Archer (10 page)

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Authors: Debra Kayn

Tags: #Hard Body#1

BOOK: Archer
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She only hoped he would still want her when all of this was over.

half hour later, Kage grinned at the way Jane fussed over him. He’d waited for her to gain back the confidence Scott stole from her, and once she made her mind up to do whatever needed to be done to put Scott behind her, she went pedal to the metal. Not only did she stand up for him, showing her belief that he could keep her safe, but all the guys from the agency gave her moral support and seemed to enjoy watching him squirm under her attention.

“So, you’ll let me help if anything happens, right?” she asked everyone in the room but looked only at Kage.

“Janie…” He gazed up at the ceiling before directing his attention back to her. He knew he’d give in. She was the one person he had a hard time saying no to. “Fine. But you have to listen to me at all times.”

“Absolutely.” She lunged at him, throwing her arms around his waist.

“I think we can go home now.” Kage ducked his head and spoke into her ear, so the other guys wouldn’t overhear. “Alone.”

“Good. I’m ready.” Jane leaned against him and whispered, “I can’t wait.”

He cut off the growl that crept inside his throat and backed her toward the wall. “You have no idea how much you’re turning me on right now or how long I’ve waited to hear you say those words.”

“Yeah?” Her lips softened, her gaze meeting his as she laid her hands on his stomach. “I could keep talking if you want me to.”

“What?” His hands went to the wall, and he pressed into her, blocking her escape.

“I have a lot to say. Like how I love how you refuse to let me pull back from you, because it gives me an excuse to follow my heart, and have I mentioned how when you walk across the room, everyone stops what they’re doing and stares…including me?” She ran her hands over his chest and looped her arms around his neck. “How hot I get when you—”

“Janie…” His body flashed hot and he leaned down, hovering his mouth over her lips. “Damn, baby.”

She inched forward. “Kage?”

He kissed her softly. “You get it.”

“I get it,” she said, against his lips.

Shoving off the wall, he grabbed her hand and led her across the room. She uttered no protest, and he liked that she wasn’t fighting what was happening between them any longer.

“Hey, where are you two going?” Garrett asked.

He opened the door, and without breaking stride, said, “Home.”

At the car, he set her inside, buckled her seat belt, and hesitated to leave her. Adrenaline made him shaky, and he wished they were already home. Even though he lived on the outskirts of town and the drive only took ten minutes, the distance it took to drive home would keep him from touching her, and he wanted all her attention right now.

She shivered and blinked. He glanced down at her breasts. Her nipples were hard and showing through her shirt. Oh yeah, she was ready. There was no doubt in his mind that today’s events had her highly attuned to him and they were thinking the same thing. He crouched outside the passenger door, needing her close. For the first time since he was a kid, he was unsure if he was doing everything right. He wasn’t the type of guy to romance a chick or spend time bullshitting his way into her bed. He wanted to assure her that he’d never hurt her and his feelings for her couldn’t be stronger. Most of all, he wanted to do everything perfectly for her.

Janie’s show of support meant the world to him. He’d had no one, cared about no one, and yet when it came to her, he wanted and needed her. If he had the words, he’d tell her exactly how she was his reason for breathing. But he feared even that wouldn’t match the emotions overflowing inside of him.

Instead, he said, “Thank you.”

She gazed at his lips, her own breaking into a tender smile that wrapped around his heart and warmed him. “Take me home, honey.”

He’d told her she’d have to come to him, hoping she’d understand what he’d been telling her. After calling his uncle, he’d thought walking away from his need to have her would be in Jane’s best interest. But in the end, she made the first move.

He could see it in her eyes. The way she’d touched him, the things she’d said. The little hitch in her voice when she spoke was his undoing. She teetered on the edge of something big, and he was selfish enough, he wouldn’t let her slip away.

He grinned, feeling damn good. He gave her one more solid kiss, closed the door, and quickly surveyed the area before loping around the front of the car.

