Read Appassionato Online

Authors: Erin M. Leaf

Tags: #Menage a Trois (m/m/f), #Menage Amour, #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Paranormal

Appassionato (13 page)

BOOK: Appassionato
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“Take a deep breath,” Duncan said, the strain on his face making him look even more gorgeous than usual. She obeyed and he eased the head of his erection inside. She pulled on his hair and he smiled, then pressed in a tiny bit. Her eyes widened as she felt exactly how big he was.

I’ll fit, don’t worry,
he thought to her and Emma nodded.
Just relax, sweetheart
. He pushed in a tiny bit more, his cock so thick that she could feel his length scrape against her clit. It felt divine. Her body wanted to shove down, press him in all at once but Jake held her in place, his hands so tight on her hips she couldn’t even tremble.

When did he move?
she wondered.

Jake grinned at her and leaned down.
Don’t worry, you’ll love this.

She tried to ask, then his tongue was on her clit and she almost flew off the bed with the pleasure of it.
Duncan’s thought pierced her mind. Emma agreed. Duncan grunted, then shoved himself completely inside, eyes squeezed shut.

She felt Jake’s amusement and satisfaction as his tongue danced over her clit and the base of Duncan’s erection. When Duncan pulled out, Jake slipped the head of the other man’s cock into his mouth. Duncan shook as Jake sucked hard, then slid off with a pop. He moved up to kiss Emma, his tongue licking inside her mouth just as Duncan slammed inside her again, and suddenly she couldn’t control it any more. Her orgasm rolled over them, her mind spiraling out with the pleasure. Duncan groaned and Jake bit her bottom lip, frantic. She felt Jake’s cock throb against her hip as he was caught in it too, all three of them coming apart at the same time.

Several long minutes later, Emma opened her eyes. Jake was still breathing heavy against her neck but he twitched when Duncan pulled out, gripping the condom by the base. He tied it off, tossing it into the wastebasket she kept beneath her nightstand before settling back down behind Jake who sighed as Duncan snuggled in, throwing an arm over the other man’s waist. Jake pushed his face against her shoulder and Emma kissed him, enjoying the smell of his hair, the weight of his arm over her hips. His fingers tangled in the curls between her legs and she felt like he was petting her. The thought made her smile. Both men were still inside her head, or she was in theirs. She couldn’t tell which anymore. All she knew was that she felt sublime and both men agreed absently, their minds brushing against her thoughts with a gentleness that brought tears to her eyes

It was another few minutes before Emma could gather enough energy to think about what happened.
Did we just orgasm in sync?
Her mind began going in circles trying to make sense of it.

“So, now is where I apologize for my totally humiliating lack of stamina,” Duncan muttered, his voice muffled by Jake’s skin. Emma snorted.

“Yeah, well, at least you were actually inside Emma at the time.” Jake laughed. “I didn’t even have a hand on my dick and I came just as hard as the two of you.”
Which was weird
, Emma heard his mind supply. She agreed.

“Do you think we’ll always orgasm at the same time?” Emma asked. She coughed, trying to clear her throat. “I mean, I’m not really experienced or anything, but that doesn’t usually happen, does it?”

“I don’t usually come one second after I start fucking, no,” Duncan said, his mind tinged with embarrassment.

Emma rolled her eyes. “It’s not like I lasted any longer than you. And I’m a woman. It’s not usually that easy for me.”

“I don’t orgasm at all without, you know,
,” Jake retorted, his voice both amused and disbelieving.

“It’s the bonding,” Duncan said.

Emma was inclined to agree and found herself nodding against Jake’s hair. She kissed his temple, then stroked her fingers over his hand, pushing his palm against her pussy. It felt good.
Yeah, that’s lovely
, Jake thought. He smiled against her skin as Duncan continued.

“I could feel both of you, inside my head. And the pleasure just kept growing and suddenly I could feel what Emma felt, my cock going inside her. I could feel what it was like to lick her, via Jake. I could feel what it was like when you sucked me, from both sides.” Duncan gripped Jake hard, then relaxed, his hand wandering down towards the other man’s groin. “Now
is weird.”

