Angels Blood (56 page)

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Authors: Gerard Bond

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy

BOOK: Angels Blood
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Dark withdrew from Wollfen contemplating the rush of heat she felt between her legs.  He still had it and she realized she wanted it too but she had to focus on what was at hand. She slowly moved forward under the watchful eye of Wollfen who had his sword slipped out and ready beside him as well as his crossbow on his other side.  No one would get up until they knew what was going on. Dark managed to get quite close to the entrance. 

The night was cloudy but from time to time the moon would peek out from behind them and she would get a glimpse of the surrounding forest. Yes, there were bodies shrouded in black moving about out there and there were a lot too.  She knew exactly what they were facing.  Of the two sentries there was no sign.

Dark lifted herself up and hugged the wall. Turning, she held her hand out as the moon shone and gave a quick signal.  Hand vertical to her body she pushed away then laid her hand out flat, palm up and lifted it.  The others responded immediately.  Laying low they moved to the walls and got up. Now she dared a word to them which she called out just loud enough to carry to the people in front. 


Wollfen pulled himself up immediately behind Dark and placed his hand on her waist looking out over her shoulder. Dark felt the passion rise again in her.  It had been so long since Wollfen and her had been together she had actually forgotten just how powerful his touch was.  It was quite distracting. He whispered close into her ear and the touch was electrifying. 

They intend to rush us in the cave. They are preparing. There are far too many to break out.”

Dark turned and nodded. She was looking straight into his eyes. Wollfen saw the passion there as she stuck her tongue into his mouth.  He reacted with similar desire and they kissed deeply. 

We need to have a big talk.”  

Yes, so shall we kill a few Orcs first and have some fun?”

Dark nodded and smiled. 

So what should we do?”

Wollfen thought quickly. 

We need to set up two ranks of four across the back of the cave.  The front rank of four is to be kneeling the second rank standing all using their crossbows.  We shall lay down enfilade fire.  When they enter, you take and organize the front rank.  I'll take the rear and call out the shots.”

Dark nodded and moved off.  They all lined up inside the cave toward the rear.  All had crossbows ready. Now they heard the fall of boots as the orcs outside rushed towards the entrance and as they reached it Wollfen cried out. 

First Rank fire!”

Then he waited a second and called out again,

Second rank fire!”

This he did over and over again pausing in between each command.  It gave each rank time to reload while the others were firing. Each time they let loose a flight of bolts there were shrieks of pain as orcs were hit. They were taking down many orcs with each volley but still they came.  Closer and closer the orcs got to them but at about fifteen feet away the orcs broke and ran which was just as well for the defenders were running out of bolts. Wollfen cried out as the orcs started to retreat. 

Now! After them!”

The eight rushed forward chasing the retreating figures and managing to cut down a couple from behind.  Then they were out in the open and the orcs once more pressed forward.  There was so many of them. Dark and Wollfen fought back to back, swinging and grunting as they hacked and cut, black blood spraying out onto the white snow whenever they managed to hit home. Wollfen spluttered and spat at one point. 

Darling! Are you okay?” Dark cried out. 

She couldn't turn to see, as she was too busy fighting. Wollfen spat some more. 

Damn! Orc blood tastes like shit! I can't believe I got some in my mouth!” Dark giggled. 

Oh quit your bellyaching.”

Wollfen continued to swing without pause but they weren't getting anywhere.   One of the eight was cut down and they saw his body being dragged off by the orcs.  All of a sudden Wollfen realized why the orcs were there, they were hungry.

The remaining seven were slowly pushed back into the cave by the numbers of orcs.  Things were getting desperate. Dark saw as they retreated into the gloom more orcs at the rear were readying their crossbows.  The orcs would have them ready very soon.  She called out.

They are getting crossbows ready!”

She had no idea what they could do but retreat further into the gloom of the cave, then a low deep sound came from the back of it and Burkhard called out. 

What is that!?”

They all shook their heads and Wollfen reached out with his mind.  What he touched made him recoil quickly. 

I know, it's a blackleech, it's like a spider in the sense it sucks its prey dry but it is more like a huge hairy worm.  It is intelligent too, we cannot fight it.”

Now they were caught in the middle between the huge numbers of orcs and that thing behind them, they were trapped.

Wollfen thought hard and fast.  The crystal, they may just have to go back to Port Volarus by concentrating on Loranda but it was far better then dying here in the cave.

Everyone! Join hands! I'm going to take us out of here!”

Some of them didn't know what the heck he was talking about but they knew him by recent reputation from his arrival in Port Volarus.  There was no doubt in their minds he could do something. The orcs stopped and parted, the orcs in the rear rushing forward raising their crossbows.  This was cutting it fine. Wollfen slid his hand over the crystal, opened a portal and searched. He had to see Loranda's magic glow first before they could launch and as he did, there was another beacon familiar to him but she was dead! How could this be? The Orcs fired, he didn't waste any time wondering and focused. 

All of a sudden they were floating on through the void towards that glowing light and then with a rush the group fell out the other side.  They tumbled over each other as the portal had been just above the ground and all seven fell over each other onto the wooden floor. There was a shout from within the room at their entrance and Dark was the first to pull herself up. Turning she looked across at the two looking at her with daggers drawn, Solynne? Kane?