As he turned around in the parking lot, he caught sight of Garrett standing by the back door. He lifted his chin. Garrett’s penetrating gaze followed the car, but before losing sight of him, Kage received a chin lift in return.

He held her hand all the way home, disengaging only to shift gears. He pulled into his driveway and set the emergency brake.

He killed the engine.

Hyperaware that he had to stay focused on her safety, he walked her to the front door of the house, shutting off the alarm and resetting it once they were inside. Then he turned to her. His breath came fast and hard.

“Come here.” He stood with his arms loose at his side.

She took one, two, three steps, until she stood in front of him, neither of them touching. Then she leaped and he caught her. His hands went to her ass. Her arms went around his neck, and he carried her to the bedroom without taking his mouth off her.

In the bedroom, he slid her down his body, enjoying the mixed pleasure and pain of her soft flesh rubbing against his hard one. He took the end of her shirt and pulled it over her head, sucking in his breath.

The denim bra barely covered the bottom half of her breasts. He trailed his finger over the top of each mound, watching her chest rise as she inhaled swiftly.


Buff meowed her hello from her spot on the bed.

“I’ve waited so long for this,” he murmured. “So sweet.”

He stripped off his own shirt and then moved to her jeans. The belt came undone, and he yanked it out of the loops and tossed it across the room. Bluff meowed in a huff at the interruption and ran out the door.

Jane put her hand on her zipper, blocking Kage from taking off her jeans “Wait.”


“I need to—” She leaned forward and rested her forehead on his chest. “Oh, God.”

He tangled his fingers in the hair at the back of her head and brought her face toward him. “What do you need?”

She squeezed her eyes shut, opened them, and said, “Only you.”

“You got me.” He captured her lips.

Nothing else mattered.

He made quick work of removing her clothes. The rest of his—jeans, boxers, and boots—came off next. The whole time, he kept her at his side, until he was sure there would be nothing separating them. Then he backed her onto the bed, landed on top of her, and braced his weight on his arms.

“I need to taste you, baby.” He kissed his way down her body, taking his time.

He licked the warm pulse at her neck then left light kisses along her collarbone. He wanted to dive straight to her breasts, but he forced himself to wait. He’d gone this long imagining how she’d taste, he wanted to savor the moment and enjoy every inch.

Jane arched against him, and he pulled back and gazed down on her. “So fucking beautiful.”

He lowered his head, took her nipple into his mouth, and sucked. His eyes closed voluntarily. She was perfect in every way. He teased her with his tongue, eliciting a moan from Jane. With his hand, he cupped the slope of her breasts.

“Kage…” Jane sank her hands into his hair.

He raised his gaze and moved down her body over her breasts, her nipples, her stomach, and gazed up at her as he settled between her legs. He’d fantasized about this moment for years. Every detail he imagined paled with reality.

“Kage, I’ve never had someone do this…You can’t.” She wrinkled her nose, squirming against the hold he had on her hips.

He lowered his head to her sex.

“Oh. My. God.” She moaned.

He smiled against her, showing her exactly what she could expect each and every time with him. He’d do this all day long and never get tired of tasting, feeling, experiencing her pleasure against his mouth.

Jane writhed underneath him. Her hands came to his hair, and her upper body leaped off the bed. He continued, a lick here. A nip there. Until he gave her what she cried for and zeroed in, taking her all the way.

She moaned his name as her thighs clenched around his head, trembling with the power of her orgasm. He slowed, bringing her down softly. Her body jolted with each swipe of his tongue.

She inhaled a shuddering breath and collapsed, arms thrown out to the side. He crawled up on the bed, stretched over her to open the nightstand drawer. She watched him remove a condom and put it on before settling back between her legs.

“Open your eyes.” He kissed the curve of her jaw. “I want to watch you as I make you come again.”

