Anything but Love (24 page)

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Authors: Celya Bowers

BOOK: Anything but Love
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Cole took off in a full run and tackled him hard. When they hit the floor, the gun went off. With the sound of voices ringing in his ears, he wondered if he’d been shot. He couldn’t die. Not now. Not when he and Taylor had reconciled. Not when he’d found Kendall and discovered what love really was.

“Cole, are you all right?” Max asked.

He heard his friend. That had to be a good sign. He rolled over and opened his eyes. “I’m not dead.”

“No, Karl accidentally shot himself.” He nodded toward Karl’s limp body. “The best docs are working on Kendall. Karl hit her with the butt of his gun.”

Cole struggled to sit up, using a nearby wall for support. “Go work on Kendall. She’s going to be pissed if you’re not by her side.”

Max smiled. “You got that right. Sit tight, I’ll be back.” He went over to Kendall just as they loaded her on a stretcher.

If Cole had had the strength, he would have been by Kendall’s side, but the hallway kept spinning. When his brain was finally working again, he remembered his son had accompanied him. Where was Taylor?

“Dad, are you okay?” Taylor sat beside Cole on the floor. “They took Kendall upstairs. Max was examining her, then he looked real funny. You know, like on
or something.”

The information finally filtered through. Kendall’s office was on the ground floor of the hospital. The second floor held the critical care unit and surgical department. If Kendall was there, something was wrong. Cole had to find out what was going on. He attempted to stand, but his legs wouldn’t work.

“Dad, Max said you had to sit still.”

“Something is wrong with Kendall,” Cole said. “I have to find out.”

“No, Dad. You can’t do anything right now. You can’t even move,” Taylor said.

“You’re right. I want to help, but…”

“I know that feeling,” Taylor said, wrapping his arm around his father.

* * *

Holly witnessed Cole and his son’s tender moment after all the chaos settled down. She felt tears racing down her cheeks. She tried to wipe them away, but it didn’t seem to work. The faster she swiped them away, the faster they came. She realized she was crying, not just a sniffle here and there, but really crying!

Jason came up beside her and handed her a small box of tissues. “Hey, you never cry.”

She turned to him and, for the first time in their three-year friendship, saw him for the jewel he was. He’d been by her side when no one else would acknowledge her existence. He’d talked her out of some of her more insane ideas and listened when she ranted like a madwoman when Cole wanted nothing to do with her.

She hugged and kissed him. “Thank you for being my friend.”

He smiled down at her, wiping her eyes. “You know I can’t let you go to jail. Who’d go to the baseball games with me?”

Holly looked over at Cole and his son, then back at Jason. “I’m so glad I didn’t go through with my plan. I have to tell Cole how sorry I am.”

Jason shook his head. “Honey, I think you should leave well enough alone.”

Holly looked up at him. He was right, of course. She should just leave well enough alone. “All right, Jason, let’s go home.”


A few hours later, Max walked into Kendall’s hospital room. Due to her condition, she’d been admitted.

“Max, whose idea was this?” Kendall asked. She tried to look stern but, in the generic gown with all kinds of machines hooked up to her body, she looked scared. “I feel fine. My headache is going away.”

This was going to be hard. He pulled one of the chairs near the bed. “Normally, you wouldn’t have to stay in the hospital. But there’s a little hiccup in that.”

She rubbed her head. “What did Karl hit me with? I’m filing charges as soon as you find my clothes.”

“Kendall, we need to talk.”

She stared at him. “You sound serious. What’s wrong? Is Jami all right? What happened to Karl?”

“Will you just slow down? I’ll tell you what I can, but first I need to ask you something.”

She struggled to sit up. “What?”

“Have you been feeling off lately?”

“I’ve been eating a lot of meat lately. My cholesterol is up, isn’t it? I’m going to kill Cole.”

Max was getting nowhere fast. He was going to have to take control of the situation, or this was going to turn into a comedy act. It was going to have to be tough love or nothing. “Kendall, you’re pregnant.”

She looked sideways at him, then laughed. “That’s funny, Max. Not.”

“I’m not kidding, Kendall. You’re knocked up. About three weeks, as far as I can tell. But that’s not the big news.”

“Max, I’m not pregnant. There’s no way I can be pregnant.”

“You and Cole were having sex. Either you guys didn’t use any protection or you’re lucky enough to be the one person that defies latex.”

“I just can’t be,” she whispered. “They said it wasn’t possible.”

“Start from the beginning,” Max said. He’d known her long enough to know when she was hedging.

She reached for a tissue and wiped her eyes. “Remember when I caught James in bed with the nurse? Sure you do. Well, I had just discovered I was pregnant. After that I went away for a month and I had an abortion. There were a few complications with it, and the doctor told me that conceiving would be very unlikely.”

