Read Aroused Online

Authors: Sean Wolfe

Aroused (32 page)

BOOK: Aroused
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Walter looked across the booth at the man facing him. He had a full head of gray hair that one could tell was once dark black and wavy. His gray eyes were once sparkling blue, and had probably broken more than one heart in their day. When he looked at you, it was obvious you had his full attention, and it made you want to keep it. He was thin, but appeared toned and in shape. Walter was undoubtedly attracted to this man, and as uncomfortable as that felt after so long, he also felt alive for the first time in many years.
“I'd be honored if you'd accompany me to the group next week,” Walter said. “We can show those punks what being gay really is, and that it's more than just a quickie in a park or behind the Pizza Hut.”
“It is?” Micky said. Everyone laughed. “I'd be happy to join you.”
That night, after dinner with Micky and Jeremy, Walter found it difficult to fall asleep. He couldn't get Micky out of his mind. Though he'd long ago stopped thinking of men as attractive or fantasizing about them, he couldn't stop thinking about how handsome Micky was, and how attracted he was to him. As he drifted off to sleep, he pictured Micky as a young man.
“You're not really gonna make me work this hard for it, are you?” Micky asked.
“I don't know what you mean,” Walter said.
They were at a seedy hotel, far away from everything and everyone they might know. They were naked, and Micky stood behind Walter with his arms wrapped around Walter's arms and chest. Both men had recently finished their tours of duty in the Army, and were in excellent shape. Walter was an inch or so shorter than Micky, but was smooth and muscular. He'd worked out every day of his tour, and every inch of skin and muscle was taut and defined. His blond hair and piercing brown eyes with inch-long eyelashes made women and men alike stare.
Micky rubbed his hands across Walter's smooth and muscular chest and tweaked his nipples until Walter moaned and leaned backward against Micky's naked body. He felt the hard, hot meat of Micky's cock rub against his ass and leg. Walter looked in the mirror and admired Micky's reflection. A couple of inches taller than himself, Micky was the most beautiful man Walter had seen. Thick black wavy hair and sharp blue eyes that pulled you in and refused to let you go. His skin was olive and smooth everywhere except for the short curly hair on his chest. But what made Walter's heart drop were the dimples that graced either side of the most beautiful smile he'd ever seen.
“Come on, Walter. You know what I want.”
“I know. But I've never done that. I don't think I can. Can't I just suck your dick?”
“All right,” Micky said as he walked Walter over to the bed and sat him down so that his face was level with Micky's already throbbing cock. “We can start there, anyway, and then see what happens.”
Walter reached out with his tongue and licked Micky's cock head and then the entire length of his dick. When Micky moaned, Walter sucked half of the long cock into his mouth.
“My god, that's good,” Micky said, and slid his cock in and out of Walter's mouth.
Walter had sucked a few cocks in his time, but never had it felt like this. His own cock throbbed so hard it hurt, and was so hot it felt like it was on fire.
“Okay, you can do it,” Walter said as he stopped sucking Micky's cock, not sure where the statement came from.
“You sure?” Micky asked.
“Yes, I want you to fuck me.”
Micky wasted no time getting Walter in position, before he changed his mind. He laid Walter on his back and pulled his legs into the air. He spat a couple of large drops of saliva onto Walter's ass, then slid his head inside.
“Oh, FUCK, that hurts,” Walter said as he bit his lower lip. “Take it out.”
“Come on, man. It won't hurt for long. Trust me, you'll be begging for more. Just relax and let me keep going, okay?”
Walter nodded, and bit his lip harder as Micky slid his cock in and out of his ass, first slowly and then a little faster. Micky was right, it didn't take long before the pain turned to ecstasy, and Walter was bucking up to meet Micky's thrusts.
“Fuck me harder, Micky,” Walter said. “Gimme more.”
Micky laughed. “That's my boy,” he said as he slammed in and out of Walter's ass.
Both men found their rhythm and were soon fucking like they'd been doing it for years. Walter shook his head back and forth against the pillows and begged for more, and Micky pulled his cock all the way out then slammed it back inside in one swift thrust.
“I'm gonna cum!” Walter screamed.
“Me too,” Micky said, out of breath.
Micky pulled out and sprayed his cum all over Walter's face and torso. The ripples on his abs filled with cum and dripped over his sides. That was enough to send Walter over the edge. His cock was pointed straight up, and he shot several jets of cum a foot or so into the air.
The two young men collapsed onto each other and fell asleep drenched in cum.
“Everyone, this is my grandpa, Micky,” Jeremy announced. Several audible moans could be heard throughout the group.
Walter and Micky were seated next to one another, and looked as if they might get up and leave.
“Look,” Jeremy said, a little more aggressively than he'd ever spoken to the group. “This group is about empowering gay men to live to their full potential. It's not the local meat market or pick-up club exclusive to twenty-somethings whose biggest care in the world is whether to wear their Armani Exchange T-shirt or their Abercrombie and Fitch. We're here to support one another, listen to one another, exchange ideas, and learn from one another. This is a loving and supportive group, goddammit, and if any self-involved punk isn't welcoming of other members, then the door is right over there,” he said as he pointed behind him.
The other younger men just stared, open jawed, at Jeremy and said nothing. Micky smiled and blew a kiss at his grandson, and Walter allowed one corner of his lip to curl upward into something resembling a smile.
“All right then,” Jeremy said as he smoothed his own A & F T-shirt. “Last week we watched