“Twice?” Her eyes flashed open. “I can’t…I’ve never…”

“I like hearing you say that.” He hardened even more, and his balls grew tight. “And you will. Give it to me and only me. You’re mine, baby, only mine.”

She ran her hands up his arms, over his shoulders, and something happened in her face he’d never seen before. She softened. Her lips parted, her eyes grew glossy, and her eyelids struggled to stay open. He moved his hips, barely touching his cock to the entrance to her pussy when her eyelids fluttered again.

He groaned and plunged into her wetness. She gasped as he moved ever so slowly. In and out. His body tightened and he fought to keep control. His cock hardened to a level he’d never experienced when her leg curled around his hip. So fucking tight, she sucked him in and he never wanted to leave.

“Yes, yes.” She arched her neck.

He stilled. “Look at me.”

She clawed his shoulders and eased her head back. Eyelashes fluttered. He grinned, waiting. When she connected and melted underneath him, he drove into her.





He didn’t miss a stroke. “Eyes on me.”

She fought to keep her eyes open. His toes curled. God, that was sexy. Having her zoned in on what they were doing, him being the center of her universe, there was nothing better.

He slipped his hand between her body and his, found her heat, and slowly rubbed her. Her neck arched, giving him a full view of her that he’d dreamed about every time he closed his eyes.

“That’s it, baby. Give it to me.”

She panted. Jaw tight, struggling to stay focused on her, he lost control. His body seized in extreme pleasure, rolling through him from head to toe. Her eyelids fluttered. He thrust deep and let her orgasm bring him to release.

Spent, he lowered himself to his elbows, cradling her head in his hands. A full-body sigh swept through him as he caught his breath. She added her own moan of contentment underneath him, and he chuckled in her ear. “Yeah?”

“Yeah,” she whispered.

He closed his eyes and enjoyed the way she kept rubbing her hands along his sides. Eventually his arms gave out, and he flipped to his side, taking her with him.

She snuggled against him. “Kage?”


“I’m going with you. You’re not going to change your mind again, right?” she asked, propping herself on her elbow.

He leaned in, until his forehead touched hers. “Right now, you’re exactly where I’ve always wanted you. In my bed, letting me hold you, wrapping your arms around me. I don’t want to talk about anything else but you and me. This is our time, baby.”

“But I need to—”

The doorbell rang.

He bolted to a sitting position.

“Who’s that?” she asked.

“I don’t know, but I’m going to find out.” He pulled on his jeans from the floor, picked up his pistol off the dresser, and stalked to the door. He hesitated and gazed over his shoulder. “Stay here. I’ll be right back.”

ushing to find her clothes, Jane strained to hear what was happening at the front door. Fear mingled with the contentment she’d found in Kage’s arms. She blamed Scott for invading every aspect of her life.

She’d finally had Kage to herself after wanting him since forever, and she wasn’t ready to let go of the security he brought her. She shoved her foot into her jeans and hopped into them.
Damn Scott.

How could she enjoy all the new and old feelings Kage brought out when something always happened to bring her back to reality? She hooked her bra and slipped into her shirt. Maybe it was one of the boys or even a friend of Kage’s who’d stopped by to say hey. She knew it couldn’t have been Scott because he wasn’t the walk-up-and-ring-the-doorbell type.

But maybe that was Scott’s plan. To take them by surprise. She rubbed her forehead, looking around for a weapon, and panicked when she could not find one freaking thing to use. She’d wait another minute before going to see what was happening.

The sounds of a scuffle came from the other side of the door, and a loud familiar “Let us in.” Charlene burst in with Sabrina. Jane’s jaw dropped open.

Sabrina, looking beautiful in a pair of skinny jeans tucked into a pair of sexy black boots with four-inch heels, a gypsy blouse that flowed around her lean frame, topped with a rich-looking scarf that hung to her knees, stared back at her. Both screamed at the same time. Sabrina launched herself at Jane as Jane dove for Sabrina.