“I’m not complaining,” Jake said. His fingers continued to play with her, sliding over her clit, the wetness making it easy. She felt herself growing warm again as his cock rose against her side.

“I can feel you
right now
,” Duncan muttered, then his hand slid down and cupped Jake’s hardening erection. In her head, Emma felt him squeeze Jake and she gasped at the feeling of pleasure it aroused. All three of them started breathing heavier.

“See? I can do this,” Duncan rubbed his thumb over the head of Jake’s cock, making the other man buck. “I know exactly what that feels like, because it’s like I’m doing it to myself.”

“I am not fucking complaining about this. This is a perk,” Jake said, his voice low and aroused. Emma shivered and rolled toward him, kissing him leisurely. She felt her clit swell as his fingers continued to play, but suddenly she wanted more. She wiggled down his body until her mouth was an inch from Jake’s cock. She looked at Jake, his erection rosy and thick, a drop of pre-cum on the head where it slid through the ring of Duncan’s fingers and licked her lips. He was still messy from his earlier climax but she didn’t care. Duncan stopped his strokes and tipped Jake’s cock out toward her, rubbing the tip over her lips. Emma closed her eyes and licked, catching Duncan’s thumb as she slid Jake’s cock gently into her mouth. Both men groaned as she sucked then rubbed the flat of her tongue against the underside of the head. He was circumcised. She knew that the spot right there was extremely sensitive. She licked him again just to feel him buck into her mouth. She looked up and saw him clenched up, all his muscles gorgeously flexed.

, she thought and felt Duncan agree. She closed her eyes, concentrating on Jake, enjoying the way it made her feel. Her clit throbbed with every lick. Then Jake jerked as his cock swelled even harder inside her mouth. She knew from their bond that Duncan was rubbing his fingers over Jake’s hole so she licked faster to distract him. Jake moaned and clenched his fists in her sheets. His legs fell open and she shifted to let Duncan move in beside her.

“Where the hell’s the lube?” he asked and Emma pointed. Duncan grabbed the small bottle and poured a generous amount over his fingers. Jake panted as Emma palmed his balls, then thrashed as Duncan slipped a finger inside him up to the knuckle.

“Feels good, doesn’t it?” Duncan murmured, working his finger deeper. Jake nodded and Emma knew he’d lost the ability to speak. It didn’t matter. She sucked him back in, incredibly turned on by the sensations Duncan was creating in Jake. And she loved the way he felt in her mouth, his erection hot and silky, tasting of musk. She licked her way down the shaft then sucked the tip, ignoring Jake’s trembling. She was on the verge of orgasm just from this when Duncan nudged her aside. She saw him with a condom ready. She moved back, watching Duncan roll it down Jake’s cock, squeezing at the base to keep the other man from coming.

“Shit, hold on,” Duncan said, the strain in his voice making Emma shudder. Jake looked gorgeous, his hair sweaty, his body stretched out on her bed. She looked at his arms, enjoying the colors of his bonding tattoos flashing against his honey-colored skin. Then Duncan lifted her up, startling her when he put her on top of Jake. She couldn’t keep from grinding down on him, rubbing his cock along her wetness.

Jake’s eyes flew open. “Emma.”

She smiled as she knelt over him and he gripped her hips. She felt Duncan come up behind her.

“Let him inside.” Duncan lifted her hips and slid Jake’s erection into her body. She gasped and Jake bucked, then stilled.

Duncan was slipping two fingers into the other man’s hole. “This okay?”

“Yeah,” Jake said hoarsely. Emma held completely still, sensing Jake tremble between pleasure and fear as Duncan stretched him open.

“Take it easy,” Duncan said softly. “I won’t hurt you.” Emma waited as Duncan rolled on a condom, knowing exactly what was coming next.

“I know you won’t.” Jake said, then he closed his eyes and groaned as Duncan slowly pushed the head of his cock inside. Both men shuddered. Then Jake relaxed and Emma sensed Duncan slip all the way in.

