Anything but Love (20 page)

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Authors: Celya Bowers

BOOK: Anything but Love
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Kendall smiled and pulled him closer to her. “It’s a little late for that, Cole.” She kissed him quickly on the lips. “Thank you.”

Okay, he was totally confused. “Why are you thanking me?”

Kendall held his hand close to her body. “I thought I would be embarrassed by the whole kissing scenario, but I wasn’t. I can actually laugh about it.”

Cole was relieved. “Okay. But if you really want to thank me,” he said, enjoying the slow smile adorning her face, “you could give me a more private kiss later.”

“No, you invited my parents. You’d better hope they don’t show up.”

Cole didn’t want to think about the “what if” of that threat. “Too late, baby. Here they come.” He nodded to her parents being led to their seats by the usher.

Kendall bowed her head. “Thank goodness they didn’t see that kiss.”

Cole nodded, knowing the likelihood of them seeing that kiss was pretty good.

“Was that you guys kissing like Cole was going off to war?” Zenora asked as she sat in front of the now embarrassed couple. “You were really going at it. I was very proud.”

Kendall looked at him with an unreadable expression on her pretty brown face. “Just great. You’ve got my own mother thinking I’m a freak.”

“It was my fault, Zenora,” Cole said. “We got a little carried away.”

She waved away his comment. “Hey, you have one life. Live it. How many women can say their daughter was caught on the JumboTron screen smooching with a prominent author?”

Cole chuckled. Leave it to Zenora to make a moment of unbridled passion sound like an everyday occurrence.

* * *

After a grueling day of trying to get some background information on the charity hospital, Holly relaxed in front of her TV, hoping to catch the last of the baseball game. Baseball was her one vice. She loved the New York Yankees and followed them religiously. She attended the games when she could, and when they were on the road she was glued to her TV set.

She turned on the TV and quickly found the game. It was the bottom of the seventh and the Texas Rangers were leading by two runs. She picked up her notes on Dr. Kendall Matthews and began skimming them. The only blip in this woman’s past was her no-account ex-husband who didn’t know how to keep his pants zipped. Since the Rangers were at bat her attention wasn’t on the game until she heard the kissing song. The cameras skimmed the crowds, catching couples in an awkward moment. She remembered the last time she’d attended a game with Cole. She’d tried to get him to kiss her, but he wouldn’t.

She didn’t know whether it was the music or the crowd making noises, but she looked up from the computer and her heart stopped. Cole was in a serious lip-lock with Dr. Kendall Matthews in public at the baseball game. She quickly hit the record option on her remote and viewed the scene again. Holly recognized Taylor instantly. When had his son come back into his life?

Her phone rang as she played the scene again. She picked up the phone. “What?”

“I guess you’re watching the game?” the male voice asked.

She recognized her fellow reporter friend, Jason Carr, and knew he just wanted the dirt. “Yes, can you believe it? The nerve of that woman! I knew that stuff about his donating was more than him just trying to clean up that mess behind that scandal. I’ve got to get to the bottom of this.”

“You think he’s serious? I mean, he was caught on film with his tongue down her throat and then they were laughing about it. You know what a private person he became after the scandal.”

Holly thought it about for a scant second. “You’re saying that was my fault?”

“Yes. You didn’t have to release his name to the public, but I know you were trying to save yourself when your story started falling apart. I’m not judging you, just stating the truth,” Jason said.

Holly sometimes hated Jason and his very cut-to-the-chase personality. “You’re right. After that hit the fan, Cole just kind of faded away.”

“Looks like he’s over the whole you-lied-on-him thing and has moved on to the good doctor,” Jason said dryly. “So what’s on your agenda? You still have to interview them for that story, if you plan on keeping your job. How are you going to handle that?”

She wished she knew. “I’ll just be professional. So far Cole has refused to speak with me. But the board wants to do another PSA with me talking to him and naming Kendall’s long list of accolades.”

Jason sighed. “Holly, this is me, the man you cried to last week when Cole told you not to speak to him. He obviously is still holding on to what you did to him, and rightly so, but you guys need closure. Yeah, you did him wrong and almost ruined his literary career, but you gotta somehow find a way to talk to him.”

