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With warnings still coming from his boys, Marcus walked a few paces away in order to read the message in private. It was an email from the infertility specialist who'd done the testing on him and Aleesha. Good. Dr. McBride expedited the process and had the results ready, forwarding them to Marcus as requested.

Opening up the report on his phone, Marcus frowned in concentration as he read the findings. His experienced eye skimmed over the document, his lips moving silently until he came to the cause of their problem. Marcus paused and reread the statement again to make sure he hadn't made a mistake.

"What?" he whispered.

"Yo' Marcus. C'mon, man, time's up," Dom said. "We on our third glass so you need to come and play catch up."

His jaw tight, Marcus curbed his first instinct, which was to ignore everything and everyone and run off to find his wife so that he could get an explanation from her about what was glaringly obvious in the results of the tests he'd just gone over. Grappling to control that urge, he realized this wasn't the time or the place to get into this with Aleesha. He and she would definitely sit down and talk, however, it would have to wait. The last thing he wanted to do was ruin this day for Angel and Nikki.
But the first order of business when they got home would be getting an explanation from Aleesha and finding out why she'd been keeping something so extremely important a secret from him.

Less than an hour later, Angel and Nikki stood under a decorative archway set up on the beach and were pronounced man and wife. Dom stood to his left as best man with Marcus and Darrell lined up beside him. Across from them were Keisha, Aleesha, and Jerra. Nikki was beautifully radiant. A light breeze lifted the tendrils surrounding her face. The confidence of knowing she was marrying her soul mate caused a sense of serene peace to settle over her like none she'd ever experienced.

Angel ran a finger softly down her cheek and lowered his head to kiss his bride. "I love you Mrs. LaCroix. As long as there's a breath left in my body, you and my son will want for nothing. I promise you that."

Trying to keep the tears of happiness in check, Nikki nibbled on her bottom lip before lifting her mouth for his kiss. "I love you too, Mr. LaCroix."

Aleesha watched them, along with everyone else, witnessing the commitment the two had for one another, but the smile on her face dimmed somewhat when she looked at her husband. She continued to stare at him, willing him to look at her, but his eyes determinedly stayed on Angel and Nikki. He'd seemed distant from the moment she took her place opposite him. She could feel a coolness emanating from him towards her and she had no idea why. His eyes had softened only briefly as he watched her walk down the white aisle runner that had been rolled out over the sand, memories of their own wedding silently passing between them. But moments later, his face had become blank and unreadable and it had remained that way the entire time Angel and Nikki had taken their nuptial vows. Usually, the two of them shared an uncanny ability to communicate with just a glance or an expression, but Aleesha was simply in the dark about what was bothering him.

A gnawing sense of foreboding hit her swiftly as she forced her attention back to Angel and Nikki. They appeared to be so right for one another, so in love. Glancing at her husband, she couldn't help but wonder if one marriage had begun today with happiness and eager anticipation for the future, while unforeseen difficulties lay ahead waiting to derail her own.

Chapter 23


Two months later…


"Will you hurry? We're going to be late."

Nikki spoke in a loud whisper as she stepped into her heels. She planted her hands on her hips and glared at her husband who was in the middle of a business call he'd promised would only be ten minutes. That was almost thirty minutes ago.

Angel held a smile in. He supposed the look his almost six months pregnant wife sent him was supposed to be a glare, but it ended up more of a sexy pout. He raised a finger, indicating he would be ready soon. But it wouldn't be to walk out the door. His eyes traveled over her gently protruding stomach which carried his son protectively in its womb. The dress she wore clung to her swollen breasts and hugged her hips, making his manhood thicken and rise for the activity he planned to jump into as soon as he finished this call. His wife became sexier with each day that passed.

Nikki correctly interpreted the look and cleared her throat to bring his attention back to her, and off her more than ample chest. When she continued to stare at him with impatience, Angel winked and pursed his lips, blowing her a kiss before resuming his conversation. Nikki huffed and cut her eyes in warning before practically stomping over to her vanity table to apply another coat of lip gloss she didn’t need.

They were on their way to Keisha's baby shower and needed to leave now if they were going to be on time. The frown that creased her brow disappeared when her son decided to practice his kicking skills inside her belly. An unconsciously soft smile transformed her face in an instant as she placed a hand over her stomach and gently caressed what she guessed was a tiny elbow or foot.

"Hi, little one. Tired of being ignored, huh? I see you're going to be just as demanding and impatient as your daddy, aren't you?" Nikki cooed.

"Yes, he is. He's a LaCroix. Patience is definitely not one of our strong points." A pair of large hands reached over Nikki's shoulders to cover hers before slipping down to caress her stomach with a gentleness that made her misty eyed.

She picked up the ultrasound they'd gotten at her doctor's appointment yesterday from on her vanity. It was one of those 3D ultrasounds which showed a clear picture of their baby's features. They'd been able to see him move in real time, yawning and stretching...Nikki looked at the first image which showed him smiling, then picked up the second one where he was sucking his thumb. She was so in love with her son already. They both were.