“Oh God,” Jake groaned, face sweaty. Gently, Duncan started moving, and Emma grabbed Jake’s hands. He squeezed back tightly. She would’ve been worried if she didn’t know how incredibly good Duncan felt inside Jake, sensing the pleasure Jake was feeling as it crashed through their minds. Then Duncan hit Jake’s prostate once, twice, and it was all over. She climaxed as Jake bucked and Duncan slammed inside again and again. This time the orgasm repeated, all three of them shivering and coming again and again until she thought she’d go insane with the pleasure. When she finally collapsed on top of Jake, he was wheezing, trying to laugh and catch his breath at the same time.

“Jesus,” she heard Duncan mutter, and smiled.

“Are you trying to kill me?” Jake said when he finally caught his breath. “I mean, that was my first gay experience and I’m pretty sure it was supposed to suck.”

Emma lifted her head to look at Jake’s face.
Did he really just say that?

Jake grinned at her.
Yes, yes I did.

“Puns? You’re making puns?” Duncan said, disbelievingly. He carefully pulled out, making the other man hiss. “Sorry.”

“S’okay.” Jake shifted and Emma felt him slip out of her, too. “Here, lift up a sec, honey.”

Emma watched him remove the condom as she moved her weight to the mattress, snuggling up against his right side. Duncan dropped down on his left after discarding both condoms.

“I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to be traumatized,” Jake continued. Emma giggled. “I mean, I was straight. I knew who I was.”

“Shut up.” Duncan smacked the other man. “You’re ridiculously happy.” Emma laughed at his deadpan delivery.

“Are the two of you always this silly?” she asked. She felt kind of ridiculously happy herself.

“Yes, yes we are,” Jake said, voice even. “We take ourselves very seriously.” Duncan snorted.

Emma shook her head. “The two of you are absurd, but I love you.” She patted the arm on her stomach and closed her eyes as Duncan and Jake’s weariness dragged her down. A moment later, she was asleep.

Chapter 6

The next morning Emma woke up sandwiched between the two men, her stomach growling.

“Someone’s hungry.” Duncan yawned then kissed Emma’s shoulder. He looked over at Jake fondly. “Isn’t he gorgeous?”

Emma nodded in agreement, sitting up and looking down at Jake. He lay on his side, one leg bent, the other straight. He hugged a pillow and her eyes wandered down his torso, taking in the sprinkling of dark hair that arrowed to his groin. His arms were relaxed but she could see the thick muscles in his forearms and shoulders, probably from playing piano. He was beautiful. The morning sunlight slanted over his skin, making it glow. When she looked up, her gaze collided with Duncan’s and she blushed. He knew what she was thinking.

Duncan laughed and slid out of bed. Emma found herself watching him walk, the muscles in his perfect ass flexing as he strode to the doorway. He paused and looked back at her. Her eyes slipped over his muscled chest, admiring the way his pierced nipples pebbled in the cool air. He cleared his throat and her eyes flew up to his face.

He grinned at her. “You’re gorgeous too.” She blushed and Duncan laughed. “You’re adorable.” He turned and went across the hall to the bathroom. Emma flopped back onto the bed, covering her face with the sheet. She knew it wouldn’t do any good. Both men could sense her embarrassment. She felt Jake’s amusement even with her eyes closed.

“He’s right, you know.” Jake pulled the covers down.

Emma sighed, refusing to open her eyes. “Right about what?”

“You are adorable.” Jake kissed her and got out of the bed. Emma refused to move.
If you two want to tease me, you can make your own coffee
, she thought.

“I heard that!” Duncan called. Jake laughed from somewhere in the living room. She opened her eyes.
How is this my life?
she wondered. She was happy and it felt strange. She hadn’t been unhappy before, but now she there was a sense of fulfillment, of belonging, deep inside, that was as wonderful as it was weird. She looked at the clock and winced. It was a good thing she’d let the school know she wouldn’t be in today because half the morning was gone. She wondered if the bonding was finally complete or if they’d all start feeling terrible again when the men had to leave later that day. She shrugged. They couldn’t do anything about it. Duncan had a concert tonight.

BOOK: Appassionato
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