Holly knew all that. What she really wanted to do was throw the phone across the room. “Any bright ideas? I could sure use one.”

“How about I come with you next week when you fly down to Texas. That way I can be sure you won’t do anything that will get you fired.”

Holly wanted to refuse her friend, but knew he was probably right. He needed to be there to save her from herself. “All right, Jason. I’m flying out next Thursday morning. I’ll even put your plane ticket and hotel on my expense account.”

“Wow, thanks, Holly.”

“I should be thanking you. I have a bad feeling about this. Somehow I think that interview is going to cost me something. I just don’t know what.”

* * *

James entered his hotel late that night. He’d been doing the good son thing by visiting his mother, who was in good health, though he’d told Kendall a different story. The short visit he had originally planned had gone by the wayside when she decided she wanted to go shopping. Not being able to deny his mother anything, he’d taken her to Parks Mall.

She had a lot of energy, he thought. He walked to the phone. He’d been trying to call Kendall for the last three hours but she wasn’t home. He absently turned on the TV for the nightly news. Suddenly he heard the name Coltrane Highpoint and glanced up at the screen.

“Oh, my God. That’s Kendall!” James was shocked to see his ex-wife kissing some guy on national television. He quickly turned up the volume.

“Bestselling author Coltrane Highpoint and Dr. Kendall Matthews, noted area doctor, have their own game going. I haven’t seen kissing like that since my honeymoon,” the announcer stated.

James shook his head, not believing his eyes for one second. That couldn’t be his uptight ex being caught in such an embarrassing moment. The Kendall he was married to didn’t believe in public smooching. The Kendall he knew was too uptight for anything spontaneous. She was always concerned about her image.

He watched the woman on the screen laughing as she realized they were being filmed. He almost fell out of his chair when he saw her kiss Coltrane again. Something was definitely wrong with this picture. He had to find out what exactly was going on, then get rid of Coltrane and work his way back into Kendall’s heart.

* * *

“That was fun, Cole. We’ll have to do that again before baseball season ends,” Kendall announced as they headed home. Thanks to a home run by the newest Ranger acquisition, the Rangers had won the game by two points. She wasn’t really a baseball fan but tonight had given her more insight into the game, as well as into Cole.

“I’m glad you liked it. The next home game is on the holiday. How about a replay?” Cole asked.

Kendall heard laughter from the second row of seats in the Range Rover. Jami and Taylor were laughing at them. That would have bothered the old uptight Kendall. But the contented Kendall who was in love with Cole thought it was funny. “Kiss included?”

“Of course.” Cole came to a stoplight, leaned over and kissed her. “It will make the one tonight look like a good-bye peck on the lips.”

More laughter from behind them. Kendall felt a shiver of excitement at Cole’s promise. It was getting more and more difficult to deny her feelings for this man. To get her mind off the lustful fantasies forming in her mind, she turned to Taylor. “What did you think of the game?” She hadn’t noticed him talking much during the game, but she hoped he’d enjoyed it. It was so difficult to tell whether a teenager was happy or not.

Cole resumed driving, darting a glance in the rearview mirror, waiting for his son’s response.

“It was cool. I used to go see the Red Sox play all the time with my friend Justin. But this was way better.”

“Why?” Something in the teenager’s voice made her curious.

“Because all those years Justin’s dad took us to the game when he could, and this time I got to go to a game with mine,” Taylor said softly. “I wouldn’t trade tonight for anything. Even you and Dad getting caught on camera kissing didn’t ruin it. It was a MasterCard moment.”

Kendall remembered those commercials about the credit card, but didn’t know how that compared to a baseball game. Taylor soon put her out of her misery and explained.

“Priceless. Nothing could top this. Well, maybe the next game can, but I doubt it.”

Kendall nodded in understanding, then looked at Cole. He was unusually silent. She noticed a lone tear streaking down his handsome face. She reached for his free hand and caressed it. Both and Taylor and Cole had so many issues they needed to work out, but tonight had cemented their relationship as father and son.

Cole cleared this throat, no doubt trying to rein in his emotions. “Looks like we’re going to the Fourth of July game. I’ll order the tickets tonight. You think I should invite the parents?”