They collided, laughing on the bed in a tangle of sheets. She hugged Sabrina tight, not wanting to let her go again. Time simply didn’t exist now that she’d seen her best friend.

“Charlene told me you were home. Then she told me you were with Kage.” Sabrina pulled back. “Holy shit, girl. You’re with
” Her eyes grew round. “I can’t believe—I am sitting in Kage Archer’s bed.”

Jane cringed but Sabrina laughed.

It was one thing to share her secret of sleeping with Kage in private and have a girlish giggle while spilling every delicious detail with her best friend, but Kage was watching her. She exhaled on a quiver. The turn of events gave her bragging rights, because he was way better in bed than she and Sabrina had ever imagined.

Honest and genuine, Sabrina always told her exactly what she was thinking. It was the reason Jane loved her best friend and why she’d made the decision to distance herself while she was with Scott. If no one knew what she was living through, then she could pretend her life didn’t suck.

She glanced at the door. Kage leaned against the door frame. a half grin on his face, looking mighty pleased with himself. His gaze was on her. though, and she realized he always seemed centered on her no matter where they were. She warmed. Moments ago they’d had sex in this very same bed.

She freaked, pulling Sabrina off the sheets. “Get up. Get up.”

“What?” Sabrina looked between her and Kage, and Jane knew the moment Sabrina figured out what was going on before she walked in. “Oh, no. There is no way you’re keeping this to yourself. I want to hear exactly how you managed to have the elusive Kage Archer nail you in his own freaking bed, in his own freaking house. I think this is a first. Maybe I should look for a knife, and you can put the notch in his headboard because Kage has declared you his woman. I love it.”

“Sh!” Jane tugged Sabrina to her, embarrassed yet thrilled to have her friend there to share this with. She’d missed her dearly. “We’re—”

Kage knocked lightly on the door to get their attention, still grinning but looking at only her. “I’ll be in the kitchen.” His gaze locked on her body. “Baby, take your time with your friends, and I’ll put on some coffee for everyone.”

Charlene cackled and slapped Kage on the back. “I don’t think it’s coffee that girl needs. She needs food to keep up with you. You can’t be wearing her out when she’s under so much stress.”

Jane couldn’t be embarrassed. It was Kage. He’d fascinated her since she’d been a teen, and now she’d had sex with him. Wonderful, mind-blowing sex. The likes of which she’d never had before. Ever.

“Are you hungry, baby?” Kage studied her. “It’s dinnertime.”

Oh. My. God. Her insides went mushy, and she nodded. Kage gave her a knowing, satisfied grin before heading in the direction of the kitchen. She knew what he was thinking and couldn’t help teasing him as she replied, “Starving.”

“Geez, turn on the air conditioner, you two.” Sabrina waved her hand in front of her face.

“I’ll help Kage. Lord knows, that man shouldn’t be using his beautiful muscles to cook. He should stand somewhere, so we women can gaze at him whenever we want. Mm-hm.” Charlene left the room.

Sabrina turned to Jane, eyes filled with tears. “I’ve missed you so much, and now Charlene tells me something bad is happening and you’re involved. What’s going on? I thought you were happy living in Pullman.”

Jane inhaled deeply, ready to tell her friends the truth. “Let me do something with my hair, brush my teeth, and I’ll try to explain.”

“You’re not in trouble, are you?”

She wrinkled her nose. “Yeah, I got myself into a huge mess, and now Scott—who turned out to be a really, really bad guy—is after me.”

“Oh, sweetie.” Sabrina gave her one more hug. “I’ll help you. Just tell me what I need to do.” Jane leaned into her friend. Those words brought her more comfort than she could’ve imagined. She should have known Sabrina would accept her, problems and all. “Thanks. Now get outta here, before I start crying. You can help Charlene and Kage with breakfast. I’m starving. I’ll fill you in on what’s happening while we eat.”