Everything after that fell into place. “You came back and divorced James and started InfaCare for the baby you lost.” He shook his head. “Damn you, Kendall, you’ve been carrying this around for the last five years. You couldn’t even tell me?”

“No one knows. I couldn’t bear to tell anyone. I just focused on work. I just don’t understand how I can be pregnant.”

“Well, try to get your head around the fact that you are pregnant. Here’s something else to ponder: You’re having twins.” He grinned at her. “I think you and Cole deserve some kind of award, considering you didn’t use any fertility drugs.”

“Twins! Are you nuts?” Kendall sank back against the pillows. “Cole is going to have a cow.”

“Probably so. Do you want to know the rest of the story?”

“I don’t know.”

“It’s good,” Max said. “When Cole saw Karl knock you out, he tackled Karl. They struggled, then the gun went off and Karl was shot. He wasn’t killed, but he might wish he were. After being charged with bringing a loaded gun into the hospital, beaning you over the head, and threatening Jami, he’s going to be in jail a long time.”

“Good. How’s Jami?”

“Waiting to see you. Cole is still downstairs. I’ll go get him. He wasn’t seriously hurt, just had the wind knocked out of him.”

She nodded. “Thanks, Max. Don’t tell him about my condition.”

He kissed her on her forehead. “I won’t, but I will call Zenora. She’ll be so happy.”

She rubbed her stomach. “Are we talking about my mother?”

* * *

Kendall wiped her eyes after Jami’s visit. Was this what she had to look forward to for the next eight months? Now she waited for Cole’s appearance. She wondered how he would take the news. Would he blame her?

Cole walked in with a dozen roses. He set them on the counter, then leaned over the bed and kissed her. “I was so worried. Taylor is downstairs talking to Jami.”

He looked as tired as she felt. “I don’t remember much of what happened, but Max brought me up to speed. I can’t believe you tackled Karl. Thank you.”

“He hurt you,” Cole said simply. “I had to do something. If I had my way he’d be dead right now.”

More tears. “That’s the sweetest thing anyone ever said to me. I love you, Cole. Before you say anything, I have something to tell you.” She took a deep breath. “I’m pregnant.”

“What? That’s not funny.”

“I know, that’s why Max had to tell me twice.” She waited for a response.

He stood and paced the room. “How far along?”

“About three weeks.”

He chuckled. “Guess it happened that time I took you to lunch.”

She remembered that day well. They never made it to the restaurant. Instead they had stopped at the motel and feasted on each other. “Yes, probably so. I know this wasn’t on your agenda.”

He stared at her. “Who says?”

“Cole, you and Taylor have just started mending fences and you have this lawsuit thing going on.”

“None of that matters. You matter. My baby matters.”

“Babies,” she corrected.

“Say what?”

“According to Max, I’m having twins.”

Cole sat down in the chair with a thud. “Two babies? I can’t believe this. How on earth did that happen?”

Kendall laughed. “Remember, you were the one always begging for just one more time.” She remembered Taylor. “How do you think Taylor will take the news?”

“I’m sure he’ll be happy.”

“How about his father?”

“I’m stunned, of course, but as the shock is wearing off, I’m happy.” He sat on the bed and held her hand. “What’s Zenora going to say?”

Kendall shrugged. “Should be interesting. Max said he’d call her for me.” She couldn’t wait to see the look on her mother’s face when she found out. She wiped her eyes. “I can’t believe I’m crying again. This has to stop!”

“Baby, it’s okay. The most important thing is that you’re all right,” he said. “Whatever you need, I’m here for you.”

Kendall regained some of her composure as he wiped her face. “Thank you, Cole.” She took the tissue from him. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to lose it like that. If this is too much for you, you can tell me.”

“You always think you can get rid of me. But baby, you’ll see, I want it all. You, the babies, us being together, I love you and want you in my life. We need each other. I know that you’re going to be on bed rest, and I think you should move in with me and Taylor.”

Kendall shook her head. Her mother would kill her. “No, I can’t live with you. Besides, my place is bigger than yours. I was thinking of hiring a nurse to stay with me.”

“Like hell,” Cole said.

“And I agree.”

Kendall knew that voice. It belonged to her mother. Zenora walked into the room, followed by Charlie and rest of her family. “Oh, no,” Kendall groaned, rubbing her still flat tummy. This was not going to be pretty.

Her mother walked to the bed and lovingly caressed Kendall’s forehead. “Yes, honey, we know. And I have to say I agree with Cole and I also agree with you. You’re going to need help, but you shouldn’t live with him.” Zenora’s brown eyes glanced in Cole’s direction. “Well, Cole, what are you going to do? Are you going to allow my grandbabies to be born out of wedlock?”

“Mom,” Kendall pleaded. “Please, not now.”

