Angels Blood (59 page)

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Authors: Gerard Bond

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy

BOOK: Angels Blood
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Dark simply sat there now in wonder.  Her ideas of Wollfen were shaken and right now she doubted so many things he had taught. 

I still can't get past the idea of you being a cold hearted killer, it's just not you.” Wollfen looked at her with a pained look. 

I am not that person any more.  I haven't been so for over three hundred and fifty years.”

So how come you are so long lived? And why don't you die?” 

That's a tough one, I haven't ever been told directly in any way but I  believe I am paying penance for my sins, I have a lot to pay for.” 

Dark felt sad for him now.  He had lived for so long but still there were so many questions. 

You said earlier that you haven't loved another for a hundred and thirty years?” Wollfen looked down. 

I have only ever loved one other before.  She stole my heart. We lived so long together and it was so hard when she died.  It tore my heart out and I vowed from that day to never let another touch me inside like that again.  That I kept true to till I met you. I was only able to let her go after meeting you.”

Now it dawned on her why he had so desperately fought to get her back, why he had risked everything to go get her. 

Oh Wolf, my darling!”

She slid forward into his arms and they kissed, a kiss of passion and tenderness. Then Dark pulled away and looked deep into his eyes. 

Oh my baby, I didn't understand.  I cannot fathom what it must have taken for you to open your heart to another like this again, to walk this world for so many years, centuries without love. Then you lost me, no wonder you walked between worlds to get me back.”

There were tears welling in her eyes and Wollfen cradled her.

It's alright my dear, you have no need to cry, we are here and I have you.  I am happy.”

Dark nodded with her head against his chest and he stroked her hair.  Yes it had been so long but the emptiness of denying himself had been so consuming.  Now it was over and he was ready to give to one special person again. She still felt the confusion of all she had heard but knowing that Wollfen was totally dedicated to her made it all right.

You know when I lost my husband and my two girls I thought the world was over for me.  I don't know how I survived.  When you found me working as a barmaid I was simply existing.  I don't know why I continued on, but now, right at this moment I am so glad that I did.”

They hugged again holding each other close. 

Well my little Darkling, one day we can go back to your old lands and visit.” Dark reacted strongly.

No I never want to go back there again. The idea of maybe seeing their half eaten bodies again would be too much.”

There was a knock at the door and Dark went to it.  A messenger was there,

The elf Eldoron is available to see Wollfen.”

Dark turned to Wollfen in bed and he shook his head. 

I will see him tomorrow.  Let them know we do not wish to be disturbed any more this day.”

Dark smiled and turned back to the messenger who nodded and left. She closed the door and locked it. Still smiling Dark returned to Wollfen and straddled his legs on her knees. Wollfen reached up and kissed her gently.  Starting on her lips he kissed down the nape of her neck. His fingers worked at her shirt opening the top buttons and pulling it free. He slipped it over her head and exposed Dark's breasts. Leaning forward Wollfen took one into his mouth and gently sucked and licked, sending shivers down Dark's spine.  She tilted her head back and closed her eyes. A low moan escaped her lips as her fingers ran through Wollfen's hair, pulling him across to the other breast to continue his kissing. Dark pushed him away. 

I want more.”

She pulled at her pants and pushed them down her thighs before kicking them off.  She stood there naked on the bed before Wollfen and moved forward. Wollfen growled and bit her inner thigh, Dark reacted by opening her legs.  He moved in and licked up her mound parting her moist lips. Kissing and licking he burrowed in and sucked warmly.  Dark shivered as she felt the waves of pleasure travel up her body and she began moaning louder.

Gyrating her hips, Dark moved in rhythm to Wollfen's lashing tongue. Her clit slid up and down, all over his wet lips. She felt his tongue push deep into her hole and she growled louder, bearing down on his face.  Her hands grabbed his hair as she  reached a crescendo. Wollfen dug his fingers into her butt hard and she orgasmed, crying out as she did.

Dark opened her eyes and pushed on his shoulders making him lie back.  She kneeled and pulled back the blanket exposing Wollfen's hard rod.  Straddling it, Dark eased down onto it and it slipped in with ease.  She slid up and down on him, pumping herself deep. Dark was getting excited again and within a few minutes brought herself to another shaking orgasm that left her fallen against Wollfen's chest.  Wollfen held her tight as she shivered and moaned in his arms. Finally she managed to look up and give a quiet. 

Thank you.” Wollfen on the other hand had other ideas.

I'm not done yet.”

He whispered into her ear and lifting her, still on his shaft twisted her around underneath him and laid her on the bed.  Dark responded by sliding the heels of her feet over his butt as he began pumping slowly and deeply into her. He watched her face closely as he steadily built up a rhythm.  Faster and faster he went, Dark moaning again as Wollfen growled in reply. She reached behind and dug her nails into him, feeling up and down his back.  Then as she came close again she grabbed his butt and pulled hard in time with his thrusts and they both came together. 

Slowing as he went, Wollfen finally lay down on Dark as she embraced him, their sweaty bodies sliding over each others as they kissed and cuddled till both were asleep. Their bonds had become stronger again, not just because of their physical passion for each other, but through a better understanding of each others inner selves and how they felt for each other.