Kendall laughed. “The more the merrier. Besides, I can’t imagine them not being there.” She felt so content at the moment that not even the thought of her mother at another baseball game could ruin the mood.


The next day, Kendall went to work late. After Cole had dropped her, Jami, and Dylan at her house last night, sleep hadn’t come so easily. Her mind was still on Cole and the events of the evening. It felt as if she’d just had her first date.

She walked into the hospital with a smile on her face. Nothing was going to ruin her day. All that changed when she turned the corner leading to her office. James was standing at the nurses’ station, apparently waiting for her.

“Kendall,” he called to her. “What on earth is going on with you?” He marched toward her with a determined gait.

“James, keep your voice down,” she muttered, meeting him at her office door. “You do not own me, therefore I don’t owe you an explanation.” She knew he was referring to the kiss. She’d fielded many calls this morning about that very thing. Most couldn’t believe she had been caught in a lip-lock with Cole on national television, but they were happy she was finally letting her hair down.

James sighed like the prima donna he was. He followed her inside her office and took a seat in front of her desk. “I saw you on TV last night, and you’re on the front page of the paper this morning. Have you lost your mind? What about your image, or the image of the hospital?”

“You never cared about those things before, James, why now? What I do is my business, not yours. We’re divorced, remember?”

He took another deep breath. “Sorry for tripping like that, but I know how much you’re concerned with image. I know it’s easy to let passion rule your actions. What is the board of directors going to say about Kendall going wild?”

“I don’t know, and I don’t care. It’s my life, James. Why are you here?”

“I came to talk some sense into you. That guy is a writer, and you know how they are. They live for free publicity. He’s just riding your coattails.”

“Like you did,” Kendall accused. She couldn’t believe she’d said that, and out loud. “Look, James, I don’t want to fight with you. My business is my business. Our past is just that.”

He nodded, probably trying to think of something soothing to say to her. “It’s cool. I probably deserve that for coming in here like I own you. Why don’t we have lunch and talk like civilized people?”

“All right. How about one o’clock? I have meetings until then. I’ll meet you in the cafeteria.”

James rose from the chair, smiling. “I was thinking of something a little more private. How about Eduardo’s? It’s just down the street. I’ll pick you up.” He walked out of her office before she could reply.

Kendall sat back in her chair, laughing. She wondered what her ex was up to, but knew she’d find out at lunch. Max burst into her office a few minutes later.

“Please tell me you’re not going out with James? What about my boy?” Max took a seat. “I just saw James talking on his cell phone. He was making reservations at that swanky place, Eduardo’s. You know, just because he’s spending a lot of money on lunch doesn’t mean you have to give him some.”

Kendall snorted with laughter. “You know that is not about to happen, Max. I don’t feel anything for James. He’s up to something, and lunch is the only way I’m going to find out what it is. Now what’s up with you?”

“I had a meeting with Caitlin’s dad this morning. He offered me two million dollars to not file for divorce. Kendall, I’m tired of being with someone who doesn’t love me.”

“I’ve been there, and you’re right, it sucks. What did her father say?”

“He gave me a sob story about how no one in their family is divorced. Granted that’s true, but he has a mistress, and Caitlin’s mom is a depressed alcoholic. This is what he’s holding up to me as a good family.”

Kendall was well acquainted with Max’s in-laws and the society set. It was all about appearances, not feelings or what was best for the family. “Max, you do know Harry is not going to let this happen. He’s going to find a way to force you to stay married.”

“I know. And here comes the hard part. I’m going to have to make sure I stay completely away from Jami, and you’re going to have to help me. I don’t want Harry getting his mitts into her.”

“Don’t worry, that’s not going to happen on my watch. Jami has been through enough.”

“You’ll get no argument from me.” Max left the office.

Kendall sat there thinking of all the trouble surrounding her when she should be focusing on the next PSA and her interview with Cole’s ex. Could she help Jami and Max through this difficult time ahead while trying to maintain her relationship with Cole as he tried to establish one with his son? And there was always her mother to deal with, trying to deter her from planning Kendall’s and Cole’s nonexistent wedding.