She leaned her head back to peer up at Angel, and the look they exchanged needed no words. Angel bent down and kissed her softly. Nikki smiled when his lips traveled to her ear and suckled on the lobe, causing her stomach to clench in instant desire. His mouth traveled a little further down to the curve of her neck, sucking and kissing it as well. A creamy pool of arousal formed at her very center as Angel's hands travelled up and covered her breasts. He kneaded them gently before taking her nipples between both thumbs and forefingers and pinching them like cherries topping the mounds of his favorite dessert.

"Mmmm..." Nikki moved restlessly in the chair, her silk panties now damp with her slick wetness. ", we can't. We don't have time."

"You don't want to?" Angel whispered in her ear. At the same time, his hand inched down to the hem of her dress and pushed it up.

Even though her mouth said one thing, her libido, which had elevated significantly now that she was pregnant, was clearly running this show. Her legs parted automatically as Angel's fingers slid up the inside of her thighs. When they reached the saturated crotch of her panties, she knew she should've been embarrassed by how wet he'd gotten her in a mere nanosecond, but hearing his masculine growl only caused the woman inside of her to swell with a feminine power that came from the knowledge that her man wanted her with an intensity he couldn't hide.

"God, you're so fucking wet, Nikki." Angel's voice was hoarse and greedy. Screw being on time. He wanted her

"You get me like this without even trying," Nikki answered with a catch in her voice. "Seriously though, this is going to have to wait until...
A wispy hiccup of pleasure overtook the firm tone she was trying to interject in her voice. His fingers pushed her panties to the side and slid inside of them to tease her engorged clit, making her forget what she was going to say. "Oh, yes! Right there, baby. Right...there..."

Nikki's back arched and her hips circled around in sensual abandon as Angel's fingers teased the tight bundle of sexual nerves located above the center of her opening. Tiny shocks of electricity shot to her very core. Her body tensed as it prepared for the orgasm which was only seconds away...until Angel removed his fingers.

Nikki's eyes opened quickly when he picked her up and carried her over to the bed, setting her down in front of it on her feet. Before her brain had time to formulate a protest, Angel had her dress, bra and panties strewn about on the floor, leaving only her heels on.


His mouth covered hers, pushing the words back down her throat with his tongue, and seconds later, Nikki was tearing his shirt off. When he chuckled in amusement, she murmured threateningly against his lips. "Shut up. I don't want to hear it."

Angel laughed and kissed her with a hunger that told her how much he wanted it. "You are so fucking sexy." His teeth nipped at her bottom lip before he reluctantly stepped back. His hands went to his belt, letting his eyes scan over her body with the accuracy of an electronic radar. "Lie down, baby. Let me look at you."

On trembling legs Nikki climbed into bed and reclined back, letting her thighs fall open. Angel unzipped his pants, his attention never wavering from the womanly mystery between her thighs. Her sweet abyss would forever fascinate him, tempt him to explore its secrets and discover its powerful hold he was helpless to resist.

"Wider. Open your legs wider."

When Nikki complied, Angel kicked off the rest of his clothes. Once he was naked, he brought his hand to his shaft, squeezing the length of it as he studied his gorgeous wife. He took his time and moved between her thighs, staring at the wetness thickly smeared on her skin. He slipped two fingers inside of her tight opening, cursing under his breath when her kitty purred and stretched happily as he petted and scratched its itch.

"Mmm. She's hungry for me, Nik. But don't worry. I'm gonna feed her in just a minute."

Over her excited moans, they heard the quiet gushing of her sweet nectar every time his fingers moved. Angel's dick jumped in response, needing to be inside her, but he forced himself to ignore his own need and focus on pleasing her. Leaving her breathless, his fingers moved in and out of her juicy pussy at a painstakingly slow pace. He added the textured pad of his thumb to the action, letting it glide over her slippery pearl button. Eyes closed, lips parted, Nikki's back lifted off the bed as she undulated beneath his questing touch.

"Beautiful," Angel whispered in reverence, watching the flicker of emotions cross her face like a movie screen playing in high definition. "I could cum just from touching you. Play with your breasts, Nikki. That's right, baby. Does that feel good to you?" Angel's eyelids were heavy with anticipation. "Talk to me."

"Y-yes..." Nikki gasped as he applied more pressure to her clitoris. She squeezed her breasts, tweaking her nipples in time to his thumb caressing her clit. "It feels good. You always make me feel good, Angelo."

Groaning deep in his throat, Angel's eyes studied the movements of her hands, watching the way she pushed the plump mounds together then separated them like an orchestrated demonstration designed to drive him out of his fucking mind. He knew how ultra-sensitive her breasts had become during her pregnancy and could feel her pussy raining down on his fingers as she got closer to exploding. Damned if he wasn't jealous of Nikki's hands bringing her that added pleasure.

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