Wollfen awoke during the night and found Dark snuggling against him.  He slid an arm around her and kissed her forehead.  He felt a peace finally that he hadn't felt in so many years. The world was filled with unknowns, hazards and fears, but right here right now he felt complete and serene with Dark by his side, nothing else mattered. He lay there in his happiness, falling again into a deep sleep.  He wouldn't awake till mid morning.

They were roused by a knock at the door the next day.  This time it was Night,  Dark slipped out of bed and unlocked the door.  Night entered and looked at the nude form of Dark retreating back to the bed with appreciation as she closed the door behind her. 

Good morning lovers, how do you feel?” She smiled.

Wollfen opened his eyes and stretched as Dark snuggled back in under the blankets.

Mm quite good thank you, very relaxed,”

Wollfen smiled back, Night grinned now. 

Yes we all know why you are very relaxed, you put on quite a bit of noise last night.”

Dark and Wollfen exchanged looks.  He smirked and Dark went a little red but they giggled together like a pair of kids. 

Anyway the reason I'm here, you two fancy gracing us with your company outside? We have some breakfast prepared for you, a special treat for the wolf boy who just won't die for the enemy.”

Dark laughed and looked at Wollfen. 

I think she means you, you are the only wolf in here.”

He returned a look squinting with one eye. 

You think?”

He got up and walked around the room a bit, where were his clothes?

I don't think I can go outside nude?”

Dark pointed to a chest that he went to.  Inside was some clothing for him to pick from. Dark got out of bed too and picked at her own clothes strewn on the floor. She looked up to see Night watching and smiled. Dark walked over and gave Night a kiss. 

Go run along, we will be out in a minute.”

Night winked and left with Dark spanking her butt as she turned. She looked up at Wollfen who was giving her a look. 

Have you two err,”

Dark grinned widely. 

Sort of, but it's not what you think, but I'm not going to tell you now.  You can stew for a bit till I tell you.”

She smiled again and winked leaving Wollfen to wonder just what she had gotten up to, and when?

The two of them went out to their waiting friends.  They could smell the fried eggs and bacon from the time they had opened the door. Their mouths watered at the prospect of eating. As they sat down saying their good mornings, Wollfen eyed off the fare before them.  Eggs, bacon, bread sticks and butter, even some jam was present too, his stomach gurgled.

Night, Solynne, Kane and Eldoron were sitting and all six gave their thanks before tucking in.  It wasn't long before the buzz of conversation started, none of them had gotten to talk to Wollfen yet and they took the opportunity now. 

How is it you managed to live having that bolt in you?  How come you are up already from it? Why didn't you die?”

They all wanted to know and Wollfen was busy eating. 

Alright, alright, most have known of me here for awhile, all I can tell you is I do have special healing powers above and beyond a normal person. Yes it is wondrous and I thought so too the first time I took a grievous wound.  But I cannot tell you why because I just simply don't know.  The gods obviously have me pegged for something special and well, there's not much more I can really say.”

It didn't really give them enough of an answer but they would have to take what they got.  Wollfen was not prepared for word to spread of his true abilities.  If he lived through the ages he wanted to be able to keep a certain amount of anonymity to be able to cross into the next age. It just made things a whole lot simpler. 

So tell us of what you have been up to the last six months.”

Kane was intensely interested to know if there was going to be any real changes in the Kingdom. 

Well as you all know I was captured early on and transported to Isogorr.  I spent the time befriending the sailors on board the ship and the Sorc too.  I can tell you that we sort of have an ally there for us.”

Dark wasn't surprised to hear that.  Wollfen could be a very persuasive talker, she wondered what else he might have done? She would be sure to grill him on that once she had explained her time with Night.

I only spent two days in Isogorr so there isn't much to tell on what I saw of the city, but I can tell you it is hot and there are a lot of people in that country.  They have a harsh code of living too.  Compassion and mercy are considered weaknesses.”

Wollfen looked at the others for their reactions and they were mostly digesting the news.

The most important thing I found was they have an artificial social structure built around a single leader, the Queen of the sorcs.  She has built up a hierarchical society to do one thing and one thing only, serve her.” Kane spoke up, 

So all we have to do is take out the sorcs or at least the leaders of the sorcs and the structure will collapse?” Wollfen shook his head. 

No we don't need to, their premises of understanding magic and structure within sorc society is seriously flawed. I have already introduced a seed to bring about change on that front.  It will undermine the Queen's power base if it manages to flourish without the Queen finding out for awhile.”

What could you have planted that would bring about such a major change?”

Wollfen explained the upbringing of all magic users and how males were put to death as aberrations if they showed the ability.  This brought a gasp from some. He then went on and explained how all female sorcs on maturation would sacrifice their fertility as a sign of their dedication to the Queen.  In conjunction to that they had to remain virgins and never carry out a sexual act for fear of losing their magic abilities. 

You mean to say they make themselves sterile?” Wollfen nodded.

There is more.  The Queen is not human, she is an elf.”

Eldoron who had been sitting quietly listening to all that was said spoke up. 

That cannot be, no elf would do such a thing.” 

I know what you may be thinking Eldoron and upon coming to the realization that she was elvenkind I too had much trouble with the idea until I met her personally. I know of her, her name is Drexus.”

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