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She glanced at her sister, noticing the stiffness in her body. "What's wrong?"

Nikki shook her head, reluctant to confide in Raven about her concerns. As close as she was to her sister, this was between Angel and herself. Besides, if she divulged what she was thinking, it would give credence to Raven's earlier claim that Angel was incapable of changing, and she wasn't in the mood to hear the 'I told you son’s'.

Coming to a dark, solid oak door, Nikki squelched the urge to barge in. Although security cameras would've alerted Angel to the fact that she was standing there, Nikki knocked impatiently then opened the door when she heard him call out for her to enter.

Walking in, Nikki's eyes went directly to Angel, who was sitting behind the heavy custom designed cherry wood desk holding A.J. A long conference table sat on one side of the huge room which was decorated in dark, masculine colors. A 60-inch flat screen television adorned one of the walls, and hundreds of books were on the opposite wall tucked into a bookcase that took up the entire expanse of the area.

Seated in chairs in front of the desk were four extremely handsome men who stood up respectfully when the women entered. Nikki absently noticed three seemed to be carbon copies of each other with the same features, just different complexions. All four were tall with broad shoulders, tapered waists, and long muscular legs. She heard a soft gasp from Raven, but Nikki's focus was now on Angel.

She took note of the way his razor sharp gaze went from Nikki and lingered on Raven for a few tense seconds before coming back to rest on his wife. Nikki realized belatedly that she probably shouldn't have brought Raven with her, but the only thing on her mind had been getting her son. Raven was her sister, but Nikki knew Angel saw her as a lawyer with the New York Department of Justice first and foremost. She ignored his scathing glare. They would be gone in just a second, as soon as she retrieved her son.

Angel stood up slowly and held Nikki's eyes with a piercing stare. "Nicole. Raven."

Nikki only barely stopped herself from rolling her eyes. The fact that she was reduced to 'Nicole' was proof enough that Angel was furious, but she really could give two shits about that. He never should've had her son in here in the first place.

"Angelo." She returned his greeting in the same tone then nodded to the men still standing. "Gentlemen."

The oldest of the four returned the nod. "Mrs. LaCroix."

Angel reluctantly performed the introduction. "Nicole, I'd like you to meet a few associates of mine who were in town. This is…"

"Let me," Raven interrupted with an exaggerated politeness which did nothing to hide the cold dislike in her eyes. Nikki looked at her in surprise as she took over. Studying the older man, she started with him first. "This is Joseph Pattel, once one of the biggest drug lords in New York before he 'retired' and supposedly went legit." Raven's upper lip curled, making her skepticism obvious. "The D.A.'s office has reason to believe he and his sons still have their hand on the pulse of the east coast underworld. It's only a matter of time before we prove it."

As if she were in a courtroom trying a case, she took slow steps and went down the line to the man standing beside Joseph. "This is his oldest son, Lucas Pattel."

"Ms. Randolph. Nice to see you. I heard rumors of you being Angel's sister-in-law. However, I'd like to advise you that you shouldn't go around throwing unsubstantiated accusations that have no merit." Although the words were said casually enough, the hard glint in Lucas' eyes seemed to be sending Raven a message.

"People have been known to get in trouble that way." The words were delivered with a flirty wink from the third man in front of them who seemed younger than the rest.

Nikki's entire body stiffened at the statement. "Excuse me, but are you threatening my sister?"

"Not at all, Mrs. LaCroix. There's all kinds of trouble someone as beautiful as your sister could get into." His teeth bit down on his bottom lip as his eyes skimmed over Raven's body. "Matter of fact, I wouldn't mind getting into trouble right along with her."

"Hawk." The warning Lucas issued was uttered from under his breath. The man who'd taunted Raven gave her a slow, sexy grin but remained quiet.

Nikki glanced at her sister and was surprised when she saw her reaction. Raven normally would've verbally ripped a person to shreds who dared toy with her like that, but she seemed a little bit flustered.

Raven tilted her head. "Hawkins Pattel, the youngest of the pack, whose loud, obnoxious personality is more than likely an attempt to compensate for less...developed aspects of his anatomy." Raven's sympathetic gaze dropped down to his crotch before traveling back up to his face.

The arrogance on Hawk's face dimmed as sparks of anger shot from his eyes. Two steps put him in front of Raven. "You got a smart mouth.
Anybody ever told you that?"

Raven lifted a perfectly sculpted brow, but remained silent.

Hawk moistened his lips with his tongue and moved closer. "Maybe you need something in it to fill it up and keep it busy."

