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The three men bumped fists and nodded. Marcus and Dom could definitely relate to that because they felt the same way about their own wives.

"When Keisha brought up the idea of all of us coming to Angel's wedding, I didn't even think about how awkward it might be for you and Jerra," Dom said.

"Don't sweat it, man. It's cool. She assured me it was all good and she wanted to come. We could definitely use some time away together."

"Bet you miss your lil man, though." Marcus smiled as he thought about Darrell's son, Lil D who was his and Dom's godson. "This is the first time you've been away from him for any significant length of time."

Darrell absently rubbed his chin as he thought about his son. "Yeah, me and Jerra miss tha hell outta him, but I know he's in good hands."

Darrell's sister, Gabrielle, had eagerly agreed to stay at their house and keep her nephew while they were away. She'd been living in Miami the last couple of years working as a model, but was thinking about doing something else with her life, she just didn't know what. This would give her some time away while she sorted things out. Darrell was hoping she'd choose to live in Vegas with them, at least for a little while.

A scowl suddenly slashed across Darrell's face. He knew one of the things she had to "sort out" was the possibility of a relationship with that football player, Hurricane. Darrell's frown deepened as he thought about the cocky young man known for his partying ways as much as he was his skill and talent on the football field. Gabby had told Jerra all about him, how he'd been tirelessly pursuing her, but didn't confide in Darrell until months later.

Darrell told her the muthafucka was no good, just out for what he could get. He could tell her this with unwavering certainty because he used to
him. Slick assholes like Tobias "Hurricane" Jones had pussy thrown at them
mu'fuckin' day. They inevitably got what they wanted from these women then moved on to the next. But Darrell would be damned if Jones treated his baby sister like one of his jump-offs. Fuck that! He would find Darrell's size fourteen shoe up his ass before that ever happened.

"All I know is she better not have that Hurricane muthafucka up in my house," he grumbled.

Marcus and Dom nodded in agreement. The three couples were extra close, more like family than friends. Any extended family was taken into the fold without question. Dominick and Marcus would be right there kicking Jones' ass right along with Darrell if he stepped out of line.

"While we're on the subject of sisters, Marcus, how's Alexis? She should be ready to deliver soon, right?" Dominick asked.

"Yeah. Her due date is in three weeks, but she's about ready to pop. I think Amir is more nervous than she is."

Darrell shook his head. "Funny how shit turns out, ain't it?"

Right about then, Keisha, Jerra, and Aleesha joined the three men. Everyone except Keisha sipped glasses of wine and made small talk until the yacht began to slow down and coast as it approached the peer.

The six of them got their first glimpse of the island where the wedding would take place:
Angel’s Cove

Chapter 18


"Wow," Aleesha breathed as Marcus pulled her close. "This is simply beautiful."

"I agree," Jerra said. "Dom, if it wasn’t for my son, your brother might have a hard time getting me to leave. This is paradise."

"There's Angel and Nikki now." Dom took Keisha's hand and led her to the side of the yacht to disembark.

Angel and Nikki were standing on the covered peer waiting on them. A grin lifted the corner of Angel's mouth when he saw the group, led by Dom and Keisha, walking towards them. The two brothers embraced each other with an enthusiastic show of affection.

"What's up, Dom? See you all made it okay. How was the flight?"

Dominick threw out a sharp laugh. "You kidding me? I think you've ruined commercial flights for all of us. That jet is unbelievable."

Angel laughed as he and Nikki turned to greet the rest of their guests before they all walked at a leisurely pace towards the jeeps waiting to take them to their villas. Everyone listened with interest as Angel told them a little bit about the island.

Angel's Cove
was approximately 100 acres in size. All in all, it had taken Angel about five years to complete construction and could accommodate up to 25 guests, not including the staff that lived here full time. The two-story structure where the three couple would be staying was a luxurious beachfront villa which boasted eight bedroom suites. They would have a live-in chef and housekeeper for the length of their stay. Nikki and Angel were staying in the 15,000 square foot mini mansion not far away from theirs.

The island had several long, snow white stretches of sandy beaches, and walking paths were all over to make exploring easily manageable and pleasant. Activities included swimming, of course, snorkeling which would enable them to see multitudes of exotic fish, windsurfing, and jet skiing just to name a few.