* * *

Thursday morning, Holly arrived at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport. She was glad Jason had decided to accompany her. It would make her time in Texas go by faster. She stood at the baggage carousel next to Jason, waiting for their luggage.

“Have you spoken with Cole yet?” Jason yawned. “I can’t believe we left New York at four in the morning. You so owe me for this.”

Holly reached for her large suitcase. “I know I owe you. Cole won’t return any of my calls. I don’t know how I’m supposed to interview him if he refuses to talk to me.”

Jason reached for her bag and then grabbed his much smaller one. “You could always just show up at his place. That’s always worked in the past.”

She’d already thought of that. “Nice try, but he lives in a gated community with an armed security guard.”

“Since when has a little thing like a gate or an armed guard stopped you?”

“Since the person is Cole. His lawyer contacted me yesterday and said if I come near him other than the interview, he was going to file charges against me.”

Jason choked. “Ouch. I think he really means business. It’s going to be kinda hard to interview him if you can’t talk to him beforehand.”

“You don’t have to tell me.” She snapped her fingers. “Hey, I have an idea.”

Jason rolled his eyes toward the ceiling. “What? And how many years am I going to get for this?”

Holly laughed. “You’re such a drama queen. It’s not illegal, just a little misdirection. Tomorrow, you call Cole and ask for a quickie interview before we start filming at the hospital.”

Jason put their luggage on a cart and started for the rental car area. “And you’ll just happen to be hiding in a broom closet somewhere and jump out and scare the poor man to death, adding murder to your long list of foibles.”

“You know, a little support would be nice.” She walked alongside Jason. “I’m just trying to keep my job.”

“I know, sweetie, but there has to be a better way than trying to trick him into conversation. Since he and the doctor are an item, why not go through her? I’m sure she’ll do anything to help the interview, provided she doesn’t know you’re the ex.”

“I think my plan would be so much easier,” Holly said as they arrived at the rental car counter.

* * *

Kendall arrived at work early to find Max sleeping in his truck. She knocked on the window and smiled as he slowly came awake. Her heart went out to him for all the trouble he’d been having lately. She wished she could help.

He sat up, opened the door, and got out. “Hey, Kendall.”

They were good enough friends that explanations weren’t always necessary. He didn’t have to spin her a story about why he was sleeping in his truck. “I bet you could use a good breakfast.” She thought a moment. “Right after you shower. Why didn’t you sleep in my office? The couch folds out.”

Max stretched his long form. “Because I didn’t want the cleaning crew to find me in there.” He reached into his truck and retrieved a bag. “I’ll meet you in the cafeteria in thirty minutes.”

Kendall nodded. “Okay, don’t make me come looking for you. You know I have no problem walking into the men’s room.” She joked in reference to her earlier mistake of catching a glimpse of Cole in the buff at the gym. “Besides, we have to go over the notes for the PSA tomorrow.” She walked inside, ready to face the day of challenges.

Max met her later as promised. He looked refreshed and ready to face whatever life was going to throw at him. They joined the long line of customers. Kendall felt the need to keep a light banter between them. “I’m feeling really hungry today. You know I’ll freak out the workers if I ask for bacon and eggs.”

Max smiled. “You’ll definitely freak me out. What’s gotten into you?” He started laughing. “Oh, I forgot, Cole got into you.”

“I’m not dignifying that remark with a response.” She picked up a tray and moved down the line. After she gave her breakfast order and received it, she found a quiet corner so she and Max could talk.

“I still can’t believe it. You’ve probably scared the cafeteria workers by ordering regular food.” His order was identical to Kendall’s.

“Everybody changes, Max. I’d been a vegetarian for the last ten years. Cole’s been in my life for a few months and he’s gotten me to try more things than I want to mention. But the occasional meat is okay.”

“I’m glad you’re giving Cole his props,” Max said between bites. “That’s what I want, someone to be in my corner no matter what. Caitlin threw me out of the house last night,” he admitted. “She was having some kind of fit. I’m guessing her dad told her I turned down the two mil.”

“Why didn’t I see more clothes in your truck? I know you own more clothes than this.”

“I could only leave with one bag, or she was going to call the police and tell them I’d threatened her and Carson.”