The gods! Solynne you are alive!”

Solynne looked on in shock. Dark was one of the Kingdom soldiers that had just appeared out of nowhere in their cabin. 


They rushed into each others arms and hugged tightly. Dark turned to Kane too and hugged him ferociously, they hadn't seen each other in over six months. 

Solynne! We thought you were dead!” Solynne nodded. 

I almost was too.”

She smiled as Dark hugged her again. Then Dark noticed a bump on Solynne's stomach and Dark looked up at her.  Solynne grinned. 

I'm pregnant.”

Dark couldn't believe her ears. 

That's so wonderful. Wollfen will be ecstatic to hear.”

Solynne still smiling replied,

He is here?”

They turned and Dark went to point him out.  Wollfen was the only one still lying down.  There was blood on his back.  Dark rushed over to him and turned him over.  There was a crossbow bolt sticking out the center of his chest and she cried out. 

Baby!” Wollfen coughed blood.

It really, really hurts,” he whispered weakly.

Dark instructed some of the others to help her get Wollfen's coat and shirt off.  Once that was accomplished she reached behind him and felt the blood spot on his back, the bolt was just protruding from the skin to the left of his spine, how had it missed his heart? And as if Wollfen had heard her he whispered weakly again. 

My love, it is in my heart.  I can feel it.  Please, you must listen to me.”

Dark leaned down close to his face.

You have to get some of the men to hold me down,” he wheezed. 

Blood was still oozing from his mouth as he spoke.  Wollfen even gagged for a moment and Dark had to turn him on his side to drain the blood out.  There was blood everywhere now. Wollfen continued on,

You need to have me held tight as you draw out the bolt. Stand on my chest if you have to.  Then, this is important.”

He coughed and more blood sprayed out.  How was he staying conscious let alone alive? Was it his magic? His words were growing weaker though , Dark listened closely with tears in her eyes, her ear next to his lips.

Once the bolt is out, you must take a red hot poker from the fire and stick it in my wound all the way through and cauterize it.  Seal it shut so it stops most of the bleeding.”

Dark couldn't believe what she was hearing.

But my love, if I do that it will surely kill you!”

Wollfen slowly shook his head with what little energy he had left. 

You must, it is the only way.  There is no time to explain.  Do as I say.”

Wollfen's wheezing breaths were getting weaker and weaker so quickly. Dark stood up.  There was blood on her hands and cheek.  She turned to the men of the room.

One each on his legs and arms, I don't know if he needs to be held in his weak condition but I trust in what he says.  Kane, would you bring a poker from the fire please?”

Kane reached into the fire and grabbed a wooden handle sticking out of it, the tip of the poker glowed red.  He approached Wollfen with a somber look on his face.  He wasn't going to enjoy this at all. Dark addressed him, 

You know what to do don't you? Don't leave it in or you will tear his flesh pulling it out.  It must be swift enough not to stick but slow enough to seal the wound.”

Kane nodded and took in then let out a deep breath. The stress of what they were about to do was showing on all of their faces.

Dark reached down and tested the bolt and Wollfen cried out.  It made her want to cry.  The bolt was in very tight.  He was right, she would have to put her foot on his chest to do this. She placed her boot just below the bolt then grabbed the end with both hands and turned to Kane. 

Are you ready?”

She could see he was sweating but he nodded in reply. Then with one almighty heave she ripped the bolt from Wollfen's chest, a great howl came from Wollfen and he struggled mightily. The others fought hard to keep him down.


Kane rushed forward as a spurt of blood shot up into the air, he lined the poker up and shoved it down hard through Wollfen's body without hesitating.  The wound smoking, he pulled it free again and stood back gagging. The smell of burnt flesh filled the room and Wollfen bucked now like an animal.  He screamed curses of the damned at them as he writhed on the ground, then he passed out and all was quiet.

Solynne let out a sob at the scene and a couple of the men turned and threw up, the smell in the room was making them sick.

Kane barked an order,

Open the windows for a bit, that stench in overpowering!”

Dark stepped forward again.  She went down on both knees beside him and felt for a pulse.  She had no idea what to expect, there didn't seem to be anything at all. Then she felt it. 

He has a pulse, it is very weak and erratic but it is there.  I don't know how, but he is alive.”

Solynne came forward. 

There is a room that way, take him in there and set him down on the bed.”

The same men moved forward and lifted him gingerly, Solynne leading the way and opening the door.  Inside they laid him down on the bed and left again.  Dark and Solynne surveyed the scene. 

We need to get him out of the rest of his clothes.”

The two of them pulled his boots off and together they carefully slipped his layers of pants off until he was naked.  Then Dark and Solynne got him under the covers and tucked him in. 

He is very cold. Dark, you need to strip off too and hold him.  Infuse him with your body heat.”

Dark nodded and stripped too, then she lay her naked body against Wollfen's under the covers with him. He felt very cool to the touch. Solynne leaned forward and touched both their cheeks.

It is very good to see the both of you again, even if it isn't under the best of circumstances.” Dark nodded in reply.

We will catch up in the morn yes?”  

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