“Yes, Zenora. This is between Kendall and me. No one else is going to decide when we get married.”

Kendall noticed he didn’t say
. Getting married was a foregone conclusion, apparently. That would have bothered the old Kendall, but the pregnant Kendall didn’t mind one bit. She glanced at her mother, waiting for the retort that would send Cole running for the nearest airport and out of her life. But no sharp retort came. Her mother nodded. “I like a man with some backbone,” was all she said.

Cole laughed as he rose. “I like a woman who can make me think fast on my feet. I see where Kendall gets it from.”

Zenora smiled. “I need to speak to my daughter alone.”

Cole nodded. “I see where she gets that bluntness from, as well. I’ll go call my mom and give her the news.” He left the room, followed by all of Kendall’s family except her mother.

After the door closed, Zenora faced her. “Baby, are you sure you’re all right?” She rubbed Kendall’s arm. “You feel warm.”

Kendall glanced at her mother. “I still feel pretty out of it, but I’m happy about the turn of events. I just have to be careful for next eight months. I really want this so I’m going to do what’s necessary, even if that means lying in bed every day.”

“What about your work?”

To Kendall nothing compared to the lives growing inside her. “I’ll take a leave of absence until I decide what I’m going to do.”

Zenora nodded, pouring Kendall a glass of water. “You know, honey, Cole can well afford for you not to work, if you were married.” She handed her the glass.

Kendall smiled. No matter what, her mother would still be her mother. “Mom, let’s handle one crisis at a time.” She sipped the water and nearly dropped the glass when Cole bolted into the room. “What are you doing back so fast?”

He flopped down on the edge of the bed, taking the water glass out of her hand. “You never gave me an answer.”

“You never asked me a question.”

He thought for a minute. “True. So I’m asking now. Will you take me, with Taylor as part of the deal?”

Kendall wanted to say yes. It was on the tip of her tongue. “Do you take me, the babies, and Jordan?”

He studied her for a moment, then glanced at Zenora. “Yes, with no doubts.”



Six months later

Kendall glanced at her quickly expanding body in the large mirror in the bedroom. She looked as if she were hiding a beach ball under her maternity sweater.

She reflected on the events of the past few months. Holly went back to New York without her interview. The news show ran the clips of Karl hitting Kendall on the head instead, and donations for InfaCare poured in. Not only did she receive enough for the cancer wing, she was able to hire a full-time staff. James returned to Boston after failing to secure Briarwood and InfaCare for his sales route.

Kendall heard Jordan as he climbed up the stairs, which meant Cole was right behind him with her breakfast. True to his word, he waited on her hand and foot, making all of her meals. Since she’d become pregnant her vegetarian lifestyle had taken a backseat to cheeseburgers, steaks, barbecued ribs, and pork chops.

“Honey, what are you doing up? You know the rules,” he said, motioning her back to the bed. “You can only be up for two hours, and you’re having lunch with Staci later today.”

She laughed as she sat on their king-sized bed. “I know, sweetheart, but I just wanted to see how I looked in regular clothes. I hardly ever get to wear anything but pajamas or oversized lounging clothes. Besides, I thought you were the one who always wanted to break the rules.”

He leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips. “Not in this case. You and the babies are too important to me.” He placed the tray across her thighs. “Now eat. Your mom is coming over in an hour.”

Kendall looked down at the eggs, bacon, toast, and juice. She couldn’t have coffee. Cole thought it wasn’t good for the babies. “You know, you were so much more fun before we got married five months ago.”

He smiled. “You are just as much fun now. And I love you more each day, even if you do kick me in your sleep. Now eat.”

Kendall reflected on their brief marriage. It hadn’t been the roller-coaster ride she had envisioned with Cole; instead it had been a nice transition into wife, stepmother, and mother-to-be. Cole had been wonderful and patient. Taylor even spoiled her when he wasn’t in school.

After much discussion and deciding to start fresh, both Kendall and Cole had sold their respective houses and had a new one. They now resided in a six-bedroom, four-bath, three-car-garage home in South Arlington. Cole had a room to write in, which was where he’d be as soon as Kendall’s mother arrived.

He didn’t like leaving her completely on her own when he was working in another section of the house. The very idea of Cole being so considerate brought tears to her eyes.

“What is it?” Cole wiped her eyes with a napkin. “You promised no more tears. Max is starting to question my masculinity.”

She sniffed. “He’s not. Max is riding on cloud nine now that his divorce is final and Jami accepted his marriage proposal.”

“Okay, maybe not. But you know what that does to me. Cut me some slack.”

Her tears made him cry. Which made him the most masculine man she knew. “I’ll try.”

He smiled at her. “I love you.”

“I love you more,” Kendall said, picking up her fork to eat her breakfast.

“I don’t think that’s possible.”

“Maybe not, but I’m sure going to try.”

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