling a little to himself at it all, sweet justice of sorts. Vaughn though was wondering why he was abiding by this stranger taking over his residence, well he still may get lucky eh?

Both Justin and Keera partially stripped and got into bed together, after a few minutes of laying apart Keera snuggled into Justin and he found it difficult to relax, but being a young man of strong urges he couldn’t resist when Keera slipped her hand down his front and massaged him. He responded with his own discreet fondling. They ended up sound asleep in each others arms after awhile.

Dark waited a little while longer.  She really didn’t want to get involved but this was an issue that she was sure Wollfen would want dealt with.  Their unit was what was most important here.  The eight must stay together and it was for Wollfen to decide who was and who wasn’t a part of it. Sitting at the bench with Vaughn, she could see he was a very attractive young man.  He was used to having his way with the ladies by the looks of him. She turned to him and spoke in a low voice,

I feel I must speak on your relationship with Keera.” Vaughn bowed his head and waited, Dark went on, “Keera and Justin have been together for over seven months and up to now they have been happy, I am not sure a sojourn with you would do Justin well nor ultimately will it help Keera.” Dark looked him in the eyes, “We are living in dangerous times where any distraction could cost us our lives.  I will not stand by and allow anything to get in the way of our ability to carry out our mission and stay alive.  Do you understand what I am saying?”

Vaughn looked back at that steely glare and saw a strength behind it.   He recognized it for what it was.  This woman would act and deal with any problem she had emphatically. He decided he didn’t want to be on the receiving end. He nodded slowly and surely so there was no doubt.

At the four-hour mark Dark rose and nodded to Vaughn. They had spent their time in idle whispers and she had gleaned a lot of his life.  He wasn’t such a bad man after all, just flowing with the tide.  She hoped he found a better future after here.  She walked over to the bed and shook Justin’s shoulder.  He awoke quickly if groggily.  Four hours wasn’t much but it had to do for now.   He shook his head and took himself out of bed then padded over to the bench.

Dark partially stripped and slid in next to Keera who was dead to the world.  She lay there for a minute waiting for sleep to take her. Keera stirred and rolled over, draping herself over Dark. Not sure what to do, Dark went to take Keera’s arm off of her waist, but then decided not to disturb the girl. She realized all of a sudden she needed that hug, needed that touch of comfort, of having a warm body next to hers.

Right now Dark was feeling very lonely without Wollfen by her side.  She looked at Keera and realized maybe she was a little too harsh on her. Keera wasn’t right in treating Justin the way she did, but seeking affection in her own way, well maybe she was being more normal than Dark wished to give credit for.

Vaughn sat there with Justin next to him, feeling quite uncomfortable.  Trying to break the ice, he offered the young man some drink, but Justin stared. He tried again, this time asking what he thought of the city? Justin sat there mute, staring out of the porthole. Vaughn sighed, man this was going to be a long four hours.

Justin had spent his time fuming, angry at this man, angry at the barkeep and sort of angry with Keera.  He loved her and her ways hurt him but he kept it to himself.  He just didn’t have the confidence to stand up for himself, so he stewed in his angst not giving anything away so no one knew. He didn't know it but everyone else knew they just didn’t bring it up.  It would be a few years yet before Justin better understood the subtleties of human relationships. 

Justin had also been thinking of Wollfen.  The man had been like a second father to him and that had helped him enormously to get past his grief after the killing of his family.  He had shown so much patience for Justin.  It was as if he had felt his pain too, felt and understood it, understood the loss. Had he lost family like that too? He hadn’t really given it any thought till now. They had been so busy for so long. Times to meditate were few and far between. In fact the more he thought about it, the more he realized just how little he knew of the man.  What had he done in his life before he saved Justin? He couldn’t think of a thing.  There had been clues and even unanswered questions asked.

None of it really mattered right now, they just simply had to get him back, had to find a way of tracking him. Wollfen couldn’t simply disappear, not after what they had been through and what was at stake. Dark would know what to do.  She was like him, she would show the way.

Keera woke later that morning.  Dark was asleep beside her.  She opened her eyes slowly and spied Vaughn and Justin sitting, not doing anything.  Vaughn looked drawn and tired, he was fidgeting more than anything else. She had dreams of the two guys fighting during the night and thinking about it she could see that happening. Keera was aware of Justin’s anger, but he never spoke up? Never showed her how much he really cared.  That pissed her off a bit, this time she had played it up with Vaughn and still nothing. 

As Wollfen had said time and again, Justin was young and inexperienced and she was supposed to teach him. That meant everything she was coming to realize, he really needed to be led. She decided she wouldn’t stir things up anymore than they already were.  They had enough on their plate for now. So she closed her eyes and became aware Dark was snuggled into her.  That wasn’t so bad, she dozed.