Ten minutes later, she’d put makeup on, slipped her shoes onto her feet, and walked into the kitchen to find Charlene standing over a waffle maker and the smell of maple syrup in the air. Kage sat at the table, an empty plate in front of him, holding a cup of coffee. She swallowed as he turned to her, unsure if what happened between them changed anything.

His gaze went from questioning to heated as he settled on her. Whoa.

“Sit down, girl. Dinner is ready.” Charlene waved the spatula in the air.

“Waffles?” She raised her brows and sat between Kage and Sabrina.

Sabrina leaned closer. “Don’t ask. She already yelled at me when I told her no one has waffles at night, unless they want to gain ten pounds.”

“I heard that, and you could afford to put on some weight. Men like curves.” Charlene slid a plate loaded with waffles, two eggs, and a couple precooked sausages in front of Jane. “Eat. You need to keep up your strength if Kage is going to keep you busy.”

Kage coughed on a swallow of coffee. Jane laughed. God, it was good to be back with friends, putting up with their normal outlandish behavior and forgetting what was going on outside in the world. She’d missed this.

“So, spill, chica. Why are you back and what did you do?” Sabrina leaned against the table.

“She ain’t going to talk about it. I’ve tried for the last three weeks and her and Kage’s lips are sealed tighter than my blue blouse with the sequins across the shoulders.” Charlene harrumphed.

Jane finished chewing and glanced at Kage. He reached out and placed his hand on her thigh, giving her a squeeze. She blew out her breath and leaned back, forgetting about the food.

“Things weren’t as great with Scott as I pretended,” she said.

Sabrina frowned and Charlene fell silent behind her. She continued. “It was bad.” She glanced at Kage. “I sorta stole Scott’s gun and some of his money when I ran away.”

“Wait. Back up the truck.” Sabrina waved her hand. “Bad? How bad?”

Kage straightened and spoke to Jane. “You don’t have to—”

“It’s okay.” She slipped her fingers into his hand. “No more hiding.”

“I am not liking the sound of this,” Charlene said, her voice low and angry. “No one hurts my girl. Where is this loser now?”

Jane shook her head. “We don’t know. That’s why I’m staying with Kage. Scott’s going to come after me. He always does.”

Charlene strode over to Jane, fell to her knees, and gazed up at her in the chair. “What did that rat bastard do?”

“Charlene…” Kage growled.

“Butt out, Kage.” Charlene’s mouth tightened. “Tell Charlene what happened, so you can heal.”

“I’m going outside.” Kage shook his head.

Jane watched him exit through the back door. Her stomach rose in her throat, and she swallowed it down. Goose bumps broke out on her arms. She was finally accepting that she wasn’t alone. She had Kage, her brother, the guys, Charlene, and Sabrina. So, she told them the story of what’d happened during her relationship with Scott.

She glossed over the times Scott forced himself on her. She also skipped all the times Scott purposely punished her for running away by making a scene in front of the goons who worked for him, for the sake of making himself look good.

She continued summarizing her life with Scott to her friends. “I stole his gun, some of his money, and threw a bag of my clothes and Bluff in the car. Then I drove through five states to come back here. I knew he’d look for me in Bay City, but I needed to buy some time. I figured I’d have a minute to figure out a plan by the time he arrived.” She inhaled deeply. “But it’ll be over soon. I’m going with Kage and we’re going to stop Scott.”

As Jane finished, the door opened, allowing a sliver of light to come through. A muttered “Fuck” came from the other side followed by a definite

Jane frowned, wondering what had upset Kage and why he didn’t come back inside.

“Ooh wee, girl. You got right under Kage’s skin.” Charlene sat down in the empty chair. “Now tell Charlene what you mean by going with him to take down this loser who dared strike my girl.”

“I don’t know what he plans to do. Kage’s not telling me the details. He thinks I’m going to stay here.” She splayed her hands on the top of the table. “Yesterday I would’ve stayed without any questions, but now everything’s changed.”

“What changed?” Sabrina squeezed her arm. “Are you really in danger?”

