Armored (25 page)

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Authors: S. W. Frank

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #Hispanic, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Mystery, #International Mystery & Crime, #Hispanic American

BOOK: Armored
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Out of earshot from the kids Ari pulled a sheet of paper from her back pocket. “Selange helped me secure immunity from prosecution for faking my death.
I’d written the DA last year and told them I feared for my life and death threats by Gregory and an attempt on my life which resulted in the death of an innocent family is why I fled the country.  One of the contributors to the charity who has political clout and of course money convinced the DA to grant me immunity. The document is right here. That means I can go visit my family Nico and I don’t have to hide here or be afraid say that I’m a Serano. I love you sweetheart and I am proud to be married to you.”

“Well damn, you and Selange have been busy,” he replied as he inspected the legal document.

“I asked and she came through for me.”

Nico nodded. He was relieved in a way that he no longer had to call her or the boys aliases when they traveled or worry someone might recognize them and Ari could wind up in prison. Yeah, that’s a major weight off his shoulders.
“Come here gorgeous!’ Nico smiled and pulled his donna to his chest and then kissed her as every kiss was with Nico, a hunger.








hapter Thirty-Six






Alfonzo hurried up the stairs with his entourage. His chest did crazy flips and shit at the prospect of gazing upon his wife. Ah, man, he opened the door and found her asleep which put a monkey wrench in his plan to make this grand entrance with the kids.

He turned to his small clan, “Okay, mom’s tired. We
’ll try this again in the morning.”

y is she tired from a fashion show?” Allie asked with the roll of her neck.

“Allie we’re going to talk.”

The doe eye expression meant to melt a father along with the pout didn’t work. “Did Uncle Geo tell you something? If he did I’m not his friend anymore because he lies. He said he was sorry he yelled at me and I’m not in trouble.”

Anita appeared to help with the small ones. It was after midnight and of course Mrs. Diaz was asleep. That bed must feel like heave after sleeping on a hard bench for days.

‘You don’t call anybody a liar unless you prove they are,” Alfonzo scolded.

Allie crossed her arms. “Okay, then I’ll prove it.”

“Cut the dramatics Allie.” Alfonzo scolded. “I love you hija but you have to work on your attitude.” He bent and kissed her cheek. “Good night corazón.”

She scampered off and
Sal laughed. ‘She’s bad. Good night dad.”

Alfonzo snort. “You’re not escaping either Sal. We have something to discuss as well.”

“I know,” the growing youth said. “But I take responsibility for what I do unlike lil sis here.”

“Good, because you’re looking at hard time. A month without video games or a cell.”

“Ah dad.”

“You take responsibility remember, now suck the shit up and take the punishment like a man.”

“Good night dad.”

Alfonzo watched his son’s unhappy departure. “Buenos noche hijo, te amo,” he said to the boy and then closed
and locked the door. He didn’t want feet on his head in the morning. 

Alfonzo undressed and took a
warm shower which dulled the aches. He put his hand to the wet tile to let the massage jets beat at his skin. Matteo’s betrayal had come as a surprise, man to think he wished he had that laid-back attitude that Matteo presented to the world. Meanwhile, he was gambling away his family’s money and fucking Geovonna and ultimately screwing himself.

Alfonzo was happy to hear Sophie wasn’t involved or Amelda for that matter. That sort of treachery is a death sentence

He didn’t know what tomorrow held but for now the worse was over. He shut off the water, dried and then did some knee squats and threw air jabs to get his blood circulating. He didn’t like the fatigue. Yeah, Giuseppe was right, he needed to rest but that’s easier said than done, especially for a hyper dude.

He went to bed and stretched out the tension in his legs. His torso was sore. He pulled Selange against his naked body and squeezed her so
damn tight in gratitude she was alright and they survived yet another crisis.

Ah, man. The mess I go through in a week.

He stretched out his
legs; Selange stirred then and pushed her ass into his stomach making it hard for him to let her sleep.

“Oh Al I missed you,” she said spinning over to look in his face. She saw the contusions on skin and sighed sadly. “Oh honey, look at you.” She tenderly kissed his bruised cheek. “
I’ll make it better.”

“You will?” Alfonzo asked as she kissed his mouth and stretching his lower lip before letting go to answer.


“Are you trying to escape my lecture about going to New York although we were solid on that issue?”

“Sí papi. I’ve been bad papi.”

Her mouth planted kissed in the shape of a heart on his torso.

He chuckled. “You’re still getting a spanking nena.”

“Umm.” She moaned as she descended and poked out her ass looking up in his shiny blues as she sucked on his throbbing dick with a slow suctioning action which further defined her high cheekbones.

His eyes drank in her image, his body responded to her touch as she stroked away his pains. And when she straddled him he gripped her waist moving in rhythm as she rode. But he saw a fleeting sadness in the joy of their mating. She bowed over to kiss him and hide the tears sparkling, but he tasted the salt and rolled on top, thinking hell with my rib, she is my rib dammit.

He kissed her hard, forced her to open more and let him inside to remove the humiliation she suffered in that cell and replace it with is love. She moaned, gripped his sturdy shoulders, slid her hand down the bulging bicep where her name was inked and cried his name as he pressed inward.