"Man, you really got your own little slice of paradise here," Darrell told Angel as they stood by the jeeps.

"That I do. I'm not able to come very often. To be honest, I can count on one hand the number of times I've been able to get away and enjoy it."

"Nikki, looks like you've got your work cut out for you, girlfriend," Jerra teased.

"Yes, you are definitely going to have to do something about that and show my brother-in-law how to relax a little," Keisha added with a wide grin at Angel.

"Believe me, we've already had that conversation," Nikki told them, peering up at Angel. "I think we'll be able to make a few concessions that will allow us a little private time here every now and then. Right, baby?"

Angel stared at her as a smile played along his lips when he noticed the beguiling expression on Nikki's face. Unable to resist the temptation, he leaned down and gave her a soft kiss. "I'll see what I can do." Looking at the rest of the group, he gave them a nod. "We'll let you all get settled in then take you on a tour of the island. After we finish, it'll be time for dinner. You shouldn't have any problems finding our villa, but just in case, I'll have one of my staff lead you over."



couple of hours later, the group finished up the tour and fell even more in love with the island. Back at Angel's villa, they still had a little time before dinner would be ready so the men sat out on the lanai drinking and talking while the women disappeared to Nikki's bedroom. She wanted to show them her wedding dress, which she'd decided to keep simple, but elegant.

After lighting up a cigar, Dom turned to Angel. "So Nikki's family decided not to come?"

Taking a puff of his cigar, Angel glanced out at the scenery in the distance, his eyes cool and shuttered. His hilltop villa allowed him a spectacular view of the lush landscape which was full of tropical flowers, palm trees, and green foliage. The white beach and dazzling ocean normally soothed and calmed him, but as he stared at it now, Dom's question dimmed the beauty of the picturesque locale.

"No, they're not going to attend. Seems they don't agree with her decision to marry me, which I can understand."

"Still, has to be hard on both of you," Marcus commented.

Angel gave a small shrug. "More so on Nikki. She tries to act like it doesn’t matter, but I know it's bothering her. She's close to her parents and I don't want to come between that, but hopefully they'll come around. They'll have to because I'm not going anywhere." Angel casually flicked the ashes from his cigar in the ashtray to his left as he looked at Dom. "Her little sister was going to try to come, but she's in the middle of an important trial. You remember her, Dom? The two of them were very close. She's a lawyer now."

Dom's brow furrowed a bit before it cleared. "Yeah. Raven, right? She was a little cutie just like Nikki.”

Grinning, Darrell took a sip of his brandy. "You better not say that around Keisha. She'll have an attitude for the rest of the trip."

"You ain't
lyin', D," Marcus joined in. "Her lil ass is even meaner now that she's pregnant."

"Hey! Dead that shit," Dominick scowled.

Angel chuckled under his breath when Dominick rushed to his wife's defense. “Get off my sister-in-law. She’s a saint for putting up with Dom.”

Dom's frown deepened. “Ah, okay. So it’s like that, bruh? I at least thought you had my back. No problem. All ya’ll can just kiss my ass. Now put up with dat.”

Marcus and Darrell were still ragging on him when Angel’s cell phone rang. Angel stood up and excused himself, stepping into the house.

The good natured argument continued outside for a while before Darrell rose to go to the restroom. Sauntering into the house, he laughed to himself as he thought about the crazy muthafuckas who were his best friends. The three of them had been through thick and thin. Marcus and Darrell had been friends the longest. They met each other in an orphanage when both were ten years old. Five years later, they left and ran away, barely living and surviving on the streets of Philly until they decided to move to Vegas at eighteen. Not long after, they met Dom and all of them had been tight ever since.

After using the bathroom, Darrell was on his way back outside when he heard Angel several feet away wrapping up his phone conversation. Glancing around at the elegant décor and expensive furnishings, Darrell once again thought about what a great place this was. Dude had his own
Git tha’ fuck outta here! And he was cool as hell too. He’d kept them rolling with his dry comebacks delivered in a tone so smooth, it took a second before they realized he’d just cracked on them and made them the butt of a joke.

Darrell grinned to himself. Yeah, Angel was mad cool. He’d have to tell Dom that his brother–

“No problem, Bryan. Of course… I’ll pass on your congrats to Nikki.”

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