"I'll pass."

One hostile glare reflected off the other until the fourth man spoke, his drawl slow and lazy like thick molasses.

"Hawkins. Enough."

After several tense moments, Hawk moved back reluctantly, still staring at her with a silent promise which said they would finish this later. Ignoring the message, Raven switched her attention to the final man left. "And last, but not least, Kingston 'King' Marks, adopted by Joseph Pattel at an early age, but definitely one of the favored sons."

King nodded. "Ms. Randolph."

gazed touched them one by one again, lingering on the three younger men. They spanned every color of the chocolate eye candy spectrum, and they drove the women in her city absolutely crazy. Damn shame she planned on being the one to take them off the streets and lock their shady asses up.

Speaking of shady...

Raven pivoted on her heel and gave Angel a look of pure, antagonistic dislike. For Nikki's sake, even though it went against everything she believed in, she'd tried to ignore the type of person he was, but to have these men around her sister and nephew was unforgiveable.

"Great company you keep, these 'associates' of yours," she spat out sarcastically. "But then again, birds of a feather, right?"

Holding his son, Angel kissed the top of A.J.'s head then ran a hand over his soft, curly hair. He smiled when A.J. patted his face. His child's hazel eyes, which had a touch of mint green in their depths, sparkled with laughter when Angel rubbed his nose against his. Looking at her nephew, an indulgent smile touched Raven's lips. She couldn't have loved him more if he was her own child. He was such a sweet baby, and...

Raven's smile disappeared abruptly as a persistent urge she couldn't explain demanded her attention. She shifted her gaze a fraction and froze. Angel was staring at her with a glare so menacing and formidable; she had to fight the impulse to take a step back even though he hadn't moved an inch. She shivered in trepidation as his eyes literally faded from the warm, loving glow he'd directed towards his son. They were now ablaze with a spine chilling emotion so threatening it practically leapt across the room and slapped her in the face. An instant later it was gone.

Raven blinked rapidly and peered at Angel closely. Yes, his eyes were cool with displeasure now but... she couldn't have imagined his previous look because she still felt the chill in her bones. Raven's eyes shot to Nikki. Surely she'd seen it, but Nikki's attention was directed on A.J.

The corner of Angel's mouth lifted as if he could read each and every one of her thoughts. "Raven, if you're finished being rude to my guests, get the hell out of my office."

Raven's lips tightened in annoyance.

Nikki held out her arms for the baby. "I'll take A.J. and we'll be out of your way in a second."

Angel squinted at her, making no move to hand A.J. over. "He's fine."

Nikki frowned, not sure Angel was serious. "It's okay, Angel. I know you've had him all day."

"And I said he's fine. You and I will talk when I finish my meeting. Hm?" Angel's voice had reached a sub-zero temperature.

Nikki looked as if she wanted to argue, but seeing the firm set of his jaw, she knew it wouldn't do any good. Her eyes conveyed a message of their own: Yes, the two of them would definitely talk later. Noticing the other men watching with interest, Nikki turned around and angrily walked to the door with Raven following behind her. Angel stopped them before they left.

"And Raven? Pack your shit. I want you out of my house immediately." He sat down and turned back to the men, effectively dismissing both women.

Nikki whirled around, eyes glittering dangerously, but Raven placed a hand on her shoulder and shook her head. "Nik, it's okay." She scanned the room in disgust. "The stink in this place is making me sick anyway."

"How 'bout I give you a call when I get back home and you let me nurse you back to health," Hawk said in a voice that dripped sex.

"Screw you!" Raven scowled.

Hawk's eyes burned blisteringly hot. "Any time."

Raven mumbled something extremely unladylike under her breath and flew out the door. Nikki stood for several moments staring at Angel, angrier than she could ever remember being when he ignored her presence and started resuming his conversation with the men as if she wasn't even there.

Chapter 27


An hour later, Nikki stood at the front door, watching as Raven drove away in the rental car on her way to the airport. She'd tried to talk her out of leaving but Raven had been adamant that she wasn’t staying under the same roof as Angel a minute more than she could help. As Nikki climbed the stairs, she thought about what her sister said before she left.

"Nikki, I'm begging you,
you. Please get away from Angel, if not for yourself then for your son. Seeing the Pattels in his office made me realize I can't just ignore the type of person he is. You have no idea some of the things he's done, the people he's hurt. I'm telling you now, if anything happens to you, I will shoot him dead. And I mean that shit."

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