Her tears were flowing, he understood how it felt being caged and having nowhere to escape but inside for that hope.

“I have you nena, every day I have your back chica, he assured his wife as she gazed at him with those beautiful adoring eyes. Selange was tattooed on his skin, but she was actually in his blood. An as he sucked her throat, whispered endearments, spread her legs wider, held her neck, caressed her cheeks, provided oral pleasure, he did so worshipfully.

Hell, the chica greased him
from tip to base and he liked the sounds of skin on skin during their joyful reunion. He even caused her to chuckle when he rapidly swiveled around in her pudding and licked her throat telling her in Spanish, “Te gusto.”

Then he
lifted her torso, forward, bringing her atop his thighs and his head lowered to her breast as if in prayer –he was.

Every shot he took
over the years, every damn trial he’d gone through, she’d been there and he was unbelievably grateful for this special woman. He knew she was rare, the most valuable gems usually are. Her hands slid down his neck and she whispered their poem to his ear and all the weariness and pain fled.

They climaxed in unison
and again he experienced the beauty of their undying love.

She was his brown skin donna.

Semira –Selange.














“What is the matter Maria?” Sophie asked as she stirred the batter. To think the donna had such guilt over her action caused Sophie to wonder if Maria should not petition for sanctuary from herself.

“I did not say kill her. I said scare her.”

Sophie rolled her eyes. “I did not send anyone Maria. The girl overdosed. She was a drug-addict.”

Maria sighed. “No, she was not.”

Sophie wiped her hands on a dry cloth and checked the cake. She was hired to cater the wedding for Tiffany and Tony at the last hour. She was very excited and Maria was killing her joy. Giuseppe had shared his news this morning. He and Nicole had married in Japan. Giuseppe’s aversion to churches had made her wonder if he said such things to avoid settling down.

A mother would love to have given him a grand wedding, but grand does not ensure a fairytale. Amelda and Matteo had a lavish affair and looked what happened. Anyway, her new daughter-in-law, Carlo and her son were returning to attend Tiffany’s modest wedding. Sophie was baking another cake for the other newlyweds who would celebrate their union at a dual reception.

Giuseppe had found love.

Sophie approved.

Now if only Maria would move.

Yosef appeared; he sniffed the aroma. “Kosher?”

Sophie pointed to the muffins. He lifted it to his mouth and grinned at his voluptuous wife. Then he departed.

“Maria, por favore it is done, now either help
me donna or leave.”

Maria washed her hands, donned a spare apron and surveyed the foods. “Aye, where is the representation of the earthiness of Puerto Rico and our rich culture?”

“The couple is not Puerto Rican Maria.”

“Everyone becomes Puerto Rican after eating my delicious mofongo.”

“Sicilians believe this as well.”
















Upstate New York with houses spaced apart is beautiful in late spring. Teresa fled here with only the clothes on her back, leaving her daughter’s in her mother’s care. She didn’t leave a forwarding address –nothing.

She was scared.

The police hadn’t honored their end of the bargain.  She was on her own, looking over her shoulder ever since stabbing Selange in the back. Remorse is an understatement. What she wouldn’t do to rewind the clock and restart, but she couldn’t.

She hurried inside the store
to buy a pack of cigarettes, beer and a pack of crackers.

Her hand shook as she paid for the items. They convulsed violently when she exited and the tremors didn’t cease until she reached home and locked the door.

She peered nervously out the window every few minutes. The foreboding crept up her skin and she told herself to calm down.


A bubble bath, that’s what she needed.

She went inside the bathroom, ran the water, added liquid soap with the scent of Jasmine and undressed. Painted toes touched the porcelain base and she sat, hugging herself as the tub slowly filled. She cried, wishing this nightmare of a life was over. Sometimes what is asked is given and the saddest truth is she saw it coming.

Her mouth trembled at the sight of the man who suddenly appeared at the door. He wore gloves and the gun he pointed at her head was steady.

He put a finger to his lips, “Ssshhh,” and walked slowly toward her and took a seat on the toilet

He placed the weapon on the floor and she whispered
in Spanish, “Please I’m sorry.”

A needle was removed from his pocket.
His Spanish was refined but his comment lacked culture. “You fucked up chica when you did that shit.” He scoffed. “You wanted to hurt me, didn’t you?”

“No…no…I swear,” Teresa cried.

“You resented her.”

The frightened eyes widened. “No…no.”

“We go way back you and me. Remember the night you came to my place wanting some coke, chica?”

“Sí, I remember,” the pretty Latina answered.

“You offered me head for a hit. You said you really wanted me and not my cousin, you recall that too?”


“But I turned you down because you were seeing Domingo. You stripped for me, making it hard for a high dude to refuse. You kissed me and said it’ll be our secret if that’s what I wanted.” The intruder snorted. “But I told you to get the fuck out and we’ll pretend like the shit never happened. But, I think you never got over that.”

She sobbed. “Please don’t do this


“I-I-I can’t.” She stammered.

The method of death was chosen by the executioner. He seized
Teresa’s arm and thrust the needle in, depressed the liquid killer in her veins until her eyes rolled in her head.

slumped in the water and he tied the rubber band tight around her arm for the effect. He checked her pulse after a minute.


He dropped the needle on the floor.

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