Dark awoke with a start, Keera’s eyes flickered, it was daylight.  A big yawn and she lifted herself up into the sitting position.  The sleep did a world of good, she even felt more clear-headed. Keera stretched beside her and Dark contemplated what stories could be made of the two girls sleeping together.  They certainly weren’t another Nightwing and Loranda.  She wondered how successful those two were up on the north coast?

Justin gave Dark a little smile and a nod, she nodded back. Sniffing, she could smell herself though, they stank. 

Good morning all.”

Hello, how did you sleep?”

Just fine, I needed it thank you for asking Justin.”

Keera turned and smiled, 

I feel very refreshed. Thank you for letting me have the whole night.”

Dark smiled back,

That’s fine, you will of course owe us now,” she winked back.

Everybody but Vaughn was in better spirits.

Tell me Vaughn, Where does one get a clean bath around here? We stink.”

He jerked his thumb out the port side of the boat against the jetty.

In there, it’s private enough and the water isn’t stagnant like in some places. Unfortunately, it is seawater, you won’t get any fresh water round here, especially with the troops using anything that is spare.”

It will do, do you have any towels and some clothes that we can change into for now?”

The towels aren’t a problem. Under the bed you will find a slide out drawer with a few in there.  As for clothes, I can loan you some shirts and pants but that’s about all I have that you could make work for you girls.  Justin here will fit into my clothes no problem.”

Alright we will do that, where is your soap?”

Vaughn handed her some from out of a drawer beside him.

Keera let’s go wash, we can do each others backs.”

Dark got up then moved out of the hatch and found a small ladder outside of the boat on the jetty side.  Carrying the soap and two towels, she stepped out onto a small platform that had been nailed to its side.  There she stripped off and slid herself into the water being mindful of the encrusted piling the boat was tied to. She swam in a little and immediately found a foothold in the mud, then she dipped her head and started rubbing.

Keera had followed close behind. Dark watched as the girl removed her clothes and tentatively lowered herself into the water. Dark could see why men lusted after her so.  She was shapely with full firm breasts and smooth unblemished skin, her face and lower arms were browned by the sun. Dark swam back to grab the soap and moved out of the water a bit.  Sitting on an underwater rock she was able to expose her upper body and rub herself down with the soap, then she handed it to Keera who stood up behind her and began massaging her back.

You know, times are going to get tougher don’t you?”


Keera immediately started wondering where this was heading. 

We have to pull together and be more vigilant than ever before.  When it was just us and the Kingdom, it wasn’t so hard, but this army is ruthless and will cut our throats without hesitation.”

Keera stopped rubbing, Dark turned and looked,

So what are you saying?”

Dark turned back and replied,

We have to trust each other more than ever before.  Not only trust but honesty too.  None of us can afford to hesitate in the belief of our commitment to each other.”

Keera knew immediately what she meant, her commitment to not only Justin but to all of them, Wollfen, Dark and all the others.

She went back to massaging Dark’s back, took a deep breath and decided to lay it all on the line, come what may. 

I have been thinking too.  I have been treating Justin like shit and he doesn’t deserve it.  I allow my feelings to dictate what I do.  I spend my life going with what makes me feel good from one moment to the next.  Up until almost a year ago I was single with nothing to be responsible for and it was great.  I didn’t realize it at the time but I was empty, drinking, having sex, spending my money and gambling.  Then when it was gone, I would go out on some patrol after being hired by some merchant as protection.  Then back in town doing it all over again. I had done that for like six years, it was all I knew. Wollfen changed all that.  His ideological conversations sparked something in me, but he sparked something else too.  Up until now, until Wollfen was taken, it was a lust for him physically, but I have realized it for what it really is.  It is love and Wollfen’s gone, I can’t help thinking I should have done more. And of course, you are his partner now.  I lost out and I have felt jealous of you even though I never thought of him as a partner.  I have been confusing myself.” 

Dark turned around and looked Keera in the eye. 'Here it comes,' she thought.

There’s nothing wrong with loving Wollfen and I can see from what you are saying you understand yourself a lot better now.  I also see you are a better person deep down than I had given you credit for.  The fact that you have told me all this proves it. I forgive you Keera.”

Keera almost burst into tears and even Dark felt some welling up in her eyes of her own.  They embraced each other holding tight and Keera crying a little into Dark’s ear,

I already miss him.”

Dark nodded.

Yes and we are going to get him back.”

They pulled away and gave each other a kiss on the cheek, their bonds between them stronger than ever. 

Turn around and I’ll do your back now,” both of them smiling and giggling.  They were happy and feeling good.

Justin overheard the giggles from inside of the boat, what were they up to? Dare he have a quick look? Better not, he was sure Wollfen would not approve of him seeing Dark nude. But here they were in the middle of enemy territory and they were giggling, girls were funny creatures. 

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