She nodded. “Scott’s dangerous. He’s into a lot of illegal shit and has plenty of men who are eager to do whatever he says.”

“I don’t like the sound of this.” Sabrina frowned. “It kills me to know he hurt you. If I knew where to find him, I’d kick him in the balls. Then when he’s hurting, I’d grab his ears and pull his head down into my knee. I’d have to wear my old jeans though ’cause it’d split his nose wide open.”

Jane smiled at this coming from someone she knew who screamed when a spider crossed her path. Then she said, “If he shows up, I don’t want you anywhere around him. I’m serious, Sab. If I hear you even looked at him, I’ll stop being your friend.”

Sabrina shrugged and lowered her gaze to the table. “You stopped being my friend when you took up lying to me. Four years of lies, and worst of all, you didn’t trust me to help you.”

trust you!” Jane exclaimed, then lowered her voice. “God, you don’t know what it was like.”

“Obviously.” Sabrina picked apart the paper napkin in front of her. “You were my best friend. It’s my job to support you. It was my—”

“I know! I know…” Jane sighed. “I was embarrassed. I lost myself, Sab. I’m still floundering, but a lot has happened the last few days. I’m sick at how I’ve acted. I was always strong and never let anyone tell me what to do. Then it was like Scott killed that part of me, but I’m finding strength again. I need to make him pay for what he’s done.”

Sabrina sniffed. “I just feel so damn helpless and mad. You of all people should never be treated that way, especially by a man who doesn’t deserve to even breathe the same air as you.”

“No one should,” Charlene said softly.

“You’re really going to go with Kage?” Sabrina asked.

Jane nodded. “Yeah.”

“Now that Kage finally has you in his life, he’s not going to let you go…or take two feet away from you. He’s got it hard for you. Always has.” Charlene studied her for a few long seconds until a smile grew on her face. “Makes my heart glad to see two of my favorite people on the way to getting their happily-ever-after. Now, let’s hear how good the sex was with him.”

“What?” Jane said.

“Sex. The most beautiful thing in the world.” Charlene cackled. “It sure isn’t my waffles putting a smile on that man’s face.”

“Charlene!” Jane laughed.

“That’s what I’m talking about. Mm-hm.” Charlene raised her brows, squinted at Jane and Sabrina, and nodded with experience.

“Today keeps getting juicier.” Sabrina squealed. “I need details. Is he good?”

Jane nodded, grinning. “The best.”

“I knew it.” Sabrina fanned her face. “Did you”—she nudged Jane with her shoulder—“you know?”

Her face heated and she snorted. “I’m not telling.”

“Come on.” Charlene nudged her. “Let those who’ll never know the powers of that sexy body live vicariously through you.”

Jane scooted back her chair and stood. “Fine. Yes. I did. Twice.”

Both women screamed and clapped their hands. Jane shook her head and looked out the kitchen window when the back door opened. She jumped, whirling around.

“Sorry to interrupt and cut your visit short.” Kage pointed to Sabrina and Charlene. “Janie and I have a few things to do. I’ll walk you both out.”

“What?” Jane walked to Kage’s side. “They just got here.”

Kage put his hand around her waist, slipped his finger through her belt loop, and pulled her close. “Sun’s going to go down soon, and I want them in town before it gets dark.”

She sagged against him. “I hate this.”

He kissed the top of her head. “I know, but it’s only for a little while. Stay here while I walk them out.”

Jane hugged and kissed Charlene and Sabrina, promising they’d get together soon. She closed the door, ran to the window, and continued to wave to them as they pulled out of the driveway, despite knowing they couldn’t see her.
Damn you, Scott. I’ll kill you myself for ripping my life away.

Kage returned to the house, his gaze finding her. Her stomach flip-flopped. Something was wrong.

He dug into his pocket and extracted a red ribbon with two silver hoops dangling at the bottom. “Do you recognize this?”

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