, and I for one, loved it. And though for many years I've been one of Tori Spelling's harshest critics, I must admit she's made a convert of me.”
Everyone laughed and clapped.
“But tonite we're gonna watch a different kind of movie.” It's a little older, but it's a gay classic and absolutely one of the best gay films ever made. It's called
Torch Song Trilogy.
“Puleeze don't tell me it stars Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon,” one of the younger guys in the group snipped.
“No,” Jeremy said. “In fact, it stars Matthew Broderick when he was in his early twenties.”
“Oh, God, he's still yummy even though he's a little old. I bet he was drop-dead gorgeous when he was young.”
Walter and Micky looked at each other. They were both familiar with Matthew Broderick because of his outstanding performance in
The Producers
, and they were stunned these kids could think someone in their late thirties or early forties could be considered old.
The lights went down and the movie started. For the first few minutes, there were some scattered mutterings among the younger group members, but they soon settled down and got quiet. Walter and Micky both took notice that the youngsters were actually getting into the movie, and when they looked at each other again, it was very natural to reach over and hold the other's hand.
When the movie was over, there wasn't a single dry eye in the room. A few of the younger members even had to leave at one point or another to retreat to the restroom to cry properly and not be seen by their peers. When the lights first came up, no one said a word. Everyone was looking at their laps and fidgeting with their hands.
“I just don't get it,” Reggie said, as he dried his eyes for the fifth time.
“Don't get what?” Jeremy asked.
“Well, a lot of it, actually. It was very emotional, don't get me wrong. I can't stop crying, as you can see. But, okay, first of all, why would Alan fall for Arnold to begin with? Alan was cute, he was young, he was successful. What would he see in an old, unattractive drag queen who lived in a basement apartment and who had more emotional baggage than Courtney Love?”
“He saw Arnold's heart,” Walter said quietly. “When you looked at Arnold, is that all you saw? An old, wrinkled drag queen?”
“No,” Reggie said, and looked back down at his hands. “But I don't think I could fall in love with him.”
“He was hilarious, man,” Chandler said. “And he loved Alan with every ounce of his being. It might have taken me a little bit longer to fall in love with Arnold than it did for Alan, but I would have done it. Shit, at this point in my life, I'd
to find someone who felt his world revolved around me.”
“Get serious,” Josh said. “You're one of the biggest sluts in West Hollywood. You sleep with a different guy every night.”
“Yeah,” Chandler said, looking straight at Josh. “And when those online hookups or guys I pick up from the clubs get dressed and leave at four in the morning with promises to call me ‘sometime soon,' then I cry myself to sleep. Almost every night. I'd give anything to have what Alan and Arnold had.”
No one said anything for awhile, and then Jeremy asked, “What did you think of Arnold's relationship with Ed?”
“I think it was stupid,” someone yelled out. “Who would waste their time even thinking about someone who didn't show any interest? For crying out loud, Arnold was obsessed with him. Even after he was with Alan.”
“Your first love is a very powerful force,” Micky said. “You never forget it. And though you might move on and fall in love with someone else, you never stop loving your first one.”
“Okay, so if that's true, then after Alan died and Ed wanted to be with Arnold, why didn't he get with him if he never stopped loving him? It's stupid.”
“You don't love someone like Arnold loved Alan, and then settle for anything less after that,” Micky said. “It's true, Arnold still loved Ed, but not in the same way he loved Alan. Sometimes people can lose the love of their life and eventually find someone else who will never replace that love, but who can bring love and joy back into their life. Arnold and Ed had too much history and too many issues to ever have their love become
love. They could never be more than friends. And that's not a love to sneeze at, lemme tell you.”
The conversation went on for over an hour, and many more tears were shared. As the group dispersed, Micky and Walter were both shocked that several members of the group came up to them and hugged them and thanked them for teaching them something about love and life.
Micky followed Walter home without either of them speaking of it. They made small talk in the kitchen for a few moments, and then Micky scooted closer to Walter.
“I want to make love to you, Walter,” he said as he reached over to hold Walter's hand.
“What?” Walter almost yelled, and jerked his hand away from Micky's. “Are you out of your mind?”
“No, I'm not,” Micky said, and took Walter's hand back into his own. “I haven't felt like this toward another man, hell, for another human being, in over twenty years.”
“And neither have I. That's because we're old.”
“Exactly. Which is why we shouldn't waste any time playing games. We might not have enough time to fall in love like Arnold and Alan did. But then again we might. The only way we'll ever know is if we give it a try.”
“I like you a lot, too, Micky ...”
“Then stop being such an old fart and come to bed with me.”
“I haven't had sex in more years than I care to count. I don't think I can do it anymore. I'm sure my ass has cemented over by now. Nothing's getting up there, I'm pretty sure of that.”
“No one said anything had to get up there.”
“Well, I haven't had an erection in at least five years. I'm quite certain I couldn't get it up your ass either.”
Micky laughed.
“Besides, we're so damned old, Micky. We could die of a heart attack just from the exertion. Heaven forbid my niece Heather walk in someday and find us locked in rigor mortis with my dick inside you. I don't think I could live with that.”
“You wouldn't have to. You'd be dead.”
“This isn't funny, Micky.”
BOOK: Aroused
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