“That bitch,” Kendall muttered. “I hate when women take advantage of a situation. You need to call Charles. He said he’ll take you on as a favor to me.”

“You know I can’t afford your brother. His retainer is probably half a year’s salary.”

Kendall smiled. Her brother was good at what he did. That’s why he had such high-profile clients. But because he was so good, Kendall knew he was exactly who Max needed to represent him. At least she could do this for her friend. “Max, it’ll be free. Consider it your Christmas gift for the next ten years.”

“I do have
money, Kendall.”

“And you’re going to need it when you find a place of your own and start your life over. What about your SUV? Is it in your name?”

“Yes. I think that’s why she hates it so much. It was the first thing I bought with my own money.”

“Where are those pictures the private detective took?”

“In a safe place. With Cole.”

Kendall knew the men had formed a bond over the last few months. She hadn’t realized it was so strong that Max would trust Cole on that level. Max didn’t trust easily. She knew Max needed a man to confide in, most likely due to some male code of bonding. But still, Kendall and Max had been friends for over six years. He could have given the pictures to her for safekeeping, but she also knew why he didn’t ask her. “That was very smart, Max.”

Max must have been reading her mind. “You know I couldn’t leave them with you. I needed someone no one would think would have the pictures. I just know Harry is going to hire someone to steal them.”

“You’re right. Caitlin knows you house-sit for me on occasion, so I’m sure a visit from an unannounced repairman is coming.”

Max nodded. “I’m surprised it hasn’t happened already. You know Harry isn’t going to let grass grow under his Italian loafers until he has me begging for mercy and taking whatever amount of money he throws at me to disappear.”

Kendall knew the next few months were going to be tough for everyone involved. “What about Carson? Are you going to fight for custody?”

Max looked at her with big blue eyes. “I want to, but I don’t want to subject him to more hurt. I probably should call Charles today and see what kind of chance I have at sole custody. Carson is Harry’s only grandson and sole heir to the Campbell fortune, so you can imagine what I’m up against.”

Kendall knew exactly what he was up against: a very rich and powerful mountain. Max was going to need a miracle.

* * *

Cole woke to a ringing phone. He didn’t want to get up. He wanted to sleep as late as possible, but the phone wasn’t going to let him. Reluctantly, he reached for it and pulled it to his ear. “What?”

He heard Charles chuckle. “And here I was thinking you were already up. My sweet, innocent baby sister isn’t there, is she?”

Cole sat up, laughing with his friend. “You know I wouldn’t tell you if she was. I’m not quite ready to die yet. What’s going on?”

“I heard about the baseball game. I can’t believe you didn’t invite me. I’m hurt,” he said. “I’m only your best friend, and you’re sleeping with my sister, but you forgot about me. And I’m also your lawyer. Man, I feel an increase in fees coming on.”

He knew Charles was only half kidding. No matter how good-natured Charles was, Cole knew he was deadly serious about Kendall. “All right, put away your violin. I plan on taking everyone to another game right after Kendall and I finish the last PSA.”

“Yeah, Mom mentioned the interview coming up. I’m glad Kendall’s going to realize her dream of InfaCare getting a cancer wing. I still can’t believe you donated a million dollars. Was that just so Kendall would have to go out with you?”

Cole weighed his options. Charlie was in his lawyer mode and no doubt had good reason to continue his line of questioning. “Yes, it was. You know Holly, who’s doing the interview, and I used to date.”

“Who could forget! It took you almost two years to recover from what she did to you. She almost ruined your career. And now she has the nerve to want to interview you. Is she why Kendall didn’t want to have anything to do with you?”

“Come on, Charlie. When I first ran into Kendall a few months ago, she treated me pretty bad in the beginning. She didn’t want to have anything to do with me because I’m a writer.”

“That wasn’t the reason.” Her brother didn’t elaborate. “So you hit her below the belt and did the Godfather thing of an offer she couldn’t refuse. I’m going to have to call the players’ club and nominate you for player of the year,” Charlie joked. “That’s a rather expensive date.”

“I did what I had to do,” Cole said. “Besides, it’s a tax write-off for me, and I needed some good press. It was kind of two for the price of one million,” Cole said. “So did you get the restraining order done?”

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